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A field experiment was conducted in 1995 and 1996 to examine the effects of different irrigation methods on yields and Phytophthora root rot disease of chile plants (Capsicum annum New Mexico `6–4'). Three irrigation methods, daily drip, 3-day drip, and alternate row furrow irrigation, were applied to plots infested with P. capsici and uninfested plots. For both years, the drip irrigation (either daily or 3-day) created higher marketable green chile yields than the alternate row furrow irrigation (p < 0.05), and the yields between the daily and 3-day drip irrigation were statistically similar. The effect of irrigation on marketable combined yields was similar to that on green chile yields. In 1995, root rot disease incidence in the infested plots was significantly higher under alternate row furrow irrigation than for daily and 3-day drip irrigation. There was no disease development in the uninfested plots regardless of the irrigation method. The disease decreased green chile yield by 55% (p < 0.1), and combined yield (green + red chile) by 36% (p < 0.1) in 1995 compared to that in uninfested plots in alternate row furrow irrigation. In 1996, however, no disease occurred in any treatment. The results suggested that drip irrigation increases chile yield through providing either favorable soil moisture conditions or unfavorable conditions for Phytophthora propagation.  相似文献   

During 2 years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho) was grown under field conditions to investigate the effects of different nitrogen (N) and irrigation (I) levels on fruit yield, fruit quality, irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and nitrogen applied efficiency (NAE). The statistical design was a split-plot with four replications, where irrigation was the main factor of variation and N was the secondary factor. In 2005, irrigation treatments consisted of applying daily a moderate water stress equivalent to 75% of ETc (crop evapotranspiration), a 100% ETc control and an excess irrigation of 125% ETc (designated as I75, I100 and I125), while the N treatments were 30, 85, 112 and 139 kg N ha−1 (designated as N30, N85, N112 and N139). In 2006, both the irrigation and N treatments applied were: 60, 100 and 140% ETc (I60, I100 and I140) and 93, 243 and 393 kg N ha−1 (N93, N243 and N393). Moderate water stress did not reduce melon yield and high IWUE was obtained. Under severe deficit irrigation, the yield was reduced by 22% mainly due to decrease fruit weight. The relative yield (yield/maximum yield) was higher than 95% when the irrigation depth applied was in the range of 87-136% ETc. In 2006, the interaction between irrigation and N was significant for yield, fruit weight and IWUE. The best yield, 41.3 Mg ha−1, was obtained with 100% ETc at N93. The flesh firmness and the placenta and seeds weight increased when the irrigation level was reduced by 60% ETc. The highest NAE was obtained with quantities of water close to 100% ETc and increased as the N level was reduced. The highest IWUE was obtained with applications close to 90 kg N ha−1. The I243 and I393 treatments produced inferior fruits due to higher skin ratios and lower flesh ratios. These results suggest that it is possible to apply moderate deficit irrigation, around 90% ETc, and reduce nitrogen input to 90 kg ha−1 without lessening quality and yields.  相似文献   

The results of a 2 year study of the effect of trickle and furrow irrigation methods on hop production in a desert region in northwest United States are presented. Also discussed are the implications to hop production in areas with higher rainfall.Trickle, furrow, and cutback furrow irrigation systems and their associated methods of fertilization were evaluated in a commercial hop yard. Leaf diffusive resistance, leaf water potential, alpha and beta acid content, and yield were measured. Also monitored was the efficiency of irrigation water use and the intregration of these irrigation methods with commercial crop production practices. Trickle irrigation with fertilizer injection provided several crop management advantages but required changes in cultivation practices. In the 2nd year of study, the highest yield and quality of hop was obtained from trickle irrigated plots which received the least amounts of water, fertilizer and labor inputs.  相似文献   

Maximization of crop yields when the salinity of irrigation water is high depends on providing plant transpiration needs and evaporative losses, as well as on maintaining minimum soil solution salinity through leaching. The effect of the amount of applied irrigation water was studied regarding transpiration, yields, and leaching fractions as a function of irrigation water salinity. Bell pepper (Capsicum annum L. vars. Celica and 7187) in protected growing environments in the Arava Valley of Israel was used as a case study crop to analyze water quantity–salinity interactions in a series of lysimeter, field and model simulation experiments. Leaching fraction was found to be highly influenced by plant feedback, as transpiration depended on root zone salinity. Increased application of saline irrigation water led to increased transpiration and yields. The higher the salinity level, the greater the relative benefit from increased leaching. The extent of leaching needed to maximize yields when irrigating with saline water may make such practice highly unsustainable.  相似文献   

戴思远 《农业工程》2020,10(5):108-111
为研究硅肥对玉米产量及产量构成因素的影响,以先玉335为试验材料,设置4个硅肥模式,0(CK)、基施硅肥(S1)、喷施硅肥(S2)、基施硅肥+喷施硅肥(S3),分析3种硅肥施用方式对玉米干物质积累、产量及产量构成因素和玉米籽粒品质变化特性的影响。结果表明,硅肥显著增加了玉米干物质积累量,其中,S3处理的穗粗、行粒数、穗粒数、千粒质量和产量显著高于对照组,且产量提高10.33%。和对照组相比,硅肥可显著提高籽粒脂肪和蛋白质含量,降低淀粉含量,同时硅肥处理间没有差异。综上,硅肥基施+喷施效果最好,能够提高玉米产量、改善玉米品质。   相似文献   

从品种选择、苗全苗匀、足施肥料、遇旱灌溉、精细田管以及推迟收获等方面详细介绍了安徽省夏玉米稳产高产栽培技术,以期提高玉米产量和质量。   相似文献   

钟鹏  刘杰  王建丽 《农业工程》2016,6(2):110-115
以30个不同磷效率基因型大豆品种(系)为材料,研究了不同磷水平条件下3种大豆的产量构成因素变化及其对籽粒产量通径。结果表明,在施磷肥条件下,磷低效基因型品种和中间型品种的产量高于磷高效基因型品种;而不施磷肥条件下,磷高效基因型品种的产量显著高于磷低效基因型品种和中间型品种。在本试验条件下,单株荚数、单株粒数和产量之间存在正相关关系,但百粒质量与产量之间存在负相关关系。通径分析表明,所有品种产量3因素对产量都有正向效应,其中单株荚数和单株粒数对产量的贡献最大;不同磷效率基因型品种产量构成因素对产量的间接通径系数既有负值也有正值,说明品种产量3因素间存在相互制约或相互促进的关系。总之,在低等肥力下,大豆的高产栽培选择磷高效基因型品种较为稳定;在高肥条件下,磷低效基因型品种则具有更高产量潜力,是今后超高产大豆育种值得关注的类型。   相似文献   

色素万寿菊产量影响因素分析及高产栽培措施探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高法库县色素万寿菊的产量,对影响色素万寿菊产量的因素进行科学分析,并从品种选择、施肥技术、栽培方式及病虫害防治等方面对其高产栽培措施进行探讨。  相似文献   

分析导致彰武坡耕地花生低产的原因,提出筛选优质抗旱品种、适时早播、地膜覆盖、科学施肥、适时收获等提高花生产量的途径,为构建彰武坡耕地花生配套生产体系提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Cotton is commonly grown in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world having sodic ground waters. A field plot study was, therefore, conducted for 2 years to study the effect of sustained sodic irrigation on yield and fibre quality of two hirustum cotton cultivars (F-505 and F-846) and one arborium cultivar (LD-327). The exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of 0–30 cm soil under sustained canal water (CW) irrigation treatment was 3.5 whereas long-term irrigations (for more than 10 years) with sodic waters having residual sodium carbonate (RSC) of 5, 10 and 15 me l−1 resulted in ESP bulid-up of 16.4, 39.6 and 56.2, respectively. These sodic waters were used for irrigation in the respective plots, for both years of the study. High ESP of the soil decreased the growth (in terms of plant height) and yield of all the three cotton cultivars. The rate of decline in plant height at 50, 80 and 140 days of sowing (DAS) was maximum in F-505 and minimum in F-846. Compared with CW treatment, relative seed-cotton yield under 16.4, 39.6 and 56.2 ESP levels obtained with respective sodic water treatments for 2 years were 99, 70 and 69%, respectively in F-846, 101, 46 and 29%, respectively in F-505 and 98, 67 and 49%, respectively in LD-327. Similar trends were observed in case of boll number per square metre and boll weight. The cultivar F-846 produced heavier bolls than the other two cultivars under ESP levels of 56.2 obtained under RSC15 treatment which helped this cultivar to perform relatively better. The harmful effect of sodic waters on fibre quality (2.5% span length, micronaire value and bundle strength) were also not observed in the case of F-846. A slight deterioration in fibre quality was, however, observed in cultivars F-505 and LD-327 at an ESP of 56.2 in the soil.  相似文献   

Controlled deficit irrigation (CDI) has been studied in a potato crop cultivated in a semi-arid zone (Albacete, Spain). Ten drip irrigation treatments were differentiated by the level of fulfilment of the water requirements. The effect of deficit irrigation at three crop stages (growth, tuber bulking and ripening) has been studied. Tuber yield and its components were highly influenced by the total volume of irrigation water. The treatments with deficit during the last part of the cycle have had the lowest productions. The larger potatoes were obtained in the treatments which had not undergone deficit in the ripening period. Against this, the smallest potatoes were obtained in the treatments with deficit in growth period due to a higher number of tubers per plant. The effect of water on tuber size relies on the combination of deficits during the growth and the ripening stages, through the influence of the number of tubers per plant. The mathematical function that better fits the production obtained with the water volume received is a second-degree polynomial. The irrigation regime that leads to moderate deficit in the beginning of the season (growth and tuber bulking periods) can achieve production results of the order of those obtained by the test treatment, well irrigated along the whole cycle, it being a clearly advisable regime. On the other hand, the least advisable regimes are those that lead to deficit in the ripening stage as well as at growth or tuber bulking.  相似文献   

Performance of tomato when irrigated with sodic waters particularly under drip irrigation is not well known. A field experiment was conducted for 3 years to study the response of tomato crop to sodic water irrigation on a sandy loam soil. Irrigation waters having 0, 5 and 10 mmolc L−1 residual sodium carbonate (RSC) were applied through drip and furrow irrigation to two tomato cultivars, Edkawi (a salt tolerant cultivar) and Punjab Chhuhara (PC). High RSC of irrigation water significantly increased soil pH, ECe and exchangeable sodium percentage progressively; the increases were higher in furrow compared to drip irrigation. Effect of high RSC on increasing bulk density and decreasing infiltration rate of soil was also pronounced in furrow-irrigated plots. Higher soil moisture and lower salinity near the plant was maintained under drip irrigation than under furrow irrigation. Performance of the two cultivars was significantly different; pooled over 2002–03 and 2003–04 seasons, PC yielded 38.8 and 30.0 Mg ha−1 and Edkawi yielded 31.8 and 22.9 Mg ha−1 under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. At RSC10, cultivar PC produced 38 and 46% higher fruit yield than cultivar Edkawi under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. Reduction in fruit yield at higher RSC was due to lower fruit weight under drip irrigation and due to reduced fruit number as well as fruit weight under furrow irrigation. Decrease in fruit weight was more pronounced in cultivar Edkawi than in cultivar PC. Increase in RSC lowered quality of the fruits except the ascorbic acid content. High RSC under drip irrigation, in general, had lesser deteriorating effect on the fruit quality particularly for cultivar PC than under furrow irrigation. For obtaining high tomato yield and better-quality fruits using high RSC sodic waters, drip irrigation should be preferred over furrow irrigation. Better performance of local cultivar PC compared to Edkawi at medium and high RSC suggests that cultivars categorized as tolerant to salinity should be evaluated in the sodic environment particularly when irrigated with high RSC sodic waters.  相似文献   

垄作小麦产量及水分生产效率的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探讨豫西地区冬小麦节水栽培的生产措施,在大田试验条件下,研究了在3种灌水处理下,垄作冬小麦耗水量、干物质积累、产量和水分生产效率的对比情况。结果表明,在不同灌水次数的条件下,随着灌水次数的增加,垄作冬小麦耗水量和地上干物质积累量逐渐增加,产量和水分生产效率先升高后降低。在相同灌水次数下,垄作冬小麦耗水量低于平作,干物...  相似文献   

徐向宁 《农业工程》2015,5(5):136-137
介绍了马铃薯的生长特性、营养特征和形态,总结了马铃薯的高产栽培技术,对科学种植马铃薯有一定的借鉴作用。   相似文献   

本文应用灰色系统理论中的灰色关联分析方法、灰色动态模型法,对粮食产量与耕地灌水程度的关系进行了初步研究,为进一步弄清影响粮食产量的因素和上级领导部门对农业的决策提供了依据。  相似文献   

封正禄 《湖南农机》2011,38(3):31-32
地膜覆盖是使用化肥和推广杂交种以来玉米生产的又一突破性增产技术.地膜覆盖的主要作用是增温、保湿、抗干旱、抗低温和促使作物迅速生长发育.  相似文献   

土壤养分和小麦产量空间变异性与相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用地统计学和偏相关分析法对江苏省镇江市丹徒区一块试验田的土壤养分和小麦产量的空间变异性及相关性进行了研究,生成了碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量和小麦产量的空间分布图.结果表明,变量均近似正态分布且具有较好的空间结构特征.碱解氮含量与籽粒产量和千粒质量的偏相关系数分别是0.569和0.5,具有密切的相关性;速效磷为0.069和0.284;速效钾为0.147和0.133.  相似文献   

为探讨不同灌水量对滴灌矮化密植大枣田间相对湿度、土壤温度和产量的影响,在新疆哈密地区的枣园内,滴灌灌溉定额设置820、900、980 mm 3个处理和1个漫灌处理,进行了滴灌矮化密植大枣灌溉试验。在开花坐果期对各处理矮化密植大枣的田间相对湿度、土壤含水率和土壤温度进行逐日观测,分析了灌溉水量对矮化密植大枣田间湿度和土壤温度的影响;收获后测定大枣产量,分析了矮化密植大枣的产量与灌溉定额的关系。结果表明,采用滴灌方式进行灌溉时,灌水量越大田间相对湿度改善越明显,灌水后3 d内基本维持在50%以上;与漫灌相比较,采用滴灌灌水可以使田间湿度相对稳定,其中,滴灌灌水量为900 mm时,相对湿度最大值能达到80%。浅层土壤更容易受大气温度的影响,波动范围大,深层土受大气温度影响小。与漫灌相比,滴灌技术可以使土壤温度相对稳定,有利于作物生长。单果干质量在900 mm和980 mm二种处理条件下差值不大,分别为9.90、9.98 g。哈密地区滴灌矮化密植大枣在灌溉定额为900 mm时,产量达到最大值,为8 608 kg/hm2。研究结论可以为新疆哈密地区滴灌矮化密植大枣种植提供技术支持。  相似文献   

谷物联合收获机智能测产系统设计和应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
对谷物联合收获机智能测产系统基本组成、主要工作过程、主要传感器进行了分析;利用单位时间小区谷物产量计算模型和专用产量图生成软件绘制了一块小麦产量数据点图、栅格图和等值线图。  相似文献   

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