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Wild ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) can be anesthetized with Telazol via blow dart, but improved techniques are needed so that each lemur is reliably induced with a single dart. Medetomidine-butorphanol (MB) is a good supplemental protocol to be administered once the lemurs are captured, but other protocols may provide longer periods of sedation and immobility. One possible way of increasing the efficacy of each dart is to increase the time it is retained in the leg. In this investigation, a "double-sleeve" technique was used to try to increase the time of dart retention. This technique used a standard silicone sleeve on the needle, along with a second sleeve at the needle hub. Induction values were compared between lemurs darted with double-sleeve needles and those induced with needles that each had a single silicone sleeve. Once the lemurs were induced, supplementation with MB (0.04 mg/kg and 0.2 mg/kg) was compared with supplementation with ketamine-medetomidine (KM) (10 mg/ kg and 0.04 mg/kg). Twenty-three lemurs were darted with Telazol by using single-sleeve needles, and 24 were darted with double-sleeve needles. The number of darts per lemur and number of escapes were not different between animals darted with a single sleeve compared with a double-sleeve; thus, there were no significant improvements in induction success with the double-sleeve technique. Adequate sedation and muscle relaxation were achieved with both MB and KM; however, lemurs that received MB were more relaxed and needed fewer additional supplements that those that received KM. Single-sleeve dart needles are recommended for Telazol induction of ring-tailed lemurs via blow dart and MB is preferable to KM for supplemental sedation and muscle relaxation.  相似文献   

A female ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) and her two cubs held in a zoo in Chile exhibited signs of severe hepatic insufficiency. In spite of supportive treatment, the three animals died a few days after the onset of signs. Postmortem examination revealed ascites and fibrotic lesions in the liver of all the individuals. Histologically, the liver of two of them showed a severe parasitic ova infection and lipidosis, the morphologic characteristics of the parasitic ovas were consistent with Capillaria hepatica (syn. Calodium hepatica) eggs. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first clinical case report of hepatic capillariasis in prosimians, and its implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Complete health assessments were performed on 20 adult ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), 10 males and 10 females, free ranging within the Tsimanampetsotsa Strict Nature Reserve in southwest Madagascar. Each animal was anesthetized using tiletamine and zolazepam, weighed, and given a thorough physical examination. Blood was collected for hematology, determination of plasma total protein concentration, serum chemistry, determination of fat-soluble vitamin and trace mineral concentrations, assessment of iron metabolism, toxoplasmosis and viral serologies, and examination for parasites. Feces were collected for bacterial culture and parasite examination, and representative numbers of ectoparasites were collected. Blood values differed significantly in a number of ways from values in captive lemurs, possibly associated with recent food consumption, hydration, and diet. There was no evidence of serious infectious disease and no hemoparasites. The enteric flora appeared unremarkable, although results may have been skewed toward cold-tolerant bacteria. The fecal parasite burden was low, but there were large numbers of ectoparasites (mites) present. Our study demonstrated that a substantial amount of data can be collected from free-ranging populations, information that is invaluable in the management of captive populations, particularly with regard to disease, and in assessing risks associated with reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

In September 2008, two ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), comprising a mother-daughter pair, at the Greenville Zoo, Greenville, South Carolina, USA, were diagnosed with cuterebrid myiasis (Diptera: Oestridae) subsequent to sudden death of the adult lemur. On necropsy, a single bot warble was discovered in the subcutis of the axillary region. Histopathology revealed a severe eosinophilic bronchopneumonia. The juvenile lemur was inspected and found to have warbles on three separate dates in late September. One representative bot fly larva was identified as a Cuterebra sp. that normally infests lagomorphs in the southeastern United States. Cuterebrid myiasis is rarely reported in lemurs and has not been previously associated with pneumonia or death in these animals.  相似文献   

The relative efficacies and cardiorespiratory effects of three injectable anesthetic combinations containing medetomidine were evaluated in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). In addition, the direct effects of medetomidine on heart rate and blood pressure were evaluated in lemurs anesthetized with isoflurane. For injectable anesthesia, captive adult ring-tailed lemurs were anesthetized with medetomidine and ketamine (0.04-0.06 mg/kg, i.m. and 3 mg/kg, i.m., respectively), medetomidine, butorphanol, and ketamine (0.04 mg/kg, i.m., 0.4 mg/kg, i.m., and 3 mg/kg, i.m., respectively), or medetomidine, butorphanol, and midazolam (0.04 mg/kg, i.m., 0.4 mg/kg, i.m., and 0.3 mg/kg, i.m., respectively). For inhalation anesthesia, lemurs were mask-induced and maintained with isoflurane for 30 min before receiving medetomidine (0.04 mg/kg, i.m.). Sedation produced by medetomidine-ketamine was unpredictable and of short duration. Both medetomidine-butorphanol-ketamine (MBK) and medetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam (MBMz) provided adequate anesthesia for routine physical exams; however, the effects of MBMz lasted longer than those of MBK. Heart rates and respiratory rates were within clinically normal ranges for all groups, and lemurs remained normotensive throughout the study. Common side effects such as hypertension and bradycardia associated with the use of alpha2-adrenergic receptor agonist combinations in other species were not observed. Likewise, medetomidine administration had no effect on HR in lemurs receiving isoflurane. Lemurs in all groups were well ventilated and remained well oxygenated throughout the procedures, though arterial partial pressure of O2 was lowest in the MBMz group. All three injectable medetomidine combinations were effective in ring-tailed lemurs but only MBK and MBMz provided adequate depth and duration of anesthesia for use as sole regimes. For many clinical procedures in lemurs, MBMz offers advantages over MBK because of its longer duration of action and its rapid and more complete reversibility with specific antagonists.  相似文献   

A 13-yr-old ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) was evaluated for depression, anorexia, polyuria, and polydipsia. The lemur was in poor body condition and was anemic, hypoalbuminemic, and hyponatremic. Cytologic examination of aspirates of the spleen, liver, and bone marrow and histopathologic examination of liver and bone marrow biopsies revealed a disseminated round cell tumor. After euthanasia, necropsy revealed hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and mesenteric lymphadenomegaly. Neoplastic cells were present within the spleen, liver, kidneys, multiple lymph nodes, bone marrow, lung, small intestine, pancreas, and testicle and were composed of large anaplastic round cells in a background of small well-differentiated lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the small well-differentiated lymphocytes labeled for the anti-human T-cell marker, CD3, and the large anaplastic round cells labeled with the anti-human B-cell marker, CD79a. On the basis of the immunohistochemical staining results and morphologic appearance, a diagnosis of a T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma was made.  相似文献   

The prevention of calculus accumulation in exotic animals is a relatively unexplored topic. A 6-mo study in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) and collared lemurs (Eulemur fulvus collaris) and two studies in baboons (Papio cynocephalus) (7.5 wks and 6.5 mo) tested the benefits of a primate diet coated with 0.6% sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP) in controlling calculus in these species using a sequential crossover design. The control regimen was an identical, but non-HMP-coated, dry primate chow. At study initiation, the primates were given a thorough dental prophylaxis and provided with the control diet or experimental diet. At the conclusion of the test period, the animals were anesthetized and examined for clinical calculus independently by two examiners. The animals were then given another dental prophylaxis, provided the alternate ration, and the foregoing procedures were repeated. When the animals were provided the HMP-coated diet, significant reductions in calculus formation of 48-62% were observed in the lemurs and the baboons. No clinically significant changes were observed in body weights or in blood chemistry values as a result of ingestion of the HMP-coated regimen.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate sedative, antinociceptive, and physiologic effects of acepromazine and butorphanol during tiletamine-zolazepam (TZ) anesthesia in llamas. ANIMALS: 5 young adult llamas. PROCEDURES: Llamas received each of 5 treatments IM (1-week intervals): A (acepromazine, 0.05 mg/kg), B1 (butorphanol, 0.1 mg/kg), AB (acepromazine, 0.05 mg/kg, and butorphanol, 0.1 mg/kg), B2 (butorphanol, 0.2 mg/kg), or C (saline [0.9% NaCl] solution). Sedation was evaluated during a 30-minute period prior to anesthesia with TZ (2 mg/kg, IM). Anesthesia and recovery characteristics and selected cardiorespiratory variables were recorded at intervals. Antinociception was assessed via a toe-clamp technique. RESULTS: Sedation was not evident following any treatment. Times to sternal and lateral recumbency did not differ among treatments. Duration of lateral recumbency was significantly longer for treatment AB than for treatment C. Duration of antinociception was significantly longer for treatments A and AB, compared with treatment C, and longer for treatment AB, compared with treatment B2. Treatment B1 resulted in a significant decrease in respiratory rate, compared with treatment C. Compared with treatment C, diastolic and mean blood pressures were lower after treatment A. Heart rate was increased with treatment A, compared with treatment B1 or treatment C. Although severe hypoxemia developed in llamas anesthetized with TZ alone and with each treatment-TZ combination, hemoglobin saturation remained high and the hypoxemia was not considered clinically important. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Sedation or changes in heart and respiratory rates were not detected with any treatment before administration of TZ. Acepromazine alone and acepromazine with butorphanol (0.1 mg/kg) prolonged the duration of antinociception in TZ-treated llamas.  相似文献   

环尾狐猴(Lemur catta),是狐猴科狐猴属的一个种,具有较高的观赏展出和科研价值。主要分布于非洲南部的马达加斯加岛南部和西南部。本研究对甘肃省兰州市动物园的环尾狐猴进行了调查研究,主要从环尾狐猴的生物学特性,日常饲养,常见疾病的治疗等方面阐述了动物园中环尾狐猴的饲养管理,以提高环尾狐猴饲养的福利水平,为其生物学研究及饲养管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

2011年1~10月,采用正强化方法对成都动物园饲养的5只环尾狐猴开展了行为训练工作.训练通过口令、响板和食物的关联建立条件反射,从而达到训练目标.训练的结果为:经过15 d左右的训练,环尾狐猴与训练员之间基本建立了信任关系,但不同个体有一些差异.通过进一步训练,达到了以下的一些目标:伸手、坐、听诊、测体温、进笼等.在动物完成训练目标的基础上,获得了2只环尾狐猴在非麻醉状态下的上、下午腋温和心率,分别为37.7±0.4℃、37.9±0.3℃和112.8±15.0次/min.  相似文献   

Nine marine otters (Lontra felina) were anesthetized 15 times with a combination of ketamine (5.3 +/- 0.9 [range: 4.5-8.0] mg/kg) and medetomidine (53 - 9 [range: 45-80] microg/kg) i.m. by hand syringe for the placement of radiotransmitters. Times to initial effect and induction period ranged from 1.1 to 5.0 min and 1.8 to 5.4 min, respectively. Minor complications did occur, including mild hypothermia in six otters and severe hypoxemia in one otter. After 34 and 63 min, anesthesia was antagonized with atipamezole (226 +/- 29 [range: 179-265] microg/kg) and all otters recovered within 3.3-26.8 min.  相似文献   

Two adult California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) were effectively anesthetized 13 times with medetomidine (0.010-0.013 mg/kg), midazolam (0.2-0.26 mg/kg), and butorphanol (0.2-0.4 mg/kg) by i.m. hand or pole syringe injection. For each anesthetic event, atropine (0.02 mg/kg, i.m.) was administered 6-20 min after initial injections, and oxygen administration via face mask or nasal insufflation began at the same time. Light anesthesia was induced in 8-22 min and lasted 13-78 min. During eight of the procedures, isoflurane (0.5-2.0%) was administered via face mask or endotracheal tube for an additional 30-120 min to facilitate longer procedures or surgery. Anesthesia was antagonized with atipamezole (0.05-0.06 mg/kg) and naltrexone (0.1 mg/kg) in seven events, with the addition of flumazenil (0.0002-0.002 mg/kg) in six events. The antagonists were administered by i.m. injection 42-149 min after administration of the induction agents. All sea lions recovered to mild sedation within 4-17 min after administration of the antagonists.  相似文献   

2017年3—6月,在上海动物园笼养环尾狐猴展区布设定时饲喂器,探讨其对环尾狐猴(Lemur catta)行为的影响。采用瞬时扫描法记录环尾狐猴行为,分析环尾狐猴的行为变化及其对定时饲喂器的认知。开展定时饲喂器丰容后,环尾狐猴的休息行为显著减少,移动和取食行为显著增加(Mann-Whitney U,P<0.05),对展区空间利用发生了显著变化(chi-square test,P<0.05)。环尾狐猴通过学习,适应了定时投喂器的工作模式,并形成了相应的行为模式。本次丰容在短时间内效果较好,但在后期,动物的反应速度减慢。  相似文献   

环尾狐猴的饲养繁殖和人工育幼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以石家庄市动物园人工饲养的环尾狐猴为研究对象,通过对环尾狐猴的生物学特性以及人工圈养条件下的环境、行为、营养、繁殖、人工育幼等多方面进行分析和研究,为环尾狐猴的饲养繁殖工作提供了一定的实践依据。  相似文献   

This investigation evaluated the cardiopulmonary effects of medetomidine, ketamine, and butorphanol anesthesia in captive juvenile Thomson's gazelles (Gazella thomsoni). Butorphanol was incorporated to reduce the dose of medetomidine necessary for immobilization and minimize medetomidine-induced adverse cardiovascular side effects. Medetomidine 40.1 +/- 3.6 microg/kg, ketamine 4.9 +/- 0.6 mg/kg, and butorphanol 0.40 +/- 0.04 mg/kg were administered intramuscularly by hand injection to nine gazelles. Times to initial effect and recumbency were within 8 min postinjection. Cardiopulmonary status was monitored every 5 min by measuring heart rate, respiratory rate, indirect blood pressure, end-tidal CO2, and indirect oxygen-hemoglobin saturation by pulse oximetry. Venous blood gases were collected every 15 min postinjection. Oxygen saturations less than 90% in three gazelles suggested hypoxemia. Subsequent immobilized gazelles were supplemented with intranasal oxygen throughout the anesthetic period. Sustained bradycardia (<60 beats per minute, as compared with anesthetized domestic calves, sheep, and goats) was noted in eight of nine gazelles. Heart and respiratory rates and rectal temperatures decreased slightly, whereas systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressure values were consistent over the anesthetic period. Mild elevations in end tidal CO2 and PCO2 suggested hypoventilation. Local lidocaine blocks were necessary to perform castrations in all seven of the gazelles undergoing the procedure. Return to sternal recumbency occurred within 7 min and return to standing occurred within 12 min after reversal with atipamezole (0.2 +/- 0.03 mg/kg) and naloxone (0.02 +/- 0.001 mg/kg). Medetomidine, ketamine, and butorphanol can be used to safely anesthetize Thomson's gazelles for routine, noninvasive procedures. More invasive procedures, such as castration, can be readily performed with the additional use of local anesthetics.  相似文献   

There is limited information available on the morphology of the thoracic limb of the ring‐tailed lemur (Lemur catta). This study describes the morphology of the thoracic limb of captive ring‐tailed lemurs evidenced by gross osteology and radiography as a guide for clinical use. Radiographic findings of 12 captive ring‐tailed lemurs are correlated with bone specimens of three adult animals. The clavicle is well developed. The scapula has a large area for the origin of the m. teres major. The coracoid and hamate processes are well developed. The lateral supracondylar crest and medial epicondyle are prominent. The metacarpal bones are widely spread, and the radial tuberosity is prominent. These features indicate the presence of strong flexor muscles and flexibility of thoracic limb joints, which are important in arboreal quadrupedal locomotion. Furthermore, an ovoid ossicle is always seen at the inter‐phalangeal joint of the first digit. Areas of increased soft tissue opacity are superimposed over the proximal half of the humerus and distal half of the antebrachium in male animals as a result of the scent gland. Knowledge of the morphology of the thoracic limb of individual species is important for accurate interpretation and diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases.  相似文献   

以广州动物园人工饲养的10只环尾狐猴(雄性5只,雌性5只)为研究对象,根据广州地区多雨潮湿的气候条件,以400m。草地作为饲养场地,配置栖枝、凉亭和恒温保暖箱,采取逐只投喂的办法进行饲养。在广州地区的气候条件下,环尾狐猴2岁即可进行繁殖交配,发情期为8~9月,妊娠期为5个月,育幼主要由母猴来完成,雄猴可参与育幼,母猴有明显的护食行为。当气温低于15℃时,狐猴进入恒温保暖箱活动。在华南地区的气候条件下,环尾狐猴的饲养管理需做好防雨、防晒工作,冬季气温低于15℃时需开启恒温保暖设施。在繁殖育幼期,需添加面包虫等食物,并合理搭配成年雌雄性狐猴比例,防止动物打斗而出现伤亡。本文主要阐述环尾狐猴在广州地区的饲养繁殖、防寒保暖、环境丰容等方面的技术要点,为在华南地区环尾狐猴的保育及进一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Primary renal tumors are rare neoplasms in nonhuman primates. This report describes a mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (MESTK) in a 14.5-year-old female ringtail lemur. The well-demarcated, solid, and cystic mass was located in the pelvis of the left kidney and consisted histologically of both epithelial and mesenchymal components. The mesenchymal cells were arranged in fascicles around cysts lined by a well-differentiated epithelium. Neither the mesenchymal nor the epithelial parts showed significant nuclear atypia or mitotic figures. To our knowledge, only 1 similar case, classified as adenoleiomyofibromatous hamartoma, has been reported in a ringtail lemur. In humans this tumor affects predominantly perimenopausal women and can express estrogen and progesterone receptors. However, neither estrogen nor progesterone receptors could be identified by immunohistochemistry in the tumor of the present ringtail lemur. Therefore, a hormonal mechanism could not be demonstrated in this case.  相似文献   

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