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AIM: To study the gross, histopathological and clinico-pathological findings in cases of hyperplastic goitre in sub-adult captive- reared black stilts following their release on riverbeds in the south Canterbury region of New Zealand. METHODS: Necropsies were undertaken on the recovered carcasses of 48 black stilts over a 3-year period (1997-1999). The cause of death was determined, and thyroid glands were examined histopathologically and compared with those of free-living pied stilts. Concentrations of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in the serum of sub-adult and adult stilts were measured before and after iodine supplementation. RESULTS: The main causes of death of captive-reared black stilts following release were trauma, predation and starvation. An increase in size of the thyroid gland due to follicular hyperplasia and dilation was seen in all birds with intact thyroid glands (n=27). Dysplastic follicular changes such as epithelial desquamation, lipid deposition and haemorrhage were common in a large proportion of individuals with goitre. Dietary supplementation with iodine greatly improved survival rates in sub-adults following release, and significantly increased concentrations of T3 and T4 in serum. CONCLUSIONS: Subclinical goitre due to thyroid hyperplasia and dysplasia was the cause of hypothyroidism and this contributed to the poor survival of released sub-adult black stilts raised in captivity. Iodine supplementation of the diet of captive adults and sub-adults resulted in increased concentrations of T3 and T4 in serum and improved survivability.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the efficacy of praziquantel (PZQ) administered to control helminths in captive-reared critically endangered black stilts (Himantopus novaezelandiae) before their release into the wild and determine the effect on their survival shortly after release.

METHODS: Of 77 captive black stilts, 37 were treated with PZQ prior to release into the wild in South Canterbury, New Zealand, in August and September 2007. Faecal helminth egg counts (FEC) were measured before and after anthelmintic treatment, and before and after release to the wild using modified faecal flotation and sedimentation methods. In addition, total helminth counts were determined in 11 of the birds that died following release, as well as four captive and 11 other wild stilts.

RESULTS: The efficacy of PZQ against trematodes was 92% and against Capillaria spp. was 34%. No trematode or Capillaria spp. eggs were detected in treated birds 1 day after treatment, but FEC increased 3–5 days after treatment. There were no differences in the total helminth counts for trematodes, cestodes or Capillaria spp. in control or treated birds (p>0.2). Survival did not differ between treatment groups in the August or September releases (p>0.4). Of control and treated birds, 11/17 (65%) and 8/14 (57%) survived to 31 days, respectively, in the August release, and 16/20 (80%) and 10/15 (67%) survived to 84 days, respectively, in the September release.

CONCLUSION: Overall, the results suggest that PZQ treatment may be an unnecessary cost and the risks of producing anthelmintic resistance, injuring the birds during processing or producing an unnecessary stress response at the time of release could exceed any likely benefits.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It is recommended that pre-release anthelmintic treatment of black stilts should be used only if indicated by health screening. Any treatment should incorporate annual efficacy testing to monitor the emergence of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

Marco I  Domingo M  Lavin S 《Avian diseases》2000,44(1):227-230
One captive male capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) was found dead on December 1993 at the breeding center of capercaillie in Catalonia, Spain. The bird was emaciated and, at necropsy, had numerous nodules of various sizes subcutaneously in the cervical region, pleura, lungs, liver, spleen, and mesentery. Microscopic examination revealed granulomatous lesions with central caseous necrosis, epithelioid cells, giant cells, and few lymphocytes in all affected organs. Numerous acid-fast bacilli were demonstrated in the tubercles with Ziehl-Nielsen stain.  相似文献   

Severe pododermatitis is a common lesion in turkeys, unlike in broiler chickens. Both dietary factors (soybean meal, biotin, methionine) and poor litter conditions (wet litter) are documented etiologies of footpad lesions. In the United States and United Kingdom both farm managers and processors monitor lesions. The United Kingdom reports an average footpad relative score higher than that of the United States. In both countries, incidence in toms is higher than in hens. There is no significant difference by country. Data support no consistent association with other lesions (i.e., breast blisters or condemnations), breed, or performance parameters (i.e., weight gain or age). The litter type used in the United Kingdom is either straw or wood shavings, whereas in the United States producers predominantly use wood shavings. In the United Kingdom, diets are formulated with a higher protein, which affects the excreta and subsequent litter conditions. British United Turkey is the predominate breed in the United Kingdom. In the United States, three breeds, British United Turkey of America, hybrid, and Nicholas, are common. Recent research has demonstrated the association between biotin levels and pododermatitis. Factors associated with pododermatitis (such as production systems, wet litter, and stocking density) are discussed. There are some indications that increased stocking density is associated with pododermatitis lesions. Further research is needed to identify what management factors are associated with pododermatitis.  相似文献   

Sole ulcers are among the most frequent causes of lameness in dairy cattle. They are found most commonly in the hind lateral claw, are frequently bilateral, and have a high rate of reoccurrence. The pathogenesis of sole ulceration is primarily based on mechanical injury by the 3rd phalanx to the corium, basement membrane, and basal layers of the sole epidermis as a result of failure of the suspensory apparatus in the claw. The main pathways in the failure of the suspensory system include inflammatory (dermal vascular changes followed by disruption of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation caused by local and systemic mediators) and noninflammatory (hormonal and biochemical changes in the peripartum period resulting in alterations of connective tissue in the suspensory system) pathways. Sole ulcers tend to occur in specific locations; the most reported site is the junction of the axial heel and sole. Other locations include the apex of the toe and the heel. Varying degrees of lameness may result, and the most severe are seen with complicated cases in which ascending infection affects the deeper structures of the claw. Pathologic changes at the ulcer site include dyskeratosis and dilated horn tubules with microcracks. Vascular changes include dilatation and thrombosis of capillaries with "neocapillary formation." Areas of dyskeratosis may remain for as long as 50 days at the ulcer site. Treatment includes corrective trimming and relief of weight bearing. Complicated cases may require surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Fatal cytauxzoonosis is described in a captive reared lioness (Panthera leo) and its 6-month-old cub. Clinical signs in the lioness included loss of weight, depression, anaemia, loss of hair, dark discolored urine, tachypnoea, nystagmus, deaphness and staggering gait. The cub died after a short period of depression. In the lioness, laboratory examination revealed normochromic normocytic anaemia, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytosis, eosinopenia, thrombocytopenia, proteinuria, pyuria, haematuria and increased. At necropsy the lioness showed marked pulmonary edema and slight gelatinous translucent edema in the mediastinum, petechiae and echymosis disseminated in the serosae, and the intestinal content was red and semiliquid. The cub presented hemothorax, endocardial and pulmonary edema, petechiae in the cardiac serosae, hepatic and splenic congestion and segments of the small intestine with blood stained fluid contents and reddish mesenteric lymph nodes. Histopathological examination of liver, spleen, heart, lungs, intestines, pancreas, mesenteric lymph nodes, kidneys, skeletal muscle, brain and skin revealed large number of intravascular macrophages with their cytoplasm filled with various schizogonic stages of a Theileriidae. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of schizonts in endothelial-associated macrophages. The diagnosis was established by the finding of the pathognomonic schizonts in macrophages within blood vessels in several organs and tissues from both lions. This is the first report of feline cytauxzoonosis in P. leo and of a confirmed infection by Cytauxzoon felis in felidae in South America.  相似文献   

AIMS: To screen tuatara undergoing translocation from a captive crèche to an island refuge for evidence of health and known diseases, and apply basic epidemiological techniques to assess the significance of disease test results. METHODS: Tuatara (n=353) were physically examined and samples were taken from a random selection (n=30) for estimated white cell counts, screening for haemoparasites, and culture for Salmonella, Yersinia, Aeromonas and Campylobacter spp. Direct faecal smears were carried out on-site, and faecal floats were later performed to assess levels of endoparasitism with helminths and protozoa (n=69). Modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining was used to screen faecal smears, and positive specimens were further screened using an immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) test for Cryptosporidium oocysts. RESULTS: There was no evidence of external parasites on any of the animals examined and only one animal had a gross abnormality. All estimated white cell counts were in the range 2.8- 17.5 x 10(9)/L. No haemoparasites were observed. There were no enteric pathogens cultured, indicating the intestinal carriage of these bacteria in the tuatara was <9.4%. Of the 69 individual faecal samples examined, 12 (17%) had unidentified coccidial oocysts, 21 (30%) had nematode ova of various kinds, and 12 (17%) had intestinal carriage of motile protozoa consistent with Trichomonas spp and another unidentified organism. Nineteen (28%) tuatara had acid-fast oocysts present; however, IFA staining failed to detect any Cryptosporidium oocysts. CONCLUSIONS: Our understanding of the diversity of gastrointestinal endoparasites affecting tuatara is inadequate as many of the parasite ova seen could not be identified. This is the first record of tuatara as a host for Trichomonas spp of protozoa in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

AIMS: To screen tuatara undergoing translocation from a captive crèche to an island refuge for evidence of health and known diseases, and apply basic epidemiological techniques to assess the significance of disease test results.

METHODS: Tuatara (n=353) were physically examined and samples were taken from a random selection (n=30) for estimated white cell counts, screening for haemoparasites, and culture for Salmonella, Yersinia, Aeromonas and Campylobacter spp. Direct faecal smears were carried out on-site, and faecal floats were later performed to assess levels of endoparasitism with helminths and protozoa (n=69). Modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining was used to screen faecal smears, and positive specimens were further screened using an immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) test for Cryptosporidium oocysts.

RESULTS: There was no evidence of external parasites on any of the animals examined and only one animal had a gross abnormality. All estimated white cell counts were in the range 2.8– 17.5 × 109/L. No haemoparasites were observed. There were no enteric pathogens cultured, indicating the intestinal carriage of these bacteria in the tuatara was 9.4%. Of the 69 individual faecal samples examined, 12 (17%) had unidentified coccidial oocysts, 21 (30%) had nematode ova of various kinds, and 12 (17%) had intestinal carriage of motile protozoa consistent with Trichomonas spp and another unidentified organism. Nineteen (28%) tuatara had acid-fast oocysts present; however, IFA staining failed to detect any Cryptosporidium oocysts.

CONCLUSIONS: Our understanding of the diversity of gastrointestinal endoparasites affecting tuatara is inadequate as many of the parasite ova seen could not be identified. This is the first record of tuatara as a host for Trichomonas spp of protozoa in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

目的探讨水杨酸治疗奶牛蹄皮炎的效果。方法选取45只蹄皮炎患病奶牛,对其进行随机分组,其中,5只为阴性对照组,不给予治疗措施;20只为抗菌药物对照组,给予林可霉素进行治疗;20只为水杨酸治疗组,给予40%水杨酸软膏。分别于给药第0、3、14、30天对奶牛进行跛行评分与皮肤疼痛评分并记录结果,对治疗效果进行评价。结果在给药第3天时,抗菌药物对照组和水杨酸治疗组都没有出现痊愈的病例,经过治疗后跛行程度明显减轻。给药第14天时,水杨酸治疗组的治愈率为45%,明显高于抗菌药物对照组(25%);治疗有效率为75%,高于抗菌药物对照组(60%)。给药第30天时,水杨酸治疗组的有效率为65%,高于抗菌药物对照组(55%)。结论水杨酸临床治疗效果较好,可以作为治疗奶牛蹄皮炎的药物使用。  相似文献   

Broiler house environment, especially volatile NH3 content, has a significant effect on pododermatitis in chickens. The efficacy of NaHSO4 in reducing pododermatitis in broiler chickens was investigated in this study. A total of 960 straight-run 1-d-old chicks were randomly assigned to 16 environmental chambers with 4 different levels of NaHSO4 (4 chambers/treatment). The treatments (TRT) comprised of TRT 1 (control), TRT 2 with NaHSO4 applied at 1 × rate (0.22 kg/m2) on the day of placement of chicks, TRT 3 with NaHSO4 applied at 2 × rate on the day of placement of chicks, and TRT 4 with NaHSO4 applied at 1 × rate on the day of placement of chicks and at 1 × rate on 21 d. Birds were raised to 49 d of age on a 4-stage feeding program with diets formulated to contain high protein levels and all-vegetable ingredients. At 35 d of age, the litter was moistened artificially to see the effect of NaHSO4 on NH3 volatilization. In addition to assessing live performance, feet were scored on 42 and 49 d of age for incidence and severity of pododermatitis. Ammonia concentration (ppm) in the chambers was measured before placement of chicks and on a weekly basis throughout the experiment. No differences in live performance of the birds were observed throughout the study (P > 0.05). Sex had significant effects on incidence of pododermatitis (P < 0.05), with females showing higher incidence of pododermatitis than males. The NaHSO4 had a significant effect on NH3 volatilization in the chambers (P < 0.05). Ammonia concentration was significantly reduced in all TRT except the control (TRT 1). Sodium bisulfate had no significant effect on NH3 levels after 35 d upon addition of moisture to the litter. Although not significant (P > 0.05), using NaHSO4 as a litter amendment numerically reduced the incidence of pododermatitis by 10 or more percentage points.  相似文献   

(接上期)黑蜂进入新疆已有近百年历史,其分布区由小到大,沿着伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰地区的边境向内扩展,分布区横跨天山延伸到阿尔泰山部分山区,这里地形复杂,蜜源丰富,交通不发达,适合黑蜂繁衍生存。黑蜂分布区由大到小,也是随着异种蜜蜂的进入而不断收缩,在收缩过程中在山区也许还有意蜂杂交不到的地方,残存着黑蜂的基因。在这种分析的基础上,我们查阅了新疆黑蜂历史上的分布范围,特别是阿尔泰山和天山黑蜂分布区内的地理、气候、植被、交通等资料,进一步从文献资料中去认识阿尔泰山和天山黑蜂分布区,为赴新疆现场考察作准备。为了少走弯路,…  相似文献   

(接上期)抢救新疆黑蜂的前期工作安排就绪之后,我们就将赴新疆寻找黑蜂的方案,用电话报给农业部畜牧兽医总站品种资源管理处,徐处长马上安排杨红杰副处长给新疆畜牧厅打电话,安排落实我们赴新疆的工作。2002年9月8日从吉林出发,9月9日19:00我们一行二人从北京登上了飞往乌鲁木齐的XO9106次班机,开始了新疆之行的旅途。22:10到达乌鲁木齐机场,按预定计划乘车来到汇源酒店,自治区畜牧厅畜牧处处长田烽和副处级调研员巩巴正在等候我们。当时,田处长就把根据农业部畜牧兽医总站的电话通知所做的安排告诉我们,9月10日畜牧厅将派一辆尼桑越野吉普…  相似文献   

Nutritional and management interventions are needed to reduce the incidence of pododermatitis in poultry. In this study, enzyme (Allzyme Vegpro) supplementation of corn-soybean meal-based broiler diets was evaluated in an effort to reduce total N and NH3 production and its effect on pododermatitis in broiler chickens. A total of 1,600 mixed-sex chicks were raised on floor pens in a design involving 2 × 2 × 2 arrangement of protein level [high or low], protein source [all vegetable (Veg) or vegetable plus animal (Veg + Ani)], and enzyme [with or without enzyme supplementation (0.06%)], on a 4-stage feeding program (4 replicate pens/treatment; 50 birds/pen). In addition to live performance, the feet were scored for incidence of lesions on all birds on 28, 42, and 57 d of age, and the severity was recorded as none, mild, and severe. Pooled gut samples were collected at 57 d of age to determine viscosities of fore- and hindgut contents. Pooled litter samples were analyzed for moisture, total N, and NH3 production at 14, 28, 42, and 57 d of age. Live performance of birds did not vary among the treatments (P > 0.05). The incidence of pododermatitis was significantly affected by protein source at 42 d (P < 0.05), with birds fed all-vegetable diets showing higher incidence and severity than those fed vegetable plus animal diets. At 57 d of age, birds reared on all-vegetable diets with enzyme supplementation showed a lower incidence of mild footpad lesions compared with other treatments. Enzyme supplementation reduced viscosity of the gut contents irrespective of the protein level or protein source. Higher levels of litter NH3 were observed with high-protein diets (28 and 42 d), all-vegetable diets (28 d), and with enzyme supplementation (28 and 42 d). In this study, enzyme supplementation had little effect on litter total N and NH3 production levels, but reduced viscosity of the gut contents and severity of pododermatitis in older birds.  相似文献   

The American black bear (Ursus americanus) was long thought to be solitary and its social organization has not been well described. Here, we present new data on black bear social structure. The objectives of the study were to make detailed observations of the behavior of wild black bears to determine their social interactions and structure. We tested whether black bears interacted socially beyond mating and competing for resources, if black bears tracked relationships and interacted regularly even when resources were not limited, and whether the social structure of a population of black bears was based on a matrilinear hierarchy. We collected data by direct observation of bears from 1993 to 2014. Observations of 1210 social interactions at a provisioning site indicated that females compete and form matrilinear hierarchies. Dominant bears established a hierarchy for food, control of space, and control of younger bears. Post interaction scent marking took place, which suggested that dominant females were conditioning subordinates to their scent marks. Affiliative behavior occurred between related and unrelated bears and helped to establish the social structure of the bear community. Based on our data, human–bear conflicts can be reduced by behavioral modifications by humans when they encounter bears. Knowledge of bear behavior and the matrilinear hierarchy provide a basis for non-lethal management of bears that find themselves in a bear–human conflict situation.  相似文献   

An approximately 5-month-old black vulture (Coragyps atratus) was presented with the chief complaint of cervicomelia. A full-sized ectopic wing, with its own pectoral girdle, was found attached to the dorsal surface of the last few cervical vertebrae. There was deformation (right dorsolateral narrowing) of the spinal canal at the point of attachment with a corresponding compression of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

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