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After the disappearance of maternal antibodies, no antibodies were detected in five pigs that were congenitally infected with the Bergen strain of swine fever virus. The pigs lived for 2–11 months. One pig showed low levels of precipitating antibody during the last month of its life. The pigs had a normal immune response to sheep red blood cells and to pig parvovirus. These observations suggest the presence of immunological tolerance to swine fever virus in these pigs.Cell mediated immunity, measured by phytohaemagglutinin lymphocyte stimulation, appeared to be normal.  相似文献   

Antibody responses in serum, saliva, nasal secretions, or esophageal-pharyngeal fluid of foot-and-mouth disease virus-infected steers were examined by single radial immunodiffusion and mouse-neutralization tests. In steers infected with type O foot-and-mouth disease virus, high serum antibody titers were detected within 10 days after infection. Antibody was first detected in saliva at 30 days and gradually increased to a plateau at about 90 days. Small amounts of antibody continued to be secreted in saliva and in nasal secretions for at least 6 months. Antibody was not detected in esophageal-pharyngeal fluid. The major antibody activity in secretions was due to secretory immunoglobulin A as revealed by radioimmunoelectrophoresis.  相似文献   

Humoral and mucosal (secretory antibody)immune response to FMDV type Asia 1 in cattle was analyzed after vaccination and infection using virus neutralizing test (VNT). Vaccination (1/16th the usual dose) failed to protect cattle from generalized clinical disease following experimental FMDV Asia 1 infection. Our results showed that infection induced higher and prolonged serum antibody titres indicating antigen mass is important for optimal immune response. Experimental FMDV infection induced significant secretory antibody (mucosal) response in cattle. Though, there was no difference in the serum antibody response between the cattle that developed generalized infection (unprotected) and those with only localized infection (protected), secretory antibody response differed, wherein the unprotected cattle had higher secretory response than protected cattle. Thus, FMDV Asia 1 infection stimulates a similar serum antibody response and a unique secretory antibody response among the infected cattle. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The epitopes of the capsid of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) play important roles in the construction of highly immunogenic subunit vaccines. However few epitopes have been found for FMDV serotype Asia1. In this study we screened for epitopes of the VP1 and VP2 proteins of FMDV serotype Asia1 isolate, YNBS/58. Fragments consisting of amino acids 133-163 of VP1 and amino acids 1-33 of VP2 contained epitopes, and both induced lymphoproliferation in guinea pigs. Only the VP1 fragment induced neutralizing antibodies but the VP2 peptide dramatically increased the neutralizing antibody response induced by the VP1 peptide.  相似文献   

A group of six specific pathogen free (SPF) lambs were infected epidermally with Orf virus. Seven weeks later they were reinfected. For a period of 4 weeks after each inoculation they were observed clinically and blood was collected for analysis of virus specific antibody measured by ELISA and peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferative response to various viral antigens. After the primary infection all animals showed clinical signs of Orf, namely vesicle formation which became pustular followed by scabbing; this steadily became heavier prior to shedding and the resolution of the infection by about 4 weeks. The severity of infection varied within the group. Little lymphoproliferative activity was recorded during the primary infection, although five/six test animals had positive lymphoproliferative responses to an sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) solubilised scab purified Orf virus preparation at some point between days 7 and 14 after inoculation. All animals seroconverted to Orf virus, lymphoproliferative activity always preceding specific antibody detection. Resolution of the secondary infection was very rapid. Vesicles were visible by day 2 after inoculation which became pustular followed by scab formation and resolution in the majority of animals by day 8. All animals showed a significant (greater than four-fold) rise in specific antibody titre following secondary inoculation. The proliferative activity of PBL's was much greater than that recorded for the primary infection although the magnitude of this response varied greatly between individuals.  相似文献   

A good correlation exists between specific neutralising antibody titre and protection against challenge with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in infected or virus-vaccinated cattle, but not in the case of animals immunised with synthetic FMDV peptides. Therefore, mechanisms other than simple neutralisation are likely to be important in vivo. Antibody affinity may influence the protective capacity of sera from immunised animals and experiments were carried out to measure the functional affinity for synthetic FMDV peptide of sera from guinea pigs and cattle given various synthetic vaccines. In guinea pigs given a single dose of synthetic vaccine, antibody affinity increased with time after immunisation. In cattle, however, administration of a second dose of peptide 21 days after the first markedly retarded the process of affinity maturation. For guinea pig sera of equivalent neutralising activity, those of higher functional affinity had higher protective indices than those of lower functional affinity. Knowledge of the importance of antibody affinity in protection against FMD is important for an improved understanding of the mechanisms of protection and for the design of novel vaccines.  相似文献   

A single dilution blocking ELISA was developed and evaluated for measuring serum antibody to foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). Basic parameters of the assay were established and a positive-negative threshold determined from testing 176 specific antibody negative sera from Australian cattle. Sera collected from immunised animals in Thailand were tested by ELISA and virus-neutralisation (VN) tests and the results compared. A positive correlation between ELISA and VN titres was recorded for each of the 3 FMDV serotypes endemic in Thailand, with the overall correlation coefficient being r = 0.8990. A positive correlation for each of the serotypes was also found between ELISA titre and the degree of blocking (percentage inhibition) of each test serum at a dilution of 1:16, with the overall correlation being r = 0.8704. This simplified ELISA was sensitive, specific and gave reproducible results, and had the potential to test quickly and efficiently a considerable number of sera.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a retrospective study of the antibody responses to structural and non-structural proteins of FMD virus O Taiwan 97 in six pig herds in Taiwan in the year after the 1997 Taiwanese FMD outbreak. All herds were vaccinated against FMD after the outbreak as part of the countrywide control program. Three of the herds had confirmed FMD infections (herds N, O and P) and three herds remained non-infected (herds K, L and M). The serum neutralizing antibody titers and the non-structural protein ELISA (NSP) antibody responses in sows and 1-month-old pigs in the infected herds were higher than in the non-infected herds, but over time a number of positive NSP reactors were detected. From the serological studies and the herd monitoring and investigations it was considered that the FMD NSP positive reactors may not have constituted a true reservoir of FMD virus infection especially in herds where susceptible pigs were no longer present post-exposure or post-vaccination. Pigs vaccinated with an unpurified FMD type O vaccines being used at that time also showed false positive responses for NSP antibodies.  相似文献   

A panel of 36 sera has been assembled from experimental cattle that had been infected by inoculation or contact exposure with 4 serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) with or without prior vaccination. Virus replication and persistence had been characterized in all of the animals. The proportion of the sera scored positive by 5 tests for antibodies to the nonstructural proteins of FMDV varied, suggesting that the panel can discriminate between the sensitivity with which such tests are able to identify infected cattle. Use of this panel will help in assessment of new tests and quality control of existing methods.  相似文献   

A study was made of different aspects of the bluetongue virus neutralizing antibody response and the reaction between the virus and antibody. Optimum neutralization was obtained in a 2mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 9,0, at a temperature of 4 degrees C. The reaction of virus and antibody could be demonstrated by electron microscopy in the formation of clumps which were shown to be serotype specific. It was found that both IgM and IgG antibodies can neutralize the virus, but that IgM reached its maximum level sooner after infection than IgG.  相似文献   

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