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Salinity is one of the major threats to an agriculture production system and limits crop growth and productivity. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form a mutualistic association with majority of land plants and play important role in stress tolerance. In the present study, effect of three mycorrhizal treatments, i.e., single-species AMF (Rhizoglomus intraradices), formulated AMF (Funneliformis mosseae and R. intraradices), and multispecies AMF (Rhizoglomus fasciculatum and Gigaspora sp.) along with control (nonmycorrhizal) on growth, yield performance, and metabolic changes in pea crop under salinity stress was examined in completely randomized design with four replications. The results revealed that AMF inoculation mitigated negative effects of salinity in pea due to higher nutrient uptake, accumulation of compatible osmolytes, and lower cellular leakage of electrolyte which in turn enhanced biomass production, chlorophyll synthesis, yield, and growth attributes. Overall, consortium-based application of R. fasciculatum and Gigaspora sp. was found most suitable approach to ameliorate the salt stress in pea crop and enhanced the yield by ~11%, 24%, and 54% than single-species, multispecies, and control treatments, respectively. The variation in results under different mycorrhizal treatment might be due to specific compatibility relationships that exist between symbionts.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out at Palampur, India, during 2009–11 to enhance plant water relations and productivity in pea through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in a Himalayan acidic Alfisol. The field experiment was replicated three times in a randomized block design comprising 14 treatments involving AMF, inorganic phosphorus (P), irrigation regimes, generalized recommended nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) dose and irrigations, and farmers’ practice in the region. The study revealed that treatments involving AMF inoculation along with inorganic P nutrition at varying irrigation regimes led to significantly greater relative leaf water content (2%), xylem water potential (12%), and water-use efficiency (10%), respectively, in comparison with non-AMF inoculated counterparts. Similarly, maximum increase in quality parameters such as total soluble solids (6%), ascorbic acid (6%), and crude protein content (3%) in pea was registered under AMF inoculation involving treatments. Further, AMF-inoculated treatments indicated an economy of about 25% in soil-test-based P dose without impairing crop productivity.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of inoculation of biofertilizers (phosphorus-solubilizing arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (AMF), Glomus intraradices, and potassium-mobilizing bacterium (KMB), Frateuria aurantia) in combination with chemical fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) on growth, yield, nutrient acquisition, and quality of tobacco were observed in pot culture. Factorial combinations of biofertilizers (AMF and KMB) and chemical fertilizer (NPK) alone and in combination were applied to see the effects on growth, biomass, nutrient acquisition, and leaf quality in tobacco. Results showed that bioinocula applied either singly or in combination did not significantly enhance soil availability of P and K, indicating their unsuitability for direct application. Application of chemical fertilizer in combination with both AMF and KMB strains consistently increased availability of P and K in the soil, improved leaf quality parameters, and enhanced plant growth and vigor, suggesting the potential use of AMF and KMB as biofertilizers in sustainable tobacco crop production.  相似文献   

在玉米育苗基质中加入交联聚丙烯酰胺(crosslinked polyacrylate amine,CPA)和接种AM真菌,研究它们对玉米苗生长、养分吸收及有关生理指标的影响。结果表明,在-CPA的基质中,接种AM真菌的玉米苗生物量高于不接种,并且增加磷含量与吸收量,提高硝酸还原酶活性;在+CPA的基质中,CPA提高了玉米苗P含量以及吸收量,适量的CPA浓度还能够提高玉米苗的生物量,CPA显著降低AM真菌的感染率,接种AM真菌后的玉米苗生物量与不接种的相似甚至更低,玉米苗养分吸收、硝酸还原酶、叶绿素和根系活力因菌株和CPA含量不同而异。由于降低AM真菌的感染率,不能进一步改善菌根玉米苗生长,菌根效应被CPA的促生作用掩盖甚至超过,故在实际育苗工作中,建议采用接种AM真菌或在基质中适量加入CPA一种方式即可。  相似文献   

Commercially important ornamental flowering plant Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees. commonly known as ‘Fire cracker’ plant was evaluated for the possible effects of inoculation of different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungal species on growth, yield, flower quality, and phosphorus (P) nutrition. Five pure cultures of AM species, Acaulospora laevis, A. scrobiculata, Glomus coremioides, G. intraradices and Gigaspora albida and an un-inoculated control were used. Mycorrhizal inoculation showed positive effect on plant height, early flowering, increased flower number, increased flower weight, reduced fresh weight loss over 24 h, increased leaf P concentration, and increased total dry weight compared to un-inoculated control. The studies indicate mycorrhizal inoculation can enhance commercial flower production of this plant. Glomus intraradices proved to be the most efficient AM fungal bioinoculant and thus have the potential to enhance commercial flower production of this plant.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability to plants is a major constraint in acid soils. A study was conducted to determine the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under varying inorganic P and irrigation regimes on P availability and P-use efficiency in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) in a Himalayan acid Alfisol. The experiment comprised of 14 treatments replicated thrice in a randomized block design. The results revealed that integrated use of AM fungi and inorganic P at either of the two irrigation regimes (IW/CPE0.6 or IW/CPE1.0) enhanced the green pea pod weight, green pod productivity and agronomic efficiency of applied P to the extent of 8.4%, 7.2% and 30.7%, respectively, over non-AMF counterparts as well as “generalized recommended NPK dose and irrigations (GRD).” AMF inoculation also led to enhanced nitrogen (N), P and potassium (K) acquisition (uptake) by 16.3%, 18.2% and 6% over non-AMF counterpart treatments. Further, AMF inoculation at varying P and irrigation regimes sharply enhanced the rooting depth (21.4%), root volume (23.5%), root dry weight (14.9%), root weight density (13.7%) as well as N concentration in root nodules (3.4%) over non-AMF counterparts and GRD practice. AMF also enhanced the mycorrhizal root colonization by 3.2 folds at flowering stage in AMF inoculated pea plants. AMF-imbedded treatments did not alter the available soil nutrient status (macronutrients and micronutrients) significantly in comparison to non-AMF counterparts in pea, available P status, however, increased to the extent of 6.5% over initial status. Further, AMF imbedded plots showed a slight build-up in soil organic carbon with nominal decrease in soil bulk density. AMF inoculation in pea also led to fertilizer P economy by about 25% soil-test-based P dose. Overall, AMF holds great potential in enhancing nutrient acquisition especially P besides influencing root morphology in order to harness better crop yields vis-à-vis fertilizer P economy by about 25% soil-test-based P dose in Himalayan acid Alfisol.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)能与多数陆生植物共生,促进植物吸收养分尤其是磷。解磷细菌(Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria,PSB)可以活化土壤中难溶性无机磷和有机磷。本研究采用苯菌灵对田间低磷土壤中土著AM真菌进行灭菌,并接种外源AM真菌(Glomusversiforme,G.v)和PSB(Pseudomonassp.),研究AM真菌和PSB接种对不同生育期玉米生长、磷养分吸收和产量的影响。结果表明,施用苯菌灵能够有效地抑制土著AM真菌对玉米根系的侵染,未施用苯菌灵处理中土著AM真菌促进了玉米前期和收获期的生长,提高了玉米吸磷量;接种Pseudomonas sp.促进了玉米六叶期根系的生长;接种外源AM真菌G.v促进了玉米六叶期和收获期地上部的生长,但降低了玉米产量。双接种Pseudomonas sp.和G.v对玉米生长、吸磷量和产量未表现出显著的协同效应。  相似文献   

The identification of suitable crop varieties that respond best to organic management is the key to achieving better crop yields. A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 at Almora (Indian Himalayas) to evaluate the performance of five varieties of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) and changes in the soil properties under organic and integrated nutrient management (INM) systems. The yield reduction under organic management was 14.4% in 2005–2006 and 10.1% in 2006–2007 compared with INM. Among the garden pea varieties ‘Vivek Matar 9’, ‘Vivek Matar 8’ and ‘Azad pea 1’ produced similar but significantly higher pod yield compared to other varieties. The soil pH, organic carbon, and microbial activities in terms of dehydrogenase and phosphatase (acid and alkaline) were higher in the plots under organic management compared to INM. The latter, however, had higher activity of urease, and N, P, and K contents in soil. We conclude that at least 15–20% price premium for organic garden pea may be required to offset the higher cost of cultivation and low yields under organic production system. Among the garden pea varieties, ‘Azad pea 1’, ‘Vivek Matar 8’ and ‘Vivek Matar 9’ were found suitable for organic cultivation.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and the synergy of indigenous AMF and sheep manure (SM) on cotton growth and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. AMF were a mixture of Glomus viscosum, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus intraradices initially isolated from a Syrian cotton field. Dry biomass was enhanced significantly by AMF and was higher at AMF plus SM treatment compared to control. Cotton plants showed a significant dependency to indigenous AMF, which was 52% in the AMF treatment. Plant concentrations of nitrogen (N)and phosphorus (P) were significantly higher in mycorrhizal than nonmycorrhizal plants. Maximum plant N and P uptake was found in the treatment of AMF inoculation with SM, which was significantly higher by 202% and 397% over control, respectively. Indigenous AMF was successful in colonizing cotton roots and when combined with SM resulted in better plant growth and N and P uptake.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of a root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus coffeae, two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Acaulospora mellea and Glomus clarum, and timing of inoculation on the growth and nutrition of a nematode-susceptible Arabica coffee cultivar. The late AM inoculation (added simultaneously with nematodes) did not enhance coffee tolerance to P. coffeae. In the presence of P. coffeae, late-mycorrhizal plants were P deficient during the entire experiment and their foliar P concentration remained as low as that of non-mycorrhizal plants. After 7.5 months, nematodes decreased AM colonization of late-mycorrhizal plants by half and their biomass was only 20–30% that of the controls. In contrast, early AM inoculation (4 months before nematode inoculation) with either AM species improved the tolerance of coffee to P. coffeae. Root colonization by AM was not significantly reduced by P. coffeae. Despite higher densities of nematodes, root lesions were less numerous and more localized in early AM inoculated plants than in those of non-mycorrhizal plants. In the presence of P. coffeae, early AM-inoculated plants remained P sufficient and their biomass was still 75–80% that of their nematode-free controls. This study shows that in soils with low P levels, enhanced tolerance to P. coffeae seems limited to mycorrhizal coffee plants with well established AM symbiosis and improved P status. Received: 11 March 1997  相似文献   

 The interaction of plant nutrients, root-soluble carbohydrate availability and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was examined in field grown cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]. Plant nutrients were altered through application of farmyard (cow dung, sheep manure) and green (sunnhemp, pongamia) manures. Organic amendments increased plant growth, AM fungal colonization, soluble carbohydrate concentration in roots, and spore numbers. Percent total colonization, root length with vesicles and spore numbers in soil were negatively correlated with the concentration of soluble carbohydrates within roots, which in turn were related to tissue nutrient levels. However, a positive correlation existed between soluble carbohydrate concentrations within root and root length with arbuscules. But the mycorrhizal parameters were related more to plant nutrient level and their ratios, indicating that tissue nutrients have another level of control in addition to their effect on soluble carbohydrate concentration in roots. Increased AM colonization due to organic amendment significantly reduced nutrient imbalances. The strong relationship between colonization and root-soluble carbohydrate concentration levels validates the basic assumption that mycorrhizal fungi act as a 'strong sink' for photosynthates. This study indicates that the host influences AM colonization by regulating the formation of AM fungal structures and spore formation via availability of root carbohydrates. Received: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

Drought stress greatly affects the growth and development of plants in coal mine spoils located in the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can increase plant tolerance to drought. However, little is known regarding the contribution of AMF to plants that are grown in different types of coal mine spoils under drought stress. To evaluate the mycorrhizal effects on the drought tolerance of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in weathered (S1) and spontaneously combusted (S2) coal mine spoils, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of inoculation with Rhizophagus intraradices on the growth, nutrient uptake, carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) stoichiometry and water status of maize under well-watered, moderate and severe drought stress conditions. The results indicated that drought stress increased mycorrhizal colonization and decreased plant dry weights, nutrient contents, leaf moisture percentage of fresh weight (LMP), water use efficiency (WUE) and rehydration rate. A high level of AMF colonization ranging from 65 to 90% was observed, and the mean root colonization rates in S1 were lower than those in S2. In both substrates, inoculation with R. intraradices significantly improved the plant growth, P contents, LMP and WUE and decreased the C:P and N:P ratios of plants under drought stress. In addition, maize grown in S1 and S2 exhibited different wilting properties in response to AMF inoculation, and plant rehydration after drought stress occurred faster in mycorrhizal plants. The results suggested that inoculation with R. intraradices played a more positive role in improving the drought stress resistance of plants grown in S2 than those grown in S1. AMF inoculation has a beneficial effect on plant tolerance to drought and effectively facilitates the development of plants in different coal mine spoils.  相似文献   

Responses of three multipurpose fruit tree species, Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth, Tamarindus indica L. and Zizyphus mauritiana Lam., to inoculation with five species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Acaulospora spinosa Walker and Trappe, Glomus mosseae (Nicol. and Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith, Glomus aggregatum Schenck and Smith emend. Koske and Glomus manihotis Howeler, Sieverding and Schenck, differed markedly with respect to functional compatibility. This was measured as root colonization, mycorrhizal dependence (MD) and phosphorus concentrations in shoots of plants. Root colonization of fruit trees by A. spinosa, G. aggregatum and G. manihotis was high and tree growth increased significantly as a consequence. G. intraradices also colonized well, but provided little growth benefit. G. mosseae colonized poorly and did not stimulate plant growth. The MD of P. biglobosa and T. indica was similar, reaching no more than 36%, while Z. mauritiana showed the highest MD values, reaching a maximum of 78%. The Z. mauritiana A. spinosa combination was the most responsive with respect to total biomass production; phosphorus (P) absorption probably contributed to this more than the absorption of sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium. The density and length of root hairs were positively correlated with MD, suggesting that root hairs are not indicative of MD. Received: 20 January 1997  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted during two consecutive growing seasons (2013 and 2014) to evaluate the effects of inoculations with Rhizobium and Azotobacter on the growth and yield of two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties under saline (5.8 dS m?1) arid condition. The single treatment of either Rhizobium or Azotobacter exhibited to promote the growth of chickpea to some level, however, co-inoculation produced more effects and increased the shoot dry weight (30.3 and 26.4%), root dry weight (17.5 and 26.3%), nodule number (79.1 and 43.8 piece per plant), nitrogen content in roots (9.62 and 10.9%), in shoots (12.6 and 8.3%) and seed protein (7.1 and 4.3%) in both Flip06-102 and Uzbekistan-32 chickpea varieties compared to the control. Our studies showed that the highest yield response of 429 (27.9%) and 538 (23.9%) kg?ha?1 over the control was revealed by the co-inoculation with Rhizobium and Azotobacter inoculants in Flip 06-102 and Uzbekistan-32, respectively. A new introduced Flip 06-102 chickpea variety was more salt tolerant and had higher root nodulation than the local Uzbekistan-32 chickpea variety. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) contents in the shoots and roots were significantly (p?Rhizobium plus Azotobacter could be applied to improve the vegetative growth and yield of chickpea and to alleviate the effects of salt stress.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REE) of mine tailings have caused various ecological and environmental problems. Revegetation is one of the most cost-effective ways to overcome these problems, but it is difficult for plants to survive in polluted tailings. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can provide biotic and abiotic stress tolerance to its host plant and has widely adopted for the revegetation of degraded ecosystems. However, little is known about whether AMF plays role in facilitating the revegetation of REE of mine tailings. The objective was to investigate the uptake of nutrients and REE when plants are inoculated with AMF. A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted on the effects of Glomus mosseae and Glomus versiforme for the growth, nutritional status, and uptake of REE and heavy metals by maize (Zea mays L.) or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) grown in REE of mine tailings. The results indicated that symbiotic associations were successfully established between AMF and the two plant species. G. versiforme was more effective than G. mosseae at promoting plant growth by significantly increasing the uptake of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) and decreasing carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) stoichiometry. The shoot and root dry weights of the two plant species were increased by 211–387% with G. versiforme inoculation. Maize and sorghum exhibited significant differences in the REE concentrations in response to the colonization by AMF. The shoot and root lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), and neodymium (Nd) concentrations of the maize inoculated with G. versiforme were decreased by approximately 70%, whereas those in the roots of sorghum were increased by approximately 70%. G. mosseae only significantly decreased the La, Ce, Pr, and Nd concentrations in the maize shoots. Inoculation with AMF also significantly decreased the concentration of certain heavy metals in the shoots and roots of maize and sorghum. These findings indicate that AMF can alleviate the effects of REE and heavy metal toxicity on plants and enhance the ability of plants to adapt to the composite adversity of REE in mine tailings.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effectiveness of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) at the nursery stage on the growth and nutrient concentration of wetland rice after transplanting, the experiments were conducted under glasshouse conditions using two types of soil, namely (i) sterilized paddy soil (PS) and (ii) sterilized paddy soil diluted with sterilized Andosol subsoil 5 times (DS) under two water regimes, (i) flooded conditions changed to non-flooded conditions 30 d before harvest (F-NF) and (ii) continuous flooding (CF) up to harvest. Treatments consisting of mycorrhizal inoculation (+AMF) and non-inoculation ( — AMF) were applied only at the nursery stage when the seedlings were produced under dry nursery (60% moisture of maximum water holding capacity) conditions.

Seedlings grown in PS showed a significantly higher biomass yield and nutrient concentrations than in DS. At 90 and 105 d after transplanting, the mycorrhizal plants showed a higher biomass than non-mycorrhizal plants in PS whereas there were no differences in DS except for roots. Mycorrhizal colonization at the transplanting stage was higher in DS than in PS. However, after transplanting opposite results were obtained, the level in PS being relatively higher than in DS. Grain yield and P concentration of unhulled grain and shoots in PS were higher in the +AMF treatments than in the -AMF treatments under both water regimes. Contents of micronutrients (Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn) were higher in the +AMF plants than in the -AMF ones at all growth stages up to maturation irrespective of soil fertility and water regimes. These results suggest that AMF inoculation at the nursery-stage was beneficial for wetland rice after transplanting to flooded conditions in terms of growth promotion and increase of nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌对玉米和续断菊间作镉吸收和累积的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢鑫  胡文友  黄标  李元  祖艳群  湛方栋  邝荣禧  何跃 《土壤》2017,49(1):111-117
通过盆栽试验,利用分室隔网培养方法,模拟研究接种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)对玉米-续断菊(Sonchus asper L.Hill)间作体系Cd吸收和累积的影响。结果表明:1无论Cd添加到A室还是B室,玉米的侵染率都要比续断菊高出6.3%~38.35%。接种AMF之后,都不同程度地提高了玉米和续断菊的生物量,但对玉米和续断菊吸收Cd的影响有所不同。2Cd添加到A或者B室,AMF均会促进该侧植物对Cd的吸收,降低另一侧植物对Cd的吸收。3接种AMF后,续断菊对Cd的转运系数降低,玉米对Cd的转运系数有的升高有的降低。总之,AMF改变了间作条件下玉米和续断菊对Cd的吸收,菌丝在两者之间可能起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of Spent Mushroom Compost (SMC) as an organic fertilizer on German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) nutrient, growth, yield, essential oil and osmolytes a greenhouse experiment was conducted through a randomized complete design in six replications. A mixture of sandy loam soil with 5, 10 and 15% volume rates of spent mushroom compost was used as the partial substrate for German chamomile pot culture. Finding of results revealed that usage of SMC in the growing media increased significantly plant growth, flower yield, essential macro nutrient uptake, sodium concentration, proline and soluble sugars content as well as essential oil percentages in compared to control. Comparison between the treatments indicated that addition of 10% SMC to the plant soil substrate cause to higher growth and addition of higher rates of SMC (10% and 15%) led to better yield. The obtained results showed that absorption of K and Na enhanced significantly by increasing of SMC percentage in growing media but there was no significant difference in N and P uptake in SMC treatments. The results of GC and GC-MS analysis presented that the main compositions of essential oil extracted from German chamomile flowers accounted for 83.99–99.84% of total essential oil in SMC treatments. Regarding important role of SMC on the essential oil yield, we can consider SMC could be a suitable substitute for chemical fertilizers as environmentally friendly material in cultivation medicinal plant German chamomile.  相似文献   

A field experiment conducted at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India showed that oats (Avena sativa L.) responded (grain yield increase) to zinc (Zn) fertilizer and coating of oat seeds with Zn sulfate or Zn oxide is the best practice. Zinc fertilizer applied to soil, deep placement (5 cm below the seed placement) was superior for growth and yield than soil surface (broadcast) application. Delaying Zn application to 25 days after sowing (first irrigation) was inferior to Zn application at sowing. Partial factor productivity (PFP) of applied Zn varied from 700–2,024 kg grain kg Zn?1, agronomic efficiency (AE) varied from 62–428 kg grain increase kg?1 Zn (applied) and physiological efficiency (PE) of Zn varied from 1,822–3,221 kg grain kg?1 Zn (absorbed). The crop recovery efficiency (CRE) varied from 3.1–17.7%. Thus, adequate Zn fertilizer of oats can lead to higher grain yield and higher Zn concentration in grain (improved quality for human nutrition) under Zn deficient soil.  相似文献   

Drought severely affects yield and its quality in different plants. In a field experiment, maize was exposed to drought stress at vegetative, silking, and kernel-filling growth stages to determine the drought-induced changes in kernel yield and quality traits. The experiment was laid-out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Withholding water at the vegetative stage was very effective in increasing protein, total amino acids, total soluble sugars, glucose, and sucrose contents in maize kernels. In contrast, drought applied at the kernel-filling stage increased the total free amino acids, total phenolics, and activities of catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in maize kernels. Drought at the vegetative stage improved the kernel quality while at the silking stage severely affected kernel yield in maize. Taken together, the results suggested that incidence of drought should be avoided at the silking stage to minimize kernel yield losses and decrease in kernel quality in maize.  相似文献   

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