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Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - This paper presents a study of Pb contamination of soil at a clay target shooting facility in Canterbury, New Zealand. The spatial distribution of Pb...  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is both a macronutrient for plants and an effective amendment to reduce lead (Pb) toxicity in soil. Thus, in Pb-polluted soil with low P availability, P will act as a nutrient as well as a Pb-immobilizing agent. However, this has not been fully investigated. A soil with 2.50 mg kg?1 Olsen P was spiked with soluble Pb and then amended with superphosphate to examine the effect of P on soil Pb availability and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Aubisque) growth. It was found that P/Pb = 2 increased ryegrass yield by 804% and decreased root Pb concentration and soil diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Pb concentration by 25.6% and 1.0%, respectively. As P amendment increased to P/Pb = 4, both plant yield and root Pb concentration declined compared with P/Pb = 2. Results of the sequential extraction indicated that the proportion of carbonate phase Pb decreased, while that of the manganese oxide phase increased as P was added. The proportion of residual Pb was little affected by the amendment. The results suggest that in soils with low P availability and high Pb availability, availability of soil Pb and root concentration of Pb are less affected, whereas the toxicity of Pb is greatly depressed by the P amendment; P/Pb = 2 is high enough to alleviate the stresses of low P availability.  相似文献   

Liming or adding organic matter may improve productivity of soils receiving phosphorus (P) fertilizers. This study assessed the effectiveness of amendment of acidic soil with limestone and organic matter on growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), corn (Zea mays L.), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with different P fertilizers. These crops were grown in a greenhouse to evaluate superphosphate, bone meal, and rock phosphate as fertilizers and calcitic limestone and peat moss as amendments. Superphosphate was the superior P source to sustain crop growth, limit deficiency symptoms, and enhance P accumulation. Bone meal was less effective than superphosphate but exceeded rock phosphate in these capacities. Rock phosphate was better than adding no P fertilizer. The amendments of limestone or organic matter singly or together had little effect on growth, appearance, or P accumulation. The availability of P in the fertilizers governed the growth responses of the plants.  相似文献   

Chemical fractionation patterns and plant tissue concentrations were used to assess nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, and lead phytoavailability to maize in a soil amended with metal salts or poultry manure. A sandy loam was treated with 80–400 mg kg?1 doses of a quinternary mixture of the metal nitrates either directly or as spiked poultry manure. The European Communities Bureau of Reference sequential extraction procedure partitioned the metals among three operationally defined pools in the soil. Metal mobilities were lower in the poultry manure–amended than the metal salt–treated soil, indicating the manure's ability to fix the metals in soil. Pot experiments revealed high metal transferabilities with no apparent phytotoxic symptoms in maize at the doses applied, suggesting some degree of tolerance to the metals. Heavy-metal concentrations in maize increased linearly with metal doses in metal salt–treated soil, but were less phytoavailable in soil amended with poultry manure. Heavy-metal concentrations in maize were reasonably predicted from soil parameters using stepwise multivariate regression models. The findings are useful in the assessment and remediation of heavy metal–contaminated soils.  相似文献   


Accurate measurement and characterization of phosphate rock dissolution are important for a better understanding of phosphorus (P) availability in soils. An incubation study was carried out on two New Zealand topsoils (0–15 cm; high P buffering capacity Craigieburn and low P buffering capacity Templeton) amended with North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR) and water‐soluble phosphate (WSP) at 218 mg P kg?1 (equivalent to 60 kg P ha?1). Isotopic exchange kinetics was carried out after 12 h and 28 days of incubation to characterize P availability. This study showed that sensitivity of capacity factors (r1/R, n) to explain changes in E1min values was affected by the P buffering capacity of the soils. The recovery of applied P in the E pool (RecinE%) with extended incubation time was similar from the NCPR and WSP treatments (3.1–3.3%) in the Craigieburn soil compared with the Templeton soil in which RecinE% values were greater in WSP (9%) than NCPR (1.3%) treatment. The higher values of P derived from the applied P fertilizers in the E pool (PdffinE%>80%) suggested that the NCPR application in both soils would be efficient for increasing P availability to plants.  相似文献   

Understanding differences in the phytoavailability of various phosphorus (P) sources should improve matching P additions to plant needs and minimize excessive buildup of bioavailable P, which can degrade aquatic systems. We evaluated relative P phytoavailability (RPP) of different P sources in glasshouse and field studies. Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluggae), ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), and a second bahiagrass crop were grown in succession in a P‐deficient soil amended with four sources of P (triple superphosphate (TSP), Boca Raton and Pompano; biosolids, and poultry manure), each applied at two rates in the glasshouse study and to an established bahiagrass pasture in the field. The RPP values estimated from plant P uptake of each organic source of P relative to TSP in the glasshouse were similar for the three croppings and similar to the estimates derived from the field study, but varied for the different P sources. Values ranged from 30% for poultry manure to 85% for Boca Raton biosolids. Boca Raton biosolid P was as readily available as P in TSP and would be classified as a high RPP (>75% RPP) source, but Pompano biosolids and manure would be classified as moderate RPP materials (25–75% RPP). The RPP values observed in manure and Pompano biosolid treatments are consistent with 50% “effectiveness” suggested for biosolid P in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidelines, whereas P bioavailability of Boca Raton biosolids is similar to mineral fertilizer.  相似文献   

通过温室土培盆栽试验,研究了重金属镉污染土壤上连作油菜及施用堆肥对土壤中镉赋存形态及生物有效性的影响。结果表明:(1)在油菜连作体系下,施用堆肥显著降低油菜地上部镉含量。施用堆肥改变了土壤镉赋存形态,显著降低土壤易溶态和碳酸盐结合态镉含量而增加土壤铁锰氧化物结合态镉含量,从而降低土壤镉的生物有效性。(2)在相同堆肥处理下,种植两茬油菜后的土壤易溶态和碳酸盐结合态镉含量与不种植油菜的处理相比显著降低;而土壤硫化物及有机结合态镉含量较对照有所上升,种植油菜对土壤铁锰氧化物结合态镉和残渣态含量影响不显著,但是不同积累镉能力油菜朱苍花籽和川油Ⅱ-93之间对土壤镉形态的影响差异不显著。  相似文献   

铅污染土壤的植物修复治理技术   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
铅锌矿的大量开采不可避免地导致了矿区土壤受到严重的铅污染。本文综述了铅对土壤的危害、对植物的毒害作用,铅超富集植物的筛选、影响超富集植物富集铅的因素和超富集植物吸收和积累铅的机制等方面的研究进展,并指出了目前尚未解决的问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Huang  B.  Kuo  S.  Bembenek  R. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2003,147(1-4):109-127
Some phosphorus and trace element fertilizers may contain elevatedamounts of toxic metals such as cadmium (Cd) and repeated uses of the fertilizers at high rates over time may increase Cd uptake by plants. This greenhouse study investigated the availability to leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (Royal Green) of Cd in a western phosphate rock (PR), and a zinc (G-Zn) and an iron (IR) fertilizers that are by products of industrial wastes. The water-soluble CdCl2 was included in the study for comparison. Applications of Cd from the fertilizers orCdCl2 up to 16 times the Canadian Standards for maximum annual Cd loading limit increased soil total Cd. This was true also for the labileCd extractable by DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) or 0.05 M CaCl2 for all Cd sources except IR. Lime and Cd source and rate allaffected Cd availability in the soil and accumulation by the plant. Theadded Cd from CdCl2 was more labile and readily available to the plant than the added Cd from the PR or G-Zn. Lettuce-Cd was best describedby CaCl2-Cd (r2 = 0.782), followed by DTPA-Cd (r2 = 0.686), with soil total Cd being least effective in predicting lettuce-Cd (r2 = 0.186). If soil total Cd has to be used in describing Cd accumulation bythe plant, it should be included with pH in a stepwise multiple regression. The Cd transfer coefficient for the fertilizers should be measured based on labile Cd extractable by CaCl2 or DPTA, instead of soil total Cd. The labile-based Cd transfer coefficient could improve the assessment ofthe risk of human exposure to the metal in the fertilizers through consumption of the food crop.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of microbial inoculants in a loess soil amended with various phosphorus (P) sources on pea growth and P uptake (PU). Treatments included factorial combinations of three treatments (noninoculation, NI; bacteria, BA; and fungi, FU) and three P sources (no P, NP; calcium superphosphate, SP; and rock phosphate, RP). Compared with NI, soils inoculated with BA and FU and receiving NP and SP increased pea shoot and total biomass, with greater increases with BA than with FU. Both BA and FU stimulated root growth, regardless of P addition. Compared to NI, PU with BA increased by 26, 59, and 83% in soils amended with RP, SP, and NP, respectively, whereas with FU it increased by 25% with SP and 48% with NP, with no effects with RP. The results indicate that BA can increase bioavailability of soil P, whereas FU may promote plant utilization of bioavailable P existing in soil.  相似文献   

紫色土减磷配施有机肥的磷肥效应与磷素动态变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索长江上游稻油轮作系统减少农田磷素流失和有效提高磷肥利用率的最佳施肥模式,降低磷对水体富营养化的影响,采用长期田间定点试验并结合室内试验分析,研究了化肥配施猪粪和水稻秸秆还田对紫色土磷肥效应及磷素迁移的影响。结果表明:在常规作物施肥基础上配合施用有机肥,适当减少化学磷肥施用量,对作物产量没有显著的减产效应,且能在一定程度上减少农田磷素损失,提高磷肥利用率。水稻磷肥利用率总体表现为常规施磷量减20%+猪粪有机肥(MDP)常规施磷量减20%+秸秆还田(SDP)常规施肥+猪粪有机肥(MP)常规施肥+秸秆还田(SP)≈优化施肥(P),各处理利用率在20%~25%之间。油菜磷肥利用率总体表现为SDPMDPMPSPP,各处理利用率在17%~29%之间。在水稻生长前一个月内,田面水总磷含量随着施磷水平的增加而增加,其中常规施肥(P)比不施磷肥(P0)处理总磷含量高4倍左右。各处理中磷含量大小表现为PMPSPMDPSDPP0,配施有机肥可以提高稻田土壤对磷的吸附,降低前期土壤磷向水体中释放,配施秸秆比配施猪粪对减少土壤磷素流失效果更好,磷肥施用后的7~10天内是控制稻田磷素流失的关键时期。油菜蕾苔期的土壤有效磷含量较苗期明显降低,但在油菜开花期和收获后期,土壤有效磷含量明显上升,油菜生长花期以后是土壤有效磷淋失的主要时期。有机无机肥配施可以显著提高土壤有效磷含量。化学磷肥减量并配施有机肥是应对农业面源污染"控源节流"的较好措施。  相似文献   

Assessment of zinc (Zn) phytoavailability by the newly developed technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) has started gaining more importance because of some advantages over routine soil extractants. A greenhouse study was conducted to determine Zn phytotoxicity thresholds and the phytoavailability of Zn to sorghum sudan (Sorghum vulgare var. sudanese) grass by DGT, compared with calcium chloride (CaCl2) extraction. Treatments were five Zn levels and two soil pH (6.5 and 6). To obtain various amounts of Zn phytoavailability, soils having two different pH values were amended with zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) at rates of 0, 150, 300, 600, and 1200 mg Zn kg?1. Control soil (pH = 6.5) was treated with predetermined elemental sulfur to create different soil pH values (6). Shoot and root Zn concentrations ranged from 27 to 827 mg kg?1 and 101 to 2858 mg kg?1, respectively. In general, the Zn concentrations in shoots and roots were increased by increasing Zn concentrations and soil pH. Increasing applied Zn to soil decreased the plant biomass yield and increased adsorption of Zn by DGT. Calcium (Ca) to Zn ratios for all treatments except controls were <26 for shoots and <13 for roots. The CaCl2‐extractable Zn and effective concentration (CE) correlated well with plant Zn concentration. A critical shoot Zn concentration for 90% of the control yield was chosen as an indicator of Zn toxicity. The performance of DGT, CaCl2 extraction, Ca/Zn ratio and plant Zn concentrations were similar for assessing Zn phytoavailability.  相似文献   

城市污泥改良沙地土壤过程中氮磷的淋溶特征与风险分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对城市污泥组成成分的特点,以科尔沁沙地土壤为研究对象,分析其应用于沙地土壤改良的可行性及对地下水的潜在风险.室内土柱淋溶模拟试验研究结果表明,不同的污泥施入量可明显增加沙化土壤表层中氮磷养分含量,提高沙化土壤质量,同时污泥施用量对淋出液中氮磷养分含量存在显著影响,且氮素的淋溶风险大于磷素.当污泥施用量为30 t/hm2时,淋出液中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)含量与不施用污泥的对照处理间未存在显著差异,且随淋洗次数的增加,TN含量呈现先下降后趋于稳定的变化趋势,TP含量呈现逐渐下降,而硝态氮(NO3--N)含量较不施用污泥的对照处理增加11%~33%,但与其差异不显著(P>0.05).当污泥施用量为60,90 t/hm2时,淋洗液中TN和TP含量显著增加(P<0.01),随淋洗次数的增加,TN和NO3--N含量呈现先上升后趋于稳定的变化趋势,而NO3--N含量在第3次淋洗后均超出地表水环境质量标准中Ⅲ类水质标准限值(20 mg/L),对地下水体污染风险增加.合理控制污泥施用量不仅可以实现城市污泥的资源化利用,同时也可控制其对地下水的影响.  相似文献   

In this work, photocatalytic degradation of two reactive dyes, Reactive Yellow 84 (RY 84) and Reactive Black 5 (RB 5), on FeTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction in the presence of UV–visible radiation and H2O2 has been reported. FeTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction has been prepared from ilmenite FeTiO3 and anatase TiO2 by employing oxalic acid as an organic linker. FeTiO3/TiO2 ratios have been varied from 1 to 5 wt.%, and the materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and diffused reflectance UV–visible spectroscopic analysis. The photocatalytic activity of FeTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction for the degradation of the organic dyes RY 84 and RB 5 in the presence of UV–visible light was found to be higher than that of pure TiO2. The addition of H2O2 increases the rate of degradation of both dyes on FeTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction. It facilitates the fast degradation of dye solutions even when their concentration was above 100 mg/l, which is otherwise very slow due to the low transmittance of light by the dye solution. The extent of mineralisation of the reactive dye during photocatalytic degradation was estimated from chemical oxygen demand analysis. FeTiO3/TiO2 heterojunction photocatalyst was also found to have good photostability; the material retains almost 97 % of its initial activity even in the fifth cycle.  相似文献   

Incinerating turkey manure is a new option in the USA to generate renewable energy and to eliminate environmental problems associated with manure stockpiling. Incineration produces turkey manure ash (TMA) with a nutrient content of 43 g phosphorus (P) kg?1 and 100 g potassium (K) kg?1. We conducted a greenhouse pot study using a low P (6 mg kg?1) and high K (121 mg kg?1) soil/sand mixture with a 7.0 pH to evaluate early growth response of corn (Zea mays L.) to TMA. A control and five rates based on P (5.6, 10.9, 16.5, 21.9, and 27.2 mg kg?1) and respective K contents in TMA were compared with triple-superphosphate and potassium chloride fertilizer. Plant height and stalk thickness at 24 and 31 days after emergence (DAE) were greatest with the fertilizer, but no differences were detected at the final sampling (52 DAE). Regardless of nutrient source, plant biomass increased with P rate. Because of faster initial plant development, corn dry matter 52 DAE was 15 to 20% greater with fertilizer than with TMA. Corn tissue P concentration was greater with TMA than with fertilizer, but P uptake was similar. Tissue micronutrient concentrations were greatest for the control. Bray 1 P appeared to extract excessive amounts of P in TMA-amended soil, whereas soil P levels with the Olsen extractant provided an estimate of plant-available P that was consistent with plant response. Based on this first approximation, we conclude that TMA is a potential source of P for field crops. Field studies are required to determine recommended application rates.  相似文献   

Increase in phosphorus (P) availability with fertilizer addition is influenced by soil properties such as P sorption capacity. We investigated P availability changes and response of maize (Zea mays L) to four P fertilizers rates (0, 20, 30 and 40 kg ha?1) in a two-site field experiment, having soils of contrastingly different available P (2.9 and 22.1 mg kg?1) and P sorption capacities (171.9 and 54.2 mg kg?1). Increase in available P was significantly greater in the soil with higher available P but lower P sorption capacity, than in the other; however, yield responses were similar in the two soils. Fertilizer P rates of 30 and 40 kg ha?1 gave significantly greater maize yields than the unfertilized treatment in both soils. Results suggest the need to account for the P sorption capacity when deciding rates of P fertilizers to increase available P in soils.  相似文献   

Effect of different manures and pine needles application on soil biological properties and phosphorus availability was evaluated in sandy loam soils. Fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK); Sesbania aculeata green manure (GM); farm yard manure (FYM); and vermicompost (VC) were applied alone or in combination with pine needles. Microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase activity increased significantly due to manures and NPK. Pine needles reduced the microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity in FYM and VC but increased in NPK and GM. Acid phosphatase activities were found to be significantly increased by pine needles application in NPK, FYM, VC, and GM as compared to without pine needles counterparts. No significant differences were found in soil solution phosphorus in manure treated soil due to pine needle application, but phosphorus uptake was reduced significantly in these treatments. Pine needles application clearly influenced the soil biological properties without any perceptible effect on nutrient release from the manures.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope   Humic acids (HAs) are the most important humified component of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) present in sewage water used for irrigation. It is well known that HAs affect the toxicity and availability of heavy metals (HMs) in soil-plant systems, and may increase the human exposure to HMs in contaminated soil through plant uptake. This study was conducted to assess the effects of HAs on HM availability, plant growth and HM uptake. Materials and Methods: With wheat (Triticum aestivum) as a test plant, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of HAs in irrigation water on the phytoavailability of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in soil. Cd and Pb were added to the soil at concentrations of 1.5 and 150 mg/kg, respectively. Wheat seedlings grown in Cd and Pb-contaminated soil were watered with 4 levels of HA solution (0, 140, 280 and 560 mg/kg of HAs, respectively). Results: In control and Pb treatments, both plant biomass and plant HM concentrations increased with increasing concentrations of HAs in the solution. Plant biomass was markedly decreased when metal concentrations in plants increased, particularly in Cd and Cd/Pb treatments. In the soil, extractable metals, and water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and its fractions significantly increased with increasing HA concentrations. Discussion: The results suggested that the application of HAs in barren soils may improve plant nutrition by mobilizing soil nutrients and providing plants with carbon sources. On the other hand, HAs present in sewage water may increase both the availability and transfer of HMs in the soil-plant continuum and subsequently increase human exposure to HMs in polluted soil. Conclusions. Conclusions: HA solution as irrigation water significantly increased HM availability to plants cultivated in the HM-amended soil and may increase the environmental risk of sewage irrigation. Recommendations and Perspectives: These results suggested that, when assessing the effect of sewage irrigation on soil quality, HAs contained in sewage water should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The Mehlich 1 (M1) soil-test method has been used for soil phosphorus (P) extraction in southern Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare M1, Mehlich 3 (M3), and ionic exchange resin (resin) soil-test methods to evaluate the soil P available for crops and grasses in soils amended with phosphate rock (PR). Oxisol and Alfisol received triple superphosphate (TS) and PR. The M1 solution extracted greater P amounts in soils amended with PR compared with the M3 solution and resin methods. Lesser P amounts were extracted with the M3 solution. Crops yields were better associated with the P amounts extracted with M3 and resin methods in soils amended with PR. The results showed that M1 overestimates soil P availability to plants in soils amended with PR; the M3 solution best estimated the soil P available for crops and grasses in soils amended with PR.  相似文献   

为研究有机肥培肥复垦土壤过程中磷的有效性如何变化、不同有机肥在什么施磷水平下能使作物取得最大生产效率以及合理培肥土壤,依托采煤塌陷定位培肥试验基地(山西省孝义市偏城村),在4个磷水平下(0,25,50,100 kg/hm2)研究不同肥料(鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪和化肥)对玉米产量及土壤速效磷含量的动态变化.经过2年的田间试验,...  相似文献   

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