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Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) norms were computed from the data on leaf mineral composition, soil available nutrients, and corresponding mean fruit yield of three years (1999–2002), collected from the set of 57 irrigated commercial ‘Nagpur’ mandarin (budded on Citrus jambhiri Lush) orchards, representing 26 locations and 3 basalt derived soil orders (Entisols, Inceptisols, and Vertisols) rich in smectite minerals. The DRIS norms derived primarily from spring-cycle index leaves from non-fruiting terminals sampled during August to October (6–8 months old) suggested optimum leaf macronutrient concentration (%) as: 1.70–2.81 nitrogen (N), 0.09–0.15 phosphorus (P), 1.02–2.59 potassium (K), 1.80–3.28 calcium (Ca), and 0.43–0.92 magnesium (Mg). While, optimum level of micronutrients (ppm) was determined as: 74.9–113.4 iron (Fe), 54.8–84.6 manganese (Mn), 9.8–17.6 copper (Cu), and 13.6–29.6 zinc (Zn) in relation to fruit yield of 47.7–117.2 kg tree? 1. Likewise, DRIS indices for soil fertility developed from dripline soil samples collected at 0–20 cm depth corresponding to similar level of fruit yield, the optimum limit of soil available nutrients (mg kg? 1) was observed as: 94.8–154.8 N, 6.6–15.9 P, 146.6–311.9 K, 401.0–601.6 Ca, 85.2–369.6 Mg, 10.9–25.2 Fe, 7.5–23.2 Mn, 2.5–5.1 Cu, and 0.59–1.26 Zn. Primary DRIS indices developed on the basis of leaf and soil analysis revealed deficiency of N, P, K, Fe, and Zn. The nutrient constraints so diagnosed were further verified through fertilizer response studies carried out on a representative Typic Haplustert soil type facing multiple nutrient deficiencies, and accordingly suggested the revised fertilizer schedule.  相似文献   

以4年生桠柑为试验材料,研究根区饲养蚯蚓对椪柑树体营养和根系生长的影响。试验设4个处理,分别是穴施牛粪、穴施牛粪并接种蚯蚓、根系输液和对照。研究结果表明:穴施牛粪并接种蚯蚓很好地诱导了椪柑根系的生长,其诱导的根量比穴施牛粪和对照的分别高出100.62%和126.27%;穴施牛粪并接种蚯蚓处理的椪柑根系吸收和累积的氮、磷、钾元素分别比对照的高出21.13%、35.44%和76.31%;穴施牛粪并接种蚯蚓明显提高植株叶片的氮、磷、钾营养水平和叶绿素含量,在改善植株矿质营养状况方面优于穴施牛粪处理和根系输液处理。根系输液处理能在短时间内明显增加植株叶片营养含量。  相似文献   

Sweet potato productivity in India is either stagnated or lowering down over the past many years. The main reasons for low yield are conventional blanket recommendation of fertilizers, lower nutrient-use efficiency and imbalance in the use of fertilizers. Recommendation of major nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), based on quantitative approaches will augment sweet potato production per unit area by increasing the nutrient-use efficiency. The present study calibrated the Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) model for the estimation of NPK requirements and fertilizers recommendations for different target yields of sweet potato. The QUEFTS basically works on the principle of NPK nutrient interactions and climate-adjusted yield potential of a region. Published data sets from several field experiments related to NPK carried out till date were collected to reflect the environment variability. The results of the present study showed that to produce one ton tuber, 16:6:18 kg N, P, and K, respectively, would be needed with the internal efficiencies of 61:167:57 kg tubers kg?1 NPK removed. The maximum accumulation and dilution (kg tuber kg?1 nutrient removed) of N (40, 80), P (96, 272), and K (30, 85) were also derived as standard parameters in QUEFTS for optimum fertilizer recommendation in tropical and subtropical regions of India. The observed yields of sweet potato with different amounts of nutrients were in agreement with the values predicted by the model. Therefore, it is utmost important to have the results of the study validated in major growing environments of India for fertilizer recommendation in sweet potato.  相似文献   

Because low-phosphorus (P) availability limits citrus growth, rootstocks with a relatively high capacity for P uptake are desirable. An experiment was conducted with trees on Cleopatra mandarin (CM) and Rangpur lime (RL). Treatments consisted of P rates (20, 40, and 80 mg kg?1 of soil) applied in soil layers of 0–0.30 m and/or 0.31–0.60 m, besides an unfertilized control. The P fertilization increased root and shoot growth, and P nutrition was improved as indicated by greater leaf P concentration, P uptake, and P root uptake efficiency (PUE). The P applied in both soil layers improved shoot growth, P uptake, and PUE. Trees on RL took up 23–126% more P and had root systems with greater growth and PUE compared to those on CM. Thus, P uptake by citrus trees in low-P soils can be improved by augmenting the depth of fertilizer application and the use of more adapted rootstocks.  相似文献   

A long-term study was conducted to study the impact of integrated nutrient management on soil quality in post-monsoon sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at Solapur in Maharashtra State in Western India under All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture. The experiment was laid out with ten Integrated Nutrient Management Treatments in a randomized block design with three replications. The results of the study indicated that among all the integrated nutrient management treatments practiced, the application of 25 kg nitrogen (N) ha?1 through crop residue (CR) + 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) showed the highest soil quality index of 2.36, which was at par with other treatments receiving farmyard manure (FYM) and crop residues along with urea. The relative order of performance of the integrated nutrient management treatments in influencing soil quality was: T6: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR) + 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.36) >T5: 25 kg N ha?1 (FYM) (2.31) > T7: 25 kg N ha?1 (FYM) +25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.30) = T8: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR) +25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) (2.30) > T10: 25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) +25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.17) > T4: 25 kg N ha?1 (CR:crop residues) (2.16) > T9: 25 kg N ha?1 (Leucaena loppings) (2.15) > T3: 50 kg N ha?1 (urea) (2.10) > T2: 25 kg N ha?1 (urea) (1.99) > T1: 0 kg N ha?1 (control) (1.77). The results of the study also indicated that average percent contribution of each soil key indicator towards soil quality indices was: pH (3.97%), EC (1.94%), organic carbon (18.6%), available P (2.80%), available K (6.57%), exchangeable Ca (7.02%), available S (3.45%), Available Zn (17.9%), dehydrogenase (DHA) (16.2%), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (18.5%) and mean weight diameter (MWD) (3.14%). Thus, the results of the present study will be highly useful to the land managers in planning effective management of soil quality.  相似文献   


Soil acidity is one of the main limitations for optimal use of land resources for better crop production. And, long-term fertilization experiments found to be helpful in increasing the nutrient supply in these acidic soils. Keeping this in view, a field experiment on rice was carried out by applying biofertilizers and enriched compost in an acidic Inceptisol of Assam over 10 successive years (2006–15) to examine its effects on nutrient availability and soil enzymatic activity. This experiment had five treatments viz. absolute control (T1), 100% recommended doses (RD) of inorganic NPK (T2), 50% RD of inorganic NP + 100% K +biofertilizers (T3), 50% RD of inorganic NP + 100% K +1 tonne enriched compost ha?1 (T4) and 25% RD of inorganic NP + 100% K +2 tonnes enriched compost ha?1 (T5) under randomized block design with four replications. After completing 10 years of experiment, it was observed that integrated use of enriched compost and biofertilizers with reduced doses of inorganic fertilizers enhanced the soil enzymatic activity as well as nutrient availability in rice grown in acidic clay loam soils of Assam. Application of biofertilizers and enriched compost had positive impact on plant accessible nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil as compared to inorganic fertilizers. Also soil organic matter content increased considerably by these treatment. Integrated nutrient management practice in rice had also significantly enhanced the dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate and phospho-monoesterase activity in soil.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutrient utilization ability of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) budded on five rootstocks (viz., Sathgudi, Rangpur lime, Cleopatra mandarin, Troyer citrange, and Trifoliate orange) in Alfisols at the experimental farm of the Citrus Improvement Project, S. V. Agricultural College Farm, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. Results of the study revealed that all the five rootstocks showed differential behaviors in terms of nutrient absorption from the soil. Rootstocks exhibited significant variation in the leaf content of potassium (K), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and boron (B) at all the three stages of sampling. Concentrations of the following key nutrient elements significantly varied: phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), and Cu at stage 1; K, Ca, Mg, Zn, iron (Fe), and Mn at stage 2; and nitrogen (N), P, Zn, Fe, and B at stage 3. The performances of rootstocks in terms of relative nutrient accumulation indices (RNAIs) were in the order of Sathgudi (1.00) > Rangpur lime (0.98) > Cleopatra mandarin (0.96) > Trifoliate orange (0.76) > Troyer citrange (0.69). The present study clearly demonstrated that citrus rootstocks employed had differential nutritional behavior and different abilities to utilize plant nutrient elements. Thus, the findings of the present study and the methodology adopted can help the horticultural breeders and nutritionists choose the best rootstock/scion combination having the desirable traits of nutrient utilization ability and also to plan effective fertilizer schedule programs for achieving greater yields.  相似文献   

合成氮肥对中国茶园土壤养分供应和活性氮流失的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶树是我国广泛种植的一种高需氮经济植物。目前,尽管茶园生态系统中已开展了一些模拟氮肥施用的实验,但对于合成氮肥如何影响茶园土壤性质、养分供应及活性氮的流失仍缺乏全面的评估和量化。对2004—2016年间发表的相关研究数据进行整合分析,结果显示,施用合成氮肥导致我国茶园土壤p H平均降低0.20,使土壤总无机氮升高172%,对土壤有机碳、有效磷和钾离子浓度无影响。合成氮肥使土壤钙、镁离子浓度分别降低了23%和37%,铝离子浓度上升了近54%。同时,使土壤N_2O排放和无机氮淋溶分别增加292%和127%。总体上,大量施用合成氮肥加剧了我国茶园土壤酸化和养分元素的流失,增加了活性氮的流失,威胁着我国茶园生态环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

不同集约经营年限对雷竹林土壤磷形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究不同集约经营年限下雷竹林土壤的磷形态特征,采集分别经营3,9,15年的雷竹林上层(0—20cm)和下层(20—40cm)土壤样品,测定土壤pH、有机碳、全磷(TP)、Olsen P、Mehlich-3P等理化性质,并采用改进的Hedley分级法分析土壤中不同形态磷的含量。结果表明:在集约经营9,15年后,上层土壤pH低于雷竹正常生长范围,且有酸化深层化现象;土壤有机碳主要在上层土壤中积累,经营15年为各处理中最高,较3年提高了183%。上、下层土壤TP、Olsen P、Mehlich-3P、活性磷(H2O-P+NaHCO3-Pi+NaHCO3-Po)和中稳性磷(NaOH-Pi+NaOH-Po)含量均随经营时间逐渐增加。与3年相比,集约经营15年后活性磷和中稳性磷占总磷百分比在上层土壤中提高了63%和83%,在下层土壤中提高了88%和128%;而上、下层土壤难溶性磷(HCl-P+Res-P)所占百分比则分别从58%和66%降低至26%和29%,难溶性磷的含量基本不变。由此可见,持续、大量施用磷肥提高了雷竹林土壤中活性磷和中稳性磷比例。此外,Mehlich-3P-H2O-P拟合方程推测上、下层土壤均有可能已发生磷酸盐流失。因此,雷竹林集约经营过程中应注意合理施肥,以免造成磷流失。  相似文献   

基于地类分层的土壤有机质光谱反演校正样本集的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以江汉平原滨湖地区不同土地利用类型的土壤样本为例,比较了基于目标土壤理化性质的浓度梯度法、扩展的基于多种理化性质的综合法(P-KS)、基于光谱信息的KS法、最邻近样本去除法(reduce nearest neighbor samples,RNNS)法和基于浓度分层并结合光谱信息的C-KS、C-RNNS法,基于地类分层再结合上述方法,构建具有不同层次土壤信息代表性的校正集,采用偏最小二乘回归法,建立土壤有机质可见光/近红外光谱反演模型。结果表明,具有单一代表性的浓度梯度法、KS法、RNNS法难以建立适用模型;具有光谱与理化性质二元代表性的C-KS方法模型预测精度得到了明显的提升,相对分析误差(ratio of performance to standard deviation,RPD)为1.66;考虑土地利用类型后,浓度梯度法、RNNS法与C-KS法模型预测精度有明显的提升,RPD分别达到了1.84、1.51、1.75,模型具有良好的适用性。说明具有多层次土壤信息代表性的校正集构建方法对提高土壤有机质可见光/近红外光谱反演模型的适用性具有较好作用。  相似文献   

为探究集约经营过程中反硝化细菌丰度的变化情况,采用实时荧光定量PCR(real-time PCR)方法,对集约经营0(CK)、10、15、20、25 a毛竹林表层(0~20 cm)和亚表层(20~40 cm)三种反硝化细菌nirK、nirS、nosZ丰度进行分析。结果表明:毛竹林土壤反硝化细菌基因丰度(1.45×106~3.03×108 copies·g-1干土)高于其他生态系统。随着集约经营时间的增加,两层土壤的三种功能基因丰度在集约经营10年时表现增加或不变的一致规律。除表层土壤nirS基因外,三种功能基因在集约经营过程的某一阶段(15或20 a)出现不同程度的下降;但集约经营持续25 a时,除表层土壤nosZ基因丰度仍低于对照外,其他基因丰度均恢复甚至超过对照水平,说明土壤反硝化细菌表现出对集约经营干扰的抵抗和恢复反应。表层nirS和nosZ土壤基因丰度显著高于亚表层土壤,但nirK基因丰度出现相反现象。土壤性质与基因丰度的相关性分析和冗余分析表明,集约经营措施对土壤反硝化细菌影响明显,主要通过土壤氮和有机碳变化综...  相似文献   

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