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There is a need to improve the way in which crop residues and industrial organic wastes are managed and also to study their potential use in agriculture for improving soil fertility and biological activity. This study evaluated the effects of integrated use of organic (sewage sludge (SS) and rice straw compost (RSC)) and inorganic fertilizers on crop yield, soil enzymes activity, macro- and micro-nutrients availability under rice–wheat cropping system after three consecutive years of cropping in a subtropical semi-arid area. Different combinations of inorganic nitrogen and two doses of organic sources (SS and RSC) were applied to the soil. The results revealed that substitution with 50% N through RSC significantly increased the yield and biochemical properties as compared to inorganic fertilizers (NPK) alone. Micronutrients availability was found increased in treatment having substitution of 50% N through SS @10 t ha?1. All the enzymatic activities viz. dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate (FDA), phosphatase, phytase, and urease) were found to be maximum by substitution of 50% N through RSC. Also, a significant positive correlation was found between soil enzymes (dehydrogenase and FDA) and organic carbon as well as crop yield. Thus, the study demonstrated that substitution of 50% inorganic nitrogen through organic sources will be a better alternative for improving soil quality and productivity.  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of magnesium chloride–induced salinity on carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution and nitrogen (N) mineralization in a silty loam nonsaline alkaline soil. Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) salinity was induced at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 30, and 40.0 dS m?1 and measured CO2 evolution and N mineralization during 30 days of incubation. Both CO2 evolution and N mineralization decreased significantly with increasing salinity. The cumulative CO2 evolution decreased from 235 mg kg?1 soil at electrical conductivity (EC) 0.65 dS m?1 to 11.9 mg kg?1 soil at 40 dS m?1 during 30 days of incubation. Similarly, N mineralization decreased from 185.4 mg kg?1 at EC 0.65 dS m?1 to 34.45 mg kg?1 at EC 40.0 dS m?1 during the same period. These results suggested that increasing magnesium chloride salinity from 4 dS m?1 adversely affect microbial activity in terms of carbon dioxide evolution and N mineralization.  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to study the influence of three planting methods (Happy Seeder, Straw Chopper + Zero Tillage, and Conventional tillage) and four nitrogen rates (control, 75, 100, and 125% of recommended nitrogen) on the chemical and biological properties of soil. The results revealed that after soybean harvest, dehydrogenase activity and population of Bradyrhizobium sp. (LSBR 3) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were increased significantly in Happy Seeder sowing and Straw Chopper + Zero Tillage sowing than conventional sowing and population of Bradyrhizobium sp. significantly increased up to the 100% nitrogen level. There was no significant effect of different planting methods on soil chemical properties. Organic carbon and available nitrogen were increased significantly with an increase in the nitrogen level up to 100% nitrogen (N).  相似文献   


Influence of long‐term sodic‐water (SW) irrigation with or without gypsum and organic amendments [green manure (GM), farmyard manure (FYM), and rice straw (RS)] on soil properties and nitrogen (N) mineralization kinetics was studied after 12 years of rice–wheat cropping in a sandy loam soil in northwest India. Long‐term SW irrigation increased soil pH, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and decreased organic carbon (OC) and total N content. On the other hand, application of gypsum and organic amendments resulted in significant improvement in all these soil properties. Mineralization of soil N ranged from 54 to 111 mg N kg?1 soil in different treatments. Irrigation with SW depressed N mineralization. In SW‐irrigated plots, two flushes of N mineralization were observed; the first during 0 to 7 d and the second after 28 d. Amending SW irrigated plots with GM and FYM enhanced mineralization of soil N. Gypsum application along with SW irrigation reduced cumulative N mineralization at 56 days in RS‐amended plots but increased it under GM‐treated, FYM‐treated, or unamended plots. Nitrogen mineralization potential (No) ranged from 62 to 543 mg N kg?1 soil. In the first‐order zero‐order model (FOZO), the easily decomposable fraction ranged from 5.4 to 42 mg N kg?1 soil. Compared to the first‐order single compartment model, the FOZO model could better explain the variations in N mineralization in different treatments. Variations in No were influenced more by changes in pH, SAR, and ESP induced by long‐term SW irrigations and amendments rather than by soil OC.  相似文献   

The status of available macronutrients [phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] and soil organic carbon (SOC) of the surface soil under a rice–wheat cropping system was studied in 40 districts of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India. The soil samples were collected from the farmers' fields in four transects (Trans-, Upper, Middle, and Lower Gangetic Plains) of the IGP. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agro-climatic zone (ACZ) was done on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. The available macronutrients were characterized as low, medium, and high. In Trans-Gangetic Plains, SOC, available P, and available K were in the ranges of 0.06–0.86%, 6.7–85.1 kg ha?1, and 50–347 kg ha?1, respectively. In Upper Gangetic Plains, the respective values were in the ranges of 0.05–2.55%, 4.5–155.0 kg ha?1, and 45 to 560 kg ha?1. Similarly, in Middle Gangetic Plains, these values were in the ranges of 0.04–2.01%, 4.7–183.7 kg ha?1, and 72–554 kg ha?1, respectively. In Lower Gangetic Plains, respective values were 0.12–1.78%, 2.2–112.0 kg ha?1, and 83–553 kg ha?1. In Trans-Gangetic plains, the majority of the soils in the midplains ACZ representing intensively cultivated rice–wheat system area were low to medium in SOC and available P, whereas available K status was medium to high. Irrespective of the agroclimatic variations, more than 90% of the soils were low to medium in SOC and available P with a marginal deficiency of K. The majority of the coarse-textured soils in Shiwaliks were found to have low to medium SOC and available P, whereas less intensively cultivated arid zone soils were high in SOC, available P, and available K. In Upper and Middle Gangetic Plains, the majority of the soils tested medium for SOC and medium to high in available P and K. The dominance of medium status of available P in these soils could be due to mining of soil P by the rice–wheat cropping system practiced in these regions for more than 300 years. In Lower Gangetic Plains, the SOC was medium to high in most of the soils, whereas available P and K were high. Recent introduction of the rice–wheat system on intensive scale in these traditionally rice-growing areas resulted in less mining of SOC, P, and K.  相似文献   

In Indian Punjab, rice–wheat is a dominant cropping system in four agro‐ecosystems, namely undulating subregion (zone 1), Piedmont alluvial plains (zone 2), central alluvial plains (zone 3), and southwestern alluvial plains (zone 4), varying in rainfall and temperature. Static and temporal variabilities in soil physical and chemical properties prevail because of alluvial parent material, management/tillage operations, and duration of rice–wheat rotation. A detailed survey was undertaken to study the long‐term effect of rice–wheat rotation on soil physical (soil separates, bulk density, modulus of rupture, saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivities, soil water content, and suction relations) and chemical (organic carbon, pH, electrical conductivity) properties of different textured soils (sandy clay loam, loam, clay loam, and silty clay loam) in these four zones of Punjab. Soil samples (of 0‐ to 30‐cm depth) from 45 sites were collected during 2006 and were analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The results showed that sand content and pH increased whereas silt and organic carbon decreased significantly from zones 1 to 4. Compared to other textures, significantly greater organic carbon, modulus of rupture, and pH in silty clay loam; greater bulk density in clay loam, and greater saturated hydraulic conductivity in sandy clay loam were observed. Irrespective of zone and soil texture, in the subsurface soil, there was a hard pan at 15–22.5 cm deep, which had high soil bulk density, modulus of rupture, more silt and clay contents (by 3–5%) and less organic carbon and hydraulic conductivity than the surface (0–15 cm) layer. These properties deteriorated with fineness of the soil texture and less organic carbon content. Continuous rice–wheat cropping had a deleterious effect on many soil properties. Many of these soils would benefit from the addition of organic matter, and crop yields may also be affected by the distinct hardpan that exists between 15 and 22.5 cm deep.  相似文献   

Lead arsenate has been used as pesticide. Flooding soils contaminated by lead arsenate could increase plant arsenic and lead and become a human health risk. The objective was to determine the effects of flooding of lead‐arsenate soils on rice grain yield and arsenic and lead accumulation. Bagstown and Chashmont soils with high levels of arsenic and lead were planted with rice in the greenhouse under flooded and nonflooded conditions. Flooding reduced grain yield and increased grain arsenic concentration on both soils. Grain lead decreased with flooding for the Bagstown soil but increased for the Chashmont. Arsenic and lead concentrations in the straw were more than in grain. Grain arsenic and lead levels observed would not be expected to become a human health risk. However, bioavailability studies are needed. The high arsenic and lead in the straw may indirectly become a human health risk because rice straw is used for livestock feed and bedding.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the changes in inorganic and organic forms of nitrogen (N) in a Typic Haplustept soil treated with mustard cake vis-à-vis humic acid in the presence and absence of inorganic N. Results revealed that irrespective of treatments, significantly higher amount of soluble nitrate (NO3-), hydrolysable ammonium (NH4+), non-hydrolysable and total N were accumulated in the soil treated with mustard cake in the presence of inorganic N. However, on the other hand, a humic acid-treated system showed significantly higher content of exchangeable NH4+ and hexosamine N. Application of humic acid alone leads to the accumulation of a significantly higher amount of total hydrolysable and unidentified N in the soil. Among the different treatments, NH4+ fixation was more in mustard cake followed by humic acid-treated soil. Humic acid is more susceptible to mineralization than mustard cake, particularly with respect to total N accumulation in soils.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between a long-term rice–wheat cultivation with fertilizer nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) or added organics [farmyard manure (FYM), paddy straw (PS), green manure (GM)] and a permanent fallow on bulk density (BD), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), available water capacity (AWC), maximum water-holding capacity (MWHC), aggregation, and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics on an Inceptisol of humid subtropics of eastern India. Continuous cropping caused a net decrease in SOC content. Undisturbed fallow was comparable to soils with FYM, PS, and GM amendments in structural and hydrophysical properties. Maximum WHC and AWC values were in the order of FYM followed by PS, GM, fallow, NPK, and control. The relative efficacy of the organics for physical buildup was FYM > PS > GM, which increased structural indices. This study represents further steps toward understanding the ecological importance of fallow management and integrated use of balanced fertilizer and organics.  相似文献   

The research aimed to study the effect of presown application of primary biomethanated spentwash (PBSW) on soil properties, nutrient availability, uptake and yield of soybean–wheat sequence on Inceptisol. The field experiment with randomised block design was initiated during 2007–8 and present observation was recorded during 2009–10 and 2010–11.The five treatments were, recommended dose (RD) of NPK (T1), 100% RD of N through PBSW without (T2) and with P chemical fertilizer (T3), 50 and 25% RD of N through PBSW + remaining N and P through chemical fertilizers (T4,T5), respectively. The results revealed that the soil physical properties and microbial populations were improved in T2 and T3. The lowest soil pH and pHs were observed in T2. The soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon, exchangeable sodium percentage and sodium adsorption ratio of soil extracts and available K were increased with the increase in PBSW as compared to RD-NPK. The soil available N and P were decreased as PBSW increased at all the soil depths. The greatest yields and total N,P,K uptake of soybean and wheat were observed in T5.  相似文献   

Disruption in the nitrogen (N) cycle balance has a negative impact on the overall trend of sustainable development, and using soil amendments is necessary to reduce these hazards. This study was carried out as a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of three levels of amendments (0, 7.5 g/kg of pistachio residues, and 7.5 g/kg of biochar) and four levels of irrigation water salinity including 0.5 (urban water), 5.5, 8, and 10.5 dS/m and in three replications. Two pistachio seedlings were transferred to all columns and then in three steps, and in each step, 25 mg N/kg of potassium nitrate was added. The results indicated that pistachio residuals and its biochar increased nitrate outflow from effluent by 9% and 52%, respectively. The effects of amendment treatment and irrigation water salinity on all three characteristics of output nitrate, soil nitrate, and absorbed plant nitrate were significant at 1% level.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2343-2364

A two‐year study (1997–1999) was conducted on a sandy clay loam (Typic Paleudult) at the experimental farm of the Universiti Putra to determine the effects of application of crop residues on changes of some soil properties in a maize (Zea mays L.)–groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) crop rotation system. Five crops of a rotation of sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn were sown with three treatments: recommended inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] with crop residue (T1), recommended inorganic fertilizer without crop residues (T2) or one‐half of the recommended inorganic fertilizer with crop residues combined with 10 t ha?1 of chicken manure (T3). Soil organic carbon (OC), soil water content and soil bulk density were not significantly changed. Application of crop residues for two years increased cation exchange capacity (CEC) whereas supplementing crop residues with CM had significantly increased soil pH of the topsoil. Phosphorous in manure treatment had moved down the soil profile, which might cause eutriphication of under ground water, particularly during the rainy season. Based on this work, incorporation of crop residues could be a beneficial practice for improving the fertility of acid soils.  相似文献   


An incubation experiment was conducted to ascertain the effects of three olive‐derived organic amendments (fresh, compost, and vermicompost olive cake) on the soluble and diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) and on different enzymatic activities in an artificially contaminated calcareous soil. Application of the compost and vermicompost, which increased amounts of humic acids in soil, initially stimulated dehydrogenase, ß‐glucosidase, and urease activities, which tended to decline afterward. In contrast, dehydrogenase and ß‐glucosidase activities were lower after application of the fresh olive cake. Amounts of soluble Pb and Zn increased when fresh olive cake was added to the soil, due to the high content of water‐soluble carbon in this amendment. On the contrary, application of the compost and vermicompost decreased the concentration of soluble Zn and did not change the soluble Pb levels in the soil. The DTPA‐Pb and DTPA‐Zn were scarcely affected by the application of the three olive‐derived amendments.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 3 years during 2006–2009 in India to study the effects of plant nutrient recycling through crop residue management, green manuring, and fertility levels on yield attributes, crop productivity, nutrient uptake, and biofertility indicators of soil health in a rice–wheat cropping system. The study revealed that soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution were significantly greatest under crop residue incorporation (CRI) + Sesbania green manuring (SGM) treatment and were found at levels of 364 μg g?1 soil and 1.75 μg g?1 soil h?1, respectively; these were increased significantly by recycling of organic residues. Activities of dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzymes increased significantly after 3 years, with maximum activity under CRI + SGM treatment. The CRI with or without SGM significantly influenced the plant height, number of tillers m?2, number of grains panicle?1 or ear?1, and 1000-grain weight. Mean yield data of rice and wheat revealed that CRI or crop residue burning (CRB) resulted in slightly greater yield over crop residue removal (CRR) treatment. The CRI + SGM treatment again observed significantly greatest grain yields of 7.54 and 5.84 t ha?1 and straw yields of 8.42 and 6.36 t ha?1 in rice and wheat, respectively, over other crop residue management treatments. Total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) uptake in rice–wheat system was greatest with amounts of 206.7, 37.2, and 205.6 kg ha?1, respectively, in CRI + SGM treatment. Fertility levels significantly influenced the rice and wheat yield with greatest grain yields of 6.66 and 5.68 t ha?1 and straw yields of 7.94 and 5.89 t ha?1 in rice and wheat, respectively, with the application of 150% of recommended NPK. Total NPK uptake in rice–wheat system also increased significantly with increase in fertility levels with greatest magnitude by supplying 150% of recommended NPK. Overall, nutrient recycling through incorporation of crop residues and Sesbania green manuring along with inorganics greatly improved the crop productivity, nutrient uptake, and biofertility indicators of soil health with substantial influence on SMBC, CO2 evolution, and dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzyme activities. This indicates that crop residue management along with Sesbania green manuring practice could be a better option for nutrient recycling to sustain the crop productivity and soil health in intensive rice–wheat cropping system in India as well as in similar global agroecological situations, especially in China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Vermicompost (VC) produced from distillation waste of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), farmyard manure (FYM) produced from animal excreta mixed with pine needle (Pinus sp.), and biofertilzer (Azotobacter) were utilized for this experiment. The plant growth attributes, biomass, and oil yield of geranium were significantly increased with integrated nutrient supply, and maximum increase was found in T8 treatments (N100P60 K60 + 5t VC). Soil organic carbon (Corg) significantly increased by 4.2% to 81.8% in T4 and T8 treatments, respectively, over the control. Data obtained on total nitrogen (Nt) and available N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) clearly showed that the integrated nutrient supply considerably improved the soil health and sustainability. The soil respiration and microbial biomass C (Cmic) and N (Nmic) were increased by the manures according to the application rate. The Cmic accounted for 1.8 to 2.7% of the soil Corg content and microbial N accounted for 3.9 to 5.8 % of Nt under different treatment combinations.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of directly, residually, and cumulatively applied mixed sludge generated by the soft-drink industry on rice and wheat yields, soil fertility, grain heavy-metal uptake, depthwise distribution of micronutrients and heavy-metals after 3 years of application. Crop (rice/wheat) yield (grain/straw) increased significantly with direct sludge application at 10.0 t ha?1 year?1, either alone or jointly with fertilizers, over the absolute control. Interestingly, the effects of sludge application on crop (rice/wheat) yield either applied directly at 10.0 t ha?1 year?1, residually at 30.0 t ha?1 year?1, and/or cumulatively at 15.0 t ha?1 were nonsignificant. Direct sludge application at 5.0/10.0 t ha?1 year?1 resulted in significant increase in heavy-metal uptake over the absolute control. The micronutrient/heavy-metal contents in surface soil were significantly greater with sludge application than those in subsurface layers. The results thus show that sludge application results in significant improvement in yield and soil fertility.  相似文献   


A field trial was conducted during the short‐day period of 2004–2005 at Ona, Fl., to study the factorial effect of nitrogen (67, 90, and 134 kg N ha?1) and phosphorus (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 kg P ha?1) rates on forage dry‐matter yield, quality, nutrient uptake, and leaf pigment concentration of limpograss (Hemarthria altissima). The N and P fertilizers were applied 45 days before each of two harvests. There was no interaction between N and P rates on any of the measured variables. Cool‐season forage yield increased curvilinearly from 137 to 350 kg ha?1 in winter and 237 to 1389 kg ha?1 in early spring, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased from 145 to 158 g kg?1, as P was increased from 0 to 40 kg ha?1, but yield and CP were not affected by N rate. There was a decreasing linear relationship between leaf concentration of anthocyanins and P rate of application such that forage obtained with 0 kg P ha?1 had 61% more leaf anthocyanins and purple pigmentation than with 40 kg P ha?1. There was no effect of N on anthocyanins content. It was concluded that increased level of leaf anthocyanins was due to the cumulative stress from cool weather and lower plant‐tissue P levels, which resulted in reduced growth and yield of limpograss. In cool weather, P played a critical role in controlling leaf purple pigmentation and forage yield.  相似文献   


A 7‐year‐long field trial was conducted on integrated nutrient management for a dry season rice (Boro)–green manure (GM)–wet season rice (T. Aman) cropping system at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Farm, Gazipur during 1993–1999. Five packages of inorganic fertilizers, cow dung (CD), and GM dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) were evaluated for immediate and residual effect on crop productivity, nutrient uptake, soil‐nutrient balance sheet, and soil‐fertility status. Plant height, active tiller production, and grain and straw yields were significantly increased as a result of the application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure. Usually, the soil‐test‐based (STB) fertilizer doses for a high‐yield goal produced the highest grain yield of 6.39 t ha?1 (average of 7 years) in Boro rice. Application of CD at the rate of 5 t ha?1 (oven‐dry basis) once a year at the time of Boro transplanting supplemented 50% of the fertilizer nutrients other than nitrogen (N) in the subsequent crop of the cropping pattern. A positive effect of GM on the yield of T. Aman rice was observed. Following GM, the application of reduced doses of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn) to the second crop (T. Aman) did not reduce yield, indicating the beneficial residual effect of fertilizer applied to the first crop (Boro rice) of the cropping pattern. The comparable yield of T. Aman was also observed with reduced fertilizer dose in CD‐treated plots. The total P, K, and S uptake (kg/ha/yr) in the unfertilized plot under an irrigated rice system gradually decreased over the years. The partial nutrient balance in the unfertilized plot (T1) was negative for all the nutrients. In the fertilized plots, there was an apparent positive balance of P, S, and Zn but a negative balance of N and K. This study showed that the addition of organic manure (CD, dhaincha) gave more positive balances. In the T4c treatment at 0–15 cm, the application of chemical fertilizers along with the organic manures increased soil organic carbon by (C) 0.71%. The highest concentration of total N was observed with T4c followed by T4d and T4b, where CD was applied in Boro season and dhaincha GM was incorporated in T. Aman season. The sixfold increase in soil‐available P in T4b‐, T4c‐, T4a‐treated plots was due to the addition of CD. Dhaincha GM with the combination of chemical fertilizer helps to mobilize soil‐available P by 3 to 6 ppm. The highest amount of soil‐available S was found in T4c‐ and T4a‐treated plots. It was 2.5 times higher than that of the initial soil. The application of CD and dhaincha GM along with chemical fertilizers not only increased organic C, total N, available P, and available S but also increased exchangeable K, available Zn, available iron (Fe), and available manganese (Mn) in soil.  相似文献   

The long-term crop residue retention coupled with external nutrient inputs are crucial for maintaining soil phosphorus (P) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in Vertisols of Central India. A study was conducted to evaluate the long-term effect of three wheat residue management practices (residue burning, incorporation, and surface retention) in combination with three supplementary nutrient inputs (SNI) [control, fertilizer, and farmyard manure (FYM)] on stratification of P and SOC in the soybean–wheat system in Vertisol. The wheat residue either incorporated or retained on the soil surface increased the availability of P and SOC content as compared to the common practices of residue burning. Residue retention or incorporation increased stratification of P and soil organic carbon over the residue burning. Irrespective of the nutrient treatments, greater stratification ratio of SOC and P were registered under wheat residue incorporation or retention compared to residue burning. It is evident from the study that wheat residue incorporation or retention plus addition of FYM could be an effective strategy for increasing the soil fertility in a soybean–wheat system of Vertisols of Central India.  相似文献   

The effect of fluoride (F) on pH and solubility of organic matter (TOC), aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) in soil samples collected near an aluminium smelter in Norway was studied. Increased addition of F to the soil samples led to an increase in pH and concentrations of TOC, Al and Fe in solution. Most of the F and Al in solution were in the forms of ALFx-complexes. K solubility decreased in some soil samples, but there were no consistent effect on the solubility of Ca or Mg. The effect of NaF addition was significantly different from equimolar NaCl-treatments. The concentrations of Al, Fe, TOC and the pH-values were lower, while the concentrations of K, Mg and Ca were higher in the NaCl-treatments than in the NaF-treatments. The results from the experiment imply that F-pollution of soil induces breakdown of Al- and Fe-oxides/hydroxides and solubilize organic material in the soil. This may influence the availability of potentially toxic elements, such as AIFx-complexes, to microorganisms and plant roots.  相似文献   

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