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Pre-plant fertilizers are used to adjust soil fertility for nutrients such as phosphorus (P) during turfgrass establishment. However, nutrient applications of water-soluble sources in coarse-textured soils are prone to leaching compared to slow-release sources. Poultry litter ash (PLA), a by-product of poultry litter combustion, concentrates macronutrients into less water-soluble forms. The objective of this study was to evaluate PLA with triple superphosphate (TSP), in ratios of P in PLA to that in TSP of 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25; 100:0 as a pre-plant fertilizer incorporated into a 90:10 (v/v) sand and peat mixture seeded with bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) ‘Sahara’. Bermudagrass groundcover, shoot, and root biomass were measured at 6 weeks. Leachate was captured weekly and analyzed for P, K, Ca, and Mg. Bermudagrass groundcover and biomass accumulation were similar across all treatments at 6 weeks after planting (WAP). The benefit of PLA compared to TSP was the reduction in P, K, Ca, and Mg leached during the first two WAP. As the percentage of PLA increased relative to TSP, nutrient leaching decreased, with 100% PLA resulting in the lowest cumulative nutrient masses leached. Application of 100% PLA as a pre-plant fertilizer can limit nutrient leaching in coarse-textured media compared to more water-soluble nutrient sources, particularly TSP, without delaying bermudagrass establishment.  相似文献   

Recently, changes in the utilization practices of animal manures for fertilization have been encouraged to reduce the potential of nonpoint pollution of lakes and streams from agricultural land. However, the potential impact of changing some of these practices has not been fully studied. The objective of this study was to examine the potential impact of limiting poultry litter application times on nutrient movement important to water quality. The WinEPIC model was used to simulate poultry litter applications during the winter months and chemical fertilizer application, with both cool season and warm season grass pastures on the major soil regions of Alabama. With the warm season grass, soluble nitrogen (N) losses could be reduced if the application of poultry litter was made after 30 December. With the cool season grasses, there was no significant difference in application dates for poultry litter for soluble N losses for any soil region, and no improvement could be noted for limiting applications in northern Alabama compared to southern Alabama. No significant difference was observed for soluble phosphorus (P) losses for application date for either warm season or cool season grass pastures. This indicates that factors other than plant P uptake during the growing season were the dominant regulators of the amount of soluble P lost in runoff. Also, the results would indicate that best management practices such as are administered with the P index are more important than plant growth factors in determining N and P losses to the environment.  相似文献   

A major source of runoff phosphorus (P) from agricultural soils is land-applied animal manure. Our work reports P levels in pasture soils in northern Alabama affected by long-term (0–20 years) application of poultry litter (PL). Sequential fractionation revealed different buildup patterns of labile and stable P fractions in these soils. Phosphorus built up in subsurface (20–40 cm and 40–60 cm deep) soils with lower application rates than P accumulated in surface (0–20 cm deep) soils, indicating a greater potential for surface runoff than leaching from these pasture fields. Correlation analysis of the surface soils showed levels of stable P extractable by sodium hydroxide (NaOH) were related to the cumulative amount of PL applied. The level of water-extractable P increased because PL application was significantly related to the number of years the soil receiving PL, not the annual application rate or the cumulative amount of PL applied.  相似文献   


The ability of poultry litter to support plant growth by supplying essential plant nutrients in the absence of other sources of the nutrients has not been studied thoroughly. The objectives of this research were to (1) determine the ability of poultry litter, as the sole nutrient source, to provide macronutrients and support growth of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (2) evaluate the distribution of these nutrients within the different plant parts, and (3) estimate the efficiency with which these nutrients are extracted by cotton. The research was conducted in plastic containers filled with a 2:1 (v/v) sand:vermiculite growing mix under greenhouse conditions. The treatments included broiler litter rates of 0, 30, 60, 90, or 120 g pot?1 with or without supplemental Hoagland's nutrient solution. Broiler litter supplied adequate amounts of the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) and supported normal growth of cotton. Tissue nutrient analysis showed that the concentration of N, P, K, and Mg in the upper mainstem leaves was within published sufficiency ranges for cotton growth. Evaluation of the N distribution indicated that the cotton plant partitions N to reproductive parts when faced with deficiency of this nutrient and favors allocating N to new leaf growth once the requirement for reproductive growth is met. The partitioning of P was similar to that of N but less distinct. Cotton extracted Mg and K with greater efficiency (up to 58%) than the other nutrients and stored these nutrients in older leaves. The extraction efficiency of N ranged between 21% at 120 g pot?1 litter and 27% at 30 g pot?1 litter. Phosphorus was the most poorly extracted nutrient, with only 16% of the total applied P extracted when 30 g pot?1 litter was applied and only 6% extracted at the higher litter rates. This suggests that the same problem of P buildup that has been reported in soils under pasture may also occur when poultry litter is repeatedly applied to the same soil planted to cotton. These results show that broiler litter not only supplied enough N but also supplied the four other macronutrients (P, K, Ca, and Mg) in amounts sufficient to support normal cotton growth. This research implies that poultry litter can effectively substitute for several fertilizers to meet crop macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) needs in soils deficient in any or all of these nutrients.  相似文献   

The use of organic materials as a source of nutrients on agricultural lands ameliorates soil physical properties as well as being an environmentally friendly way of disposing of their wastes. This study was conducted to determine effects of three organic materials (poultry litter, cattle manure, leonardite) on yield and nutrient uptake of silage maize. Poultry litter and cattle manure were applied based on phosphorus (P) or nitrogen (N) requirements of the crop whereas leonardite was applied only one dose (500 kg ha?1) and also combined with three inorganic fertilizer doses (100%, 75%, 50% of recommended inorganic fertilizer dose). According to the results, the highest green herbage yield and nutrient uptake values were observed in LEO-100 whereas N-based treatments significantly decreased yield and nutrient uptake of silage maize. The use of organic materials as a combination with inorganic fertilizer in silage maize cultivation is highly beneficial for sustainable forage production.  相似文献   

Alternative use of poultry litter (PL) for forest rather than pasture fertilization would improve forest soil fertility and reduce nutrient build-up in pasture. Yield and nutrient uptake of Alamo switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) in a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) silvopasture annually fertilized with PL or urea at 80 and 160 kg N ha?1 for four years, and without fertilization were compared. Treatment effects on soil fertility and effect of PL on runoff water quality were also determined. Fertilization with N increased yields 120% to an average of 3.8 Mg ha?1 yr?1. Since nutrient removal was small, P, base cations and pH increased in the ≤30 cm depth soil with PL. Total P in edge-of-plot runoff was increased by 0.31 kg ha?1 y?1 at the higher PL rate. Two applications at this rate per tree rotation might be justified based on increased soil fertility and infrequently increased P load.  相似文献   

Poultry manure (PM) has long been recognized the most desirable organic fertilizer. It improves soil fertility by adding both major and essential nutrients, as well as soil organic matter, which improves moisture and nutrient retention. The present study investigates the effectiveness of different levels of applied poultry-manure compost (PMC) and phospho-poultry-manure compost (PPMC) on the growth and yield of blackgram (Vigna mungo L). A field experiment was conducted to assess the nutrient-supplying capacity and soil health improvement potential of PMC and PPMC at 3.12, 6.25, 9.37, and 12.5 t/ha and to find the optimum dose of PMC as an organic fertilizer to maximize the pulse production in Alfisols of semi-arid tropics. Application of PPMC at 12.5 and 9.37 t ha?1 increased the seed yield 105% and 102% more than the no-manure plot. Application of PMC at 12.5 t ha?1 recorded 80% yield increment than no manure applied and the yield difference of PPMC was 20 to 25% greater than PMC alone. Application of PPMC at 12.5 and 9.37 t ha?1 resulted in desirable soil physical and chemical properties especially 85 and 70% soil-available P improvement and significant role in increasing yield of blackgram. Application of PPMC at 9.37 t ha?1 was found to be economically viable to the farmers in terms of improvement in soil properties and crop yield.  相似文献   


Nutrient surpluses on the Delmarva Peninsula have led to a continual accumulation of soil test phosphorus (STP), a potential source for transport of phosphorus (P) to surface waters. This article examines the effects of initial soil test P concentrations and broiler litter additions on STP accumulation. Broiler litter (BL) was applied at rates of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 g kg?1 (dry weight) to three soils: an Evesboro sandy loam (Mesic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments), a Pocomoke sandy loam (coarse‐loamy, siliceous, thermic typic Umbraquults), and a Matapeake silt loam (fine‐silty, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludults). Soils and BL were incubated for 16 weeks with subsamples analyzed after 4 and 16 weeks. There was a linear increase in STP (Mehlich‐3), water‐soluble P (WS‐P), iron‐oxide strip‐extractable P (FeO‐P), and Mehlich‐3 phosphorus saturation ratio (M3‐PSR) with broiler litter additions. Regression analysis indicated few significant differences in STP response to added BL between soils within the same soil group having different initial STP levels. Correlation analysis and stepwise regression indicated that increases in WS‐P and FeO‐P from added BL were more closely related to the degree of P saturation of the soil rather than traditional STP measurements. Therefore, decisions regarding manure placement within a watershed should be based on the potential P sorption capacity of the soil as well as potential P transport pathways when the goal is the reduction of P transfer to waterbodies.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted on an Alfisol (kandic paleustalf) in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria, for two seasons to assess the influence of inorganic and organic fertilizers on nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nutrient uptake and maize yield. The treatments consisted of three rates of organic fertilizer 0, 5 and 10 t ha?1 in the form of poultry manure and NPK fertilizer (20:10:10) applied at 0 and 120 kg ha?1. Maize (Zea mays) was used as the test crop. The results showed that the combined application of 10 t ha?1 poultry manure and 120 kg ha?1 NPK fertilizer enhanced the uptake of N, P and K better than other treatment combinations. Application of 10 t ha?1 poultry manure alone gave the highest grain yield, which was 67.02% higher than the control in the first season. Complementary application of 5 t ha?1 poultry manure with 120 kg ha?1 NPK 20–10-10 was recommended for grain yield.  相似文献   

Plant-based phosphorus (P) remediation strategies have been suggested to reduce high P accumulation in soil. Eleven fodder soybean genotypes were evaluated to explore their potential for the removal of P from poultry manure-enriched soils. Field experiments were conducted at a site that had a history of heavy poultry manure applications. Green house experiments were conducted using the soils selected for field trials to confirm the results. Harvesting of whole plants, excluding roots of the genotypes, was done at the pod formation stages and plant samples were oven dried at 70°C for three days. The dry samples were ground and analyzed for total P content. Genotype 091734, provided the maximum P removal from amended and unamended soils. Fodder soybean genotypes could play an important role in the extraction of P from poultry manure-enriched soils, which are important from the ecological point of view.  相似文献   

There is limited information about the decomposition of leaf litter from subtropical fruit trees despite their potential for managing soil fertility. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of quality on decomposition and nutrient-release patterns from leaf litter of avocado, litchi, and mango trees in South Africa. The litterbag technique was used for investigation. The decomposition results over 2 years indicated significant differences in mass loss among the tree species with low rapid loss for litchi (57.3 percent). The annual decomposition rate constant (k) decreased in the order mango (0.82) > avocado (0.76) > litchi (0.69). The concentrations of phosphorus, potassium, manganese, and polyphenols in all species decreased while nitrogen, sulfur, and calcium concentrations increased with time. The nutrient-release pattern of the leaf litter from the three species varied considerably due to different quality characteristics. This had an influence on litter decomposition and thus its management.  相似文献   


Laboratory drying may alter manure phosphorus (P) distribution. The effects of freeze, air (22°C), and oven (65°C) drying on sequentially fractioned poultry manure P were examined. Higher drying temperatures resulted in lower percentage of dry matter. Increased H2O‐ and decreased sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)‐extractable P with drying provided evidence that drying increases poultry manure P solubility. Labile fractions were predominantly inorganic P (Pi), whereas sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) fractions had significant amounts of organic P (Po). Drying altered H2O‐ and NaHCO3‐extractable Pi but had no consistent effect on Po in these fractions. This work suggests that variations due to drying should be taken into consideration when evaluating manures for P availability or when comparing data in which different drying methods have been utilized.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the kinetics of phosphorus (P) desorption in different calcareous soils of Hamadan Province of Iran. Soils were fertilized with poultry manure at 50 ton ha–1 and incubated at 25 ± 1 °C at 15% moisture for 6 months. The release rate of P was studied by successive extraction with 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) over a period of 1–1752 h. Also, available P was determined. The results showed that available P in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 13.3 to 55.1 and 10.0 to 50.1 mg kg–1, respectively. Phosphorus desorption from the fertilized and unfertilized soils began with a fast initial reaction, followed by a slow secondary reaction. The amount of P released after 1752 h in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 319.2 to 623.9 and 309 to 586.7 mg kg–1, respectively. The amount of P released was significantly correlated with available P. The kinetics of cumulative P release were evaluated using the five kinetic equations. Phosphorus desorption kinetics were best described by the parabolic diffusion law, first order, and power function equations. Rate constants of these equations different in fertilized and unfertilized soils.  相似文献   


Investigating available nutrients and non-essential elements in manures is important for safe management of animal and plant waste. Therefore, this study was carried out to chemically characterize cow manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM) after co-composting with privet and cypress residues. Results showed that heavy metals concentrations in manures varied as Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cd. Addition of privet and cypress residues to both manures altered the extractability of heavy metals after composting. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were observed in manures at 1:0 ratio while lowest was noted in both CM and PM composted with plant residues at 1:2 ratio. Total K, Ca, and Mg significantly increased when CM and PM were co-composted with privet and cypress residues. There was an increase in the P content in co-composted CM with privet residual application whereas a reduction in total P was noticed with the addition of cypress plant residues in both manures. Manures amended with plant waste reduced N content. Both CM and PM retained higher NO3 content without plant residues.  相似文献   

木荷林凋落物的归还动态及分解特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对杭州常绿阔叶林中凋落物的定位观测研究表明,该系统中年均凋落物量为5.85t/hm2,其中以叶最多,占总量的79.5%,枝果较少,分别占7.1%和13.4%。归还动态呈双峰型,即4月和9月为2次高峰。凋落物的半分解时间为1.59a,分解动态呈指数衰减规律。凋落物的年养分归还量达223.69kg/hm2。木荷林中凋落物的现存量为7.47t/hm2。平均分解率为45.18%。林分中凋落物量还处于增长阶段。  相似文献   


Recycling combusted poultry litter ash as a soil amendment would potentially ameliorate problems normally associated with poultry waste management. We evaluated the effect of chicken litter ash (CLA) and duck litter ash (DLA) as nutrient sources for Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis) grown on a sand dune soil. Chicken and duck litter were ashed at five temperatures: 200, 400, 600, 800, and 900°C and the resulting ash samples were applied at the rate of 100 kg phosphorus (P) ha?1. Laboratory analysis showed the highest P extraction with citric acid from CLA and DLA obtained at 600°C. Chicken litter ash was richer in P and potassium (K) than DLA but the later contained more calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). The amount of ammonium acetate soluble calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and K recovered increased with increasing temperature except for Ca and Mg at the highest temperatures, 800 and 900°C. Plants grown in pots with the CLA and DLA obtained at 400°C had the highest P concentration, yielding significantly more biomass with dense green leaf color but on average, the DLA amended soil had greater biomass. However, the P level was higher in CLA treated plants than DLA due to the higher available P level (citric acid soluble). Increases in electrical conductivity and pH of the soil were noted after harvest due to litter ash application. Our experiment demonstrated that poultry litter is potential source of P and other nutrients for horticutural crops.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of pyrolysis temperature on chemical properties of poultry manure (PM) biochar over the range of 200–500°C. Chemical properties of biochar produced at 200°C were almost the same as PM, but significant changes were observed in higher-temperature-produced biochars. According to elemental and fourier transformation infrared analyses, the degree of carbonization in biochar was accelerated with increasing pyrolysis temperature. Biochar yield decreased, while its pH, cation exchange capacity, and P, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu contents increased with increasing pyrolysis temperature. The biochar produced at 400°C or 500°C was highly alkaline. Also, due to high electrical conductivity, these types of biochars may not be suitable for salt-sensitive crops. It was concluded that the pyrolysis temperature of more than 300°C reduces the quality of PM biochar for use in calcareous soils, although it may be suitable for acidic soils or environmental application.  相似文献   

Solution cultures were conducted to investigate the effects of cadmium (Cd) toxicity on the growth of mung bean (Phaseolus aures Roxb. cv VC‐3762), autoxidation rate of tissue and accumulation of proline. Results showed that leaf proline concentrations increased significantly in response to increasing Cd concentrations from 0 to 20 umol L‐1 Cd in the solution. Compared to the control, Cd treatments increased lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde concentration) and autoxidation rate of leaves and roots. In all treatments, leaves of mung bean had greater proline concentration and had lower the autoxidation rate of tissue than the roots. There was a close positive relationship between accumulation of free proline and the rate of tissue autoxidation.  相似文献   

Broiler chicken (Gallus gallus) manure, a rich source of plant nutrients, is generated in large quantities in southeastern USA where many row crops, such as corn (Zea mays L.), are also extensively grown. However, the use of broiler manure as an economical alternative source of nutrients for corn production has not been extensively explored in this region. This study was conducted to examine the use of broiler litter as a source of nutrients for corn production, as influenced by tillage and litter rate, and any residual effects following application. In addition, the consequence of litter application to soil test nutrient levels, particularly P, Zn and Cu, was explored. The treatments consisted of two rates of broiler litter application, 11 and 22 Mg ha−1 on a wet weight basis, and one rate of chemical fertilizer applied under no-till and conventional tillage systems. Treatments were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design. Corn was grown with broiler litter and inorganic fertilizer applied to the same plots each year from 1998 to 2001. In 2002 and 2003, corn was planted no-till, but only N fertilizer was applied in order to make use of other residual litter nutrients. Soil samples were taken yearly in the spring prior to litter application and 4 years after the cessation of litter application to evaluate the status of the residual nutrients in soil. Two years out of the 4-year experiment, broiler litter application produced significantly greater corn grain yield than equivalent chemical fertilizer application and produced similar grain yield in the other 2 years. Corn grain yield was significantly greater under no-till in 1999, but significantly greater under conventional-till in 2000, and no difference between the two tillage systems were observed in 1998 and 2001. With 4 years of litter application, Mehlich-3 P increased from an initial 18 mg kg−1 to 156 mg kg−1 with 11 Mg ha−1 litter and to 257 mg kg−1 with 22 Mg ha−1 litter. For every 6 kg ha−1 of P applied in poultry litter Mehlich-3 P was increased by 1 mg kg−1. Modest increases in Mehlich-3 Cu and Zn did not result in phytotoxic levels. This study indicated that an optimum rate of broiler litter as a primary fertilizer at 11 Mg ha−1 applied in 4 consecutive years on a silt loam soil produced corn grain yields similar to chemical fertilizer under both no-till and conventional tillage systems and kept soil test P, Cu and Zn levels below values considered to be harmful to surface water quality or the crop.  相似文献   

[目的]测算和分析畜禽养殖粪污耕地负荷和土地承载力,为防治农业面源污染,促进农牧协调发展提供科学依据。[方法]根据湖南省畜禽养殖、作物产量等数据资料,在考虑粪污综合利用率的前提下,采用产排污系数法、养分平衡法分别计算2020年各地市州畜禽养殖耕地污染负荷和土地承载力,分析畜禽养殖空间布局以及粪污消纳分配。[结果]湖南省2020年共养殖猪当量4.27×107头,各区域养殖量差异很大;畜禽粪便和TN,TP耕地负荷分别为19.04 t/hm2,94.85,24.99 kg/hm2,耕地负荷警报级别均在Ⅱ级以上,对耕地环境稍有威胁,其中永州市、娄底市、怀化市、郴州市至少有两项耕地负荷警报级别达到了Ⅲ级及以上,耕地环境风险较高;畜禽养殖土地最大承载量为1.23×108头猪当量,已养殖猪当量仅占其37.18%。各地市州的可增加养殖量也非常可观,常德市、益阳市、岳阳市、邵阳市、长沙市、永州市、衡阳市7个市的可养殖猪当量在5.00×106头以上。在确认区域内畜禽养殖未超载的基础上,永州市、娄底...  相似文献   

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