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土地质量评估与监测: 土壤科学面临的新挑战   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Sustainable land management (SLM)is the key to harmonizing environmetal and ecolgical concerns of society with the economic realities of producing adequate food and fiber of high quality and ensuring a absi minimal quality of life.The aim of SLM is to maintain the integrity of the biophysical land resource base,but it can only be realized if land users understand the impacts of land management options on their lands but also on other off-site areas and can optimize the socioeconomic and environmetal benefits of their choice.To Facilitate this,the Contribution of soil suvery organizations would be through the assessment and monitoring of land quality.Land quality is a measure of the ability of land to perfor specific functions and is derived by an integration of soil survey information with other environmental,and if necessary,socioeconomic information.The desired reliability influences the operational scale of the assessment,Such an assessment would assist in:1) locating homologous areas for research sites or for transferring technologies;2) providing the geographic basis for systems analysis(e.g.modeling);3) serving as a basis for local,natinal and global resource assessment and monitoring;4) providing an ecosystem context for land use,assessments of temporal and spatial variability,and impact of human interventions;5)serving as a framework for more detailed assessment for all levels of interest;and 6) evaluating global issues such as food security,impacts of climate change,biodiversity montoring,and addressing desertification.Based on an evaluation of the progress made in soil resource inventories and considering the demands of the environment focused world,the paper considers the need for counteries to mount such a program.The authors believe that this is the next demand of soil science and that we can fulfill our soical contract by periodically providing such information on the state of a nation‘s land resource.  相似文献   

基于不同标准的郑州市农产品产地土壤环境质量评价   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
以郑州市耕地土壤为例,对其表层重金属Pb、Cr、Cd、Hg、As含量进行了测定分析,按照单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法,分别根据有机农业生产基地环境质量标准、绿色食品产地环境质量标准、无公害食品蔬菜产地环境条件标准进行了评价,同时应用克里格插值方法进行空间特征分析.结果表明,研究区表层土壤重金属变异程度由大到小为:Hg、Cr、Pb、As、Cd;全区土壤环境质量完全满足无公害蔬菜产地环境条件的要求,北部和东南部大部分满足绿色食品产地环境质量的要求,而仅约半数的土壤适宜发展有机农业生产.可为农业生产发展规划和相关管理部门提供科学依据和辅助决策.  相似文献   

“十四五”土壤质量与食物安全前沿趋势与发展战略   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
徐建明  刘杏梅 《土壤学报》2020,57(5):1143-1154
土壤质量与食物安全和人体健康息息相关。土壤质量与食物安全这一分支学科作为"十四五"土壤科学发展战略重要的组成部分,致力于治理与改善耕地土壤质量以应对粮食安全危机。文献计量结果表明,与发达国家相比,中国在该领域的研究起步较晚,但近年呈现加速上升甚至有超越的趋势。随着气候及环境污染问题凸显,国际上的相关研究热点集中于环境监测、土地利用、施肥管理、污染修复(重金属、抗生素、有机农药和病原微生物)及可持续发展等方面。本学科以土壤质量、土壤污染和粮食安全为重点研究方向,通过与地理信息学、环境科学、应用数学、医学等学科的交叉融合,借助同位素源解析、生物地球化学循环、分子生物学等前沿性理论与技术,未来将解决区域土壤质量监测、养分质量管理、食物安全与人体健康风险、土壤-作物系统中污染物迁移转化及阻控修复等关键科学问题。  相似文献   

李华  毕如田  乔显亮 《土壤》2007,39(4):646-651
以山西省永济市耕地为研究区域,通过收集整理土壤环境质量样点数据,运用GIS技术建立了土壤环境质量数据库,依据国家土壤环境质量评价标准进行分析评价,获得了永济市耕地土壤环境质量评价结果.土壤面源污染水、土综合评价结果表明:18个样点中有3个为无污染,11个为轻度污染,4个为中度污染.点源污染土壤综合评价结果表明:该区主要污染物为F、Cl、Pb、Cd、As及DDT.蔬菜地样点综合评价表明:大部分蔬菜生产符合绿色食品种植要求(NY/T391-2000)和无公害食品蔬菜地种植要求(NY5010-2001);在不符合要求的样点中,超标物主要是Cd、Pb、Hg、As及DDT.该研究为进一步加强土壤环境质量管理与修复决策奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The development of soil science has, in the past, been largely driven by the need to improve agricultural production. It is an applied science. Soils and soil processes have had a profound impact on the development of agriculture, and civilization, throughout the ages. Mistreatment of soil has, over the millennia to the present day, been responsible for horrific human tragedy. The most pressing challenge to soil science is to devise ways of improving food production, at minimum cost, in those areas of the world where food shortages are most acute. The new era of reducing price support for major agricultural commodities will increase competition in the EC and elsewhere. It will become imperative to improve efficiency of crop production, especially by the introduction of novel techniques, if arable and horticultural cropping in the UK is to flourish. Soil science is becoming increasingly important in assisting governments to develop policies and in assisting commercial organizations to screen and introduce new chemicals. There is a wide range of environmental and pollution problems that demand inputs from soil science. They include industrial degradation of soil, entry of toxic materials into the food chain, waste disposal, industrial contamination of the atmosphere and the sub-sequent effects on soil and vegetation, forest decline, and the improvement of industrially damaged areas to attract new industries and reduce unemployment. Far greater use should be made of soils information in urban and rural planning and in building design as, at least in some countries, this practice has resulted in considerable financial savings. Advances in theory, measurement and computing are revolutionizing soil science and will greatly facilitate the application of the subject to practical problems.  相似文献   

Currently at least 20 per cent of the world's irrigated land is salt‐affected. However, projections of global population growth, and of an increased demand for food and fibre, suggest that larger areas of salt‐affected soil will need to be cropped in the future. About 60 per cent of salt‐affected soils are sodic, and much of this land is farmed by smallholders. Ameliorating such soils requires the application of a source of calcium (Ca2+), which replaces excess sodium (Na+) at the cation exchange sites. The displaced Na+ is then leached from the root zone through excess irrigation, a process that requires adequate flows of water through the soil. However, it must now be recognized that we can no longer conduct sodic soil amelioration and management solely with the aim of achieving high levels of crop productivity. The economic, social, and environmental impacts of different soil‐amelioration options must also be considered. A holistic approach is therefore needed. This should consider the cost and availability of the inputs needed for amelioration, the soil depth, the level to which sodicity needs to be reduced to allow cropping, the volume and quality of drainage water generated during amelioration, and the options available for drainage‐water disposal or reuse. The quality and cost of water available for post‐amelioration crops, and the economic value of the crops grown during and after amelioration should also be taken into account, as should farmers' livelihoods, the environmental implications of amelioration (such as carbon sequestration), and the long‐term sustainable use of the ameliorated site (in terms of productivity and market value). Consideration of these factors, with the participation of key stakeholders, could sustainably improve sodic soil productivity and help to transform such soils into a useful economic resource. Such an approach would also aid environmental conservation, by minimizing the chances of secondary sodicity developing in soils, particularly under irrigated agriculture. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土壤是农业生产的重要基础,也是人类赖以生存的保障,其不仅关系食物安全供应,而且直接影响生态环境。土壤肥力是发展现代农业的重要支撑,其有效的培育涉及多学科与多专业,需要系统创新与联合攻关,如今人们对土壤肥力的认识已经从农业生产向环境安全、资源利用、生态健康及全球变化等方向转变与提升。本文从土肥长期定位研究、土壤肥力培育技术、现代农业发展等方面阐述内在关系及其特点,同时分析了现代土壤学研究领域所面临的重要挑战与发展趋势,并提出若干建议与对策。  相似文献   

Nowadays, the recycling of organic wastes represents a key factor for improving soil and crop quality with socio-economic and environmental benefits. In recent years, the production of digestate significantly increased with a crescent need to be sustainable disposal. The use of digestate as soil amendment has been widely studied but few researches evaluated the digestate effects on crop quality. Since it has been proven that digestate increased soil fertility, we hypothesized that it could increase crop quality as organic fertilizers do. To verify this hypothesis, we analyzed the effects of two digestates on Cucumber quality. Cucumber was chosen because it is an important old crop used worldwide as fresh food, and in cosmetic and pharmaceutic industries. Results showed that digestates increased its content of phenols and flavonoids with antioxidant activity. Neohesperidine and hesperitin with well-known antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties as well as naringin and narirutin with the power of reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular complications were manifested only in digestate amended cucumbers. These results highlighted the potentiality of digestates not only as crop growth promoter but also as phytochemical inducers representing a good option for the production of high-quality food with reduced chemical mineral fertilizer inputs.  相似文献   

黄土区植物根系对营养元素在土壤剖面中迁移强度的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
不同植物群落根系对土壤元素迁移具有显著影响,不同基因型植物细根的特殊剖面分布特征,是其适应和改善土壤养分物理化学逆境的生理生态学基础。采用原状土柱淋滤实验装置及大型挖掘剖面壁法,在陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区研究并定量分析了不同径级根系对黄土中营养元素K、Na、Ca、Mg、Cu、Mn、Fe、Si、Al迁移强度的影响,旨在探索土壤养分生物有效性的提高途径。结果表明,不同植被类型土壤营养元素淋溶迁移的剖面差异并非完全取决于土壤中元素或矿物含量的大小,而是主要受制于直径1mm的须根根系在剖面中的缠绕分布特征。不同植被类型土壤中营养元素的迁移强度随土层深度增加呈递减规律。不同植物根系对黄土中营养元素迁移强度的影响具有显著差异,其大小顺序为:林地草地农地。林、草地土壤中元素迁移强度序列有明显变异的临界土层深度分别在30cm和10cm处。在林、草地和农地土层中常量元素水迁移强度序列为CaNaMgKSiAl,微量元素基本为CuMnFe。植物根系对营养元素迁移能力的影响具有明显的区域范围,随着直径1mm有效根密度和根量的增大,根系对土壤元素迁移强度的影响显著增强。  相似文献   

高志炜  吴电明  陈曦  潘月鹏 《土壤》2023,55(4):689-698
氮循环是地球圈层中水-土-气-生多介质、多界面的复杂过程,与土壤健康、粮食安全、全球变暖、空气污染、水体质量等环境问题密切相关。近年来,得益于计算机技术的快速发展和海量、多源数据的产生,机器学习迅速成为研究氮素循环强有力的工具。本文系统梳理了机器学习的功能性概念,包括典型开发流程和学习应用场景等;总结了机器学习的典型应用算法,包括经典机器学习(如随机森林、支持向量机等)和深度学习(如卷积神经网络、长短期记忆网络等);并综述了机器学习在氮循环研究领域的应用研究进展,包括大气、水体、土壤和植物/作物等介质的氮素代谢机制、模拟氮素循环过程及管理氮素流动等。未来基于大数据和机器学习技术的特征工程和模型融合的研究,将会给氮循环领域的数据分析与建模带来巨大变革。同时,将机器学习与基于物理过程的模型相结合解决氮循环过程中的复杂问题,可为服务国家“双碳”战略以及控制全球变暖、空气污染等环境问题提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

土壤微生物研究在农田质量评价中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李光宇  吴次芳 《土壤学报》2018,55(3):543-556
农田生产能力的可持续发展,是当前农田质量评价的主要目标之一。随着土壤微生物学研究的逐渐成熟,可考虑通过微生物角度对农田质量进行分析,以期从土壤微观机理解释农田发展的可持续性。基于文献汇总、统计学分析及对土壤微生物研究的认知,阐述了微生物群落如何反馈农田土壤质量,如对农田管理、作物产量以及土壤污染的反馈功能,并提出了可纳入农田质量评价系统的微生物学指标及相应的测定方法。根据统计学显著性检验方法,综合最小数据集法、土壤质量指数、内梅罗指数等农田土壤质量评价方法,提出农田质量评价的路径流程,以及土样采集与数据分析的具体方案。综上可知,利用土壤微生物指标构建的评价体系,能够更直观反映出农田整治改良项目对耕地造成的影响及收益状况。  相似文献   

禾谷类作物是最重要的粮食作物,为人类提供了必需的营养物质,淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素和矿物质作为谷物的主要营养素,其含量是培育健康谷物的关键。为给育种研究中有效提升禾谷类籽实的营养品质及谷物的有效利用提供参考,并为培育更具全面营养的谷物提供理论依据,从饮食源头上为人类健康保驾护航。本文基于近年来相关文献资料的梳理归纳,对几种主要的禾谷类作物小麦、大麦、燕麦、水稻和玉米中的几种主要营养素含量进行比较分析,对影响这些营养物质含量和品质的遗传因素进行分析总结,认为小麦、大麦、燕麦、水稻、玉米等禾谷类籽实所含的各类营养物质有较大差异,不同物种遗传背景的差异是导致不同禾谷类籽实营养物质差异的根本原因,而在进化过程中基因突变的平行性又是导致禾谷类籽实中相同营养元素被同类基因编码调控的直接原因。  相似文献   

洛川苹果园地土壤重金属污染调查与评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
郑国璋  岳乐平 《土壤通报》2008,39(2):402-405
通过对洛川苹果园地土壤样品的采集、监测,依据无公害果园产地土壤环境质量标准和绿色食品产地土壤环境质量标准,重点分析评价了对土壤环境及人体危害较大的Cd、As、Cr、Pb等重金属元素的污染现状。评价结果表明:以无公害果园产地土壤环境质量为评价标准,洛川苹果园地土壤重金属污染程度有As>Cr>Cd>Pb的特征,土壤重金属综合污染指数为0.51,土壤Cd、As、Cr、Pb单项污染指数平均值均小于0.7,土壤环境中的重金属元素含量现状水平符合无公害苹果生产的要求;以绿色食品产地土壤环境质量为评价标准,洛川苹果园地土壤重金属污染程度有As>Pb>Cr>Cd的特征,土壤重金属综合污染指数为0.64,土壤Cd、Cr、Pb单项污染指数平均值均小于0.7,土壤As单项污染指数平均值大于0.7,但小于1。土壤环境中的重金属含量现状水平符合绿色食品苹果生产的要求。但土壤As单项污染指数平均值为0.74,已超过绿色食品产地土壤污染警戒线。洛川苹果园地土壤重金属As污染程度较高,主要是由于人为长期不合理使用含As农药、化肥所致。因而,洛川苹果生产中应将土壤环境中的As作为严控的土壤污染物。  相似文献   

? The concept of composting has always been rooted in a soil conservation philosophy that recognizes the role of organic matter in agriculture. The paradox has been that the recent rise in composting interest has come from the need for waste management solutions which emphasize economical and environmental alternatives, not the need for soil improvement and nutrient recycling. This review traces some early researches on the link between compost application and crop productivity and urges greater support for research that shows how compost can reduce pesticide use, improve farm economics and, in general, support the goals of sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Soil and its ecosystem functions play a societal role in securing sustainable food production while safeguarding natural resources. A functional land management framework has been proposed to optimize the agro‐environmental outputs from the land and specifically the supply and demand of soil functions such as (a) primary productivity, (b) carbon sequestration, (c) water purification and regulation, (d) biodiversity and (e) nutrient cycling, for which soil knowledge is essential. From the outset, the LANDMARK multi‐actor research project integrates harvested knowledge from local, national and European stakeholders to develop such guidelines, creating a sense of ownership, trust and reciprocity of the outcomes. About 470 stakeholders from five European countries participated in 32 structured workshops covering multiple land uses in six climatic zones. The harmonized results include stakeholders’ priorities and concerns, perceptions on soil quality and functions, implementation of tools, management techniques, indicators and monitoring, activities and policies, knowledge gaps and ideas. Multi‐criteria decision analysis was used for data analysis. Two qualitative models were developed using Decision EXpert methodology to evaluate “knowledge” and “needs”. Soil quality perceptions differed across workshops, depending on the stakeholder level and regionally established terminologies. Stakeholders had good inherent knowledge about soil functioning, but several gaps were identified. In terms of critical requirements, stakeholders defined high technical, activity and policy needs in (a) financial incentives, (b) credible information on improving more sustainable management practices, (c) locally relevant advice, (d) farmers’ discussion groups, (e) training programmes, (f) funding for applied research and monitoring, and (g) strengthening soil science in education.  相似文献   

新形势下大豆产地土壤环境保护与功能提升的研发建议   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
大豆在我国农业和人体膳食结构中具有重要的不可替代性。本文系统梳理了影响大豆高产创建和品质安全的土壤环境与微生态障碍相关研究进展。文献计量结果表明,近20年国际研究热点主要聚焦于除草剂的土-水界面吸附与迁移过程、重金属污染的食物链安全风险、大豆生长与污染毒理、地下病害防治等方面,更多关注大豆抵抗污染胁迫和病害的逆境适应性生理调节机制,缺少对影响大豆生长和引起大豆减产的地下土壤过程的研究,中国对大豆产区的地下土壤环境过程与微生态效应的关注也较少。在国家粮食安全战略调整及农业供给侧结构性改革新形势下,围绕大豆产业研究的后续工作迫切需要有机结合粮食丰产增效和污染耕地安全利用攻坚战,注重从只聚焦土壤肥力、优化育种及栽培生理、追求大豆产量,向同时关注土壤安全与微生态健康、保障大豆质量安全、支撑大豆产业高质量绿色发展进行转变,开展协同大豆产地土壤健康与污染防控的高产创建系统研究,更加凸显产地土壤环境保护与功能提升在大豆绿色生产和高质量发展中的作用。  相似文献   

A soil science renaissance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The renaissance was an intellectually-rich period following a period of stasis in the medieval period. Something analogous appears to be currently taking place in soil science where novel approaches to thought are combined with a revival of ideas from the past. Renewed interest in agriculture (food, feed, fuel) and numerous publications have brought soils back onto the global research agenda. The need for up-to-date and fine resolution soil information and the revival of soil research has been highlighted and prioritised in several recent studies by the UN and other international organizations. Soil erosion, nutrient depletion and pollution are key issues that have been brought up in many recent reports - in most cases in relation to environmental degradation, climate change and world-food production. There is also an increased interest in soils in the popular press and media, and soils have entered the policy arena in many countries and several continents. We guestimate that about €3.2 billion is annually spent on soil research in Europe, North America, and some of the main countries in Asia and Oceania. For the global soil science community, there are challenges ahead to address the questions raised in these reports. There is a whole set of new techniques and methodologies in the wings waiting to take centre stage. There is a direct need to educate a new generation of soil scientists and to increase the influx of soil science students in many universities. The soil science community should benefit from the current upsurge in soil science, but the community has to deliver the goods and information that is wanted and much needed.  相似文献   

健康土壤是保障粮食安全、耕地产能提升和农业高质量发展的基础。目前土壤健康评价已成为全球土壤学领域研究的焦点和热点,国内外学者对于土壤健康评价方法及指标的选择进行了系统总结,然而缺乏具体评价过程中的实操性建议。本文重点剖析了土壤健康的特点与多功能性、评价的通用原则、指标选择的n+X模式及评价方法的选择与落地实现,提出了土壤健康差与基准值、基础指标和约束性指标的选择及指标选择的制宜性,明确了土壤健康指标体系建立需要考虑土壤质地、作物类型、土地利用方式、气候条件等因素,建议土壤健康技术和模式落地实现需要与相关政策结合。未来需要继续开展土壤健康驱动机制和健康土壤培育机理研究;基于长期定位试验和耕地质量长期监测网点,构建基于土壤质地、作物类型、土地利用、管理目标和评价尺度的指标体系和阈值、数据库和决策支持系统;结合相关政策和区域环境的约束性,形成跨区域、跨国家的共识、公约和行动,推动全球土壤健康行动落地和农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Bio-mediated soil improvement involves the usage of microbes to improve soil engineering performance through a series of bio-geochemical processes. In particular, Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP), a ubiquitous bio-geochemical process that occurs in soil and results in permanent inorganic cementation between soil grains, has received the greatest research focus. While substantial progress has been made to develop MICP as a mainstream soil improvement technique, we still need to: (a) improve our understanding of the fundamental microbial, chemical and flow processes involved; (b) achieve multi-functionality by coupling engineering performance enhancement with ecological, environmental and carbon footprint benefits; and (c) maintain ecological balance and environmental friendliness, avoid long-term deterioration and lower the energy demand.  相似文献   

基于农产品质量安全的土壤资源管理与可持续利用   总被引:39,自引:13,他引:39  
董元华  张桃林 《土壤》2003,35(3):182-186
目前我国土壤和农作物中有毒物质的残留问题日趋突出。有机氯农药虽已禁用近20年,但通过某些食物链富集仍可对人体健康产生威胁。此外,残留农药的种类和数量逐年增加,其中有机磷农药问题尤为突出。重金属残留超标主要集中在大中城市郊区、污灌区和矿区农产品,尤其是城郊蔬菜中重金属污染问题比较突出。硝酸盐积累主要在农业集约化地区,尤其是塑料大棚等保护地问题比较普遍。农产品中的有机氯残留、重金属残留以及硝酸盐积累均与土壤污染有密切的关系,土壤是影响农产品质量安全的源头因素。因此,为了保证农产品质量安全,应尽快开展全国土壤环境质量调查与评价,建立长期性的土壤环境质量监测网络,并加强土壤中环境激素类的研究和监测,修订土壤环境质量与农产品质量标准,建立基于污染物生物有效性的环境质量标准体系与评价方法。同时制订土壤质量修复和保护规划,并完善有关立法,实现土地资源由数量管理向数量与质量管理并重的战略转变。  相似文献   

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