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一、冷水性鲑鳟鱼类养殖现状1.养殖品种及规模二十几年来,冷水鱼主要品种是虹鳟,养殖流水池塘面积230多亩,产量800~900吨。近几年,永昌地区从虹鳟中选育出了虹鳟的变异种──金鳟,已形成较稳定的遗传性状,有望在全省大面积推广。2000年起,先后从北京等地引进银鲑、大西洋鲑、白点鲑、三文鳟等品种试养,其中银鲑已取得了较好的养殖效果,其它品种已在观察试验之中。2.养殖方式冷水性鲑鳟鱼最主要的养殖方式是流水集约化养殖,全省有各类流水池塘15300米2。水库网箱养殖是一种正在兴起的新的养殖方式,全省约有网箱养虹鳟10000米2。…  相似文献   

我国鲑鳟鱼养殖品种现状及发展前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年,我国蛙鳟鱼(本文特指鲑亚科鲑属、大马哈鱼属和红点鲑属的)养殖品种迅速增加,已由上世纪80年代的虹鳟鱼1种发展到10余种,主要有:虹鳟(道氏),褐鳟,金鳟,银鲑(银大马哈鱼),大鳞鲑(大鳞大马哈鱼),大西洋鲑,太平洋鲑,北极红点鲑,白斑红点鲑,花羔红点鲑,硬头鳟(全雌),彩虹鳟(全雌或3倍体),山女鳟(孟苏大马哈鱼)等。以上鱼类  相似文献   

养殖鲑鳟鱼类鱼肉着色技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 前言作为鲑鳟鱼类海水网箱养殖实用技术之一 ,我们所实施的海水养殖鲑鳟鱼类鱼肉着色因适应国际市场需求 ,提高养殖生产效益 ,引起企业广泛关注。天然洄游鲑鳟鱼类依赖于来自饵料生物的类胡萝卜素色素虾青素 ,呈现深受消费者喜爱的橙红肉色。要想满足消费者需求 ,养殖洄游鲑鳟鱼类鱼肉必须着色成天色鲑鳟鱼类肉色。因而 ,在洄游鲑鳟鱼类养殖生产中 ,鱼肉着色至关重要。世界主要鲑鳟鱼类养殖国均对这一问题予以高度重视 ,并进行大量研究。我们所做尝试也主要依赖于借鉴世界各国 ,尤其是挪威、美国、日本、智利先进经验。由于鱼类不能合成…  相似文献   

鲑科鱼类,习惯上有的被称作鲑,有的称为鳟,统称为鲑鳟。因能在其他鱼类不能繁殖生长的低温环境中进行世代繁衍而被称为冷水鱼。我国于上世纪50年代从技术引进起步,开发了虹鳟鱼养殖业。  相似文献   

病毒性传染病胰脏坏死症(IPN)和造血器官坏死症(IHN)是鲑鳟鱼养殖业的大敌,在国外常因此病造成重大损失,但迄今并未研究出十分有效的防治方法。  相似文献   

世界鲑鳟鱼的养殖和市场现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鳟鱼种类中仅有部分鱼种具有商业价值,其中以源自美国加州的虹鳟(Oncorbyncbus mykiss)最具代表性,鳟鱼一般称为Salmo gairdneri或Salmo irideus,即具有彩虹色泽的鳟鱼。在美国,会降海由海洋洄游至淡水河川之鱼类称为硬头鳟(Steelhead trout);在欧洲,褐鳟(brown trout)则是做单人份鱼排(protion—size)用的主要原料,是属于海水鳟鱼(有时称为鲑鳟salmon trout)的一种。  相似文献   

王昭明 《科学养鱼》2004,(11):12-13
鲑鳟鱼都是凶猛性鱼类,当鱼体大小相差1倍左右时,就会出现大鱼吃小鱼的现象。饲养过程中要适时分筛,大小分池饲养。稚鱼在5克以前要进行1~2次分筛,5~20克期间每月分筛1次,至尾重70~80克个体大小之差很明显时,应再分筛1次。此后可根据鱼体大小差别情况进行适当分筛。在年均水温1  相似文献   

世界海水养鲑以挪威最多。自60年代中期开始,挪威许多大的海水养殖公司已从养殖虹鳟为主逐渐转为经营海水养鲑。其主要原因之一是鲑的价格比海水养殖的虹鳟高一倍,但生产费用两者几乎一样。大西洋鲑个体较大,养殖周期为两年的大西洋鲑,在最后的6个月里可以使体重成倍增长,足可长到4-6公斤。  相似文献   

四、鲑鳟鱼养殖设施 海、淡水养殖,养殖设施必须保证设施内的水体每时每刻都在进行交换。海水养殖都采取网箱养殖,淡水养殖多采取流水式养殖,也有实施湖水网箱养殖的。 除少数鲑鳟鱼苗种场实施亲鱼培育和人工繁殖外,绝大多数的养鳟场户,都是从购入发眼卵或苗种开始进  相似文献   

本文对鲑鳟鱼类脂肪储存的部位、脂肪酸组成的特性以及对脂肪的消化、吸收、合成与利用进行简述,依据国内外研究结果总结出鲑鳟鱼类对脂类和脂肪酸的需求范围。  相似文献   


In this case study, we describe the evolution of Finnish salmon trout aquaculture; how salmon trout farming grew as a vital industry, how Finland became the world's leading producer of salmon trout, and how the opening of markets to international competition led to a decline of the industry. The focus is on the continuous interaction between the changing market situation and production decisions. The study reveals the impact of national environmental policy on the competitiveness of the industry. At the moment, the industry is undergoing major structural changes; production has moved to neighbouring countries, and the value chain is concentrated. In future, closer interaction and co‐operation between the actors along the entire fish value chain will be the key factors for success.  相似文献   

虹鳟鱼属冷水性鱼类,生长快,抗病力强,是目前深受养殖户和消费者喜爱的品种之一.2002年,我们利用凌源菩萨庙水库底层水进行虹鳟商品鱼养殖试验,取得较好的经济效益.  相似文献   

Growth rates of Atlantic salmon, pink salmon, Arctic char, sea trout and rainbow trout were compared under Norwegian farming conditions. During the juvenile, freshwater period, growth was fastest in pink salmon, followed by rainbow trout and Arctic char. Freshwater growth of sea trout and, especially, Atlantic salmon, was slow. After transfer of smolts or fingerling to sea water, Arctic char failed to survive the autumn. Sea water growth of sea trout was slow, but the three species, rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon and pink salmon, all grew rapidly through all seasons. When in sea water, rainbow trout and pink salmon were regularly attacked by vibriosis, while Atlantic salmon were rarely attacked, and sea trout never. It is concluded that, for commercial farming in Norway, rainbow trout are of value for production of fish of any size up to 3–4 kg, and pink salmon for production of small fish of 0.5–1.5 kg. Atlantic salmon is the only species suitable for production of a very large salmonid, i.e., more than 4–5 kg.  相似文献   

Abstract  The diurnal winter habitat of three species of juvenile salmonids was examined in a tributary of Skaneateles Lake, NY to compare habitat differences among species and to determine if species/age classes were selecting specific habitats. A total of 792 observations were made on the depth, velocity, substrate and cover (amount and type) used by sympatric subyearling Atlantic salmon, subyearling brown trout and subyearling and yearling rainbow trout. Subyearling Atlantic salmon occurred in shallower areas with faster velocities and less cover than the other salmonid groups. Subyearling salmon was also the only group associated with substrate of a size larger than the average size substrate in the study reach during both winters. Subyearling brown trout exhibited a preference for vegetative cover. Compared with available habitat, yearling rainbow trout were the most selective in their habitat use. All salmonid groups were associated with more substrate cover in 2002 under high flow conditions. Differences in the winter habitat use of these salmonid groups have important management implications in terms of both habitat protection and habitat enhancement.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper collates the results of five surveys which were made to determine the average catch of anglers not making a return at game fisheries. This pilot study shows that the average catch per licence/permit ( ) may be estimated from the average and the proportion of unprompted returns, (mu) and (pu) respectively, by the empirical equation , for trout and sea trout, Salmo trutta L. Salmon, Salmo salar L., catcrl'rates may be best estimated from . Typical values for United Kingdom waters are tabulated for recent seasons. Rod catches of stillwater and migratory fish closely follow the Negative Binomial distribution. Their means and variances are shown to be related empirically by Taylor's power law: for daily records of stillwater trout and migratory fish , and for annual records of salmon , and of sea trout . A method of estimating the expected frequency distribution of catches at any water is shown. The distribution is truncated where the nil catches are not recorded and is censored where the bag is limited; here a microcomputer was programmed to compute the estimates of the mean and variance of the catches and to print the full distribution.  相似文献   

The growth rate (% wt/day), depending on fish size (g) and water temperature (°C), has been estimated from a series of full-scale feeding experiments with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson). The experiments were conducted with fish sizes between start feeding and 5 kg at temperatures from 2 to 16°C in fresh-water tanks and sea cages. The results are presented in three tables which may be helpful for the calculation of daily feed rations.  相似文献   

The questions addressed in this study were: 1) whether insulin added to the incubation medium can down-regulate 125I insulin binding to isolated hepatocytes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss); 2) whether quantitative assessment of insulin processing can be made on isolated fish liver cells; 3) how ambient temperatures can affect insulin binding, and down-regulation of insulin receptors. After isolation and a short (up to 4h) “metabolic recovery period”, liver cells were used either directly in 125I insulin binding assay or first preincubated for 18h at 4°C or for 3h at 15°C, with or without mammalian or salmon insulin in concentrations ranging from 1 to 1000 nM. Preincubation at 15°C, decreased binding capacity (number of binding sites per liver cell) in all five independent hepatocyte preparations treated with 1000 nM insulin and in four out of five preparations treated with 100 nM insulin. At 4°C insulin binding sites were down-regulated in less than 50% of all hepatocyte preparations and only in the presence of 1000 nM insulin. Differential quantitive assessment was made of a) intact free insulin; b) insulin degraded; c) intact insulin bound to the cell membrane; d) internalized but degraded insulin, and e) intact insulin internalized by liver cells. Hepatocytes preincubated with 100 – 1000 nM insulin at 15°C bound and internalized less 125I insulin. We hypothesize that in vivo, at water temperatures of 15°C and higher, extreme physiological levels of plasma insulin may regulate the numbers of insulin receptors in the salmonid liver. In contrast, in fish inhabiting cold waters the regulation of insulin receptors by circulating plasma insulin seems to be of little physiological importance. Presented in part at the Western Regional Conference on Comparative Endrocrinology, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A., 1991 and at the Meeting of Italian Society of Experimental Biology, Sorrento, Italy, 1991. Supported by grants from NSF of the USA#DCB 8915935 to E.M.P., NSERC of Canada OPGA 6944 to T.W.M., North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) grant #0926/87 to C.O. and E.M.P., and CYCIT grant of Spain to J.G.  相似文献   

The variation in semen production among farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) has been studied. Both species were stripped at weekly intervals, the Atlantic salmon four times and the rainbow trout three times.The individual variation in volume of semen was very high, particularly in rainbow trout. The total volume of semen obtained was 137 ml (20 ml/kg body weight) in Atlantic salmon and 23 ml (5 ml/kg body weight) in rainbow trout. The intraclass correlation for volume of semen was estimated at 0.73 in Atlantic salmon and at 0.59 in rainbow trout. The correlations between volume of semen and body size (weight and length) were all positive. They were all significant and medium in Atlantic salmon whereas in rainbow trout they were all low and significant only for volume of semen at first stripping.The number of males needed to supply the Norwegian fish farming industry with semen is discussed. It is concluded that the possibility of disseminating genetic improvement throughout the whole population of farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout by transport of semen from selected males is considerable.  相似文献   

Experiments on short-term preservation of sperm were performed with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fertility was maintained for up to 10 days when 2 mm thick samples were stored at 0° C under an oxygen atmosphere in the presence of antibiotics (125 IU penicillin and 125 μg streptomycin per ml sperm). Fertility was completely lost after 24 days. Sperm stored without antibiotics fertilized 100% of eggs after 6 days.

Cryopreservation was carried out with milt from Atlantic salmon and sea trout (Salmo trutta). Semen mixed with extender was frozen on dry ice (pellets) with subsequent storage in liquid nitrogen. Sperm pellets were thawed in a 0.12-M NaHCO3-solution (10° C) before insemination. The suitability of an extender as previously described by Stoss and Holtz and of a 0.3-M glucose solution with the addition of 10% DMSO, was tested on two different batches of sperm and eggs in Atlantic salmon and sea trout. In addition, the extender earlier reported by Mounib and an aqueous solution of 10% DMSO were only used in Atlantic salmon with one batch of gametes.

Insemination with cryopreserved Atlantic salmon sperm resulted in 36 to 91.3% eyed eggs (control = 100). The differences were caused by the type of extender and the batch of gametes employed. The very simple extender consisting of 0.3 M glucose and 10% DMSO only was the most successful. Results with cryopreserved sea trout sperm ranged between 38.6–54.8% eyed eggs, showing no difference between treatments.  相似文献   

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