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禽流感病毒可以导致鸟类家禽出现死亡问题。H7N9禽流感属于高致病性的禽流感,不但会造成严重的公共卫生安全事件,还会导致养禽业的巨大经济损失。我国目前主要利用H7N9疫苗进行免疫接种,进而控制H7N9禽流感的传播与发展。然而H7N9高致病性的病毒进化非常迅速,因此对H7N9禽流感的防控提出了更高的要求。主要研究H7N9禽流感DNA疫苗的免疫保护效力。  相似文献   

应用血凝抑制试验(HI),对采自健康的鹰、鸽子、野鸭和鹌鹑中的54份血清血清学检测,分析结果显示,在总共采集的54份血清样品中,抗新城疫病毒(NDV)抗体流行血清型(seroprevalence)与抗H6亚型禽流感病毒(H6)抗体、抗H9亚型禽流感病毒(H9)、抗H5亚型禽流感病毒(H5)抗体阳性率分别为64.8%、75.9%、29.6%。而根据血凝抑制试验检测结果发现,H5亚型禽流感病毒抗体滴度较低,最高仅为320,其阳性率为29.6%,推断其可能为新近传入的病毒或新近重组变异出现的新病毒,可能为与该次流感爆发相关的新病毒,这一推断还有待于通过对病毒基因序列的分析而做进一步验证;新城疫病毒在该生态系中的稳定循环,构成了对家禽潜在的威胁,我国目前非典型新城疫的一个主要原因是带毒鸟类的传入。  相似文献   

浅谈禽流感   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
禽流感又称鸡瘟,是由A型流感病毒侵害禽类引起的急性高度致死性传染病,以传播迅速、发热和伴有不同程度的呼吸道症状为特征。野鸟、水禽、外来禽种都可携带该病毒,禽流感病毒具有变异能力,特别在侵袭高度商业化饲养家禽的地区时尤其容易转化为高致病性的病毒型,严重威胁着养禽业,造成十分严重经济损失。此外1997年香港爆发的禽流感对人也具有感染力。  相似文献   

正据报道:美国堪萨斯州大学的研究团队和美国西奈山伊坎医学院联合,成功研制出了可使家禽免于多毒株感染的禽流感疫苗。该疫苗可以通过水或者在鸡胚蛋里施用,这让家禽生产商给家禽施用疫苗变得更为简单。这种名为"NDV-H5Nx"的禽流感疫苗可让家禽对最近在美国发现的  相似文献   

受非洲猪瘟疫情影响,家禽养殖量近年大幅增加,家禽养殖户为其所养家禽接种了禽流感疫苗,但有时候也因为接种不到位或者其他原因导致疫苗接种失败。近几年,国家加大了对于家禽禽流感疫苗接种的政策支持,希望通过疫苗不断降低禽流感的危害。主要对鸭的禽流感疫苗免疫失败原因进行分析,并提出相应的防范措施,从而为水禽养殖户做好免疫工作提供建设性的意见。  相似文献   

魏锁成 《畜禽业》2003,(5):42-43
随着人们养鸟兴趣和养鸟量的增加以及对野生鸟类捕捉、驯养与保护重要性的认识提高,动物医学临床和生产实践中遇到的鸟病也越来越多,鸟类与禽类的麻醉技术得到广泛的研究。20世纪50年代人们通常认为鸟类和禽类由于其肺部解剖的独特性,不能安全的采用吸入麻醉,然而当前我们已知道情况并非如此,事实上吸入麻醉是鸟类和禽类的一种理想麻醉方法。1家禽肺部解剖特点家禽的气管由完整的气管软骨环构成,气管的长和宽分别是相同大小哺乳动物的2.7倍和1.29倍,气管死腔的容积也比哺乳动物大4.5倍;鸟类的潮气量大、呼吸频率较低(约为哺乳动物的1/3)、气…  相似文献   

<正>目前,根据国家农业部关于做好重大动物疫病强制免疫的有关规定,我国对家禽强制免疫病种主要是高致病性禽流感。从免疫学的角度观察,家禽免疫禽流感疫苗后21 d进行免疫效果监测,所要达到的目标是禽流感抗体血凝抑制试验(HI)抗体效价≥24判定为合格,存栏禽群免疫抗体合格率≥70%判定为合格。根据笔者从实际工作中得出的经验,影响家禽强制免疫病种抗体效价的因素主要有以下七个方面。  相似文献   

目的分析高致病性禽流感免疫抗体监测及免疫效果。方法 2018年和2019年分别每年在3个养鸡场、46户农村散养户中采集鸡血清1 235份(其中:鸡场765份、散养户470份)开展免疫抗体监测,分析高致病性禽流感免疫抗体监测结果、免疫效果和免疫次数、家禽品种的相关性。结果 2018年云南省永胜县高致病性禽流感免疫抗体总合格率87.6%,其中:鸡场94.8%,散养户82.3%;2019年总合格率92.6%,其中:鸡场96.2%,散养户86.6%。2018—2019年高致病性禽流感免疫1次、2次、3次、3次以上的抗体合格率分别为65.3%、82.3%、92.6%、98.0%。2018—2019年肉鸡、蛋鸡、鸭、的高致病性禽流感免疫抗体合格率分别为76.1%、97.9%、57.6%。结论云南永胜县高致病性禽流感免疫抗体合格率高,免疫效果受到免疫次数、家禽品种的影响。  相似文献   

正根据相关资料及临床研究结果分析,H9型禽流感病毒这几年实际在商品鸡、蛋鸡、种鸡、麻鸡、黄鸡及水禽场普遍存在,并且都是隐性感染,潜伏存在家禽的气管黏膜上或环境中。由于H9型禽流感病毒对低温、冷风、较大风速敏感,如果鸡群受到这些应激因素的刺激,鸡群发病急,传播快,给冬春养鸡造成威胁。建议秋季要着手和  相似文献   

应用血凝抑制试验(HI),时采自健康的鹰、鸽子、野鸭和鹌鹑中的54份血清血清学检测,分析结果显示。在总共采集的54份血清样品中,抗新城疫病毒(NDV)抗体流行血清型(seroprevalence)与抗H6亚型禽流感病毒(H6)抗体、抗H9亚型禽流感病毒(H9)、抗H5亚型禽流感病毒(H5)抗体阳性率分别为64.8%、75.9%、29.6%。而根据血凝抑制试验检测结果发现。H5亚型禽流感病毒抗体滴度较低,最高位为320,其阳性率为29.6%,推断其可能为新近传入的病毒或新近重组变异出现的新病毒,可能为与该次流感爆发相关的新病毒,这一推断还有待于通过对病毒基因序列的分析而做进一步验证;新城疫病毒在该生态系中的稳定循环.构成了对家禽潜在的威胁,我国目前非典型新城疫的一个主要原因是带毒鸟类的传入。  相似文献   

开展岗南-黄壁庄水库产汇区面源污染分区贡献率计算与分析,为具有复杂干支流特征的串联水库产汇区面源污染防治及消减提供参考。采用输出系数法与浓度传递系数矩阵相结合的方法,在子流域划分的基础上,计算各子流域面源污染对入库污染负荷贡献率,并分析入库污染空间格局。结果表明,对岗南水库入库CODCr和氨氮贡献率最大的是滹沱河干流入境水,为89.56%和76.31%;对黄壁庄水库入库CODCr和氨氮贡献率最大的是岗南水库下泄水和绵河、甘陶河入境水,二者合计贡献率占74.26%和66.58%,即上游山西来水对岗南-黄壁庄水库入库污染负荷的贡献最大。河北省境内各子流域对岗南水库贡献率均较小,大多在1%左右,郭苏河、险溢河相对较高也不超过4%;黄壁庄水库以冶河井陉-平山汇水区、南甸河和滹沱河干流岗南-黄壁庄水库区间最大,这3个子流域对入库CODCr和氨氮贡献率分别为7.12%和9.51%、4.69%和6.29%、3.53%和4.78%,应将这些区域作为岗南-黄壁庄水库产汇区面源污染优先控制区域,并将农田径流作为优先控制污染源。  相似文献   

根据大竹县农村散养畜禽寄生虫病的感染情况及流行病学特点,提出了畜禽寄生虫病感染情况调查方案和驱虫试验。  相似文献   

作为重工业发达、农业基础薄弱的资源型省份,山西省把发展民生经济作为一项重要工作来做。自2009年以来,山西省连续推出两轮“五个全覆盖”,加大投资,改观了农村面貌、改进了农业生产条件、改善了农民生活;同时,山西省通过实行“一村一品”,发展了农业的特色化、现代化和产业的多元化。“一村一品”工程与两轮“五个全覆盖”作为民生经济的落脚点、发力点和支撑点,推动了产业结构的升级,极大地促进了山西省民生经济的发展。  相似文献   

本文利用1999~2008年陕西省生猪及猪肉生产的相关数据,对其生猪及猪肉生产现状进行了分析,运用灰色系统理论建立了不同维的常规GM(1,1)模型群,然后根据不同维预测模型的相对误差优选出基础GM(1,1)模型并建立了灰色新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型,对陕西省未来五年的生猪及猪肉生产进行了预测。结论认为,2009~2013年陕西省的生猪和猪肉的产量将保持比较平稳的增长态势,生猪和猪肉的平均增长率为4.09%和2.44%,高于前十年的平均增长率。本文提出适应陕西省生猪及猪肉生产的相关建议,认为政府应加大生猪生产方面的扶持,增加资金投入,制定和完善生猪生产的各项相关政策及生猪养殖产业保护,加强对生猪生产过程的监督。企业与养殖户要寻找一种龙头企业和养殖户合作的模式。  相似文献   

Abstract— A pair of experiments were performed to assess amino acid supplementation of pet food grade poultry by‐product meal for utilization as the sole protein source for hybrid striped bass Morone chrysops×M. saxatilis. The first experiment determined the available amino acids from menhaden fishmeal and poultry by‐product meal for hybrid striped bass. The second experiment determined the efficacy of supplementing poultry by‐product meal with amino acids based on an ideal amino acid profile of hybrid striped bass muscle. The positive control diet contained 40% digestible protein solely from menhaden fishmeal and the negative control diet contained 40% digestible protein solely from pet food grade poultry by‐product meal. The negative control diet was additively supplemented with lysine, methionine, threonine, and leucine at 1.16,0.57,0.31 and 0.47% of the diet, respectively. Lysine supplementation alone did not improve fish performance based on any measured response. Moreover, the negative control diet and the lysine supplemented diet had lower weight gain and feed efficiency than the positive control diet. Supplementation of the diet containing pet food grade poultry by‐product with lysine and methionine; lysine, methionine, and threonine; or lysine, methionine, threonine, and leucine improved weight gain and feed efficiency above that of the negative control diet. The diet containing poultry by‐product supplemented with lysine, methionine, and threonine produced weight gains statistically indistinguishable from those of the positive control diet. Protein and energy retention efficiencies also improved with supplementation of at least lysine and methionine and were statistically indistinguishable from those observed in fish fed the positive control diet. Supplementation with lysine and methionine reduced the hepatosomatic index to levels similar to those found in fish fed the menhaden fishmeal diet. Intraperitoneal fat levels were similar among treatments (6.1‐6.6%) with the exception that fish fed the diet supplemented with lysine, methionine, and threonine exhibited lower (5.5%) fat levels. Supplementing the poultry by‐product meal diet with only lysine and methionine increased muscle ratio to levels equivalent to those found in fish fed the positive control (fishmeal) diet. In conclusion, amino acid supplementation of pet food grade poultry by‐product meal can be used to replace fishmeal in diets for hybrid striped bass without a reduction in fish performance.  相似文献   


 从广东省佛山市4个不同畜禽-鱼复合养殖场采集分离猪/鸭源、鱼源、水源、泥源气单胞菌(Aeromonas)57, 通过K-B药敏纸片法, 测定其对824种药物的敏感性; 提取基因组DNA, 进行肠杆菌基因间重复序列PCR(ERIC-PCR)及脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)分子分型。57株气单胞菌对氨苄西林、阿莫西林/克拉维酸、利福平具有较高耐药率; 不同菌株间存在耐药谱差异。57株气单胞菌通过ERIC-PCR分型, 分为24个基因型; 采用PFGE分型可分为46个簇。两种分型方法均发现来源于同一养殖场的菌株存在相同或相似图谱的分离株, 并且有相似的耐药谱, 提示此为同一克隆株。实验结果表明, ERIC-PCRPFGE分子分型技术均适用于气单胞菌的相关性分析及其耐药性克隆传播追踪; 复合水产养殖环境有可能有利于耐药菌从畜禽向水产养殖环境转移。本研究通过对不同来源气单胞菌进行耐药性分析及溯源追踪旨在为规范畜禽-鱼复合养殖模式用药及建立健康的水产养殖模式提供参考。


The ability of poultry products to replace fish meal in diets for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, depends on their nutrient composition, cost, and consistency. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of three commercially available poultry products (chicken concentrate, CC, poultry by‐product blend, PBB; or chicken and egg concentrate, CE) to maintain growth and disease resistance when substituted for fish meal in a rainbow trout starter diet. A control diet was formulated to contain 48% crude protein and 18% crude lipid; 100% of the fish meal in test diets was replaced with CC, PBB, or CE. At stocking, fry were counted into groups (50 fish/tank) with six replicate tanks for each diet and fed their respective diets four times daily for 8 wk. All the poultry‐based diets supported growth (over 1600% increase over initial weight), nutrient retention, and feed conversion ratios of rainbow trout fry equal to or greater than those observed for fry fed with the fish meal‐based diet. No effect of diet on survival was observed following subcutaneous injection challenge with Flavobacterium psychrophilum. These data suggest that the examined products can be used in place of fish meal for rainbow trout fry without lowering growth and disease resistance.  相似文献   

2004年3~5月在陕西关中地区随机选取了5个取样点,调查鱼类寄生虫种类与感染情况,收集到14种原生动物,8种单殖吸虫、1种线虫、1种绦虫、1种棘头虫,共25种,分别隶属于6门、8纲、12目、13科和13属。  相似文献   

Experimental diets were formulated to evaluate a “pure” poultry meat meal (PMM) source in diets formulated for juvenile gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.). The digestible protein contribution of fish meal in a control diet was substituted by 25%, 50% and 75% of a processed poultry meat meal (PMM) on a digestible crude protein (DCP) basis and by 5% and 10% for an enzyme‐treated feather meal (EFM) and also a spray‐dried haemaglobin meal (SDHM), respectively. In a consecutive trial, diets were designed to assess the value of a “pure” (defatted) poultry protein substituting the fish meal (FM) protein content. Experimental diets included: a control diet, two test diets where 75% of FM was replaced by a full‐fat PMM (PMM75) or a defatted grade of PMM (dPMM75) and two test diets where 50% of FM was substituted for defatted PMM (dPMM50) or a 50:50 blend of soya bean meal and defatted PMM (SBM/dPMM) to produce a composite product. This soya bean/dPMM blend was tested to enhance the nutritional value of this key plant ingredient commonly employed in sea bream diets that can be deficient in specific amino acids and minerals. In the first trial, gilthead sea bream grew effectively on diets containing up to the 75% replacement of FM attaining a mean weight of 63.6 g compared to 67.8 g for the FM control fed group. For the consecutive trial, the fishmeal‐based control diet yielded the highest SGR followed by dPMM50 and SBM/dPMM blend inclusion but was not significant. Carcass FA profiles of gilthead sea bream conformed to the expected changes in relation to the dietary FA patterns, with the 18:1n‐9 representative of the poultry lipid signature becoming more apparent with PMM inclusion. The ratio of n‐3/n‐6 fatty acids was greatly affected in sea bream fed the full‐fat PMM at 75% inclusion due to fish oil exclusion. Defatted dPMM, however, allowed more of the fish oil to be used in the diet and reducing this latter effect in sea bream carcass, hence restoring the higher total omega‐3 HUFA fatty acids namely EPA and DHA and n‐3/n‐6 ratio. It is concluded that poultry meat meal can be modestly incorporated into formulated diets for sea bream and can be used in conjunction with soya bean meal without any fundamental changes in performance and feed efficiency.  相似文献   

The apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of three diet ingredients serving as protein sources for adult sturgeon Acipenser guldenstadti × A. bester was studied using an inert marker in the feed and collecting the faeces by stripping. Each experimental diet contained a different protein source, fishmeal, soybean meal and poultry meal, making up 50% of the total, the other 50% being reference diet (28% fishmeal, 9% poultry meal, 24% soybean meal, 26% wheat flour, 8% poultry oil plus 0.5% vitamins, egg yolk, guar and chromic oxide). The digestibility of protein from fishmeal was 81.0%, from soybean meal 81.9% and from poultry meal 64.6%. Energy digestibility tests gave the following results: fishmeal 13.0 kJ g?1; soybean meal 12.1 kJ g?1; and poultry meal 10.2 kJ g?1. The differences in the ADC of various protein and carbohydrate sources are discussed.  相似文献   

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