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A tillage erosion model was developed for southwestern Ontario based on the relationship between tillage translocation and slope gradient and slope curvature. Two studies of tillage translocation and tillage erosion were used to calibrate this model, one a comparison of upslope and downslope tillage translocation on shoulder slopes, the other an examination of tillage translocation throughout topographically complex landscapes. Two field sites were used for validation of the model. For both sites, past tillage practices were known and past soil erosion was determined using 137Cs as an indicator of soil redistribution. The model accurately predicted the pattern of soil redistribution that had occurred within the two field sites. Severe soil loss was observed and predicted on convex landscape positions and soil accumulation was observed and predicted on concave landscape positions. The model accounted for almost all of the soil lost from the convex upper slope positions where tillage erosion was expected to be the dominant erosion process. There was considerable soil loss and accumulation elsewhere in the landscapes which could not be accounted for by the model and was presumed to be primarily the result of water erosion. It was concluded that tillage erosion must be incorporated into soil erosion modelling for the purposes of soil conservation.  相似文献   

In Canada, there is growing acceptance that tillage erosion is a serious form of soil degradation and a threat to the sustainability of agriculture across the country. To date, the potential risk for tillage erosion within potato production systems has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to generate tillage translocation values for primary and secondary tillage implements common to seedbed preparation within conventionally and conservation tilled potato production systems in Atlantic Canada. Tillage translocation was measured for each implement by labelling a plot of soil with a tracer. The tracer redistribution along the path of tillage was used to generate a summation curve to calculate mean soil movement in the direction of tillage. The results show that each primary and secondary tillage operation moved vast quantities of soil and is potentially erosive. Maximum displacement distances were considerably larger in this project than those reported in previous studies looking at tillage erosion by primary and/or secondary tillage implements. All four tillage implements tested moved soil at least 3 m, with the greatest translocated distances (5.6 m) observed for the chisel plough (CP) and vibrashank (VS). The mass of translocated soil (TM) was greatest for the CP, followed by the mouldboard plough (MP), VS and offset disc (OD). In addition, compared to travelling downslope, the upslope speed of tillage was reduced by 38%, 21%, 32% and 12% for the MP, CP, OD and VS, respectively, while the depth of tillage was reduced by 6%, 5%, 35% and 2%, respectively. It is apparent that conservation tillage implements (the CP is generally promoted to reduce water erosion in Atlantic Canada) and secondary tillage implements (OD and VS) can move as much soil as conventional tillage implements such as the mouldboard plough, and must be considered when developing plans to reduce soil erosion within potato fields in Atlantic Canada.  相似文献   

Most of the tillage erosion studies have focused on the effect of tractor-plough tillage on soil translocation and soil loss. Only recently, have a few studies contributed to the understanding of tillage erosion by manual tillage. Furthermore, little is known about the impact of tillage erosion in hilly areas of the humid sub-tropics. This study on tillage erosion by hoeing was conducted on a purple soil (Regosols) of the steep land, in Jianyang County, Sichuan Province, southwestern China (30°24′N and 104°35′E) using the physical tracer method.

The effects of hoeing tillage on soil translocation on hillslopes are quite evident. The tillage transport coefficients were 26–38 kg m−1 per tillage pass and 121–175 kg m−1 per tillage pass respectively for k3- and k4-values. Given that there was a typical downslope parcel length of 15 m and two times of tillage per year in this area, the tillage erosion rates on the 4–43% hillslopes reached 48–151 Mg ha−1 per year. The downslope soil translocation is closely related to slope gradient. Lateral soil translocation by such tillage is also obvious though it is lower than downslope soil translocation. Strong downslope translocation accounts for thin soil layers and the exposure of parent materials/rocks at the ridge tops and on convexities in the hilly areas. Deterioration in soil quality and therefore reduction in plant productivity due to tillage-induced erosion would be evident at the ridge tops and convex shoulders.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a series of experiments that were set up on agricultural land in central Belgium to investigate soil translocation and erosivity resulting from a secondary tillage operation using an implement sequence of a rotary harrow and seeder. Aluminium cubes were used as tracers of soil movement. Results show that soil displacement resulting from tillage with such an implement sequence is far from insignificant. This is mainly related to the relatively shallow tillage depth as well as to the loose initial soil condition of such secondary tillage operations. The calculated value for the tillage transport coefficient k (123 kg m−1 per tillage operation) is comparable with k-values from implements that are considered to be more erosive, like mouldboard and chisel implements. In conclusion, this study shows that tillage erosion not only results from relatively aggressive tillage operations such as mouldboard and chisel passes, but that secondary operations contribute significantly to soil displacement and tillage erosion.  相似文献   

In Canada, the negative impacts of tillage erosion is a growing concern, especially in regions where highly erosive cropping and tillage systems are practiced on highly erodible, topographically complex landscapes. To date, tillage erosion studies have focused primarily on the movement of soil by primary and secondary tillage operations. However, in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production there is often considerable soil disturbance that occurs during “tertiary” field operations conducted during the growing season. Therefore, the objective of this project was to generate tillage translocation and erosivity values for implements common to planting, hilling and harvesting operations within intensive potato production systems in Atlantic Canada. Our results show that tertiary tillage operations result in significant soil displacement and can be equally as erosive as primary and secondary tillage operations. Both the planting, cultivating and hilling (PCH) sequence and the harvester moved soil extremely large distances (up to 23.6 and 6.0 m, respectively). In fact, the mean translocated distance of the tilled layer (TL) and the mass of translocated soil (TM) of the PCH sequence (0.42 m and 115.9 kg m−1, respectively) and the harvester (0.55 m and 71.7 kg m−1, respectively) are larger than those reported previously for primary and secondary tillage operations in New Brunswick. In addition, the net downslope movement of soil for the PCH sequence and the harvester was approximately 36 and 26 kg m−1, respectively, suggesting that both tertiary tillage operations have the potential to be erosive. A direct relationship was observed between both TL and TM and slope gradient for the PCH sequence, but similar relationships were not found for the harvester, even though the harvester moved approximately 30 % more soil downslope than upslope. Linear regression functions were generally improved after including slope curvature in the model, but these results were not always significant. Soil movement by the PCH sequence and harvester were also largely influenced by tillage speed and tillage depth, and future research is needed under controlled conditions to determine whether it is changing topography or the variability in tillage speed and depth across the landscape in response to changing topography that is driving tillage erosion within mechanized agricultural systems. It is clear that tertiary tillage operations must be considered when developing best management practices to improve soil conservation strategies for potato production systems in Canada and worldwide.  相似文献   

Validation of spatially distributed models using spatially distributed data represents a vital element in the development process; however, it is rarely undertaken. To a large extent, this reflects the problems associated with assembling erosion rate data, at appropriate temporal and spatial scales and with a suitable spatial resolution, for comparison with model results. The caesium-137 (137Cs) technique would appear to offer considerable potential for meeting this need for data, at least for longer timescales. Nevertheless, initial attempts to use 137Cs for model validation did not prove successful. This lack of success may be explained by the important role of tillage erosion in redistributing soil within agricultural fields and, therefore, contributing to the 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates. This paper examines the implications of tillage erosion for the use of 137Cs in erosion model validation and presents an outline methodology for the use of 137Cs in model validation. This methodology acknowledges and addresses the constraints imposed by the need to: (1) separate water and tillage erosion contributions to total soil redistribution as represented in 137Cs derived rates; (2) account for lateral mixing of 137Cs within fields as a result of tillage translocation; (3) simulate long-term water erosion rates using the model under evaluation if 137Cs-derived water erosion rates are to be used in model validation. The methodology is dependent on accurate simulation of tillage erosion and tillage translocation. Therefore, as greater understanding of tillage erosion is obtained, the potential for the use of 137Cs in water erosion model validation will increase. Caesium-137 measurements remain one of the few sources of spatially distributed erosion information and, therefore, their potential value should be exploited to the full.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion studies have mainly focused on the effect of topography and cultivation practices on soil translocation during tillage. However, the possible effect of initial soil conditions on soil displacement and soil erosion during tillage have not been considered. This study aims at investigating the effect of the initial soil conditions on net soil displacement and the associated erosion rates by a given tillage operation of a stony loam soil. Tillage erosion experiments were carried out with a mouldboard plough on a freshly ploughed (pre-tilled) soil and a soil under grass fallow in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal).

The experimental results show that both the downslope displacement of soil material and the rate of increase of the downslope displacement with slope gradient are greater when the soil is initially in a loose condition. This was attributed to: (i) a greater tillage depth on the pre-tilled soil and (ii) a reduced internal cohesion of the pre-tilled soil, allowing clods to roll and/or slide down the plough furrow after being overturned by the mouldboard plough.

An analysis of additional available data on soil translocation by mouldboard tillage showed that downslope displacement distances were only significantly related to the slope gradient when tillage is carried out in the downslope direction. When tillage is carried out in the upslope direction, the effect of slope gradient on upslope displacement distances was not significant. This has important implications for the estimation of the tillage transport coefficient, which is a measure for the intensity of tillage erosion, from experimental data. For our experiments, estimated values of the tillage transport coefficient were 70 and 254 kg m−1 per tillage operation for grass fallow and pre-tilled conditions, respectively, corresponding to local maximum erosion rates of ca. 8 and 35 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation and local maximum deposition rates of ca. 33 and 109 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation.  相似文献   

To date, tillage erosion experiments in Canada have only been conducted on conventionally tilled corn-based production systems in Ontario and conventionally tilled cereal-based production in Manitoba. Estimates and assumptions have been made for all other production systems. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the erosivity of primary and secondary tillage operations within conventional and conservation potato production systems used in Atlantic Canada. Regression analysis determined that a direct relationship exists between slope gradient and both the mean displacement distance of the tilled layer (TL) and the mass of translocated soil (TM) for the chisel plough (CP), mouldboard plough (MP) and offset disc (OD), but not for the vibrashank (VS). Overall, the potential for tillage erosion of the MP, CP, and OD was similar (1.8–1.9 kg m−1 %−1 pass−1) and larger than that of the VS (0.3 kg m−1 %−1 pass−1). The regression coefficients for each implement were improved after including slope curvature, and we recommend that curvature be included in any future tillage erosion modelling. Our results show that both residue management to control wind and water erosion and soil movement to control tillage erosion must be considered when choosing implements and developing best management practices with regards to reducing the negative impacts of total soil erosion on potato production systems in Atlantic Canada.  相似文献   

Total soil erosion is the integrated result of all forms of soil erosion — wind, water and tillage. It has been recognized that in topographically complex landscapes, individual soil erosion processes and their interactions all contribute towards total soil erosion. In this study, two field sites, representing different landscapes in the northern region of the North American Great Plains, were examined. Water and tillage erosions were estimated using the established water and tillage erosion models and total soil erosion was estimated using the 137Cs technique.We determined that the patterns of water and tillage erosion across the landscapes are mainly dependent on topographic features and they are fundamentally different within topographically complex landscapes. On the slope of undulating landscapes, tillage and water erosion both contribute considerably to total soil erosion. On the knoll of hummocky landscapes, tillage erosion dominates the pattern of total soil erosion. Tested against the Cs measurements, the patterns of total soil erosion cannot be well estimated by water or tillage erosion model alone unless one of the two erosion processes predominate over the other erosion processes. Combining water and tillage erosion models generally provides better estimations of total soil erosion than the component models on their own. Most soil properties and crop yield were found to be closely correlated with total soil erosion. For a given erosion process, the soil erosion patterns estimated using different models with reasonable parameter settings were similar to each other. However, it is necessary to choose an optimal model and to obtain accurate parameters for the purpose of accurate assessments of the erosion rates.  相似文献   

Modeling spatial variation in productivity due to tillage and water erosion   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The advent of precision farming practices has heightened interest in managing field variability to optimize profitability. The large variation in yields across many producer fields demonstrated by yield–monitor–equipped combines has generated concern about management-induced causes of spatial variation in soil productivity. Soil translocation from erosion processes may result in variation in soil properties across field landscape positions that produce long-term changes in soil productivity. The objective of this study was to examine the relationships between soil redistribution caused by tillage and water erosion and the resulting spatial variability of soil productivity in a soil catena in eastern South Dakota. An empirical model developed to estimate tillage erosion was used to evaluate changes expected in the soil profile over a 50-year period on a typical toposequence found in eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota. Changes in the soil profile due to water erosion over a 50-year period were evaluated using the WEPP hillslope model. The tillage erosion model and the WEPP hillslope model were run concurrently for a 50-year period to evaluate the combined effect of the two processes. The resulting changes in soil properties of the root zone were evaluated for changes in productivity using a productivity index model. Tillage erosion resulted in soil loss in the shoulder position, while soil loss from water erosion occurred primarily in the mid to lower backslope position. The decline in soil productivity was greater when both processes were combined compared to either process acting alone. Water erosion contributed to nearly all the decline in soil productivity in the backslope position when both tillage and water erosion processes were combined. The net effect of soil translocation from the combined effects of tillage and water erosion is an increase in spatial variability of crop yields and a likely decline in overall soil productivity.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion is increasingly recognised as an important soil erosion process on agricultural land. In view of its potential significance, there is a clear need to broaden the experimental database for the magnitude of tillage erosion to include a range of tillage implements and agricultural environments. The study discussed in this paper sought to address the need for such data by examining tillage erosion by a duckfoot chisel plough in stony soils on steep slopes in a semi-arid environment. Results of the investigation of coarse fraction (rock fragment) translocation by tillage in this environment have been presented elsewhere and the paper focuses on tillage translocation and erosion of the fine earth. Tillage translocation was measured at 10 sites, representing both upslope and downslope tillage by a duckfoot chisel plough on five different slopes, with tangents ranging from 0.02 to 0.41. A fine-earth tracer, comprising fine earth labelled with 134Cs, was introduced into the plough layer before tillage. After a single pass of the plough, incremental samples of plough soil were excavated and sieved to separate the fine earth from the rock fragments. Translocation of the fine-earth tracer was established by analysing the 134Cs content of the samples of fine earth. These data were used to establish translocation distances for each combination of slope and tillage direction. Translocation distances of the fine earth were not significantly different from translocation distances of the coarse fraction. For all sites, except uphill on the 0.41 slope, translocation distances were found to be linearly related to slope tangent. The soil flux due to tillage for each site was calculated using the translocation distance and the mass per unit area of the plough layer. For slopes with tangents <0.25, the relationship between soil flux and tangent was linear and the soil flux coefficient derived was 520–660 kg m−1 per pass. This is much larger than the coefficients found in other studies and this high magnitude is attributed to the non-cohesive nature and high rock fragment content of the soil in this investigation. A second contrast with previous studies was found in non-linearity in the relationship between soil flux and tangent when steeper slopes were included. This was a product of variation in plough depth between the steepest slopes and the remainder of the study area. On the basis of the study it is suggested that an improved understanding of tillage erosion may be obtained by considering the dual processes of tillage detachment (mass per unit area of soil subject to tillage) and tillage displacement (equivalent to translocation distance per pass) in assessing, comparing and modelling tillage translocation. An improved model is proposed that recognises the complexity of soil redistribution by tillage, provides a framework for process-based investigation of the controls on tillage fluxes, and allows identification of potential self-limiting conditions for tillage erosion.  相似文献   

Very few studies have investigated the factors affecting soil displacement and tillage erosion by hoeing tillage. This study adopted a magnetic tracer method to investigate the influences of hoe form and tillage depth on soil translocation over steep hillslopes in Southwest China using a new type of magnetic tracer, i.e., ilmenite powder. Ilmenite powder enhanced the magnetic sensitivity of soil at the end position of tracer distribution, and improved the accuracy and efficiency of tillage translocation measurements. Tillage translocation by wide and perforated hoes was found to be significantly correlated with slope gradient (< 0.01), however, no significant correlation was found for narrow and bidentate hoe tillage (> 0.05). Compared with wide hoes, the tillage erosion rates resulting from the use of narrow, perforated and bidentate hoes were reduced by 12.4%, 11.0%, and 16.3%, respectively, indicating that changes in hoe forms resulted in a marked decrease in downslope soil translocation and tillage erosion. Tillage erosion rate decreased by 64% when the tillage depth was reduced from 0.26 to 0.14 m. These results suggest that innovations in hoe form and reductions in tillage depth are important means to manage tillage erosion due to hoeing.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterise the soil translocation effect induced by mouldboard ploughing with an implement traditionally used in the Tuscany region (Central Italy). We discuss the results of a set of field experiments performed to measure soil displacement along slopes of varying gradient in different directions and at several depths of tillage. Using the Soil Erosion by Tillage (SETi) model, soil translocation patterns for different tillage scenarios were analysed, with special attention paid to the effects of the direction and depth of tillage on the extent and spatial pattern of soil movement. The lateral slope gradient SP and tillage depth D were found to be the dominant controlling factors for total soil displacement. The effect of the slope gradient in a direction parallel to tillage ST was much less pronounced. These findings reveal the importance of the asymmetric nature of the soil movement produced by mouldboard ploughing and the predominant effect of the lateral displacement dP on the actual trajectory of soil motion. Results demonstrate that spatial patterns of soil redistribution due to mouldboard ploughing are highly variable and depend on the particular characteristics of the implement used. This dependence is so strong that maximum downslope soil translocation can occur during both, contour tillage or up–down tillage. For this particular mouldboard plough, maximum downslope soil transport took place at a tillage direction ca. 70° and not when tillage was conducted along the steepest slope direction (0°). These findings highlight the potential of the combined approach applied. The physically based SETi model can be properly calibrated using a relatively limited dataset from field experiments. Once calibrating, the SETi model can then be used to generate synthetic tillage translocation relationships, which can predict the intensity and spatial pattern of soil translocation over a much wider range of tillage scenarios than the particular experimental conditions, in terms of topography complexity (slope gradients and morphology) and the direction and depth of tillage. These synthetic relationships are useful tools for evaluating strategies designed to reduce tillage erosion.  相似文献   

Most of the erosion research in the Palouse region of eastern Washington State, USA has focused on quantifying the rates and patterns of water erosion for purposes of conservation planing. Tillage translocation, however, has largely been overlooked as a significant geomorphic process on Palouse hillslopes. Tillage translocation and tillage deposition together have resulted in severe soil degradation in many steep croplands of the Palouse region. Few controlled experiments have heretofore been conducted to model these important geomorphic processes on Palouse hillslopes. The overarching purpose of this investigation, therefore, was to model tillage translocation and deposition due to moldboard plowing in the Palouse region. Soil movement by moldboard plowing was measured using 480-steel flat washers. Washers were buried in silt loam soils on convex–convex shoulder, linear-convex backslope, and linear-concave footslope landform components, and then displaced from their original burial locations by a moldboard plow pulled by a wheel tractor traveling parallel to the contour at ca. 1.0 m s−1. Displaced washers were located using a metal detector, and the distance and azimuth of the resultant displacement of each washer from its original burial location was measured using compass and tape. Resultant displacement distances were then resolved into their component vectors of displacement parallel and perpendicular to the contour. A linear regression equation was developed expressing mean soil displacement distance as a function of slope gradient. Tillage translocation and deposition were modeled as diffusion-type geomorphic processes, and their rates were described in terms of the diffusion constant (k). A multivariate statistical model was developed expressing mean soil displacement distance as a function of gravimetric moisture content, soil bulk density, slope gradient, and direction of furrow slice displacement. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a weak correlation between soil displacement and both bulk density and moisture content. Soil displacement was, however, significantly correlated with direction of furrow slice displacement. Tillage translocation rates were expressed in terms of the diffusion constant (k) and ranged from 105 to 113 kg m−1 per tillage operation. Tillage deposition rates ranged from 54 to 148 kg m−1 per tillage operation. With respect to tillage deposition, the diffusion constant calculated from volumetric measurements of tillage deposits equals ca. 150 kg/m. The rates of tillage translocation and deposition are not completely in balance; however, these rates do suggest that soil tillage is a significant geomorphic process on Palouse hillslopes and could account for the some of the variations in soil physical properties and crop yield potential at the hillslope and farm-field scale in the Palouse region.  相似文献   

Changing land-use practices in northern Thailand have increased tillage intensity. This study re-assesses the rate of tillage erosion by manual hoeing on steep slopes (17–82%) in northern Thailand. Previously collected soil translocation data during an on-farm tillage erosion experiment and additionally collected data during an on-farm tillage erosion survey have been analysed whereby a new calculation method (i.e. trapezoid tillage step) has been used. A comparison with previously collected data indicates that the trapezoid tillage step method and the tracer method are the most reliable methods to assess downslope translocation by manual tillage. Based on newly acquired understanding of the processes involved, soil fluxes by tillage erosion are quantified by linear functions for different slope gradient classes rather than one single diffusion-type equation for the whole slope range. For slope gradients smaller than 3%, soil fluxes are close to zero as farmers do not have a preferred tillage direction. For slope gradients between 3% and 70%, soil is tilled only in the downslope direction and soil fluxes range between 16 and 67 kg m−1 tillage pass−1. On slopes with gradients in excess of 70%, the angle of repose for soil clods is often exceeded resulting in a sliding down of the complete tilled top layer. These data are used to assess the soil flux for complete cropping cycles for the most dominant cropping systems in the highlands of northern Thailand: i.e. upland rice, maize, (soy) beans, cabbage and ginger. The on-site effects of tillage erosion will be very pronounced if parcels are short with respect to their slope length, cultivated for upland rice or cabbage, or when weed pressure is high. Tillage erosion results in a tillage step with low soil fertility and low infiltration capacity. Solutions to reduce tillage erosion intensity depend on the degree that tillage intensity can be reduced. This might happen by an improved weed management or by changing landuse to perrenial cropping. Other strategies are concentrating nutrients on the truncated hillslope sections and retaining soil on the field by vegetative buffers.  相似文献   

The distance over which soil is displaced and mixed during tillage has important implications for the understanding the dynamics of soil variability within complex soil-landscapes. In two preceding studies of tillage translocation, tillage was observed to displace soil over a length of approximately 1 m following single passes of four tillage implements (chisel plough, mouldboard plough, tandem disc and field cultivator), and over a length of approximately 2 m per sequence of conventional tillage (one pass of mouldboard plough, two passes of tandem disc and one pass of field cultivator). Using data from these studies step, linear-plateau and exponential functions were assessed for their ability to estimate the magnitude of translocation and the redistribution pattern of soil within the till-layer, and to predict the redistribution pattern of soil within the till-layer. On average, step, linear-plateau and exponential models estimated 100.0%, 100.2% and 102.5% of the magnitude of translocation and 76%, 88% and 93% of the soil redistribution pattern, respectively. Based on these results, it was concluded that linear-plateau and exponential functions are suitable models of tillage translocation. The exponential model was superior to the step and linear-plateau models, and an improvement over the existing diffusion model.  相似文献   

This study sought to contribute to the understanding of soil redistribution by tillage on terraces and the extent and causes of within-field variation in soil properties by examining the spatial distributions of soil redistribution rates, derived using caesium-137, and of total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations, within a ribbon and a shoulder terrace in a yuan area of the Loess Plateau of China. Additional water erosion rate data were obtained for nine other terraces. Water erosion rates on the ribbon terraces were low (<1 kg m−2 yr−1), unless slope tangents exceeded 0·1. However, despite the use of animal traction, high rates of tillage erosion were observed (mean 5·5 kg m−2 yr−1). Soil nitrogen concentrations were related to rates of soil redistribution by tillage on the ribbon terrace examined in detail. In general, higher rates of water erosion (0·5–2·9 kg m−2 yr−1) and lower rates of tillage erosion (mean 1·4 kg m−2 yr−1) were evident on the longer shoulder terraces. On the shoulder terrace examined in detail, soil phosphorus concentrations were related to net rates of soil redistribution. A statistically significant regression relationship between water erosion rates and the USLE length and slope factor was used in conjunction with the simulation of tillage erosion rates to evaluate a range of terrace designs. It is suggested that off-site impacts of erosion could be further reduced by ensuring that the slope tangents are kept below 0·06 and lengths below 30 m, especially on the shoulder terraces. Tillage erosion and the systematic redistribution of soil nutrients could be reduced by modification of the contour-cultivation technique to turn soil in opposing directions in alternate years. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

紫色土坡地旋耕机耕作侵蚀特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耕作侵蚀的过程机制和防治技术研究是我国现阶段水土保持科学与技术的重点研究领域,关于小型旋耕机耕作的土壤再分布过程和影响因素研究较少.应用磁性示踪法研究旋耕机等高耕作、向下耕作和向上耕作的土壤再分布模式和强度,查明耕作速度对旋耕机耕作侵蚀的影响.结果表明:不同耕作方向下旋耕机单次耕作过程中均引起土壤同时发生向上坡和向下坡移动,且均导致土壤发生向下坡净位移;不同耕作速度时等高耕作和向上耕作土壤净位移与坡度均呈显著正相关(P<0.01),而向下耕作二者无显著相关性(P>0.05);土壤净位移量表现为快挡等高耕作(11.53 kg/m)>快挡向下耕作(11.40kg/m)>快挡向上耕作(7.59kg/m)>慢挡向下耕作(7.33 kg/m)>慢挡等高耕作(6.87 kg/m)>慢挡向上耕作(6.29 kg/m);快挡时上下坡交替耕作的耕作侵蚀速率小于等高耕作,但慢挡时二者相当.旋耕机耕作相比传统耕作机具的耕作侵蚀明显下降,其推广应用对于防治紫色土坡地耕作侵蚀和土壤退化有重要作用.  相似文献   

我国南方丘陵区土壤耕作侵蚀的定量研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
通过采用示踪法对四川丘陵区坡耕地的耕作试验研究 ,获得了土壤耕作位移和土壤耕作侵蚀的直接证据 ,确定了耕作侵蚀是四川丘陵区土壤流失的原因之一。试验结果指出 ,四川丘陵区单次耕作的土壤位移量为 43.70~ 6 4.47kg/ m;平均土壤耕作侵蚀速率为 6 5 .0 5~ 97.0 5 t/ hm2 .a。土壤耕作位移受地面坡度的影响十分明显 ,平均位移距离与坡度间呈显著正相关关系。耕作侵蚀速率主要取决于坡体长度 ,只有在坡体长度相同的条件下 ,耕作侵蚀速率才随坡度的增大而增加  相似文献   

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