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铵、钾同时存在时, 土壤对铵的优先吸附   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ten soils collected from different parts of China were used in a series of experiments to study fixation of NH4^ and K^ by soils.When K^ was added concurrently with or prior to NH4^ ,the soils were found to fix more moles of NH4^ than those of K^ ,irrespective of the mole ratios of NH4^ to ^ that were added.  相似文献   

不同胶结物质对黄绵土团聚体形成的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
通过室内培养试验,采用PAM、腐殖酸、壳聚糖、硫酸铝4种土壤结构胶结剂对促进黄绵土0.25mm团聚体形成大团聚体的过程和效果开展研究。结果表明:(1)从新形成土壤团聚体的粒径分布来看,4种胶结剂均有利于0.25mm粒径的团聚体形成更大的团聚体,尤其是对于增加5mm的土壤团聚体含量效果明显;(2)4种胶结剂施入0.25mm黄绵土团聚体,均可有效地增加黄绵土团聚体的平均重量直径和几何平均直径,提高了团聚体稳定性,且随胶结剂施用浓度的增加呈升高趋势;(3)不同胶结剂对促进黄绵土团聚体形成的能力表现为腐殖酸≈PAM壳聚糖硫酸铝。研究结果可为合理利用外源胶结剂改善土壤结构提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

施肥措施对红壤结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用长期定位试验研究红壤开垦利用后不同施肥措施下红壤结构的变化结果表明,红壤开垦利用后,>1mm机械稳定性大团聚体有所增加,而1mm水稳定性团聚体含量有所下降,但施用有机肥可缓冲1mm大团聚体含量下降的趋势,增加>0.25mm大团聚体总量.红壤开垦利用后土壤容重变小,土壤孔隙度增加.施用有机肥可使土壤毛管孔隙度增加50%,有效水库容增加64%,而施用化肥仅分别比荒草地红壤增加27%和33%.施用绿肥、稻草或秸秆还田有利于提高土壤的持水性能,而施用化肥对土壤持水性能似无明显改善作用.  相似文献   

利用方式对红壤水稳定性团聚体形成的影响   总被引:61,自引:2,他引:61       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了五种利用方式对红壤水性团聚体形成的影响。结果表明,>稳定性团聚体含量:林地>旱地>荒地>茶园>果园。水稳定性团聚体数量以及团聚的水稳定性均与有机质的含量呈正相关。红壤开垦后,有机抽分解加快或补充减少是导致团聚体稳定性下降和水稳定稳定团聚体减少的主要原因。同理,恢复和改良红壤结构性及结构稳定性的关键是增加有机质的投入。  相似文献   

长期施肥对中国亚热带水稻土土壤稳定性和机械属性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
LI Jiang-Tao  ZHANG Bin 《土壤圈》2007,17(5):568-579
Wet stability, penetration resistance (PR), and tensile strength (TS) of paddy soils under a fertilization experiment for 22 years were determined to elucidate the function of soil organic matter in paddy soil stabilization. The treatments included no fertilization (CK), normal chemical fertilization (NPK), double the NPK application rates (2NPK), and NPK mixed with organic manure (NPK+OM). Compared with CK, Fertilization increased soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil porosity. The results of soil aggregate fragmentation degree (SAFD) showed that fast wetting by water was the key fragmentation mechanism. Among the treatments, the NPK+OM treatment had the largest size of water-stable aggregates and greatest normal mean weight diameter (NMWD) (P ≤ 0.05), but the lowest PR and TS in both cultivated horizon (Ap) and plow pan. The CK and 2NPK treatments were measured with PR 〉 2.0 MPa and friability index 〈 0.20, respectively, in the Ap horizon, suggesting that the soils was mechanically unfavourable to root growth and tillage. In the plow pan, the fertilization treatments had greater TS and PR than in CK. TS and PR of the tested soil aggregates were negatively correlated to SOC content and soil porosity. This study suggested that chemical fertilization could cause deterioration of mechanical properties while application of organic manure could improve soil stability and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

连续不同施肥对土壤团聚性影响的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
通过对乾县试区土壤定点培肥试验地土壤团聚体及微团聚体的分析测定,得出连续不同施肥水平下的土壤有机质含量、各级团聚体及微团聚体数量与组成差异明显。与对照相比,随着施肥水平的提高,土壤有机质、10-250μm微团聚体和〉0.25mm团矛体不断增加,〈10μm的微团聚体含量有下降趋势;土壤分散系数减小,结构系数增大,土壤容重降低;特别是施高量有机肥或有机一无机配施,更有利于土壤中较大粒径团聚体的形成和土  相似文献   

干湿交替在自然界中普遍存在。受气候格局变化的影响,干湿交替频繁,对土壤水分、结构及其稳定性和抗蚀性产生深刻影响。土壤水分是干湿交替的直观表现,土壤水分因干湿交替的变化会经历落干和复湿两个过程。重点论述了干湿交替对土壤结构及其稳定性和抗蚀性的影响机制,并结合目前研究过程中存在的一些不足,指出了未来研究中值得深入研究的科学问题。  相似文献   

稻草易地还土对丘陵红壤团聚体碳氮分布的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用新垦坡地、熟化旱地两个定位试验的典型处理(不施肥、化肥、稻草 NP),研究稻草易地还土对丘陵红壤水稳定性大团聚体(>0.25 mm)内碳、氮分布的影响。结果表明,稻草易地还土提高了土壤大团聚体含量;团聚体粒径越大,有机碳和全氮的含量越高;与对照相比,稻草易地还土提高大团聚体内的有机碳含量10.1%~78.5%、全氮含量9.4%~63.6%(p<0.05),同时也显著提高二者在较大粒径(1~2 mm,2~5 mm)团聚体内的分配比例;与化肥处理相比,稻草易地还土提高>0.5 mm各粒级大团聚体内的有机碳含量6.5%~46.1%,也提高了0.5~1 mm,1~2 mm,2~5 mm团聚体内的全氮含量8.7%~16.1%(p<0.05)。水稳定性大团聚体对土壤碳、氮具有强富集和物理保护作用;稻草易地还土提高水稳定性大团聚体内碳、氮的含量和分配比例,是改良丘陵红壤结构、提高并协调土壤肥力的有效保育措施。  相似文献   

成土母质对土壤团聚体形成的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
成土母质对土壤团聚体数量及其稳定性的影响与不同母质所含无机胶体的差别有关,对浙江省八类母质发育的团聚体组成的研究表明:母质对土壤团聚体及其水稳定性影响顺次为玄武岩〉石灰岩、Q2红土〉花岗岩、石英砂岩〉泥页岩〉紫砂岩〉红砂岩。其中母质对5 ̄1mm粒级的水稳性团聚体的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

冬季不同种植模式对稻田土壤团聚体及其有机碳的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张鹏  周泉  黄国勤 《核农学报》2019,33(12):2430-2438
为探究冬季不同种植模式对稻田土壤结构和质量的影响,设置5种冬季种植模式:冬季休闲(冬闲)、冬种紫云英、冬种油菜、冬种大蒜和冬季轮作(马铃薯、紫云英、油菜),通过测定稻田不同土层土壤团聚体组成和团聚体有机碳含量,分析稻田土壤团聚体的水稳性和团聚体有机碳分布。结果表明,在0~30 cm土层深度:>2 mm粒级的土壤团聚体含量最高,其次是<0.053 mm粒级的土壤团聚体,1~2、0.5~1、0.25~0.05、0.053~0.25 mm粒级的土壤团聚体含量相近;各冬季种植处理模式均提高了稻田水稳性团聚体的平均质量直径(MWD)和平均几何直径(GMD),其中冬种油菜、冬季轮作以及冬种紫云英处理的MWD较冬闲处理分别显著提高21.50%、21.16%、16.32%(P<0.05),冬种油菜和冬季轮作处理的GMD较冬闲处理分别显著提高83.31%、62.50%(P<0.05);冬季不同种植模式显著降低了土壤水稳性团聚体的分形维数(P<0.05),有利于维持土壤结构的稳定性;相对于冬闲处理,其余不同冬季种植模式处理的各粒径下土壤团聚体有机碳含量有增加的趋势。综上可知,冬季不同种植模式均有利于稻田土壤团聚体稳定性的提高和各粒级下团聚体有机碳的积累,其中冬季轮作模式的效果最佳。本研究结果为南方冬闲田优化种植模式提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

耕作对土壤有机物和土壤团聚体稳定性的影响   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17  
Agricultural sustainability relates directly to maintaining or enhancing soil quality. Soil quality studies in Canada during the 1980‘s showed that loss of soil organic matter (SOM) and soil aggregate stability was standard features of non-sustainable land management in agroecosystems. In this study total soil organic carbon (SOC), particulate organic matter (POM), POM-C as a percentage of total SOC, and aggregate stability were determined for three cultivated fields and three adjacent grassland fields to assess the impact of conventional agricultural management on soil quality. POM was investigated using solid-state ^13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to determine any qualitative differences that may be attributed to cultivation. Results show a highly significant loss in total SOC, POM and aggregate stability in the cultivated fields as compared to the grassland fields and a significant loss of POM-C as a percentage of total SOC.Integrated results of the NMR spectra of the POM show a loss in carbohydrate-C and an increase in aromatic-C in the cultivated fields, which translates to a loss of biological lability in the organic matter. Conventional cultivation decreased the quantity and quality of SOM and caused a loss in aggregate stability resulting in an overall decline in soil quality.  相似文献   

长期培肥下红壤有机碳组成与团聚体稳定性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为研究培肥措施对红壤有机碳组成和团聚体稳定性的影响,以及有机碳与团聚体稳定性的关系,通过长期定位实验,选取不同施肥措施(未培肥CK、化肥NPK、化肥+秸秆NPKS和粪肥AM)下的典型红壤为研究对象,分析土壤有机碳组成和团聚体稳定性差异,揭示3种施肥措施下不同层次的有机碳组成和团聚体稳定性的变化规律.结果表明,3种施肥措施均可以提高土壤表层(0 ~25 cm)有机碳质量分数(尤其是颗粒有机碳),其中AM效果最显著,NPKS次之.不同施肥措施下红壤不同层次的团聚体稳定性顺序为AM> NPKS> NPK> CK.与CK相比,AM处理对表下层(5~15 cm)土壤的总有机碳和团聚体稳定性的提高效果最显著.回归分析表明,颗粒有机碳(POC)与湿筛法平均质量直径以及快速湿润(FW)、慢速湿润(SW)、预湿润震荡(WS)3种处理的平均质量直径的相关性最好(R2 =0.79、0.80、0.66、0.81),说明相对于其他组分,颗粒有机碳更有利于降低消散作用以及抵抗机械破碎进而增强团聚体稳定性,是间接评价土壤团聚体稳定性的良好指标.  相似文献   

农业有机物料是重要的资源,为研究施用不同有机物料对土壤水稳性团聚体分布、稳定性及有机碳的影响,采用对照(CK)、玉米秸秆(Str)、堆肥(C)、牛粪(PM)、沼渣(BgR)、生物炭(BC)6种处理,通过田间7年定位试验,利用湿筛法得到不同粒级的土壤水稳性团聚体,测定土壤有机碳含量,计算了水稳性团聚体平均质量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)值、分形维数(D)和土壤不稳定团粒指数(E_(LT))。结果表明:与对照相比,5种不同有机物料处理下0~15 cm土层水稳性大团聚体(0.25 mm)含量、平均质量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GMD)、土壤有机碳含量显著增加(P0.05),分形维数(D)、土壤不稳定团粒指数(E_(LT))显著减小(P0.05),土壤团聚体结构稳定性明显得到增强。土壤有机碳与水稳性大团聚体(0.25mm)含量间呈现出极显著正相关关系(P0.001)。生物炭和秸秆处理的团聚体稳定性变化最为明显,土壤结构改善效果最好,生物炭、沼渣处理最有利于促进土壤有机碳的累积。各处理15~30 cm土层,土壤团聚体及有机碳含量差异不显著(P0.05)。采取施用不同有机物料的方式对耕地进行保育,显著提高了耕作层水稳性大团聚体含量和有机碳含量,增强了团聚体结构稳定性,改善了土壤结构和肥力状况。  相似文献   

Soil water repellency affects the hydrological functions of soil systems. Water repellency is associated with the content and the composition of soil organic matter. In the present study, we examined the effects of hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic matter contents, the hydrophobic/hydrophilic organic matter ratio and the total organic matter content on water repellency using model sandy soils. Stearic acid and guar gum were used as the hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic compounds, respectively. Water repellency was estimated using the sessile drop method. Hydrophobic organic matter content was found to be the dominant factor affecting soil water repellency. Hydrophilic organic matter was found to increase the contact angle to some extent without the presence of hydrophobic organic matter. With the presence of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic matter, the effects of the hydrophilic organic matter content on contact angle were found to be dependent on the hydrophobic organic matter content of the soil. This relationship was explained by the differences in the surface free energies of different organic matter and mineral surfaces. The contact angle increased with increasing hydrophobic/hydrophilic organic matter ratio when the hydrophilic organic matter content was constant. When the hydrophobic organic matter content was constant, contact angles were roughly comparable, irrespective of the hydrophobic/hydrophilic organic matter ratio. The contact angles were not comparable at each total organic matter content. Accordingly, the hydrophobic/hydrophilic organic matter ratio and the total organic matter content in soil may not provide satisfactory information about soil water repellency.  相似文献   

有机质是土壤肥力、土壤质量的重要指标,同时也是土壤碳库的重要组成部分。传统的土壤有机质测试方法费时、繁琐,难以满足快速监测土壤有机质含量的需求。近年来,具有无损、快速、简便等优点的可见-近红外光谱技术的应用为土壤有机质的快速监测提供了有效途径。  相似文献   

中国亚热带红壤团聚体稳定性与土壤化学性质的关系   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
The stability of aggregates in the surface soil is crucial to soil erosion and runoff generation. Thus, to understand the stability and the breakdown mechanisms of soil aggregates as well as the relationship between aggregate stability and selected soil chemical properties, such as different forms of Fe and Al oxides, organic matter, CEC and clay content, the aggregates of slightly and severely eroded red soils derived from Quaternary red clay in subtropical China were analyzed using the routine wet sieving and the Le Bissonnais methods. The results indicated that the aggregates of the severely eroded soils were more stable than those of the slightly eroded soils. Different aggregate breakdown mechanisms resulted in different particle size distribution. The slaking from entrapped air in aggregates severely destroyed the soil aggregates, especially in the slightly eroded soils. Meanwhile, mechanical breakdown and microcracking had little effect on the aggregates compared to slaking. The fragments resulting from slaking were mainly microaggregates that increased in size with increasing clay content. The main fragment size of the slightly eroded soils was 1.0-0.2 mm, while for the severely eroded soils it was 5.0-2.0 mm and 1.0-0.5 mm. Overall, more than 20% of the fragments were smaller than 0.2 mm. In addition, aggregate stability was positively and often significantly correlated with Fed, Ald, Feo and clay content, but significantly and negatively correlated to SOC.  相似文献   

地中海山地土壤中团聚体的形成和有机质的储存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. M. POCH  M. ANT&#;NEZ 《土壤圈》2010,20(6):702-710
Soil aggregation and organic matter of soils from the pre-Pyrenean range in Catalonia (NE Spain) were studied, in order to assess their quality as carbon sinks and also to select the best soil management practices to preserve their quality. Aggregate stability, organic carbon and micromorphology were investigated. The highest amount of organic carbon was found in alluvial, deep soils (228 Mg C ha-1), and the lowest was in a shallow, stony soil with a low plant cover (78 Mg C ha-1). Subsurface horizons of degraded soils under pastures were the ones with smaller and less-stable aggregates. Fresh residues of organic matter (OM) were found mostly in interaggregate spaces. Within the aggregates there were some organic remains that were beginning to decompose, and also impregnative nodules of amorphous OM. Although OM was evenly distributed among the aggregate fractions, the larger blocky peds had more specific surface, contained less decomposed OM and had a lower organic/mineral interphase than smaller crumb aggregates, which were also more stable. Soil carbon storage was affected primarily by the OM inputs in the surface horizons. In order to store organic carbon over the mid-and long-term periods, the mechanisms favouring structuration through biological activity and creating small aggregates with intrapedal stable microporosities seemed to be the most effective.  相似文献   

长期定位试验研究松嫩平原典型中厚黑土区水稳性团聚体组成和微粒有机质积累分布规律结果表明,不同培肥模式和耕作制度对水稳性团聚体组成有很大影响,耕地团聚体组成以<1mm水稳性团聚体占绝对优势;微粒有机碳(POM C)主要存在于水稳性大团聚体中,且其含量随粒级减小而下降,这对维持耕地黑土大团聚体(>0 .2 5mm)水稳定性起重要作用  相似文献   

蚯蚓对红壤有机质分解的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
HU Feng  LI Hui-Xin  HE Yuan-Qiu 《土壤圈》2000,10(2):143-148
The earthworms Pheretima carnosa, Drawida gisti and Eisenia foetida were studied to compare their contributions to the decomposition of various organic materials surface-applied on red soil in a 165-day greenhouse experiment. The native species Pheretima carnosa and Drawida gisti were equally effective in accelerating the decomposition of maize residue, according to fresh body weight, while commercial species Eisenia foetida had no significant influence on dry mass loss of maize residue. Liming with CaCO3 or CaO showed little effect on maize residue breakdown involved by Pheretima carnosa, but it inhibited this process involved by Drawida gisti. The capability of Pheretima carnosa to the decomposition of five kinds of organic materials was thoroughly examined. The dry mass losses in worm treatments were in the order of soybean residue > maize residue > pig manure > semi-decayed maize > ryegrass. However, the relative contributions of the earthworm to dry mass loss were in the order of pig manure (89.8%) > semi-decayed maize residue (49.1%) > maize residue (29.4%) > soybean residue (20.9%) > ryegrass residue (16.5%). Pheretima carnosa consumed 20~120 mg dry weight of organic material per gram fresh weight of biomass per day.  相似文献   

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