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测试土壤含水率和电导率的时域反射仪系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了用于土壤参数测试的时域反射仪(TDR)系统原理与电路实现方法.根据系统设计要求设计出时域反射仪样机,该样机脉冲发生电路产生140 ps上升沿的时域脉冲,接收电路等效采样精度为8.69 ps,并设计了时域反射仪系统控制程序,给出了程序的系统控制和数据处理流程图.利用研制的TDR样机对两种土壤样本的相对介电常数进行了测试,反演了土壤样品的体积含水率,同时利用采集波形反演计算出不同湿度土壤样品的体积含水率和体积电导率,反演体积含水率与称量法测的结果接近,测试误差均小于4%.  相似文献   

时域反射仪测定高含盐土壤盐分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内试验的方法,通过使用时域反射仪(TDR100)测定不同含盐量及不同含水率土样的电导值,与采用电导率仪测定的土壤溶液电导值及烘干法测得的含水率值进行比较。结果表明,它们之间存在显著的线性关系。并根据测定结果得到标定公式,提出使用TDR测定高含盐量土壤含盐量的方法。试验结果可为河套灌区野外测定土壤含盐量提供参考。  相似文献   

应用时域反射仪测定非饱和土壤水力传导度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用垂直土柱上渗法测定非饱和土壤水力传导度,其可靠性和精度难以保证。针对这一问题,应用瞬时剖面法的原理,利用时域反射仪自动、连续监测多点土壤含水率的优点,对非饱和土壤水力传导度的测量方法进行了改进,并与以往的实验方法进行了对比。改进后的方法不仅简化了计算,而且提高了实验精度。  相似文献   

为提高田间标定效率并减少土壤空间变异对标定方程的影响,利用时域反射仪来快速标定中子水分仪。埋设中子管时边钻孔、边观测土壤岩性,同时用TDR测体积含水量。用中子仪测放射性计数,测量计数除以标准计数得到计数率比,从而得到体积含水量与计数率比关系曲线。试验结果表明:①沙壤和粉沙可以使用同一个标定方程:y=41.989x+14.989,R2=0.8539;②容重不影响标定结果,但是0~30 cm深度不适合使用中子仪测量土壤水分;③研究区内埋深30 cm以下,使用TDR标定中子仪的标定方程为:y=53.139x+10.397,R2=0.968;④TDR适用性分析表明对于研究区内的沙壤和粉沙,TDR可以直接测定其体积含水量,适合对中子仪进行标定。因此,这是一种快速有效的田间标定中子仪新方法。  相似文献   

时域反射仪测定土壤水分的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚元石 《灌溉排水》1997,16(1):40-41

基于土壤含水率垂向变化规律的水分传感器布设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对苜蓿地进行了土壤含水率连续采集试验.通过相关性分析,发现不同深度处的土壤含水率序列具有较高的线性相关性,层间距离越近相关性越高.用R型谱系聚类法,对8个土壤深度处的土壤含水率数据进行了聚类分类,给出了具体的分类方法.通过分析发现,分为3类时,在10、20和50cm处埋设土壤水分传感器.就能较好地监测0~100 cm的土壤水分状况.  相似文献   

时域反射仪研究进展及在灌溉学科中应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时域反射仪( Tim e Dom ain Reflecto metry) 或称为 T D R,是一种无辐射危害不损坏土壤结构,间接快速测试土壤或基质容积含水量和表面介电常数的先进仪器。本文就时域反射仪的原理、研究发展和在土壤学科研究中的应用等方面进行论述。  相似文献   

TDR时域反射法(Time Domain Refletrometry)是近些年发展起来的一种测定土壤含水量的新技术,因其快速、简便、高可靠性、高精度等优点受到越来越多的关注.为此,介绍了基于相位检测的TDR时域反射法土壤探头的测试原理以及结构组成,从理论上推导出该土壤探针采用PVC绝缘涂层和增加探针首端与同轴电缆同的阻抗变换能够有效地增大测量值的线性范围,改善土壤水分含量与信号传播时间间的线性关系.从土壤针绝缘涂层的对比实验和阻抗变换影响的对比实验中验证了上述结论.  相似文献   

为了研究水分非均匀分布条件下旱地土壤CO2的排放特征,采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定了SI、SDI12、SDI15及SDI18共4个处理的CO2排放通量。结果表明:总体上CO2排放通量平均值表现为SISDI12SDI15SDI18,但仅SI处理与SDI18之间的差异具有显著性;2次灌水后SDI处理土壤CO2排放较高的WFPS范围分别是25.9%~33.8%和31.5%~33.0%,低于SI处理出现高峰排放的WFPS分别为47%和34.1%;由于温度的影响第2次灌水后CO2排放通量总体上高于第1次灌水后,但第1次灌水后CO2排放通量与温度具有较强的相关性,而第2次灌水后两者之间相关关系不显著,可能存在过高温度下的土壤呼吸抑制。此外降雨发生时空气湿度的增加对微生物的呼吸有刺激作用,各处理降雨后出现了短期的CO2排放通量的小高峰。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,探讨玉米各生育期覆膜滴灌与非覆膜滴灌条件下土壤含水率变化情况。结果表明:不同滴灌方式下土壤含水率会发生明显变化;在玉米全生育期内,覆膜滴灌方式下0~60 cm土壤含水率变化趋势要好于非覆膜滴灌方式,适合在辽宁地区推广。  相似文献   

为研究冻融过程对FDR测量土壤体积含水量的影响,采用基于FDR技术的土壤水分传感器TDR-3,通过室内温度实验箱控制环境温度范围为-20~20 ℃,对冻融过程中黏性土样体积含水量进行了测试分析.结果表明:采用FDR测量黏性土样体积含水量,在土样未进行冻融前,温度在0 ℃以上时,FDR的测量值随温度呈线性变化,随着温度的升高而增大,随着温度的降低而减小;黏性土样冻融过程中,在冻结过程中,FDR的测量值随着温度的降低逐渐减小;在融化过程中,随着温度的升高,FDR的测量值逐渐增大;相同温度条件下,黏性土冻结过程中FDR的测量值明显大于黏性土融化过程中FDR的测量值,0℃时两者差值最大,该差值受土壤初始体积含水量和冻融温度的影响.研究成果对于提高FDR测量冻融过程中土壤体积含水量的可靠性具有重要意义.  相似文献   

初始含水率对涌泉根灌土壤渗透特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索初始土壤含水率对涌泉根灌过程中湿润锋运移和土壤水分分布的影响,合理确定灌水技术参数,配置了5种不同初始土壤含水率,采用室内土箱模拟试验方法,研究了土壤初始含水率对涌泉根灌均质土壤水分扩散的影响.结果表明:涌泉根灌条件下,初始含水率对湿润体形状的影响不大,对其大小有明显影响;土壤表面湿润时间与初始含水率呈递减关系,土壤表面湿润半径、湿润体水平与垂直距离的增长速度均随着土壤初始含水率的增大而增大;土壤初始含水率越大湿润体内水分分布越均匀;试验拟合的根据土壤初始含水率计算地表湿润半径、最大湿润体水平半径与垂直深度的经验公式,计算值和实测值之间误差较小,整体误差分别为0.63%,0.4%,0.83%和0.59%,0.12%,0.73%,可用经验公式推算涌泉根灌土壤水分渗透参数,作为涌泉根灌系统设计依据.  相似文献   

以河南省某地2年生杜仲树为研究对象,在树盘式灌溉条件下,利用根系分布土层放置的土壤温湿度传感器和智能采集器对土壤体积含水量进行实时监测,分析土壤含水量在不同灌水定额条件下的动态变化规律,根据动态变化规律来确定相对应的灌水周期.试验结果表明:各个测点的土壤含水量在灌水后12h均高于田间持水量;灌水后10d各测点土壤体积含...  相似文献   

从电磁波传播方程出发,基于时域有限差分法(FDTD)进行离散求解,获得了适合含水量测试同轴电缆电磁波反射系统的FDTD方程。在此基础上用Matlab编制了程序进行模拟计算,并与试验曲线进行比较。经研究发现,该方法对于含水量测试同轴电缆电磁波反射系统反射曲线的模拟,当测试对象为单一介质时符合良好,当测试对象为分层介质时有一定差距,但能较准确地模拟出曲线拐点从而可用于计算介质的介电常数,为模拟同轴电缆电磁波反射系统的反射曲线的反分析提供依据。  相似文献   

Volumetric water content of a silt loam soil (fluvo-aquic soil) in North China Plain was measured in situ by L-520 neutron probe (made in China) at three depths in the crop rootzone during a lysimeter experiment from 2001 to 2006. The electrical conductivity of the soil water (ECsw) was measured by salinity sensors buried in the soil during the same period at 10, 20, 45 and 70 cm depth below soil surface. These data were used to test two mathematical procedures to predict water content and soil water salinity at depths of interest: all the available data were divided into training and testing datasets, then back propagation neural networks (BPNNs) were optimized by sensitivity analysis to minimizing the performance error, and then were finally used to predict soil water and ECsw. In order to meet with the prerequisite of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, firstly, original soil water content and ECsw time series were likewise transformed to obtain stationary series. Subsequently, the transformed time series were used to conduct analysis in frequency domain to obtain the parameters of the ARIMA models for the purposes of using the ARIMA model to predict soil water content and ECsw. Based on the statistical parameters used to assess model performance, the BPNN model performed better in predicting the average water content than the ARIMA model: coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.8987, sum of squares error (SSE) = 0.000009, and mean absolute error (MAE) = 0.000967 for BPNN as compared to R2 = 0.8867, SSE = 0.000043, MAE = 0.002211 for ARIMA. The BPNN model also performed better than the ARIMA model in predicting average ECsw of soil profile. However, the ARIMA model performed better than the BPNN models in predicting soil water content at the depth of 20 cm and ECsw at the depth of 10 cm below soil surface. Overall, the model developed by BPNN network showed its advantage of less parameter input, nonlinearity, simple model structure and good prediction of soil ECsw and water content, and it gave an alternative method in forecasting soil water and salt dynamics to those based on deterministic models based on Richards’ equation and Darcy's law provided climatic, cropping patterns, salinity of the irrigation water and irrigation management are very similar from one year to the next.  相似文献   

Micro-basins are slope management structures built out of earth and stones on hillslopes around cultivated trees (e.g., olive trees) for the harvesting of rainfall and runoff water, and for the rehabilitation of land degraded by water erosion.In this study, the results of an experimental survey for the comparison of soil water content for both inside and outside the micro-basins are analyzed. Measurements are taken after some rainfall events from January to December 2003 in a hilly region of Central Tunisia. The time domain reflectometry technique is used to measure soil moisture in 15 sets of soil profiles (inside and outside) at three different depths. Four different soils are evaluated, i.e., Cambisols, Kastanozems, Arenosols, and Calcisols.The data analysis shows a significant improvement on the water stock obtained by this type of management. The differences in water storage with respect to soil type, depths, and tillage are evident, but strongly connected to farm management. For optimal management conditions an important increase of average water stock is observed; however, for bad or no farm management the amelioration is zero or is even deteriorating the state of vegetation.  相似文献   

设施土壤水分扩散率变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了观察设施栽培条件下土壤水分扩散率的变化,更好地实现设施土壤水肥管理以及有效地防治设施土壤次生盐渍化,采用水平土柱法及模拟分析方法,研究了设施土壤0~60 cm土层水分扩散率变化特征.结果表明:设施土壤的水分扩散率变化于002~378 cm2/min.水分扩散率存在一定的差异性,设施土壤在20 cm相似文献   

In a conducting medium, the energy of a time-domain reflectometry (TDR) pulse is dissipated and the signal is attenuated. Above a certain high conductivity, however, the signal is completely attenuated and the soil short-circuits the sensor. This behaviour of the signal with conductivity severely limits the TDR technique in measuring water content in highly saline soils. By reducing the direct contact between the conductive soil and the metallic sensor the energy of the pulse is better maintained. Different combinations were tried: we insulated the central wire, outer two wires, and all wires of a three-wire sensor with two different insulators. The first insulator was an adhesive polyethylene sheet usually used as a transparent cover and the second insulator was an adhesive tape. The insulated sensors were used to measure dielectric constants in non-saline soils and water and in saline soils. The sensors with the insulated centre wire preserve maximum energy and maintain a clear signal in saline soils. The insulating materials have very small dielectric constants. The TDR exerts a larger influence in the vicinity of the wires of the sensor during measurements. Therefore, the insulated sensor measures a dielectric constant which is smaller than the apparent dielectric constant of the surrounding medium. The type of insulating material also has an effect on the dielectric constant. Therefore, it is necessary to calibrate the sensors for the specific insulator. Received: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

为了实现黄土高原地区滴灌条件下枣树园土壤含水率的小范围快捷监测,根据FAO-56水分胁迫系数的定义和相关计算公式,得到了基于土壤水分胁迫系数的黄土高原地区滴灌条件下枣树根层土壤平均含水率估算公式.2009年4-9月将该公式应用于西北农林科技大学陕西米脂孟岔试验站的枣树试验园,配置了3种不同的土壤含水率控制下限,对枣树2个重要生育期的土壤含水率进行了估算,模拟了水分动态变化过程,并对估算值和实测值进行对比和误差分析.结果表明:采用基于FAO-56水分胁迫系数的计算公式对土壤含水率的动态模拟达到了较高的精度,估算值与实测值之间误差较小:其中开花坐果期各处理(灌水下限为60%,50%,40%的田间持水率)的估算值与实测值之间的相关系数分别为0828 0,0907 3,0935 1;标准误差分别为0055,0093,0068.果实膨大期各处理的相关系数分别为0777 2,0766 7,0905 5;标准误差分别为0057,0092,0079.估算值与实测值之间的相关系数随土壤含水率的增大而减小,随土壤水分胁迫程度的增大而增大,即土壤含水率较高时对公式精度有一定的影响.该方法较适用于黄土高原半干旱地区,对农业用水管理具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

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