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A 4-mo-old, juvenile roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) presented for an acute and progressive lameness of the left hind limb, which was non-responsive to anti-inflammatory medication. The antelope was anesthetized for examination, radiography, and lab work. The left stifle joint had limited range of motion and was markedly swollen on physical examination. Radiography revealed thin cortices of the left distal femur and proximal tibia, as well as multiple lytic areas in the condyles. Euthanasia was performed due to the severity of the lesions and the animal's overall physical condition. Postmortem findings included a parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Cartilaginous erosions, associated with fibrotic connective tissue and viscous joint fluid, were identified in all appendicular joints. Perimortem lab work demonstrated anemia and hypoproteinemia. Joint fluid was inflammatory but non-infectious, and aerobic culture of the joint was negative for pathogens. Histologic examination identified focal, transmural necrosis of the articular cartilage with clefting. Osteochondrosis dissecans was diagnosed, which initiated an evaluation of the nutritional status and management of the herd. This is the first documented case of osteochondrosis dissecans in a roan antelope.  相似文献   

A dose range was determined for anaesthesia of 20 recently boma-captured roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus) with the synthetic opiate A3080 combined with medetomidine and ketamine. A dose of 10-30 micro/kg A3080 (x = 20+/-8 microg/kg) combined with 5-21 microg/kg medetomidine (x = 13+/-7 microg/kg) plus 0.29-1.11 mg/kg ketamine (x = 0.71+/-0.24 mg/kg) was found to be safe and effective for the field conditions in this study. The anaesthesia produced by this drug combination was predictable and characterised by a short induction time, good muscle relaxation, and acceptable physiological parameters for anaesthesia periods ranging from 49-103 min (x = 64+/-19 min). The wide range (3-4-fold) of doses with acceptable results is also an indication that this drug combination has a wide margin of safety in roan antelope, making it desirable for field use. When 2 dose levels (2-3-fold dif ference) were retrospectively evaluated, no statistical difference was found in induction times, and no observable clinical differences in the anaesthetic episodes were seen. Based on this study, the recommended dose range in roan antelope for this combination is 10-13 microg/kg A3080, 5-6 microg/kg medetomidine and 0.3-0.6 mg/kg ketamine. The anaesthesia produced by this combination was rapidly and completely reversed by i.m. or i.v. injections of naltrexone at 30 times the A3080 dose (x = 0.60+/-0.25 mg/kg) and atipamezole at 3 times the medetomidine dose (x = 38+/-20 microg/kg). No residual effects from ketamine were noted following reversal of A3080 and medetomidine. No mortality was associated with this protocol.  相似文献   

A neonatal male sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) was found dead. A 5 by 12-cm lobulated mass was present in the oral cavity, attached to the caudal border of the soft palate; this mass contained hair, cartilage, bone, nervous tissue, muscle, and multiple gland-like structures. Histopathologic diagnosis was consistent with oropharyngeal teratoma. As a result of the lack of wear of the fetal hooves, the firm, collapsed appearance of the lungs, and the lack of other gross or histopathologic abnormalities, the oropharyngeal tumor is suspected to have caused an airway obstruction, resulting in the calf's early postnatal death. This is the first report of an oropharyngeal teratoma in the veterinary literature.  相似文献   

Three juvenile sable antelope (Hippotragus niger) were diagnosed with bilateral aural hyalohyphomycosis based on histopathology. All three animals were suspected to be immunodeficient based on low IgG levels determined using the zinc sulfate turbidity test. The serum and hepatic copper levels of one animal were below the bovine reference range. Clinical signs in the three animals included bilateral ventral deviation of the pinnae with multifocal subcutaneous aural tumefaction and poor body condition. Numerous septate, nonpigmented fungal hyphae were found within the auricular cartilage, dermis, and subcutaneous granulomas. No significant fungal agents were isolated by culture, and no signs of systemic fungal dissemination were identified except for a concurrent fungal rhinitis in one animal.  相似文献   

A nine-month-old castrated male domestic shorthair presented for evaluation with a three-month history of hematuria. Portosystemic shunts and calculi within the bladder were suspected, and computed tomography angiography was performed. Computed tomography angiography identified an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt and a partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection, with the lobar vein of the right caudal lobe draining into the caudal vena cava. After anesthesia was administered to the cat, tachypnea and wheezing respiratory sounds were observed, and thoracic radiography revealed the right middle lung lobe atelectasis and an unstructured interstitial pattern in the left cranial lobe. Echocardiography showed left and right atrial enlargement and slight interventricular septal flattening in diastole. Based on these findings, cardiogenic pulmonary edema was suspected, and the cat was treated with furosemide. The clinical symptoms were resolved the next day. Closure of the extrahepatic portosystemic shunt was performed on days 47 and 157. Left atrial enlargement and interventricular septal flattening were attenuated after the procedure. At the time of writing this report (seventeen months after diagnosis), the cat exhibited no clinical signs, but subjective right atrial enlargement remained at approximately the same level. This report represents the first case of a partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection and a portosystemic shunt in a cat.  相似文献   

An adult cat with vague signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction was found to have a congenital portosystemic shunt. There were no signs of hepatoencephalopathy, which is in contrast to what has been reported in other cats with the disease.  相似文献   

An unusual portosystemic shunt in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An unusual portosystemic shunt was diagnosed in a 4-month-old male Miniature Poodle examined because of stunted growth and episodes of dementia characterized by hysteria, ataxia, and staggering. Operative splenoportography revealed a portosystemic shunt. Exploratory surgery to identify and correct the shunt was attempted. Evidence of any portal circulation was not detected, and the dog was euthanatized. The possible embryologic basis for this vascular anomaly is discussed.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old female Holstein Friesian calf was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Berne, Switzerland for evaluation of ataxia, weakness, apathy and stunted growth. Clinical examination revealed generalized ataxia, propioceptive deficits, decreased menace response and sensibility. Postmortem examination did not reveal macroscopic changes of major organs. Histologically, the brain and the spinal cord lesions were characterized by polymicrocavitation, preferentially affecting the white matter fibers at the junction of grey and white matter and by the presence of Alzheimer type II cells. The liver revealed lesions consistent with a congenital portosystemic shunt, characterized by increased numbers of arteriolar profiles and hypoplasia to absence of portal veins. The pathological investigations along with the animal history and clinical signs indicated a hepatic encephalomyelopathy due to a congenital portosystemic shunt.  相似文献   

A 4-yr-old male bongo antelope (Tragelaphus euryceros) died after an acute clinical course involving a febrile illness, anorexia, lethargy, minor oculonasal discharge, and diarrhea. Histologic lesions were compatible with malignant catarrhal fever (MCF). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed an amplified region of a herpesviral DNA polymerase gene sequence nearly identical to that of a MCF virus previously identified in Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana). The bongo had been housed across from an exhibit containing Nubian ibex that tested positive for MCF viral antibodies by competitive inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Further testing of the zoo's ibex via PCR also revealed viral DNA sequences nearly identical to those found in the bongo's tissues.  相似文献   

An unusual form of congenital intrahepatic portosystemic shunt was identified in a 3 1/2-month-old female Labrador Retriever with neurologic signs. Ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced computed tomography were used to characterize the shunt morphology. An unusual, looping right-divisional shunt connected back to the portal vein that formed an ampula in the right-central portion of the liver. An irregularly shaped window-like opening connected the combined right-divisional loop and aneurysmal portal vein, and the caudal vena cava, while this vascular pool gradually fused more cranially. Imaging features of this complex vascular anomaly, which has not been previously reported, are presented.  相似文献   

Three captive female nilgais (Boselaphus tragocamelus) either showed late-term abortion or their newborn calves died within 2 days of birth. Toxoplasma gondii DNA was demonstrated in the brain and liver of each fetus and in one of the two neonates by single-stage polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with TGR1E and by seminested PCR with B1 gene. Retrospectively, antibodies titers > or =640 to T. gondii by indirect fluorescence were found in the sera of all three female and one male nilgais. No other cause of abortion was detected. Fatal toxoplasmosis was also diagnosed in one captive, adult female saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica), which died suddenly. Toxoplasma gondii was detected in the liver, lung, spleen, kidney, and intestine. An unusual finding was the presence of numerous tissue cysts in the liver of this animal. Toxoplasmosis was confirmed by PCR with TGR1E and immunohistochemically. Toxoplasmic hepatitis and pneumonia were considered to be the primary causes of death.  相似文献   

Portosystemic shunt was diagnosed in a 6-month-old Quarter Horse filly with acute onset of apparent blindness and a 3-month history of depression, lethargy, and ataxia. Clinicopathologic test results indicated slightly high gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity and serum total bilirubin concentration. Sulfobromophthalein half time was prolonged, and plasma ammonia and serum bile acid concentrations were high as well. Histopathologic findings of percutaneous liver biopsy included widespread hepatocyte atrophy and numerous prominent small arterioles in the area of the portal triad. On the basis of history, clinical findings, and clinicopathologic abnormalities, a presumptive diagnosis of portosystemic vascular anomaly was made. To confirm the tentative diagnosis, nuclear hepatic scintigraphy and operative mesenteric portography were performed. Medical treatment was unsuccessful, and the foal was euthanatized. Portosystemic shunts have been described in dogs and cats, but few cases have been reported in large animal species. Other, more common causes of neurologic abnormalities in foals, such as trauma, vertebral body abscesses, brain abscesses, and meningitis, must be ruled out before portosystemic shunt is considered.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old female neutered ferret presented with progressive weight loss was diagnosed with portosystemic shunting based on increased fasting bile acids, rectal ammonia tolerance testing and advanced imaging. Ammonia reference values were determined in 16 healthy ferrets. A congenital extrahepatic spleno-caval shunt was visualised with ultrasonography and CT angiography of the abdomen. Complete surgical shunt closure by suture ligation was performed, without clinical improvement after surgery. Euthanasia was elected 4 months postoperatively because the clinical condition deteriorated. This is a case report of advanced diagnostics and surgical treatment of a congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt in a ferret, demonstrating rectal ammonia tolerance testing and imaging as feasible techniques for the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A bichon frise puppy was presented with generalized pruritus. At 22 weeks, a portosystemic shunt was diagnosed. Correction of the shunt led to resolution of the pruritus. Pruritus associated with hepatobiliary disease is well documented in humans; this case suggests that hepatobiliary disease may be associated with pruritus in dogs.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old male domestic shorthair cat was evaluated for intermittent tremors, ptyalism, and signs of depression. The cat was small, thin, and unthrifty. Clinically important serum biochemical abnormalities included low blood urea nitrogen concentration and high baseline bile acids concentration. Abdominal ultrasonography and jejunal portography identified an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The cat was anesthetized, and a transjugular approach was used for percutaneous coil embolization of the shunt. Guidewires, catheters, and coils were inserted under fluoroscopic guidance to locate the shunt and define its anatomy, measure portal vein pressures before and after temporary balloon occlusion, and place thrombogenic coils to completely attenuate the anomalous vessel. The cat recovered without complications and was weaned from medical management. Ten weeks following the procedure, clinical signs had completely resolved, and baseline bile acids concentration was near reference range. Results in this cat illustrate that interventional radiology techniques can be safely used in small animals and may reduce the morbidity and mortality rates associated with traditional surgical procedures.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: A 4-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog was examined because of shifting hind limb lameness and lethargy of 2 weeks' duration. CLINICAL FINDINGS: The lameness was attributed to hypertrophic osteodystrophy. Portosystemic shunting was suspected on the basis of low serum albumin concentration and high serum bile acids concentration, and an intrahepatic shunt was identified ultrasono-graphically. Celiotomy was performed, and the shunt was partially closed with a cellophane band. During follow-up ultrasonography 7 months later, dilation of the left renal pelvis and proximal portion of the left ureter was identified. During exploratory celiotomy, the left ureter was found to pass dorsal to the caudal vena cava, and circumcaval ureter was diagnosed. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: The ureter was transected, repositioned ventral to the vena cava, and anastomosed. Follow-up ultrasonographic examinations revealed gradual resolution of the hydronephrosis and hydroureter. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings suggest that circumcaval ureter should be considered in the differential diagnosis for hydronephrosis and hydroureter in dogs. Partial obstruction of the middle segment of the ureter on ultrasonograms or contrast radiographs should increase the index of suspicion for this condition.  相似文献   

Most mammals, including dogs, synthesize vitamin C in the liver. We measured the plasma concentration of vitamin C to assess the body vitamin C status in 15 dogs with a portosystemic shunt (PSS). The plasma biochemical parameters indicated liver abnormalities in all the dogs. In contrast, the plasma concentration of vitamin C ranged from 2.21 to 9.03 mg/L in the 15 dogs and was below the reference range (3.2 to 8.9 mg/L) in only 2 dogs. These findings suggest that vitamin C status is not impaired in dogs with PSS.  相似文献   

Some observations are recorded on blood parasites of sable antelopes. Blood smears of 124 of these antelopes from South Africa and Zimbabwe were examined and 7 were found to be positive for a Babesia sp., identified as Babesia irvinesmithi Martinaglia 1936. A total of 70 of the smears were positive for theilerial piroplasms, while 1 smear had macroschizonts (with cytomeres) and microschizonts of a Theileria (= Cytauxzoon) sp. One blood smear was positive for an Anaplasma sp. Attempts to isolate the Babesia sp. by subinoculating blood from sable to splenectomized and intact sable and splenectomized cattle were unsuccessful. Attempts to infect sable with Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina were likewise unsuccessful. Theilerial piroplasms reached high levels in a splenectomized sable but could not be transmitted with blood to cattle. The Anaplasma sp. was found to be infective for sheep but not for cattle.  相似文献   

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