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The age and growth of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus collected from the East China Sea and the northern waters off Kyushu between June 2000 and June 2001 were determined by observing the otolith surface after dipping it in xylene. The translucent and opaque zones on the otolith surface were identified, and the number of translucent zones was counted. Monthly changes in the frequency of fish with translucent zones on the otolith margin, and in the marginal increments, indicated that the translucent zones were formed between April and June. The seasonal pattern of annulus formation on the otolith became clear by observing the otoliths of fish with known ages, and the otolith formation in wild fish was consistent with that of fish with known ages. The mean gonadosomatic index of male and female fish was high from March to May, and spawning females were observed from mid-March to mid-May. The estimated ages were 1–5 years for males and 1–6 years for females. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters did not significantly differ between male and female. The model was obtained as FL t=406×{1−exp[−0.372×(t+1.68)]  相似文献   

Abstract:   The question of whether the ovulation and spawning time in chub mackerel Scomber japonicus is entrained by a circadian rhythm was raised by our previous experiments. Further questions were also raised about whether the time course of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-induced final oocyte maturation (FOM) and ovulation reflected the natural time course induced by endogeneous pituitary gonadotropin (GtH). To address these questions, hCG and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog (GnRHa) were administered at two 'opposite' times, 14:00 and 02:00 hours, and the time courses of FOM and ovulation were compared. When hCG was injected, ovulation occurred 33 h post-injection in both groups, regardless of the timing of the hCG injection. The timing of ovulation in chub mackerel depends on the timing of hCG injection, but apparently not on circadian rhythms. When GnRHa was injected, ovulation began at 36 h post-injection of GnRHa, regardless of the timing of injection. These results indicate that the time course of FOM and ovulation in the chub mackerel followed a similar pattern whether stimulated by hCG injection or spontaneous luteinizing hormone (LH) surge because GnRHa induces the secretion of endogenous GtH (primarily LH) from the fish pituitary. Thus, it is concluded that the time course of hCG-induced FOM and ovulation in chub mackerel follows the natural time course induced by endogenous pituitary LH.  相似文献   

Sound generated by a payao, an anchored bamboo fish aggregating device, is believed to be attractive to fish; but until now, there is no available record of payao-generated sound. This study presents payao-generated sound recorded by a hydrophone at water depths of 5, 10 and 15 m from a fixed distance of 3 m relative to the payao, and compares the sound with the auditory sensitivity of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus measured at discrete frequencies from 100 to 2000 Hz using the auditory brainstem response protocol. A consistent peak appeared in the sound spectrum at 49 Hz and showed an increasing sound pressure level with depth, which suggests that payao sound may come from the anchor rope. However, the contribution of the bamboo raft can not yet be discounted. The hearing threshold curve indicated that the most sensitive frequency range in jack mackerel is from 92.1 dB at 800 Hz to 111.0 dB at 200 Hz. These results show that the dominant frequency range of payao sound does not correspond with the high sensitivity frequency range of fish hearing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Final oocyte maturation and ovulation of captive chub mackerel Scomber japonicus with fully yolk-accumulated oocytes were induced by a single injection of human chorionic gonadotropin. Reproductive parameters, including spawning frequency and batch fecundity, which are required to estimate spawning biomass in pelagic fish by the daily egg production method, were analyzed. Germinal vesicle migration (GVM) occurred at 18–24 h post-injection, and the hydration and ovulation of oocytes were completed at 30 and 36 h post-injection, respectively. The results of the maturation process suggest that fish with GVM-stage ovaries captured in the daytime from the field are capable of spawning on the night following their capture. The oocytes used in the oocyte size-frequency distribution method for batch fecundity estimates should be at late GVM and more advanced stages. The results of sequential artificial insemination showed that the quality of ovulated eggs held in the ovarian lumen rapidly deteriorated as time progressed after ovulation. This indicates that the fertilization window for the ovulated eggs of chub mackerel lasts only a few hours, and spawning behavior should be performed within a few hours after ovulation in the wild population.  相似文献   

Although chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) is widely distributed all over the world, the relevance of its visual sensitivity to its ecology is not yet fully understood. We investigated spectral sensitivity in juvenile chub mackerel in the range of ultraviolet (UV) to visible light (369–652 nm) by electroretinogram (ERG) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Sensitivity peaked at a wavelength of approximately 482 nm in dark-adapted fish and 525 nm in light-adapted fish. A secondary sensitivity peak in the UV range at approximately 382 nm was found in both dark- and light-adapted fish. The UV sensitivity of chub mackerel may be attributable to UV transmissibility of the optical media and to the presence of a beta-band of visible light-sensitive visual pigments, and not to an alpha-band of UV visual pigments. This UV sensitivity may be useful for feeding or communication with other fishes.  相似文献   

To examine the distribution pattern of adult Apostichopus japonicus, approximately monthly surveys were conducted during a 2-year period in the subtidal zone of a harbor area in Yoshimi Bay, western Yamaguchi Prefecture. Results showed a clear seasonal change in distribution pattern: many animals were distributed on the seabed and the lower part of a jetty during winter to spring, whereas most animals occurred on the upper part of a jetty during summer to autumn, namely, the aestivation season. Such change is considered to be due to the migration of animals within the present study site. Y. Yamana is a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.  相似文献   

Larvae of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus were sampled in seven depth layers (0–10 m, 10–20 m, 20–30 m, 30–40 m, 40–50 m, 50–70 m, and 70–100 m), with a closing-type frame net, on 26th–27th February, 2003, at Sta. V (27°50′N, 126°00′E) continental shelf edge in the southern part of East China Sea, to examine their vertical distribution. Most of the larvae (>90%) occurred in the upper 50 m layer during both day and night. In the daytime, larvae of length from 3.0 mm to 4.5 mm were most abundant in the 10–20 m layer, those from 5.0 to 6.0 mm were most abundant in the 20–30 m layer, those from 6.0 to 8.0 mm occurred at greater depth, in the 30–40 m layer, and those more than 9.0 mm were found in the 0–10 m layer and performed ontogenetic vertical migrations. Larvae from 6 mm to 8 mm length performed diurnal vertical migration, for the percentage (16.7%) of larval number in the 0–20 m layer in the daytime increased to 42.1% at night and the percentage (78.1%) in the 20–50 m layer in the daytime decreased to 49.0% at night.  相似文献   

To study the absorption characteristics of rhodopsin, a dim-light photoreceptor, in chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the relationship between light wavelengths on the photoresponse, the rod opsin gene was cloned into an expression vector, pMT4. Recombinant opsin was transiently expressed in COS-1 cells and reconstituted with 11-cis-retinal. Cells containing the regenerated rhodopsin were solubilized and subjected to UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis in the dark and upon illumination. Difference spectra from the lysates indicated an absorption maximum of mackerel rhodopsin around 500 nm. Four types of light-emitting diode (LED) modules with different wavelengths (red, peak 627 nm; cyan, 505 nm; blue, 442 nm; white, 447 + 560 nm) were constructed to examine their effects on the photoresponse in chub mackerel. Behavioral responses of the mackerels, including speed and frequencies acclimated in the dark and upon LED illumination, were analyzed using an underwater acoustic camera. Compared to an average speed of 22.25 ± 1.57 cm/s of mackerel movement in the dark, speed increased to 22.97 ± 0.29, 24.66 ± 1.06, 26.28 ± 2.28, and 25.19 ± 1.91 cm/s upon exposure to red, blue, cyan, and white LEDs, respectively. There were increases of 103.48 ± 1.58, 109.37 ± 5.29, 118.48 ± 10.82, and 109.43 ± 3.92 %, respectively, in the relative speed of the fishes upon illumination with red, blue, cyan, and white LEDs compared with that in the dark (set at 100 %). Similar rate of wavelength-dependent responses was observed in a frequency analysis. These results indicate that an LED emitting a peak wavelength close to an absorption maximum of rhodopsin is more effective at eliciting a response to light.  相似文献   

We studied the spawning seasonality and gonadal development of blue marlin Makaira nigricans using specimens captured around Yonaguni Island in southwestern Japan between February 2003 and February 2006. The mean (±SD) lower jaw–fork length of females (234 ± 24 cm) was greater than that of males (191 ± 12 cm). The smallest mature female and male were 183 and 160 cm, respectively. Most of the 717 females had immature ovaries. However, in March and from May to September, the ovaries of 26 females contained oocytes with yolk globules, hydrated oocytes, or postovulatory follicles. Most males had testes with a large amount of spermatozoa throughout the year. The occurrence of mature blue marlin at Yonaguni Island suggests that spawning occurs here. The mean condition factors (fatness of the fish) of both sexes decreased from March to June or July, presumably as they expended energy to reproduce. We discuss our results in the context of migration theory for blue marlin in the western North Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was examined using polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing among three populations of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. A total of 24 and 47 nucleotide sites were detected variable defining 29 and 32 haplotypes in cyt b and COI data, respectively. All variable sites except one in COI were silent in the two sets of sequences. The Ewens-Watterson test indicated that the observed allelic configurations in both data sets were in full agreement with neutral expectations. The variation level was high, with h=0.957±0.018, π=0.644±0.387 (%) in cyt b data set and h=0.958±0.021, π=0.640±0.386 (%) in COI data set, respectively. However, at the population level, Fst values between pairs of populations were not significantly different from zero (P>0.05) in both data sets. The analysis of haplotype frequency distribution showed no significant differences among populations. Similarly, the analysis of the partitioning of molecular variance indicated that all or almost all of the genetic variation was distributed within populations. Based on the data from this study, the existence of separate genetic stocks in this area were not detected. Mixing of stocks to some extent in migration cycle and dispersal capacity of anchovy’s planktonic larvae could be the reasons for genetic homogeneity in this species in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

Using mark-recapture methods, the movements of the fluvial form of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) in a mountain stream on the island of Kyushu, Japan, were studied. Most (78%) of the masu salmon were recaptured in the pool in which they had been originally caught and tagged. Of those that moved between pools, the proportion of individuals that moved during the breeding period was not significantly higher than the proportion that moved during the non-breeding period. However, during the breeding period, a higher proportion of larger salmon moved than did smaller fish. The proportion of mobile large males during breeding period was higher than that for small males. Also, it was found that a few individuals showed long-range movement in the autumn. As a long-term movement, 78 individual fish (65%) that were recaptured more than three times showed high sedentary tendencies. Sixteen individual mobile fish (13%) moved and returned to the original pool. Fluvial form of masu salmon in Kyushu show a high sedentary nature; however, large mature males seem to actively move in search of female during breeding period.  相似文献   

We monitored feeding behavior and survival of starved juvenile olive flounder experimentally infected with the gill monogenean Neoheterobothrium hirame. Infected flounder increased amount of the time spent in the water column by 117% when trying to capture live mysids, Neomysis sp. They also showed different feeding patterns from those of uninfected fish and made fewer attacks towards prey during one feeding attempt. Although the average numbers of mysids captured by individuals were similar between infected and uninfected fish, heavily infected fish tended to catch less prey. These results indicate that N. hirame reduces the feeding efficiency of the host for capturing live prey and possibly makes them more vulnerable to predation during feeding. We could not detect any obvious difference in survival rates between uninfected, lightly and heavily infected fish during 3 months of starvation. There was no evidence that starvation makes fish more susceptible to N. hirame. The present study provides first experimental evidence that N. hirame affects feeding behavior of juvenile olive flounder and supports the idea that this parasite indirectly reducing the host’s survival and may be responsible for the recent reduction of the flounder population in Japan.  相似文献   

Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius is a commercially important species in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea, but there is limited knowledge of its genetic population structure. In order to detect its genetic structure, sequence variation of the first hypervariable segment of the control region was analyzed among eight populations of S. niphonius from the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. A total of 119 polymorphic sites were detected in the 505-bp segment of the control region among 134 individuals of S. niphonius, defining 112 haplotypes. Mean haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity for the eight populations were 0.9963 ± 0.0017 and 0.0236 ± 0.0119, respectively. As expected, analysis of molecular variance detected no significant differences at all hierarchical levels, and most of the conventional population ΦST statistics were negative, indicating that no significant population genetic structure exists in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. Moreover, the exact test of differentiation supported the null hypothesis that S. niphonius within the East China Sea and Yellow Sea constitutes a panmictic mtDNA gene pool. Neutrality tests and mismatch distribution revealed that S. niphonius underwent population expansion in the late Pleistocene. Strong dispersal capacity of larvae and adults, long-distance migrations, and ocean currents in the studied area could be the reasons for genetic homogeneity in this species in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea. Insufficient time to accumulate genetic variation might be another explanation for the lack of genetic structure in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

The physiological functions of pituitary gonadotropins (GtHs) are well established in higher vertebrates, whereas those in teleosts are still poorly understood. To describe the role of GtHs during gonadal development of female chub mackerel Scomber japonicus, changes in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells were investigated immunohistochemically during the seasonal reproductive and spawning cycles. FSH and LH cells were identified in the different cell types of the proximal pars distalis (PPD); FSH cells were located in the central PPD, whereas LH cells were localized along the border of the pars intermedia. To examine changes in FSH and LH cells, the percentage of FSH or LH cell-occupying area in the PPD was evaluated and represented as FSHβ-immunoreactive (ir) or LHβ-ir levels, respectively. FSHβ-ir levels increased significantly from immature to the completion of vitellogenesis, whereas LHβ-ir levels were maintained at high levels from early vitellogenesis to post-spawning. During the spawning cycle, which consisted of four stages from just after spawning to the next oocyte maturation, both FSHβ-ir and LHβ-ir levels showed no significant changes among different stages; however, LHβ-ir levels remained relatively high, and FSHβ-ir levels were constantly low. These results suggest that both FSH and LH may be involved in vitellogenesis and LH may act at final oocyte maturation in female chub mackerel, although the role of FSH during the spawning cycle is still unclear.  相似文献   

Pseudotuberculosis is a bacterial septicaemia caused by Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida in several marine fish species. Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata is the most sensitive fish species to this disease. The internal organs of naturally infected yellowtail exhibit whitish spots, tubercle-like tissue structures, consisting of bacterial accumulations. There have been many trials for experimental infection, however adequate method of infection that reproduces moderate mortality and primary clinical signs has not yet established. Present investigation evaluated an immersion infection method by using logarithmic culture-phase bacteria resulting in higher mortality than that using stationary culture-phase bacteria. Typical white spots on the spleen and kidney were also observed constantly in dead fish. Transmission electron microscopy and fluorescent antibody microscopy showed bacterial clusters not only in the spleen and kidney but also in the blood channels in the secondary gill filaments. These results were confirmed repeatedly by plural experiments. The use of logarithmic-phase bacteria in immersion infection is an appropriate technique to reproduce moderate mortality and primary clinical signs, which will be a reliable infection method also for the challenge test of pseudotuberculosis vaccine.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Recent surveys showed substantial aggregation of larvae of jack mackerel in the southern East China Sea, indicating intensive spawning grounds near Taiwan. A numerical model was applied to investigate transport and survival processes of eggs and larvae of jack mackerel from the spawning area to the nurseries. The results show that: (i) the distributions of larvae simulated by the model agreed well with those obtained by field survey; (ii) the stock of jack mackerel in the Sea of Japan is composed of both groups from north of Taiwan and from the western coast of Kyushu. It takes more than two months for the former to reach the Sea of Japan, while it is within 40 days for the latter; and (iii) large proportions of the eggs and larvae spawned off the north of Taiwan are transported rapidly to the Pacific side of Kyushu by the Kuroshio Current, and the rest slowly to the east or north-east along the continental slope in the East China Sea. In contrast to the larval flux, survivors are more abundant in the northern East China Sea than in the Pacific Ocean, indicating that survival in the northern East China Sea would determine the jack mackerel stock in Japan.  相似文献   

To characterize post-mortem changes in fish meat quality during chilled and frozen storage, muscle toughness and the connective tissue structure of muscle were compared between two mackerel species, spotted mackerel Scomber australasicus and Pacific mackerel S. japonicus. Measurement of the breaking strength of meat slices from both non-frozen fresh fish and frozen-thawed fish revealed that spotted mackerel meat was softer than Pacific mackerel meat. Under scanning electron microscopic observation, the connective tissue of non-frozen meat of spotted mackerel was thinner than that of Pacific mackerel. In addition, the collagen content in the spotted mackerel meat was lower than that of Pacific mackerel. These findings suggest that connective tissue structure might influence muscle toughness in mackerel.  相似文献   

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