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Over 25 conditions were identified in 417 rabbits dying within the first six months of life. Conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract were the most common and involved 124 (29.7 per cent) and 81 (19.4 per cent) cases. No obvious gross lesions were identified in 161 (38.7 per cent) of the animals.  相似文献   

Neonatal diarrhoea in calves   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Three cases of neonatal E. coli infection in Newfoundland dogs are described. The serological examination showed that the implicated E. coli belonged to sero-group 04 in two outbreaks while sero-group 025 was responsible for one outbreak. In one of the kennels with implication of 04, this 0-group was also isolated from adult dogs with diarrheal conditions.  相似文献   

猪的宰后检验是指屠宰后,对其胴体及各部位组织、器官,依照规程及有关规定进行的疫病检查,是肉品卫生技师检验工作中最重要的环节,是宰前检疫的继续和补充.目的是通过直接检验猪的内脏、胴体和有关淋巴结,发现和检出对人有害及致病的肉类,并剔出有害于其它动物体或有害于公共卫生的肉类,继而依照有关规定对这些肉进行无害化处理或是予以销毁.大部分疾病只能在解体情况下,才能够准确做出判断,所以宰后检验对于保证肉品卫生质量及消灭猪的疫病,防止传染具有关键性意义.  相似文献   

CS31A is a K88-related non-fimbrial adhesin first described on Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrhoeic and septicaemic calves. In this report, CS31A antigen was screened by immunological methods and confirmed by PCR among bovine E. coli isolates. In addition, CS31A-producing strains were characterized with respect to different fimbrial antigens, O-serogroup and other properties related to virulence. Faecal or tissue specimens of 100 diarrhoeic or septicaemic calves and 27 older cattle with different pathologies from 71 outbreaks or individual cases that occurred in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, were examined. CS31A + E. coli strains were isolated from 21 (21.0%) calves from 16 outbreaks or individual cases. No CS31A + E. coli was detected in samples from cattle more than 1 year old. Fimbriae F5, F41, F17a and F17b were not detected among the CS31A-producing strains. Three (14.3%) of the CS31A+ E. coli strains expressed the F17c fimbria. All of the 21 isolates exhibited at least one property of septicaemic strains (resistance to serum, production of aerobactin or colicins) but none of them demonstrated heat-stable enterotoxigenic activity. CS31A + E. coli isolates belonged to 10 serogroups, more commonly O8, O7, O17 and O21. The results obtained here confirm the worldwide distribution of CS31A antigen in bovine E. coli strains. However, CS31A + or CS31A + /F17c + E. coli were less frequently isolated than they were in North hemisphere countries.  相似文献   

To estimate herd prevalence of Salmonella spp, fecal specimens were obtained for culture from neonatal calves of 47 Ohio dairy herds. Of the 452 calves tested, 10 calves from 7 farms were culture-positive. Salmonella serotypes isolated were S dublin, S typhimurium, S enteritidis, S agona, S mbandaka, and S montevideo. Bulk tank milk filters from these dairies were also submitted for culture. Salmonella sp was isolated from 1 of the 50 filters, and 2 calves from this herd were found to be shedding Salmonella sp of the same serotype.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Peripheral caries (PC) of equine teeth is a poorly described disorder that can cause serious clinical problems if it progresses. Objectives: To assess the prevalence, sites and severity of PC in a population of Swedish horses. Methods: A post mortem study of 510 equine skulls was performed in 2 Swedish equine abattoirs. Results: PC only affected the cheek teeth (CT) and was present in 6.1% (31/510) of skulls. It affected mainly the peripheral cementum, and 87% of PC in the 29 affected mature horses occurred in the 3 caudal CT (Triadan 09‐11). Concurrent infundibular caries involving most maxillary CT (mean 9.7/skull) was present in 32% of skulls affected with PC. Trotting horses (mean age 8.1 years) believed to be on a high concentrate and silage diet were preferentially affected with PC in this population. Food was usually tightly adherent to the PC lesions and this feature may have promoted the progression of the disease. Significantly increased levels of diastemata were present in PC‐affected horses, and periodontal disease was present in areas adjacent to some PC lesions. Conclusions: PC is a relatively common disorder of horses under certain management conditions that can progress to cause serious dental disorders, especially if concurrent, widespread infundibular caries is present. Potential relevance: Equine clinicians should be aware of this significant dental disorder and research into its aetiopathogenesis, possible prevention and treatment are required.  相似文献   

Efficacy of tilmicosin in treatment of pulmonary infections in calves.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The efficacy of tilmicosin in the treatment of respiratory infections in calves was evaluated. According to a randomised block design, 58 calves with naturally occurring respiratory infections were treated with one of the following products: a single subcutaneous injection of tilmicosin (10 mg/kg liveweight) or daily intramuscular injections of 5 mg lincomycin and 10 mg spectinomycin/kg liveweight, for a minimum of three days. Both treatment groups initially showed similar clinical signs and their initial responses to the treatments were good. However, the tilmicosin treated calves improved more rapidly. Significantly greater improvements (P less than or equal to 0.05) were observed in their demeanour and appetite during the first 10 days after treatment began, and in their respiratory condition between five and 10 days after treatment began.  相似文献   

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