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Serial radiographic examinations were used to assess the incidence of bilateral and unilateral pneumothorax and its resolution following the introduction of air into a pleural space in each of 24 adult mix-breed dogs. Twenty-two (92%) dogs developed bilateral pneumothorax and two dogs (8%) developed unilateral pneumothorax. Volumes of air equal to 5 ml/kg, 15 ml/kg, and 45 ml/kg of body weight had resolved in all dogs developing bilateral pneumothorax by 7, 10, and 14 days, respectively. The vertical beam left lateral recumhent and the expiratory horizontal beam ventrodorsal views were the most effective radiographic views for the detection of pneumothorax. Separation of the visceral and parietal pleural surfaces on the horizontal beam ventrodorsal view was a better indication of small amounts of air in the pleural spaces than separation of the heart from the sternum on the vertical beam lateral view. The right lateral recumbent view, regardless of heam orientation, was most sensitive for the detection of differences in the amount of air in the pleural spaces.  相似文献   

Thoracic radiographs of 346 dogs, diagnosed as having primary neoplasms, were reviewed for radiographic changes associated with pulmonary metastatic disease at the time of initial presentation. Dogs having radiographic changes of single or multiple interstitial nodular opacities, in the absence of concurrent intrathoracic disease, were considered to have pulmonary metastatic disease. The frequency of metastasis associated with each histologic tumor type was compared by chi-squared analysis. Dogs having primary thyroid carcinomas and transitional cell carcinomas demonstrated the greatest frequency of radiographic changes, 62.5% and 26% respectively. In dogs having a variety of other neoplasms, including nasal adenocarcinomas and cutaneous neoplasms, thoracic radiography proved useful in delineating intercurrent disease and staging, as well as the extent of neoplastic involvement. These results indicate early radiographic evaluation of the thorax should be performed on all dogs with confirmed or suspected primary neoplasms.  相似文献   

K. Peremans  DVM  F. De  Winter  MD  L. Janssens  DVM  PhD  F. Dumont  PhD  H. Van  Bree  DVM  PhD  R. Dierckx  MD  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2002,43(2):178-182
This case report describes the use of the 99mTc-labeled radiopharmaceutical ciprofloxacin (Infecton) in a case of hip prosthesis loosening in a dog. Serial planar radiographs were not conclusive, and culture of the synovial fluid was negative. Antibiotic treatment did not result in improvement of the lameness. Scintigraphy was performed with 99-Tc-Infecton, a tracer claimed to be specific for infection. Antibiotic treatment was interrupted 6 weeks prior to the examination. Planar and tomographic images at 3 h and at 24 h postinjection showed increased activity along the acetabulum and the proximal femoral bone surrounding the femoral prosthesis, indicating focal infection. Bacteriology performed after removal of the implant revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The chronology of uterine enlargement and fetal mineralization relative to luteinizing hormone (LH) peak, time of breeding, and parturition was determined in six female Beagles. Uterine enlargement was first detectable radiographically 35 days prior to parturition. The uterus changes in shape from a circular to a tubular/ovoid structure by 24 days prior to parturition. Mineralized fetuses were first detected at 21 days prior to parturition. The extent of mineralization progressed rapidly with the proximal extremities, forelegs/hindlegs/pelvis, caudal vertebrae/paws, and finally, the teeth becoming visible at approximately 17, 11, five, and four days prior to parturition, respectively. There is a larger variation of gestational dates among dogs when based on time of breeding rather than on the occurrence of the LH peak or parturition. As such, the dates on which to radiographically detect uterine enlargement or fetal mineralization were more accurately determined when based on the occurrence of the LH peak or parturition instead of breeding dates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare computed tomography (CT) and radiography in the identification of canine middle ear disease. Fourteen canine patients underwent a radiographic "bullae series" and CT examination of the tympanic bullae. Confirmation of otitis media was based on surgery. The overall diagnostic accuracy of CT and radiographs regarding the diagnosis of otitis media was similar. Although a marked difference was not detected between radiographs and CT for detecting otitis media using Youden's index values, CT was a more sensitive test for the detection of otitis media.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify access portals for ultrasonographic evaluation of canine long bones (humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia). A 7.5 MHz linear transducer was used in five medium-sized dogs (range of 25-35 kg body weight). Good approaches could be identified for all long bones. For the proximal humerus, a cranial portal, and the distal humerus, a lateral portal is suggested. For the radius and ulna, a craniolateral approach seemed to be the best. In the hindlimb, a medial approach for the femur and a craniolateral approach for the tibia were the most effective approaches.  相似文献   

In this prospective study, the effect of thoracic positioning on the visibility and size of caudal esophageal masses caused by spirocercosis was investigated. Dorsoventral (DV), ventrodorsal (VD) as well as left lateral recumbent (LLR) and right lateral recumbent (RLR) thoracic radiographs of 28 dogs, diagnosed endoscopically with spirocercosis, were evaluated. The radiographic findings were compared with those of esophageal endoscopy. Masses were seen equally well in left vs. right recumbency as well as in DV vs. VD positions but in DV/VD views 86% of masses were detected whereas in lateral views only 50% of masses were identified. In spirocercosis-endemic areas DV and RLR views are advised as they also allow for better visualization of descending aorta aneurysms and to avoid interpreting the potentially normally visible esophagus in LLR in large dogs as a mass.  相似文献   

Ten clinically normal adult mongrel dogs were examined using lumbosacral epidurography in an effort to determine a reproducible technic and a normal radiographic appearance. The site of contrast medium injection was the ventral epidural space at the sacrococcygeal junction or the cranial coccygeal region. An initial dose of 0.15 ml/kg of metrizamide for the right lateral recumbent radiograph with 0.10 ml/kg additional metrizamide for additional right lateral or the subsequent dorsoventral radiographs was considered adequate. Two numerical values were observed for each normal epidurogram: the sacrovertebral angle; the ratio of the contrast medium column width to L6 body length. A statistically significant relationship between hindlimb positioning and the numerical value of the sacrovertebral angle was identified. Some advantages of epidurography for delineating the lumbosacral area are obvious: (1) it overcomes the limited value of lumbosacral area myelography; (2) it is technically easier than intraosseous vertebral venography; (3) there is minimal patient trauma; (4) there was no apparent adverse sequela to repeated contrast medium injections.  相似文献   

The common bile duct was surgically ligated in five normal adult dogs. Ultrasonographic examinations of the gallbladder and biliary system were performed after duct ligation at intervals of 24 hours. The sequence of biliary system dilation was from the common duct to the peripheral intrahepatic ducts. Common duct enlargement was evident in 24–48 hours, while peripheral biliary duct dilation was recognized by five to seven days after obstruction. When compared with hepatic and portal veins, dilated biliary ducts were more tortuous and had irregular branching patterns. Gross pathologic changes were correlated with ultrasonographic findings at seven, 14, 15, 18 and 21 days after obstruction.  相似文献   

Radiographic evaluation of uterine enlargement is discussed and illustrated. Normal (pregnancy) and abnormal (pyometra, complications of pregnancy, neoplasma) causes of uterine enlargement are addressed. Special radiographic procedures for uterine evaluation are described.  相似文献   

The effect of anesthesia on the radiographic appearance of the coxofemoral joints was evaluated by taking pelvic radiographs of thirty dogs. Each dog was radiographed twice, once under general anesthesia and once without anesthesia. The radiographs were submitted to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals independently of one another to be evaluated for signs of hip dysplasia. Results suggest there was no statistical difference between the two groups of dogs. Twenty five dogs received the same reading. Three dogs received readings that were worse by one grade while under anesthesia and two dogs received readings that were one grade better while under anesthesia. This study failed to demonstrate any changes due to anesthesia on the radiographic appearance of the coxofemoral joints. Anesthesia may, however, be beneficial for proper positioning and to decrease unnecessary patient, and personnel exposure to radiation.  相似文献   

Total gastric emptying time was determined in nine mongrel dogs using a barium meal contrast procedure. Within the group, total gastric emptying time ranged from 7.0–15.0 hours. Comparison of the population mean showed a statistical difference (p − 0.01) from previously published values. Individual dogs showed consistent total gastric emptying time over three trials. The technique can be used to test the effect of a procedure on total gastric emptying time when a normal value has been established for the dog. Due to the wide range of normal values observed, evaluation of clinical patients could be difficult unless there is a gross abnormality in function.  相似文献   

Experienced and inexperienced observers evaluated the assessability of 50 radiographs (25 dogs) and determined the hip status (dysplasia/nondysplasia and final scoring according Fédération Cynologique Internationale [FCI]‐criteria) individually. A radiographic technical quality assessment was performed in a separate reading session. Interobserver agreement in determining dysplasia/nondysplasia and FCI‐scoring did not significantly increase with the increasing quality of a radiograph, irrespective whether these observers are experienced or not. There was a significant agreement between the technical quality assessment and assessability (P<0.0005). Despite the effort to objectify radiographic quality and to present high‐quality radiographs to observers, interobserver agreement on dysplasia/nondysplasia and final scoring, remains low, even in the experienced group. Although increased radiographic quality narrows the range of scoring, the range remains unacceptably high.  相似文献   

Linda J.  Konde  DVM  Robert H.  Wrigley  BVSc  MS  DVR  Jack L.  Lebel  DVM  PHD  Richard D.  Park  DVM  PHD  Charles  Pugh  DVM  MS  Susan  Finn  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1989,30(1):41-45
The clinical, radiographic, and sonographic signs in three dogs with splenic torsion are presented. AH dogs exhibited weight loss, anorexia, and lethargy. Splenomegaly was consistent radiographic finding in two dogs and large ill-defined midabdominal mass was seen in one dog. The spleen was easily imaged sonographically in all dogs. Splenic sonography in two dogs showed diffuse, hypoechoic pattern consistent with splenic congestion. Hilar splenic vessels were enlarged on the sonograms of two dogs.  相似文献   

HIP DYSPLASIA IN THE DOG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A retrospective study of 39 dogs with spirocercosis is described, emphasizing radiographic and computed tomographic aspects and clinical presentation. Dogs were classified as complicated or uncomplicated, both clinically and radiographically. Besides the expected upper gastrointestinal signs, a high incidence of respiratory (77%) and locomotor (23%) complications were present. All dogs had thoracic radiographs. Esophageal masses were radiographically classified as typical or atypical according to their location. Twenty-seven dogs had a typical caudal esophageal mass. Six dogs had a mass atypically located in the hilar region. These masses were smaller and more difficult to visualize radiographically. The remaining 6 dogs did not have a radiographically detectable esophageal mass. Radiology as an initial diagnostic tool was effective in detecting and localizing the mass and to detect early respiratory abnormalities such as pleuritis, mediastinitis, pneumonia, and bronchial displacement. Endoscopy was the modality of choice to confirm antemortem esophageal masses. In dogs where the mass filled the whole esophageal lumen, endoscopy failed to give essential information necessary for surgical excision of neoplastic masses, such as the extent of esophageal wall attachment. Caudal esophageal sphincter involvement was difficult to determine endoscopically with large caudal esophageal masses. Computed tomography was performed on 3 dogs and did not address the latter problems completely, but was found to be a sensitive tool to detect focal aortic mineralization and early spondylitis, both typical for the disease, and essential in the diagnosis of non- or extramural esophageal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Lumbar myelography, intraosseous caudal vertebral venography, and epidurography were performed in 12 normal, mature mixed-breed dogs. The radiographic appearance of the lumbosacral region was evaluated in both the lateral and ventrodorsal projections. These three radiographic contrast procedures were repeated in the same dogs after the introduction of a silicone mass into the spinal canal at the lumbosacral junction. The radiographic findings were compared with postmortem findings to determine which contrast procedure was most useful in detecting the mass in the lumbosacral spine. None of the procedures evaluated consistently produced good-quality studies in the normal dogs. After introduction of the silicone mass, lumbosacral epidurography yielded the largest number of positive correlations. However, the sensitivity of lumbosacral epidurography was less than 50% in the lateral projection and less than 20% in the ventrodorsal projection. Though none of the procedures were consistently helpful in the diagnosis of the lumbosacral masses, lumbosacral epidurography has the most potential to give consistently good-quality studies and thereby a greater probability of detecting an abnormality.  相似文献   

Endoscopic ultrasonography was done in 12 normal adult dogs to investigate its efficacy in visualization of the pancreas. The endoscopic ultrasonographic device used in the present study had a curved-array ultrasound transducer mounted in front of the objective lens. The tip of the ultrasonic endoscope was inserted into the stomach, and all examinations of the pancreas were performed from within the stomach. Endoscopic ultrasonography provided good images of most parts of the pancreas except for the ends of each lobe. Useful information about the pancreatic parenchyma, including pancreatic lobular structure, pancreatic duct, and vessels of the pancreas was obtained by endoscopic ultrasonography. Blood flow within vessels was detected using color Doppler and pulsed-wave Doppler examination. These results suggest that endoscopic ultrasonography is available as an effective diagnostic modality in small animal practice.  相似文献   

Differential diagnoses for canine liver disease are commonly based on radiographic estimates of liver size, however little has been published on breed variations. Aims of this study were to describe normal radiographic liver size in Pekingese dogs and to compare normal measurements for this breed with other dog breeds and Pekingese dogs with liver disease. Liver measurements were compared for clinically normal Pekingese (n = 61), normal non‐Pekingese brachycephalic (n = 45), normal nonbrachycephalic (n = 71), and Pekingese breed dogs with liver disease (n = 22). For each dog, body weight, liver length, T11 vertebral length, thoracic depth, and thoracic width were measured on right lateral and ventrodorsal abdominal radiographs. Liver volume was calculated using a formula and ratios of liver length/T11 vertebral length and liver volume/body weight ratio were determined. Normal Pekingese dogs had a significantly smaller liver volume/body weight ratio (16.73 ± 5.67, P < 0.05) than normal non‐Pekingese brachycephalic breed dogs (19.54 ± 5.03) and normal nonbrachycephalic breed dogs (18.72 ± 6.52). The liver length/T11 vertebral length ratio in normal Pekingese (4.64 ± 0.65) was significantly smaller than normal non‐Pekingese brachycephalic breed dogs (5.16 ± 0.74) and normal nonbrachycephalic breed dogs (5.40 ± 0.74). Ratios of liver volume/body weight and liver length/T11 vertebral length in normal Pekingese were significantly different from Pekingese with liver diseases (P < 0.05). Findings supported our hypothesis that Pekingese dogs have a smaller normal radiographic liver size than other breeds. We recommend using 4.64× the length of the T11 vertebra as a radiographic criterion for normal liver length in Pekingese dogs.  相似文献   

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