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The main objective of the REPERE (REcherche sur le Petoncle a des fins d'Elevage et de REpeuplement) research programme, initiated in the Iles-de-la-Madeleine in 1991, was to enhance natural sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) populations which were greatly reduced by overfishing. Sea bed seeding was chosen as the best approach to achieve this goal. In 1992, after two years of scientific research work, mainly centred on producing a supply of juveniles and developing intermediate culture methods, the Scallop Fishermen's Association, supported by governmental financing, initiated a commercial seeding project. Two thousand collectors were set out in open waters suitable for spat settlement. A collecting rate of 780 spat per collector produced a catch of 1.5 million spat. Technical problems led to significant losses of juveniles. Intermediate culture in pearl nets in a lagoon, between July and October 1993, enhanced growth noticeably. At an age of 1 y, average shell height was 32 mm. In the fall of 1993, 30 000 young scallops were seeded on a natural bed closed to fishing. Ten thousand collectors were set out in the fall of 1993. Collecting success was 1145 spat per collector and spat losses were reduced by technical improvements. In November 1994, 1.5 million scallops were seeded on a sea bed closed to the fishery. Scallops from the 1994 seeding could reach market size (90 mm) by 1997.  相似文献   

The previous larval-trajectory modeling studies on Georges Bank were assessed through process-oriented Lagrangian-tracking comparison experiments using the high-resolution Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (GOM-FVCOM). The results indicate that in a strong nonlinear system such as Georges Bank, the passive tracer movement is driven by a fully three-dimensional Lagrangian flow field that varies in space and time due to large tidal excursion and steep bottom topography. The particle-tracking methods developed based on the assumption of weak nonlinearity of the flow field are not applicable to Georges Bank. The results of previous larval transport studies driven by circulation fields constructed under the weak-nonlinearity assumption need to be interpreted with caution. In the present work, the influence of model physical setups on sea scallop larval dispersal and settlement on Georges Bank and adjacent shelf regions is examined. Distinct differences in the spatial distribution of the passive larvae predicted by the model under various physical conditions suggest that a fully nonlinear model driven by realistic spatially and temporally varying forcing should be employed for Lagrangian-based studies of fishery population dynamics on Georges Bank.  相似文献   

Mass mortalities of cultured zhikong scallops (Chlamys farreri) have occurred each summer in most culture areas of northern China since 1996. Among the hypothesized causes are high culture density, infectious disease and genetic inbreeding. To investigate these potential agents, C. farreri were deployed at three densities (low, medium and high) at three sites (Jiaonan, Penglai and Yantai) in the summer of 2000. Scallops were sampled for survival, growth and histopathology before, during and after a mortality episode. Most of the mortality occurred in July and August, during and toward the later part of the spawning season, when water temperature reached 23–26 °C. Final cumulative mortalities reached 85% to 90% at all three sites. Scallops in the medium and high densities had higher initial death rates than did those at the low density. High densities also inhibited growth. Ciliates from the genus Trichodina, larvae of various organisms and anomalous secretions were observed in sections of the gill cavity, with highest prevalence during and at the end of the mortality period. Prokaryotic inclusion bodies were found in the soft tissues, but their prevalence was low and apparently without correlation with mortalities. Genetic analysis with random amplified polymorphic DNA markers showed slightly lower heterozygosity in the cultured stocks (0.301) than in the wild stocks (0.331). It is possible that the mortalities are caused by a combination of several factors such as stress associated with reproduction, high temperature, overcrowding and poor circulation in the growout cages, opportunistic invaders or pathogens, and possibly inbreeding.  相似文献   

根据2002年和2003年对山东荣成桑沟湾栉孔扇贝养殖海区的水温、盐度、pH、氨氮浓度、亚硝氮浓度等环境因子和扇贝血清中的蛋白浓度、酸性磷酸酶活力、碱性磷酸酶活力、超氧化物歧化酶活力和过氧化氢酶活力等免疫学指标及栉孔扇贝养殖密度和死亡率的监测数据,运用人工神经网络(artificial neurd network,ANN)的原理和误差反相传播(back propagefion,BP)网络的方法,利用MATLAB软件初步建立养殖栉孔扇贝夏季大规模死亡的BP人工神经网络预测模型.预测模型经过300次的学习训练,误差平方和由67.46下降至0.009 1.该预测模型对未参与模型构建的样本预测的结果与实际监测结果的符合率达到87.5%.首次将人工神经网络与水产动物病害死亡的预测相结合,建立的预测模型具有对数据适应能力强,可适时学习,预测结果准确等突出优点,为水产养殖动物病害死亡程度的预测提供了一个新的研究方法.  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝动态能量收支模型参数的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以虾夷扇贝为实验生物,介绍了动态能量收支(dynamic energy budget,DEB)模型5个关键基本参数的测定及计算方法,分析了方法的利弊及注意事项,为贝类DEB模型参数的准确获取提供参考方法。采用壳长与软体部湿重回归法计算虾夷扇贝的形状系数δm;采用静水法测定不同温度条件下虾夷扇贝的呼吸耗氧率,计算阿伦纽斯温度TA参数;采用饥饿法测定、计算单位时间单位体积维持生命所需的能量[]、形成单位体积结构物质所需的能量[EG]和单位体积最大储存能量[EM]3个参数。室内饥饿实验持续60 d,直至呼吸耗氧率及软体部干重基本保持恒定。结果显示,壳长(SL)与软体部湿重(WW)的回归关系式为WW=0.0118SL3.4511(R2=0.9365),根据公式V=(δm L)3,对软体部湿重的立方根和壳长进行线性回归,所得的斜率即为形状系数δm值(δm=0.32);获得不同规格的虾夷扇贝耗氧率与水温(热力学温度,K)倒数的线性回归关系,线性回归方程斜率的绝对值为阿伦纽斯温度TA,平均为(4160±767)K。饥饿实验结束时,软体部干重和呼吸耗氧率分别降低了56%和81%。虾夷扇贝的耗氧率稳定在0.17 mg/(ind·h),经计算获得[]=25.9 J/(cm~3·d);饥饿持续30天之后,虾夷扇贝软体部干重基本维持在(0.25±0.01)g,经计算获得[EG]=3160 J/cm~3,[EM]=2030 J/cm~3。动态DEB理论是基于能量代谢的物理、化学特性而建立的,体现了生物能量代谢的普遍性规律,能够反映摄食获取能量在不同发育生长阶段的能量分配情况。但是,DEB模型参数的测定及计算比较复杂。基本参数的准确获取将影响其他参数以及模型的准确性。本研究为虾夷扇贝DEB模型的构建奠定基础。  相似文献   

张晴  田元勇  姜明慧  刘俊荣 《水产学报》2020,44(11):1883-1892
为探究虾夷扇贝原料特性的季节性差异,分别对春(4月)、夏(7月)、秋(10月)和冬(1月)产鲜活虾夷扇贝的商品属性及闭壳肌ATP和ATPase分布进行了分析比较;以肌原纤维蛋白(myofibrillar protein,Mf)Ca2+ATPase活性为检测指标,重点探索闭壳肌蛋白热稳定性的季节性差异,并对闭壳肌2种肌肉即横纹肌和平滑肌的蛋白热稳定性做了对比分析。结果显示,春季虾夷扇贝最肥满,生殖腺占总重的比率高达6.96%,其他3个季节仅为1.79%~2.95%。主要可食部位闭壳肌的蛋白质、脂肪和ATP的含量季节性差异不明显,闭壳肌富含蛋白质,含量占干基的75%~80%,脂肪含量很低,仅为0.63%~1.00%;值得关注的是,在春、夏2个季节闭壳肌总糖含量分别为11.14%和13.84%,显著高于秋、冬2季,而冬季含量最低,仅为2.67%。横纹肌ATP含量在各个季节都高于平滑肌,二者分别为4.3~5.0μmol/g和1.2~1.6μmol/g。横纹肌与平滑肌的ATP及其关联物含量的季节性差异均不明显。此外,横纹肌与平滑肌具有相似的热稳定性,在30和35℃下加热30...  相似文献   

刘灵  徐俊  马盼  李安兴 《水产学报》2019,43(5):1308-1316
实验采用BALB/c小鼠作为实验动物,旨在建立尼罗罗非鱼无乳链球菌毒力测定的BALB/c小鼠模型。BALB/c小鼠经腹腔注射尼罗罗非鱼源无乳链球菌建立感染模型,比较了尼罗罗非鱼源无乳链球菌分别感染尼罗罗非鱼和小鼠的LD_(50)差异,分别测定了不同毒力尼罗罗非鱼无乳链球菌对尼罗罗非鱼和小鼠的毒力。结果显示,小鼠经腹腔注射无乳链球菌,在24 h内出现死亡现象,且对小鼠脑、肝脏、脾脏、肾脏等组织造成损伤。3次测定尼罗罗非鱼无乳链球菌TFJ0901对尼罗罗非鱼和小鼠LD_(50)分别为7.7×10~7、2.2×10~8、3.5×10~9 CFU/mL和405、361、419 CFU/只。将无乳链球菌TFJ0901和THN0901感染尼罗罗非鱼(1.0×10~7 CFU/mL)和小鼠(100 CFU/只),尼罗罗非鱼和小鼠存活率分别为100%、6.7%±5.8%和100%、0,其存活率都具有显著性差异。将无乳链球菌TFJ0901和TFJ-F感染尼罗罗非鱼(3.0×10~8 CFU/mL)和小鼠(2 500 CFU/只),尼罗罗非鱼的存活率分别为73.3%±11.5%和80.0%±10.0%,存活率差异不显著,小鼠存活率分别为13.3%±11.5%和100.0%,存活率具有显著性差异。研究表明,本实验成功建立了BALB/c小鼠作为尼罗罗非鱼源无乳链球菌毒力测定的稳定模型,测定不同毒力的尼罗罗非鱼源无乳链球菌对小鼠毒力与对尼罗罗非鱼毒力一致,且该模型能够区分尼罗罗非鱼模型难以区分的毒力相近的无乳链球菌。  相似文献   

The quality of diet fed to bivalve broodstock during reproductive conditioning directly affects growth and survival of their larval and postlarval progeny. The objective of the present study was to improve the quality of larval production in the Chilean scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) and the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) by testing of the effects of different experimentally enriched diets on the conditioning and early development of progeny under laboratory conditions. The diets used included protein-rich microalgae and mixtures of microalgae and lipid emulsions. Quality of D-larvae, pediveligers, and 1-mm postlarvae from the variously fed broodstock was measured to evaluate each diet as indicators of growth and survival of the early life stages. Biochemical analyses were carried out on eggs and larvae to determine the effects of the different diets on these parameters. The main results for the scallops and oysters were that a conditioning diet containing algae rich in protein improved larval growth and survival. This effect did not, however, extend past metamorphosis. Also, the best conditioning diet increased the lipid content of the eggs, as well as the protein content of the D-larvae, although the mechanism for this remains unclear.  相似文献   

为评定大鲵幼体对饲料蛋白质的需求量,以鱼粉为主要蛋白源配制6种蛋白质水平(干样基础)的实验饲料:D1(43.7%)、D2(47.1%)、D3(51.3%)、D4(55.7%)、D5(59.9%)和D6(64.4%),饲喂初始体质量为(20.99±0.15) g的大鲵幼体92 d。结果显示,①饲料蛋白质水平对大鲵增重率有显著影响,在D4组达到最大值,较D1组增加了276.4%,且全鲵蛋白质沉积率和肌肉RNA、RNA/DNA值、胃蛋白酶、H+-K+-ATPase、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶和Na+-K+-ATPase、肝脏超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)均在D4组达到最佳,而肝脏和肠道丙二醛(MDA)在该组均达到最低;②随饲料蛋白质水平增加,肌肉粗蛋白线性增加,全鲵脂肪线性下降,全鲵水分和粗灰分在各组间差异不显著,全鲵粗蛋白先增加后趋于稳定,在D4组达到最大;③大鲵皮肤胶原蛋白含量在D4组达到最高,较D1组增加了27.83%。研究表明,以增重率、肌肉RNA/DNA值、蛋白质沉积率和皮肤胶原蛋白含量为评价指标,通过二次回归...  相似文献   

为探索捕后初期处置对虾夷扇贝活品品质的延迟效应,将捕后虾夷扇贝分易逝期及后易逝期两个阶段进行研究,分别模拟海上及陆基两个处置环节。易逝期处置条件为冷却干露,分别设置12、24及48 h 3个处理组,即E12、E24及E48;后易逝期处置是将经易逝期的活体扇贝重新置于海水中复水24 h,分别为E12’及E24’。以失重率、存活率、闭壳肌pH、糖原、ATP关联化合物、AEC值及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性等为指标,对活品品质进行跟踪分析。结果显示:①易逝期干露处置的扇贝品质有不同程度下降,E48全部死亡;E12和E24具有100%的存活率,糖原含量在易逝期初期快速下降,由初始点的18.95降至12 h时的14.66 mg/g。②易逝期处置对后易逝期的扇贝活体有延迟效应,复水12 h内,体质量和糖原显著恢复,同时SOD活性显著下降,表明了应激状态的缓解;随着复水时间的延长,各项生化指标反映出活体再次进入应激状态时,E12’的活品货架期明显优于E24’。研究表明,扇贝从采捕至陆基暂养净化存在一个品质易逝期,易逝期处置对后易逝期的活品品质有延迟效应。经易逝期处置的扇贝可恢复,短时间12 h的易逝...  相似文献   

为了研究干藏与湿藏对活品虾夷扇贝生化代谢的影响,探讨捕后干露、碰撞和温度3个胁迫因素对活品虾夷扇贝生化代谢的影响。将采捕后的虾夷扇贝分别进行干藏和湿藏处置,干藏采取冰藏方式,保藏时间为4 d;湿藏采取循环海水方式,同时施加温度与碰撞2种胁迫因素作对比,保藏时间为7 d。以闭壳肌中糖原、ATP及其关联物、AEC值、p H值和水溶性蛋白为指标,对4个处置组的活品虾夷扇贝进行跟踪分析。干藏条件下扇贝p H值、ATP含量和AEC值均迅速下降,生理状态快速恶化,短期内(1~3 d)扇贝陆续死亡。湿藏(5和10°C)条件下,扇贝闭壳肌可保持较高的ATP含量、AEC值和p H值,且5°C较10°C湿藏条件下糖原含量更高;相同温度下(10°C),增加碰撞会导致扇贝ATP含量和AEC值下降,糖原消耗增多。研究表明,捕后处置方式与活品虾夷扇贝的生化代谢有密切联系,干露是虾夷扇贝活品流通过程中比较突出的胁迫因素,温度和碰撞也会在一定程度上影响扇贝的生理状态。  相似文献   

为分析筏式养殖虾夷扇贝贝壳内侧褐色沉积症状形成机制,讨论虾夷扇贝夏季大规模死亡和褐色沉积症状相关性。2017—2019年的3—10月开展流行病学调查,调查虾夷扇贝褐色沉积症症状发生过程和出现比例,统计虾夷扇贝累积死亡率。设计防咬合扇贝养殖笼,统计褐色沉积症扇贝出现比例。利用傅里叶红外光谱分析法分析褐色沉积物质成分,讨论内在形成原因。结果显示,防咬合扇贝养殖笼内养殖扇贝累积死亡率为87.6%,褐色沉积症状出现比例为74.5%,扇贝间咬合导致的损伤不是褐色沉积症出现的原因。褐色沉积物质红外光谱谱型与牛血清白蛋白粉末谱型一致,且具备蛋白质特征峰酰胺Ⅰ带和酰胺Ⅲ带,揭示贝壳内侧褐色沉积物质主要成分为蛋白质。虾夷扇贝褐色沉积症出现时间具有规律性,6月中下旬出现症状后持续至8月,与扇贝开始死亡时间吻合。2017—2019年褐色沉积症状比例为85.7%、1.54%和10.9%,扇贝累积死亡率分别为90.4%、49.2%和48.16%,揭示褐色沉积症状与筏式养殖虾夷扇贝夏季死亡具有相关性(r=0.992),其形成原因可能与病原感染相关。  相似文献   


为了更好地了解和可持续开发利用阿拉伯海澳洲鲐 (Scomber australasicus) 资源,采用2016—2017年1、2、11和12月主渔汛期间我国公海围网渔船在阿拉伯海的鲐鱼生产数据,结合海表温度 (Sea surface temperature, SST)、混合层厚度 (Mixed-layer thickness, MLT)、海面高度异常 (Sea level anomaly, SLA)、叶绿素a浓度 (Chlorophyll-a concentration, CHL) 环境数据,分别构建了以渔获量 (Fish catch, FC) 和作业次数 (Fishing times, FT) 为基础的栖息地指数 (Habitat suitability index, HSI) 模型: FC-HSI和FT-HSI模型。在HIS>0.6的海域,2016和2017年实际渔获量占比分别为76.25%和80.03%。利用2018年的实际生产数据对模型进行预报准确度验证,得出在HIS>0.6的海域,实际渔获量占比分别为45.68%和50.15%,FT-HSI模型的预报结果优于FC-HSI模型。结果表明,基于SST、MLT、SLA、CHL的FT-HSI模型能够较好地预测阿拉伯海鲐鱼的中心渔场。


Understanding the role of salinity in breeding and growth has the potential to enhance production of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. This study investigated the reproduction of females reared in salinities of 0, 6, 12, and 18 g L− 1. Mean weight of females decreased with increased salinity (31.40 ± 1.54, 25.14 ± 1.16, 20.80 ± 0.81, and 16.62 ± 1.04 g at 0, 6, 12, and 18 g L− 1, respectively). Larval production was delayed by 2 months in females reared in 12 g L− 1 compared to 6 and 0 g L− 1 and the cumulative number of berried females decreased with increased salinity. The number of larvae produced was positively correlated to weight of female. A larval production not only differed between salinity treatments, but also that larval production per gram of female differed between treatments. Females reared in lower salinity of 0 and 6 g L− 1 produced larger numbers of larvae (12,155 ± 480 and 6519 ± 323, respectively) compared to 12 and 18 g L− 1 (3751 ± 256 and 0, respectively). The number of larvae produced per gram of female was inversely related to the salinity levels (Y = − 37.54X + 685.65, n = 339, r2 = 0.995, p < 0.05). Survival of larvae from females reared at 0 and 6 g L− 1 was higher than those from females reared in 12 g L− 1. This study clearly shows that female broodstock reared in lower salinity was larger, reproduced early, and produced more offspring than at higher salinity and this could significantly impact coastal prawn culture where seasonal fluctuation of salinity in the hatchery is common.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase, GS)是一种广泛分布在动植物体内的酶,并参与细胞多种代谢调控。在甲壳动物中,GS在能量代谢和渗透压调节过程中起着重要作用。实验克隆了罗氏沼虾GS基因。GS基因cDNA全长1 965 bp,开放读码框(ORF)为1 086 bp,编码361个氨基酸(aa),分子量大小为40.75 ku,等电点为5.81。进化树分析发现,罗氏沼虾GS基因与凡纳滨对虾、斑节对虾和中国明对虾GS聚为一支,氨基酸相似性达到95%。氨基酸多序列比对分析结果显示,罗氏沼虾GS属于无脊椎动物分支的GSⅡ群,有5个保守区域。实验对罗氏沼虾GS蛋白进行表达并制备了多克隆抗体。采用荧光定量PCR技术(qRT-PCR)和免疫印迹(Western blot)对罗氏沼虾蜕壳前后的不同组织GS表达进行检测。qRT-PCR结果显示,GS基因在所检测的8个组织中均有表达;蜕壳前,其相对表达量顺序为:肝胰脏肌肉胃肠鳃心脏脑血淋巴。蜕壳后和蜕壳前GS基因在组织中的差异表达比较结果显示,除了在肝胰脏表达下调外,其他7个组织都表达升高,其相对表达量的差异顺序为:脑鳃胃肠肌肉心脏血淋巴。Westernblot结果显示,蜕壳后GS蛋白在鳃和肌肉组织表达量上调,与其mRNA表达一致。此外,罗氏沼虾蜕壳后肝胰脏GS酶的活性和谷氨酰胺的含量下调,而其在鳃、肌肉和血淋巴中上调,结果与其基因表达一致。研究表明,GS基因在不同组织中表达的差异可能和罗氏沼虾的能量代谢、渗透压调节有关。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾几丁质酶3B基因的克隆及其在蜕皮周期中的表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗氏沼虾的生长发育及繁殖都与蜕皮紧密相关。几丁质酶是甲壳动物在蜕皮过程中最重要的酶之一。本研究对罗氏沼虾蜕皮周期外观特征和腹肢刚毛进行了观察描述,克隆并分析了罗氏沼虾的几丁质酶Ⅲ基因(MrChi3B),制备了几丁质酶Ⅲ蛋白的多克隆抗体,研究了其在蜕皮周期中的表达。罗氏沼虾几丁质酶基因cDNA的开放阅读框为1 143 bp,编码380个氨基酸,大小为41.91 ku。通过氨基酸序列比对发现,MrChi3B与日本沼虾几丁质酶基因(Chi3B)的同源性最高,为94%。MrChi3B含有一个糖苷键水解酶家族18的催化域。实时定量PCR (qRT-PCR)和蛋白印迹法(WB)检测结果显示,MrChi3B在罗氏沼虾多个组织中均有表达,但是不同组织中的表达有差异。在蜕皮期之后,其在胃、表皮和肌肉中的表达量显著上升。在胃中其表达量在蜕皮间期达到最高;在表皮和肌肉中其表达量在蜕皮后期达到最高;肠中的表达量在蜕皮前期和蜕皮期有所上升;眼柄期的表达量在所有蜕皮期都偏低。本研究结果为进一步研究几丁质酶的功能提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为开发加利福尼亚红刺参人工繁育技术,在显微镜下测定加利福尼亚红刺参受精卵、胚胎和幼体大小变化,观察加利福尼亚红刺参从受精卵到稚参的发育过程。结果显示,利用阴干法人工催产,可以顺利促进加利福尼亚红刺参排卵,受精率超过95%。加利福尼亚红刺参胚胎和幼体发育过程包括受精卵、卵裂期、囊胚期、旋转囊胚、原肠期、小耳状幼体、中耳状幼体、大耳状幼体、樽形幼体和稚参几个阶段。在水温为14°C,盐度为30,pH为8.0条件下,受精卵在10~20 min后陆续出现极体,1 h后开始卵裂,1 d后进入旋转囊胚,2 d后进入原肠期,第4天进入耳状幼体初期;受精卵经历15 d后进入樽形幼体阶段,18 d后变态为稚参。加利福尼亚红刺参耳状幼体最大长度可达1125μm。加利福尼亚红刺参胚胎和幼体发育时间与仿刺参、糙海参等存在差异。  相似文献   

Mature winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) (cultivar Tpt26) seeds were roasted or autoclaved and their meals evaluated as a dietary protein source for the African catfish. Five dry practical diets (400 g protein/kg and 17.5 kJ gross energy/g dry diet) containing menhaden fish meal or each of the heat-processed winged bean meals as partial replacement (80%), (with or without 5 g -methionine/kg diet supplementation) for menhaden fish meal, were prepared and fed to triplicate groups of catfish fingerlings (5.8±1.2 g) to satiation for 70 days. No mortality occurred throughout the study and satisfactory diet acceptance was observed when the heat-processed winged bean meals replaced menhaden fish meal. Differences were found in weight gain, specific growth rate, feed and protein efficiency ratios, but were not significant (P>0.05). Digestibility of crude protein and gross energy content of the diets were high (>85%) and comparable to that of menhaden fish meal. Carcass composition of catfish did not vary significantly (P>0.05) between diet treatments. Results indicate that both autoclaved and roasted winged bean meals were acceptable as protein sources and can replace 80% of menhaden fish meal in catfish diets.  相似文献   

以东南太平洋智利竹鱼为对象、以资源量动态模型为基础,使用模拟方法构建了"真实"的智利竹鱼种群及其渔业,评估了观测误差和过程误差对智利竹鱼资源评估和管理的影响。模拟的"真实"的智利竹鱼种群及其渔业结果显示,1997—2014年太平洋智利竹鱼资源量总体上呈逐年下降趋势,且远低于B_(MSY)的50%;捕捞死亡系数波动剧烈,仅在2012—2014年低于F_(MSY)且相对稳定。渔业资源评估模拟结果显示,观测误差和过程误差使资源量和B_(MSY)被低估,捕捞死亡系数和F_(MSY)被高估,且随机误差越大,资源量、B_(MSY)被低估,而捕捞死亡系数、F_(MSY)被高估的程度越大。渔业管理模拟的结果表明,捕捞控制规则采用恒定捕捞死亡系数时,未来10年基于50%2014年捕捞死亡系数的管理措施为最佳管理措施。由于捕捞死亡系数被高估,最佳管理措施实施后使得年总可捕捞量高于预期,而年资源量低于预期,资源量增长或恢复的速度变慢,资源可能同时处于过度捕捞状态和正遭受过度捕捞。过度捕捞的风险与随机观测误差和过程误差的大小成正比。  相似文献   

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