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The role of hormones in controlling the estrous cycle of cows is reviewed in the context of current research, specifically on endocrinal functions. This is central as the follicles grow on the ovaries in response to the pituitary's follicular stimulating hormone. When the ovaries produce sufficient estrogens, an ovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone is released by the pituitary. This causes the ovulation of 1 of the follicles and the growth of a corpus luteum in the follicular cavity. This corpus luteum secretes progesterone for about 2 weeks until its activity is terminated by uterine luteolysin. Control of the estrous cycle thus depends on alternate signals from the pituitary and ovaries with the end of the cycle caused by the nonpregnant uterus.  相似文献   

It is important to get mares pregnant as early as possible after vernal transition and thus, identification signs of impending 1st ovulation of the year are warranted. To identify clinical indicators of an approaching first ovulation of the year, mares were teased with a stallion for oestrous detection starting January 3 and subjected to ultrasonographic examination. Day of first appearance of uterus oedema, follicular wall invagination, intrafollicular echogenicity, double contour of the follicle wall, increase in granulosa thickness, follicular wall hyperechogenicity and appearance of pear‐shaped follicles was registered, as well as follicle diameter and number. Seventy per cent of the mares had anovulatory oestrous periods of 4.6 ± 3.6 days, with an interoestroual interval of 12.5 ± 12.2 days. Number of anovulatory oestruses per mare was 2.4 ± 2.3. Uterine oedema occurred in 77% of the mares, 32.4 ± 25.6 days before ovulation. Invagination of the follicular wall appeared in 44.4% of the animals, 24.5 ± 18.4 days before ovulation. Intrafollicular echogenicity was seen in all mares and double contour of the follicle was seen in 77% of the animals. Both last two characteristics appeared 1–72 days before ovulation. Increased thickness of the granulosa occurred in 66% of the mares, 1–19 days before ovulation. Pear‐shaped follicles and follicular wall hyperechogenicity were detected 3 or less days before the first ovulation, in 44.4% and 55.5% of mares, respectively. Mean number of follicles >15 mm decreased at least 16 days before ovulation. We concluded that no isolated characteristic was a reliable indicator. However, increase in granulosa thickness, formation of a pear‐shaped follicle and follicular wall hyperechogenicity, associated with the reduction of the number of follicles >15 mm in diameter to <3, resulted in the first ovulation of the year in 44–67% of the transitional mares, 1–19 days after the characteristics appeared.  相似文献   

The ability of interrupted photoperiods to induce early estrus and ovulation was examined. Horse mares were exposed to long (16 h light) or short (10 h light), noninterrupted photoperiods, ambient light, or various interrupted photoperiod treatments from December 1 to April 15 (135 d). Follicular development was assessed by rectal palpation and estrous behavior was determined by teasing with a stallion. Serum concentrations of progesterone were used as an indicator of corpus luteum function. Differences among the light treatment groups were compared for the following behavioral and ovarian characteristics: days to first detectable 3-cm follicle, days to first estrous behavior, days to first ovulation, the number of mares ovulating within the treatment period, and the number of ovulations within the treatment period per mare. Compared with the ambient and 10L:14D (L = h of light and D = h of darkness) photoperiod treatments, ovulation was advanced to the greatest extent by a photoperiod of 16L:8D and the interrupted photoperiod 10L:8D:2L:4D. These two stimulatory photoperiod treatments were characterized by the presence of light 8 to 10 h after dusk. Therefore, the present data are consistent with an external coincidence model for the induction of seasonal breeding in horses, with the photoinducible phase occurring within the period 8 to 10 h after dusk.  相似文献   

Thirty-one mares were used in an experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of three sustained-release injectable formulations of altrenogest and one formulation of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) for long-term suppression of estrus and ovulation. Luteolysis was induced by injection of prostaglandin-F (Lutalyse) on day 0 (6th day after the previous ovulation) and was immediately followed by treatment with 1) no injection (controls; n = 7), 2) 1.5 mL of an altrenogest solution in sustained-release vehicle (LA 150, 1.5 mL; 225 mg altrenogest; n = 6), 3) 3 mL (450 mg altrenogest) of the same solution (n = 6), 4) 500 mg altrenogest in lactide-glycolide microparticles suspended in 7-mL vehicle (MP 500; n = 6), or 5) 1.0 g MPA as a 5-mL suspension. Mares were checked for estrus daily, and their ovaries scanned every other day until a 25-mm or greater follicle was detected, after which they were scanned daily. Control mares returned to estrus an average of 3.9 days after Lutalyse administration; all the single-injection altrenogest formulations increased (P < .05) the days to return to estrus, with the greatest increase occurring in mares receiving MP 500. Return to estrus was not affected by MPA treatment. Time of ovulation was determined by serial ultrasound scans and confirmed by daily plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone concentrations. Control mares ovulated an average of 8.8 days after Lutalyse administration. Treatment with 1.5 or 3 mL of LA 150 increased (P < .05) the mean days to ovulation to 16.5 and 21.2 days, respectively; MP 500 increased (P < .05) the days to ovulation to 33.5 days. Administration of MPA did not affect (P > .1) days to ovulation relative to control mares. The MP 500 treatment provided long-term suppression of estrus and ovulation and could prove useful for that purpose. Treatment with the LA 150 solutions provided shorter-term suppression, and a relatively tight grouping of the individual mares around the mean days to ovulation; these one-shot formulations could be useful for synchronizing ovulation in cyclic mares and inducing normal estrous cyclicity in vernal transitional mares exhibiting erratic, anovulatory estrous periods.  相似文献   

The most common pathological anovulatory condition that occurs spontaneously during the breeding season in the mare is the haemorrhagic anovulatory follicle (HAF). A relatively high proportion of mares, soon after ovulation, develop a corpus haemorrhagicum (CH) with a central lacuna. This type of corpora lutea may resemble an HAF, which may complicate the accurate diagnosis of ovulation. The main objective of this study was to compare the ultrasound data of mares examined frequently with HAFs and CHs to elucidate whether it is possible to distinguish them from each other. A total of 135 ovulating mares were classified according to the morphology of the corpus luteum (CL) in mares with: a solid CL, a CH with small or with large central cavities. Ultrasound characteristics of the development of 11 HAF and 13 CHs with a large central cavity were compared. The pre‐ovulatory follicular diameter of ovulatory mares was significantly correlated with the diameter of CH with large central cavities. The percentage of mares with post‐ovulatory areas eligible to be mistaken with a CH was <25%. Although a predictive diagnosis of an HAF/CH can be made on the basis of several ultrasonographic endpoints, the only parameter that allows a definitive diagnosis is the thickness of the luteal border. This is <3 mm in HAFs in contrast to >5 mm in CHs. However, this only applies when the unidentified structure has non‐organized contents.  相似文献   

Although the ovulatory effects of prostaglandins are well documented in several domestic species including horses, there has been little attention paid to the use of this ovulatory effect for clinical purposes. Mares often grow large follicles during the luteal phase that may or may not ovulate before progesterone levels decline. Clinical observations of administering prostaglandins in diestrous mares with large follicles suggest that there may be a negative correlation between follicular diameter and interval from treatment to ovulation. The objectives of this study were twofold: to investigate the cloprostenol dose rate effect on interval to ovulation and to confirm the negative correlation between follicular diameter and interval to ovulation. The hypothesis tested was that high doses of cloprostenol given in diestrus to mares with larger follicles would induce ovulation more rapidly than in mares given lower doses or with smaller follicles. To test the hypothesis, a total of 1,234 estrous cycles were induced with different doses of cloprostenol (ranging from 8.75 to 625 μg). All mares had at least one follicle of 28 mm or larger. Dominant follicles were followed by transrectal ultrasound examinations every other day until ovulation was detected. There was a significant effect of dose (P < .000) and follicular diameter (P < .000) on the interval from treatment to ovulation. The shortest mean interval (2.4 days) was observed after administration of 625 μg in mares with follicles 36 mm or larger, whereas the longest (4.9 days) occurred after 8.75 μg in follicles of 28 to 31 mm.  相似文献   

The incidence of hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAFs) is approximately 5% and 20% of estrous cycles during the early and late ovulatory season, respectively. The structures are more common in old mares (eg, >20 years), tend to occur repeatedly in individuals, and occur most frequently during the late follicular phase. In a recent study, the day of ovulation in controls and the first day of HAF formation, as indicated by cloudiness of follicular fluid, were defined as day 0. On day -1, future ovulating and HAF groups did not differ in follicle diameter or in the frequency of discrete gray-scale ultrasonic indicators of impending ovulation; however, in future HAFs, a greater percentage of the circumference of the follicle exhibited color-Doppler signals of blood flow. No differences were found between the two groups in systemic concentrations of progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) on days -4 to 2, but estradiol was elevated in the HAF group on day -3. The wall of the HAFs developed well-vascularized luteal tissue as indicated by echotexture and color Doppler signals and by the production of near normal levels of progesterone. In conclusion, HAFs formed from viable preovulatory follicles that did not differ from ovulatory follicles in diameter or gray-scale echotexture. Estradiol concentrations were elevated a few days before the failure of ovulation, and the wall of the follicle was more extensively vascularized on day -1.  相似文献   

In 10 mares, lysis of the corpus luteum was induced by endometrial biopsy and culture on day 4 after estrus, as evidenced by a sharp decline in serum progesterone concentration and a shortened interestrous interval. Estrus following the manipulations was prolonged. Endometrial biopsy and culture on days 1 and 3 after estrus or manually dilating the cervix on day 4 after estrus also decreased the serum progesterone concentration (within 24--48 hr after manipulation), shortened diestrus, and prolonged the subsequent estrus. In a 2nd experiment, endometrial biopsy on day 4 after estrus shortened the estrous cycle and diestrous period and prolonged the subsequent estrus. It was postulated that these manipulations stimulated corpus luteum regression, followed by estrus and ovulation in the mare.  相似文献   

Characteristics of regular and irregular ovarian events were studied by daily ultrasound examination in 102 non-bred mares. The mean diameter of the prevoluatory follicle on the day before a single ovulation was significantly higher in April (46 mm) and May (48 mm) than in July (40 mm). Diameter was also significantly different among single (44 mm), double unilateral (35 mm), and double bilateral (40 mm) preovulatory follicles. The incidence of apparent anovulation within the ovulatory season was 4.7%. All apparent anovulations involved filling of the follicle with blood (hemorrhagic follicles). The incidence of diestrous ovulations was 4%. Prolonged interovulatory intervals occurred in 6 of 69 (9%) intervals. In 2 intervals (30 and 33 days), both the luteal and follicular phases were prolonged and no structural ovarian or uterine irregularities were detected. Three prolonged intervals (34, 41, and 49 days) were associated with hemorrhagic follicles and 1 was associated with a late diestrous ovulation (47 days). The condition known as spontaneous persistence of the corpus luteum, which is thought to be common in nonpregnant mares, was not detected in any of 69 interovulatory intervals.  相似文献   

In our experience, altrenogest has not always been able to exert predictable control over the estrous cycle of the mare. Therefore, we examined 12 mares that were treated with altrenogest to identify reasons for its failure to control the estrous cycle. The mares were fed altrenogest for 15 to 20 days and were examined for follicle development, ovulation, and corpus luteum formation during treatment. Through the use of real-time ultrasonography and radioimmunoassay for progesterone, we concluded that altrenogest was unable to suppress the growth of follicles to preovulatory size in some mares, leading to ovulation during treatment or earlier than expected after the end of treatment. In addition, altrenogest did not appear to shorten the life-spans of the corpora lutea that were formed during treatment; in 4 mares, this resulted in the persistence of corpora lutea after the end of the suggested 15-day periods of treatment. The latter findings led us to suggest that if a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin had been given at the end of altrenogest treatment, there would have been improved control over the estrous cycle. The results of our study confirmed our clinical impressions that altrenogest may be satisfactory to control the equine estrous cycle under some circumstances, but it should not be used when precise control over ovulation is required.  相似文献   

The period of spring transition, from the anovulatory to the ovulatory season, is characterized in many mares by cyclical growth and regression of large dominant follicles. These follicles produce only low concentrations of estradiol and it is thought that acquisition of steroidogenic competence by large follicles during spring transition is prerequisite in stimulating LH prior to first ovulation. In situ hybridization was used to localize and quantify expression of factors that play a key role in follicular steroidogenesis: StAR, P450scc (CYP11A1), P450c17 (CYP17), P450arom (CYP19), and LH receptor (LHr). One ovary was obtained from mares on the day after detection of an actively growing 30 mm transitional anovulatory follicle (defined as the transitional follicle), and the remaining ovary was removed at the third estrus of the breeding season on the day after the preovulatory follicle reached 30 mm in diameter (defined as the preovulatory follicle). Messenger RNAs encoding StAR, CYP11A1, and CYP17 were detected only in theca cells and CYP19 mRNA was confined to the granulosa layer. There was significantly lower expression of mRNAs for the steroidogenic enzymes, StAR (P<0.001) and LHr (P<0.05) in transitional follicles than in preovulatory follicles. In conclusion, large equine follicles during spring transition have low levels of mRNA encoding steroidogenic enzymes, StAR and LHr which will contribute to the steroidogenic incompetence of dominant follicles during spring transition and their subsequent regression.  相似文献   

One of the most profound theriogenology applications of transrectal diagnostic ultrasonography in mares involves the imaging of ovarian follicles and corpora lutea. The resolving capabilities (frequency) and quality of the scanner directly affect the minimal size of a structure that can be imaged and the quality of the image. High-frequency scanners (5 or 7.5 MHz) of good quality can image a 2-mm follicle and the corpus luteum throughout its functional life. A low-frequency scanner (3 or 3.5 MHz) can image a 6-mm follicle and the corpus luteum for several days after ovulation. Equine follicles are excellent subjects for transrectal imaging because they are large, filled with fluid, and readily accessible. Event the small follicles (less than 10 mm) can be diagnostically important in evaluating whether ovarian infertility has occurred and whether the follicles are responding to treatment for follicular stimulation. The large, preovulatory follicles are of special interest. Averaged over a group of 79 periods, the following significant changes were found in the preovulatory follicle: increasing diameter, shape change from spherical to pear-shaped or conical, and increasing thickness of the follicular wall. No significant changes were found in the echogenicity (gray-scale value) of the wall or fluid. In retrospect, the diameter of the follicle seemed as useful for predicting impending ovulation as any of the other ultrasound criteria. The occurrence of ovulation is readily detected by the disappearance of a large follicle that was present at a recent previous examination. In addition, the ovulation site on the day of ovulation is detectable. In one study, the site was correctly identified in 24 of 24 mares. A small amount of residual follicular fluid can sometimes (7 of 10 in one study) be detected at the site of ovulation. The residual fluid usually disappears over a period of 0.5 to 20 hours. Subsequently, the developing corpus luteum may form a central nonechogenic area with peripheral luteinization or may remain uniformly luteinized. The central areas are of apparently vascular origin (blood or a component of blood) and become clotted and organized. In one study, approximately 50 per cent of the glands developed central areas exceeding 10 per cent of the size of the gland. The central areas began to develop on Day 0 or 1 and continued to enlarge until Day 2 or 3. The relative proportion of the gland containing a central clot decreases after Day 3, but the central area usually remains visible throughout diestrus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

驴,马卵泡发育及黄体形成的超声显像初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用实时B型超声显像法,初步观察了16头母驴和17匹马发情期卵泡发育及黄体形成。卵泡为一轮廓完整的液性器官,卵泡液呈无回声(暗区)。卵泡壁在排卵前变薄,回声增强,轮廓更加清晰。75%的马卵泡在排卵前2天由椭圆形变为梨形或锥形,大部分驴的卵泡始终保持椭圆形。90%以上的驴和/或马的卵巢上有多个卵泡发育,多卵泡发育比单卵泡发育排卵迟缓。驴的最大卵泡从排卵前5天开始迅速增大,于排卵前1天达到最大(  相似文献   

The effect of induction of luteolysis by intramuscular treatment with prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on the frequency of double ovulations and formation of hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles (HAFs) was studied. The PGF (5 mg) was given 10 days after ovulation (n = 47 estrous cycles). No treatment or sham injection was used for control estrous cycles (n = 39). After treatment, the mares were scanned by transrectal ultrasonic imaging every 2 days until the largest follicle reached 25 mm and every day thereafter until the outcome of all follicles of at least 25 mm was determined. The frequency of two ovulations during the posttreatment ovulatory period was greater (P < .03) in the treated group (17%) than in the controls (3%). The combined frequency of two ovulations or one ovulation and one HAF also was greater (P < .002) in the treated group (30% vs. 5%). Equine veterinarians should be aware that PGF induction of luteolysis may increase the frequency of double ovulations or HAFs.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior of mares   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavior during the estrous phase of the ovulatory cycle of the mare is analogous in most ways to that of estrous females of other species. Proceptive behaviors bring the mare into the proximity of the male and attract his attention. Positioning facilitates mounting, intromission, and ejaculation. Estrous signs appear to be more intense in the few days prior to ovulation than during the transition periods that separate the recurring estrous and diestrous phases. Sexual behavior is absent during diestrus. Detection of estrus in mares is problematic in that it requires the presence (or at least facsimile acoustic or tactile stimuli) or a stallion. Unexplained conditions such as silent or subestrus make reliable determinations even more difficult. The choice of methods for distinguishing estrous from nonestrous mares depends, among other factors, upon characteristics of individual mares, as well as the number of mares to be evaluated. Detection of true estrus--that is, sexual behavior that is associated with follicular growth and ovulation--is confounded by the occurrence of estrus-like behavior independent of gonadal stimulation. Seasonally anovulatory and ovariectomized mares may regularly solicit and accept copulation despite low or even no circulating levels of ovarian steroids. Instead, endocrine support of sexual behavior in these mares appears to be provided by adrenal cortical androgens and/or estrogens. A smaller percentage of pregnant mares may also show some signs of estrus but are not likely to be receptive to mating. The ability of the mare to dissociate sexual behavior from ovulation is unique among infraprimate species studied. The display of estrous behavior and willingness to copulate, even at times when conception is impossible, may have functional significance in promoting band cohesiveness in wild and feral populations. Even without copulation, continued motivation to remain in proximity to the band stallion may contribute to the stability of the social unit outside the ovulatory season.  相似文献   

Changes in follicular and luteal structures were assessed and concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were measured in 13 Hereford X Angus suckled beef cows during resumption of estrous cycles. Transrectal ultrasonography was used to monitor follicular size, ovulation, and formation and regression of the corpus luteum (CL). The interval from parturition to first postpartum ovulation (FO) was 82 +/- 4.7 d. Serum progesterone remained low before FO. One cow exhibited standing estrus, two cows showed other signs of estrus, and 10 displayed no signs of behavioral estrus preceding FO. All cows exhibited standing estrus before the second postpartum ovulation (SO). All cows had a short luteal phase after FO, with an average interval of 8.5 +/- .2 d between FO and SO. Concentrations of estradiol in serum during the 8 d preceding ovulation were similar before FO and SO. Maximal diameter of the preovulatory follicle was similar before FO and SO. However, the ovulatory follicle was larger in diameter at 2 d (P = .02) and 3 to 8 d (P less than .005) before FO than before SO. The time from detection until ovulation was less (P = .005) for the ovulatory follicle preceding SO than for the follicle associated with FO (8.5 vs 10.2 d, respectively, SE = .4). The second-largest follicle was larger (P less than .005) in diameter during the 8 d preceding the FO than before the SO. The difference in size between the ovulatory follicle and the second-largest follicle on the day before ovulation was greater (P less than .005) preceding SO than preceding FO (8.7 vs 6.6 mm, respectively, SE = .4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that a small dose of estradiol benzoate (EB) at the midstage of the estrous cycle in cattle would synchronize the subsequent pattern of ovarian follicular development, estrus, and ovulation. Nonlactating Friesian cows received either 1 mg of EB i.m. on d 13 of the estrous cycle (T; n = 12; estrus = d0) or served as untreated controls (C; n = 12). Their ovaries were examined daily with transrectal ultrasonography from d 7, and blood samples were collected 0, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 h after treatment on d 13. Plasma concentrations of estradiol-17beta were elevated to 12 pg/mL during the initial 24 h following treatment, compared with a baseline of 1 pg/mL in untreated controls (P < .001). Progesterone concentrations in cows of the T group declined between 24 and 48 h after treatment (-3.2 +/- .5 ng/mL) compared with little change in concentrations of progesterone in cows of the C group at this time (P < .01). This difference was coincident with an earlier time to regression of the corpus luteum in cows of the T group. Disregarding treatment groups, the second dominant follicle of the estrous cycle (DF2) emerged on d 10.6 +/- .3 and was 9.4 +/- .4 mm in diameter on d 13. Further growth of the DF2 was halted by EB treatment on d 13. Cessation of growth occurred irrespective of whether the DF2 was in the early or late growth phase, and a new follicular wave emerged 4.5 +/- .2 d later. The dominant follicle from this wave (DF3) ovulated 5 d after emergence in most cases. During the estrous cycle of every cow in the T group, there were three waves of follicular development (3-wave), whereas the ratio of 2:3 waves of follicular development in cows of the C group was 1:3. Consequently, the interval from emergence to ovulation of the ovulatory dominant follicle in cows of the C group ranged from 3 to 11 d. The dynamics of ovarian follicular wave development during the estrous cycle can be strategically manipulated by treating with a small dose of EB to synchronize proestrous development of the ovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

Previous research indicated that the size of the ovulatory follicle at the time of insemination significantly influenced pregnancy rates and embryonic/fetal mortality after fixed-timed AI in postpartum cows, but no effect on pregnancy rates was detected when cows ovulated spontaneously. Our objective was to evaluate relationships of fertility and embryonic/fetal mortality with preovulatory follicle size and circulating concentrations of estradiol after induced or spontaneous ovulation in beef heifers. Heifers were inseminated in 1 of 2 breeding groups: (1) timed insemination after an estrous synchronization and induced ovulation protocol (TAI n = 98); or (2) AI approximately 12 h after detection in standing estrus by electronic mount detectors during a 23-d breeding season (spontaneous ovulation; n = 110). Ovulatory follicle size at time of AI and pregnancy status 27, 41, 55, and 68 d after timed AI (d 0) were determined by transrectal ultrasonography. Only 6 heifers experienced late embryonic or early fetal mortality. Interactions between breeding groups and follicle size did not affect pregnancy rate (P = 0.13). Pooled across breeding groups, logistic regression of pregnancy rate on follicle size was curvilinear (P < 0.01) and indicated a predicted maximum pregnancy rate of 68.0 +/- 4.9% at a follicle size of 12.8 mm. Ovulation of follicles < 10.7 mm or > 15.7 mm was less likely (P < 0.05) to support pregnancy than follicles that were 12.8 mm. Ovulatory follicles < 10.7 mm were more prevalent (28% of heifers) than ovulatory follicles > 15.7 mm (4%). Heifers exhibiting standing estrus within 24 h of timed AI had greater (P < 0.01) follicle diameter (12.2 +/- 0.2 mm vs. 11.1 +/- 0.3 mm) and concentrations of estradiol (9.9 +/- 0.6 vs. 6.6 +/- 0.7) and pregnancy rates (63% vs. 20%) than contemporaries that did not exhibit behavioral estrus. However, when differences in ovulatory follicle size were accounted for, pregnancy rates were independent of expression of behavioral estrus or circulating concentration of estradiol. Therefore, the effects of serum concentrations of estradiol and behavioral estrus on pregnancy rate appear to be mediated through ovulatory follicle size, and management practices that optimize ovulatory follicle size may improve fertility.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different treatments for induction and synchronization of oestrus and ovulation in seasonally anovulatory mares. Fifteen mares formed the control group (C), while 26 mares were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. Group T1 (n = 11) were treated with oral altrenogest (0.044 mg/kg; Regumate®) during 11 days. Group T2 (n = 7) was intravaginally treated with 1.38 g of progesterone (CIDR®) for 11 days. In group T3 (n = 8), mares were also treated with CIDR®, but only for 8 days. All mares received PGF2α 1 day after finishing the treatment. Sonographic evaluation of follicles, pre‐ovulatory follicle size and ovulation time was recorded. Progesterone and leptin levels were analysed. Results show that pre‐ovulatory follicles were developed after the treatment in 88.5% of mares. However, the pre‐ovulatory follicle growth was dispersal, and sometimes it was detected when treatment was not finished. While in mares treated with intravaginal device, the follicle was soon detected (1.5 ± 1.2 days and 2.3 ± 2.0 days in T2 and T3 groups, respectively), in T1 group, the pre‐ovulatory follicle was detected slightly later (3.9 ± 1.6 days). The interval from the end of treatment to ovulation did not show significant differences between groups (T1 = 13.1 ± 2.5 days; T2 = 11.0 ± 3.6 days; T3 = 13.8 ± 4.3 days). The pregnancy rate was 47.4%, similar to the rate observed in group C (46.7%; p > 0.05). Initial leptin concentrations were significantly higher in mares, which restart their ovarian activity after treatments, suggesting a role in the reproduction mechanisms in mares. It could be concluded that the used treatments may be effective for oestrous induction in mares during the late phase of the seasonally anovulatory period. Furthermore, they cannot synchronize oestrus, and then, it is necessary to know the reproductive status of mares when these treatments are used for oestrous synchronization.  相似文献   

Soon after Ovuplant™, the sustained-release implant containing the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist deslorelin, was approved for commercial use in the United States for induction of ovulation in mares, anecdotal field observations were reported that some Ovuplant™—treated mares that did not become pregnant experienced a delayed return to estrus and prolonged inter-ovulatory interval. Although those observations have been subsequently confirmed, further data on how mares respond to Ovuplant™ compared to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) during the post-treatment period is needed. The objective of this study was to further evaluate the clinical use of Ovuplant™ by comparing the reproductive performance of commercial broodmares treated with hCG or Ovuplant™. This retrospective study was completed by examining the 1999 reproductive records of 106 mares treated with hCG during 134 estrous cycles and 117 mares treated with Ovuplant™ during 151 estrous cycles. There were no differences (P > 0.10) in follicle size at the time of treatment (39.4 ± 0.5 vs. 38.9 ± 0.5 mm), interval from treatment to ovulation (2.2 ± 0.1 vs. 2.2 ± 0.1 days), proportion of mares that failed to ovulate after treatment (3.0 vs. 4.6 %), or per-cycle pregnancy rate (47.7 vs. 51.4 %) between hCG-and Ovuplant™-treated mares, respectively. The interval from ovulation to return to estrus (25.8 ± 1.3 vs. 15.5 ± 0.6 days) and the inter-ovulatory interval (30.4 ± 1.5 vs. 20.8 ± 0.6 days) were longer (P<0.001) for Ovuplant™-compared to hCG-treated mares, and the proportion of non-pregnant mares that failed to return to estrus within 30 days after ovulation (31.4 vs. 1.5 %) was higher (P<0.001) for Ovuplant™-compared to hCG-treated mares, respectively. For Ovuplant™—treated mares, follicle size at the time of treatment tended (P<0.1) to be smaller for mares that failed to return to estrus within 30 days compared to mares that returned to estrus within 30 days (37.1 ± 1.1 vs. 40.1 ± 0.6 mm, respectively). Also, the average date of ovulation during the calendar year was later (P < 0.05) for Ovuplant™—treated mares that failed to return to estrus within 30 days compared to those that returned to estrus within 30 days (May 15 ± 4 vs. April 30 ± 4 days). The results of this study confirm previous reports that although the ovulatory response and fertility were not different for hCG- and Ovuplant™—treated mares, mares treated with Ovuplant™ that did not become pregnant had a significantly delayed return to estrus and prolonged inter-ovulatory interval. Based on recently published information, it appears this effect is due to Ovuplant™—induced down-regulation of the pituitary gland, which suppresses subsequent follicular growth and development. This study also demonstrated that follicle size and/or season may influence the probability that Ovuplant™—treated mares would experience a delayed return to estrus/ovulation; therefore, further work is needed to determine whether these or other factors are related to this specific outcome following Ovuplant™—treatment.  相似文献   

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