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Microvascular circulation of the small intestine in horses.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microvascular anatomic features of the small intestine was described by correlating results of microangiography, light microscopy, gross studies, and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas in 14 horses. After heparinization, the horses were euthanatized, a length of jejunum was transected, and blood was flushed free of the circulation, using isotonic NaCl solution. In six horses, the circulatory system was perfused with a modified radiopaque medium and evaluated radiographically. These sections were then evaluated by standard histologic methods. Sections from 8 horses were perfused with 1 of 2 types of plastics and studied grossly or by scanning electron microscopy. The marginal arterial arcade gives rise to vessels that enter the jejunum at the mesenteric angle. These vessels penetrated either directly, by branching and entering on both sides of the mesenteric angle, or supplying only 1 side of the mesenteric angle. All these vessels continued in the submucosa branching extensively, forming a submucosal plexus. This submucosal plexus supplied the tunica muscularis, tunica serosa, and the mucosa. Vessels within the 2 muscle layers ran parallel to the muscle fibers and, consequently, perpendicular to each other. The arterial supply to the mucosa penetrated the muscularis mucosae and branched to supply 2 mucosal capillary networks. An eccentrically placed arteriole penetrated the base of the villus and spiralled to the tip where it "fountained" into a mesh-like capillary network, which descended peripherally in the villus to drain via 1 to 3, but most commonly 2 venules. Venules from adjacent villi united and drained via the submucosal veins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although stifle disease is seen less frequently in cats than in dogs, accurate diagnosis and proper treatment are important to restoring joint function. The prognosis for return of function after all but the most severe stifle injuries in cats is good if proper surgical technique is used and adequate postoperative restrictions are enforced.  相似文献   

Surgery of the bovine small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cattle require surgery for small-intestinal problems less frequently than they do for abomasal, forestomach, or large-intestinal problems. Close attention to local vascular anatomy is critical to success when intestinal resection is required. Cows with signs of severe abdominal pain may make rapid recoveries following prompt surgical treatment. This article discusses relevant anatomy of the small intestine and the diagnosis and treatment of intussusception, volvulus, obstruction by incarceration or entrapment, and duodenal obstruction.  相似文献   

Morphometry of the small intestine in pigs with ileo-rectal anastomosis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ileo-rectal anastomosis (IRA), which is frequently used to measure prececal digestibility in pigs, could induce some disturbances of the normal absorptive function. Our aim was to investigate the effects of different IRA surgical procedures on the main histologic characteristics of the small intestine in pigs. The 4 different IRA procedures compared to intact pigs (INT) were the following: either end to end (EE) or end to side (ES) with or without preservation of the ileocecal valve (EEV, EE, ESV, ES respectively). At 147 d after surgery, samples of the wall of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum were taken under anesthesia and histometric examinations were performed on HE- and PAS-colored sections to estimate changes mainly of mucosa and muscle layers. The values recorded for villus length, crypt depth, and whole thickness of the mucosa suggested that the EE procedures disturb the small intestine less than the ES models. A new parameter, called epithelial quotient and calculated as [(villus length/crypt depth)/mitotic index], was proposed to improve the comparisons. According to this quotient, EE procedures did not significantly affect the mucosa of the whole small intestine. An increased density of goblet cells was recorded in all operated pigs along the small intestine, but mainly in the ileum after EE-IRA. The lymphatic follicle area was reduced. These findings, which were in agreement with a reduced mitotic index in the ileum of EE-pigs, indicated a decreased effect of noxious factors on the small intestinal mucosa in IRA-pigs, especially after the EE-IRA procedure. Some atrophic or hypertrophic effects on the muscle layers were related to the absence or preservation of the ileo-cecal valve. Finally it was concluded that i) there was no major disturbance after IRA, and ii) the end to end procedure was most beneficial for the structural integrity of the small intestine.  相似文献   



Hypocuprosis in Northland as discussed in Part 1 of this paper gives support to the contention that copper supplementation either by injection or from topdressing is beneficial in lowering the incidence of post-parturient haemoglobinuria (P.P.H.) (Martinovich and Woodhouse, 1971 Cartwright, G. E. 1955. The relationships of copper and cobalt and other trace elements to haemopoiesis. Am J. clin. Nutr., 3: 1117.  [Google Scholar]) and maintaining higher levels of haemoglobin.  相似文献   

A variety of biotinylated lectins was applied to formalin-fixed intestinal sections from isolator-reared pigs ranging in age from newborn through 12 weeks. Lectin binding to brush borders of villus enterocytes, crypt enterocytes, and dome epithelium, and lectin reactivity within goblet cells and Brunner's glands was semiquantified by microscopy and was used to estimate temporal changes in complex carbohydrates of enteric epithelium. Although variability in binding scores often was observed among pigs of the same age, several general patterns of lectin binding were detected. Dolichos biflorus and Ulex europaeus lectins had increasing binding to brush border membranes as pigs aged. The Dolichos biflorus, however, had decreased binding at the 12-week time point. Neuraminidase-treated Arachis hypogaea and Triticum vulgaris were associated with high mean binding scores at all time points. Canavalia ensiformis bound, with high mean score at all time points, to villus but not to crypt enterocytes. Arachis hypogaea was associated with variable but often high binding scores, regardless of pig age. Succinylated wheat germ agglutinin bound more to crypt than to villus enterocytes. Goblet cells were generally less reactive than were corresponding villi and crypts. Dome epithelium reactivity varied with the lectin used, whereas Brunner's glands reacted with all lectins tested. We conclude that age and regional variations in lectin binding may reflect differences in intestinal function and differentiation. Because complex carbohydrates may act as cell surface receptors for a variety of enteric pathogens, our results indicate that these differences may be partially responsible for age and anatomic differences in susceptibility or resistance to enteric disease.  相似文献   

The diagnosis and management of surgical diseases of the esophagus are discussed. Esophageal foreign bodies, strictures, esophagobronchial fistulas, diverticula, gastroesophageal intussusception, hiatal hernias, and megaesophagus are included in the discussion.  相似文献   

Tracheal obstructions and disruptions can be successfully managed by using various tracheal reconstructive techniques provided that the principles of tracheal surgery are followed. Airflow to the lungs may also be improved by performing a tracheostomy distal to the obstructive lesion or surgical site in the nasopharynx, larynx, or proximal trachea. All patients having tracheal surgery should be monitored carefully after surgery and followed up closely for 1 to 2 months to evaluate the patient's ability to ventilate adequately.  相似文献   

Electrodes were surgically implanted at 15-cm intervals in the jejunum and ileum of 4 healthy neonatal calves so that myoelectric activity could be recorded on 2 consecutive days. On the first day, each calf received a control treatment, and myoelectric activity was recorded for 340 minutes. Phase I was recorded for a mean of 175.8 +/- 22.8 minutes (51.5%), phase II for 124 +/- 27.4 minutes (36.5%), and phase III for 40.3 +/- 6 minutes (11.9%). On the second day, each calf was treated with approximately 200 micrograms of heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) of Escherichia coli orally. All calves developed diarrhea after the administration of STa. Phase I was recorded for a mean of 92.5 +/- 42.3 minutes (27.2%), phase II for 227.3 +/- 52.5 minutes (66.9%), and phase III for 20.3 +/- 11.4 minutes (6.0%). Increase in phase II and decrease in phases I and III after STa administration were significant (P less than 0.05). Duration of the migrating myoelectric complex was longer after STa administration (median, 64 minutes), compared with the control treatment (median, 54 minutes). Minute rhythms, recorded on the day of toxin administration, ranged from 49 to 153 minutes. There was no difference between the number of migrating action potential complexes on the control days (range, 1 to 10), compared with those on treatment days (range, 1 to 14). These findings are suggestive that enterotoxin-induced diarrhea of calves is accompanied by increased total spiking activity and minute rhythms in the distal portion of the jejunum and ileum.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that xanthine oxidase plays a role in the postischemic reperfusion injury in the equine small intestine. Under anesthesia, four horses and two ponies underwent ischemic strangulating obstructions of segments of the proximal jejunum, mid-jejunum and ileum. Prior to vascular occlusion, and at 1 h and 2 h of ischemia, full-thickness intestinal biopsies were collected for histopathological evaluation and for determination of combined xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) plus xanthine oxidase (XO) activity, and XO activity alone. The level of XO activity was expressed in percentage according to the ratio of XO/(XDH + XO). We found a nearly threefold increase in the combined level of XDH plus XO activity from ileum to duodenum (p less than 0.04). However, the preischemic level of % XO activity did not vary significantly (p = 0.61) between segments of jejuno-ileum. Likewise, no significant difference was noted between intestinal segments after ischemia. Therefore, the data from all intestinal segments were pooled for each time and analyzed using Wilcoxon's signed rank test (one-tailed). Compared to the pre-ischemic level of % XO activity (median 27%), the % XO activity increased after 1 h of ischemia (median 37.0%), reaching statistical significance (p = 0.016). There were no statistical differences between the preischemic % XO activity and the % XO activity in non-ischemic bowel at the end of the anesthetic period. During ischemia, % XO activity increased, which lends credence to the importance of xanthine oxidase in previously-documented reperfusion injury in the equine small intestine.  相似文献   

Peroxidase conjugated antisera to canine immunoglobulins G and A and to human immunoglobulin M, have been used to study the distribution of immunoglobulin-containing cells in the small intestine of the young and adult dog. At all levels of the small bowel of the adult dog, IgA:IgM:IgG cells have a 2:1:1 ratio while the greatest number of immunocytes is found in the duodenum and decreases towards the distal portion of the small intestine. The young puppy shows a predominance of IgM-containing cells in the small intestinal lamina propria during early life but the adult pattern of immunocyte distribution has been achieved by weaning.  相似文献   

Surgical diseases of the equine cecum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cecal impaction and cecal perforation, the two most common equine cecal diseases, are thought to develop after slowing or interruption of a single progressive motility pattern, which begins in a pacemaker area near the apex, occurs once every 3 minutes, and propels ingesta from the cecum to the right ventral colon. Rectal examination in horses with cecal impaction is the most useful technique to grade the severity of the condition. Medical treatment is undertaken if the impaction is judged to be mild to moderate. Surgical correction of cecal impaction in severe cases requires a ventral midline celiotomy, and exploration reveals a large ingesta-filled cecum and relatively empty large colon. Currently, the techniques of typhlotomy with manual evacuation of ingesta, combined with a complete bypass of the cecum by use of a jejunocolostomy, is the preferred method of surgical management. The use of a cecocolic anastomosis remains a viable alternative surgical procedure. Cecal perforation (CP), a uniformly fatal disease of horses, most often develops when the subtle signs of cecal impaction are missed or are masked by the administration of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents. CP can occur in mares around the time of foaling and, in this form, is not associated with cecal outflow dysfunction. Surgical management of cecocecal or cecocolic intussusception is required and involves resection of the diseased portion of cecum, either with extra- or intraluminal techniques. Both the side-to-side and end-to-side jejunocecal anastomoses are useful and successful techniques for bypass of simple or strangulating lesions of the ileum.  相似文献   

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