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笔者于2005年在徐闻县大井育苗场进行了珠母贝人工育苗试验.在水温27.3℃,盐度30.8,pH 8.1的条件下,选取雄贝3只,雌贝12只进行人工授精,受精率为89.6%,受精6.25h胚胎发育至担轮幼虫,19h发育至直线绞合幼虫.在水温27.1℃~30.2℃,盐度30.4~31.3,pH 8.1的条件下,幼虫经56d的培育,共培育出4cm±0.3cm的珠母贝苗163.8只,取得了珠母贝人工育苗试验的成功.  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹人工苗中间培育试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999~2000年进行了锯缘青蟹人工苗中间培育的试验研究,2年间共投入中间培育的大眼幼体864.2万只,培育出稚蟹(C3~C7)575万只,成活率达到66.54%。探讨了大眼幼体的放养时间、放养及中间培育与环境因子的关系。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹人工苗的中间培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锯缘青蟹因其肉味鲜美独特,营养丰富,食用药用价值高,深受人们喜爱。青蟹易于养殖,具见效快和市场容量大等优势,已成为我省和长江以南沿海海水养殖的主要品种之一。但养殖苗种深受自然苗种丰歉制约,因此人工解决青蟹苗种是大面积发展青蟹养殖的根本途径。  本项目研究的目的就是探索青蟹人工苗的中间培育技术,为解决青蟹生产性育苗提供可靠的实践依据。笔者于 1999~ 2000年在温岭市龙王水产开发公司和温岭市海天水产开发有限公司,进行了青蟹人工苗中间培育的研究,两年间共投入中间培育的大眼幼体 864.2万只,培育出稚蟹 (C3~ …  相似文献   

近年来不少单位在马氏珠母贝育苗过程中因技术问题而使育苗效果差、经济效益低。为此笔者根据育苗实践谈几个技术问题。 1.亲贝和幼虫的优选 优选亲贝的标准是:3~4龄,活力强,外形完整,贝体厚大;生殖腺丰满,在足基处的两个乳头状突起较高,呈乳白色或橙红色,不透明,吸出的卵子放在载玻片上不易分散,卵子大小整齐,呈圆形或椭圆形,精子游动活泼。这样的亲贝育苗效果最好。幼虫的优选  相似文献   

1999-2000年在温岭市的两家育苗生产单位进行工作了锯缘青蟹人工苗中间培育的研究。两年间共投入中间培育的大眼幼体864.2万只,培育出可供养殖放养的商品稚蟹(C3-C7)575万只,成活率达到66.54%,达到生产性育苗技术要求。  相似文献   

长耳珠母贝人工育苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以解剖方法取得长耳珠母贝的成熟卵子和精子,在氨海水中诱导受精。在—定范围内,提高氨海水浓度可使受精率提高(达65%),但正常发育率和孵化率有所下降;氨海水浓度以取0.14%为宜。用金藻或合浦珠母贝的精液(或两者混合)作为长耳珠母贝幼体前10天的饵料(10天后投喂扁藻),能使育成率提高(达17.4%),酵母不宜作为长耳珠母贝幼体的饵料。  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝人工育苗的若干关键技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
讨论了马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii)人工育苗的若干关键技术。马氏珠母贝育苗的关键是要做到亲贝优、幼虫优、饵料质量好数量足、水环境稳定。育苗的最高成活率可达31.1%,单位水体的出苗量可达62.3万个/m^3。  相似文献   

企鹅珠母贝Pteria penguin生长速度较快,壳内面的珍珠层呈银白色,具有虹彩光泽,是适于培育大型珍珠的母贝。但由于该贝适应能力较弱,施术插核极易死亡。所以,至今还未获得人工培育的圆形珍珠。  相似文献   

马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii)育苗技术已经发展得比较成熟,近几年来,作者调查发现马氏贝种苗人工培育的过程,最常见且影响最大的是马氏珠母贝D形幼虫阶段的粘连病,其发病频度约占马氏珠母贝种苗人工培育阶段病害发生的60%.马氏珠母贝D形幼虫一经粘连就会下沉以致死亡,造成育苗失败.有研究发现粘连病是一种弧菌病,病原:鳗弧菌(V.anguillarum)和溶藻酸弧菌(V.alginolyticus)等.此病感染很快,幼虫感染病菌4~5h后就出现症状,8h后开始死亡,幼虫组织坏死和消散,一般在18h内幼虫100%死亡,幼虫往往发生面盘解体以后立即下沉死亡.这是贝类育苗中危害最大的一种疾病,是育苗成败的关键.  相似文献   

解剖采集的珠母贝精子的激活条件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
解剖成熟珠母贝(Pinctada margaritifera)并采集其精子,在不同pH、盐度和温度条件下进行激活实验。结果显示,水温25℃、盐度34、pH8.5以下时,珠母贝精子的激活率与活力均很低,pH9.0-10时激活率与活力均较高,pH9.5时的激活率最高;在水温20℃,盐度34时珠母贝精子只能在pH9.5-10激活,且激活率与活力均比25℃时低。在水温25℃,pH9.5时,精子在盐度10-45能激活,盐度25-35时激活率和活力很高;在水温20℃,pH9.5时,精子只能在盐度20-40时激活。当盐度相同,20℃时的激活率与活力比25℃时低,在pH9.5或10的氨海水中,珠母贝精子在水温5-45℃时能激活,在25-30℃时激活率较高。当温度相同,pH9.5时的激活率比pH10.0时高。解剖得到的珠母贝精子的适宜激活pH9.5、适宜盐度为25-35、适宜温度为25-30℃。  相似文献   

以黑蝶贝野生群体人工繁育苗种为研究材料,探索了大、小两种规格和不同吊养深度对黑蝶贝苗海区中间培育的影响。将壳长、体质量分别为(4.12±0.019)mm、(0.07±0.008)g,(2.02±0.012)mm、(0.03±0.005)g两种规格黑蝶贝吊养于2m、4m、5m区,每组黑蝶贝500枚,养殖水温23.09~29.77℃,养殖海区水深8~10m。每隔30d随机抽取50枚贝苗测量壳高、壳长、壳宽、体质量。经180d中间培育,壳长(4.12±0.019)mm的黑蝶贝生长速度明显大于壳长(2.02±0.012)mm的黑蝶贝,表明壳长(4.12±0.019)mm的黑蝶贝出池移入海区养殖较理想。同一规格贝苗在2m、4m、5m养殖水层的成活率差异不显著(P0.05),而3个不同养殖水层中不同规格贝苗养殖成活率差异显著(P0.05)。该研究结果为进一步开展黑蝶贝苗种人工繁育提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Black‐lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera broodstock was collected from the wild. Egg production, hatching rate and larval development were compared between oysters induced to spawn within 2 days after collection in the wild (T1), oysters fed a pure microalgae diet during 24 days before spawning (T2) and oysters fed the same microalgal diet in which 10% of the algae were replaced with 2 μm polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)‐rich microspheres (T3). Administration of lipid microspheres resulted in larger sized eggs, a higher percentage of D‐larvae and larger sized 48‐h‐old larvae (P<0.05). The total and neutral lipid contents of the gonad increased after oysters were fed with microalgae only or with supplementary diet. The major neutral and polar fractions of saturated fatty acid (SFA) were 16C and 18C fatty acids, and not influenced by the diet (P>0.05). The gonads of oysters fed supplementary PUFA contained more docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and less monounsaturated fatty acids. Higher level of DHA in gonads of T3 was associated with oogenesis and embryogenesis success. The n‐3/n‐6 ratio in the neutral lipid fraction provides a good indication of the spawning condition and predicting egg size and hatching rate.  相似文献   

笼具形状对选育合浦珠母贝幼贝生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年8月,以海南三亚亲贝(♀)×广东徐闻亲贝(♂)构建的第一代选育合浦珠母贝(Pinctadafucata)群体为材料,研究长方形、圆柱形和半球形笼具形状在不同水深对合浦珠母贝幼贝(平均壳长1.4 cm)生长的影响。结果表明,长方形笼具在4 m水深时,幼贝的壳高和体重增长率最大,分别为24.55%和6.44%,显著高于其它水层(P<0.01);半球形笼具在3 m水深时,幼贝壳高和体重增长速度最大,分别为22.55%和5.40%,与其它水深的差异极显著(P<0.01);圆柱形笼具在6 m水深时,壳高和体重增长最快,增长率分别为22.46%和5.37%,显著高于3、5、7 m水深组(P<0.01),而与其余深度组差异不显著。此外,圆柱形笼具的高对合浦珠母贝的生长也有影响,在3 m水层20 cm高的圆柱形笼具中贝壳高和体重增长速度最大(增长率分别为24.70%和6.20%),与5、10、15 cm高度组差异显著(P<0.05);而长方形笼具虽然10 cm高的笼具较好,但与其它各实验组差异并不显著(P>0.05)。综合来看,合浦珠母贝在3~4 m水层用半径11.5 cm、高20 cm的圆柱形笼具或20 cm(长)×12 cm(宽)×10 cm(高)的长方形笼具养殖效果较好。但在制作成本方面,圆柱形笼具的成本低于长方形笼具。  相似文献   

The composition of protein, carbohydrate, lipid and fatty acids of the gonad of wild female broodstock of black‐lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, was compared with oysters fed on a ternary combination of microalgae in hatchery. Artificial feeding was found to be as good as natural feeding in terms of number and size of released eggs. Lipid, protein and carbohydrate reserves of unfed oysters were found to be insufficient to complete oogenesis. The proportions of saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the neutral and polar lipids extracted from female gonads were not influenced by variations in the fatty acid composition of the natural food and ternary combination of microalgae in hatchery. T‐Iso, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Chaetoceros muelleri were able to provide sufficient 22:6n‐3 (DHA) and 20:5n‐3 (EPA), two of the most important essential fatty acids required for gametogenesis. The n‐3/n‐6 and 22:5n‐3/20:4n‐3 ratios were consistently higher in the neutral lipids than in the polar lipids. Conversely, the ratio of 20:4n‐3/20:5n‐3, 22:6n‐3/20:5n‐3 and PUFA/SFA was higher in the polar lipids.  相似文献   

Clearance rate (CR) and ingestion rate (IR) of different sizes (89, 125 and 188 μm shell length) of Pinctada margaritifera larvae were determined when feeding on various microalgae. The microalgae tested were the diatoms, Chaetoceros muelleri and C. simplex, and flagellates, Tahitian Isochrysis aff. galbana, Pavlova lutheri and P. salina at 5 or 10 cells μL–1. Both CR and IR of microalgae tested in this study increased with increasing larval size; but at all larval sizes, diatoms resulted in lower CR and IR. Of the microalgae tested, P. margaritifera larvae showed greatest CR and IR with the two Pavlova spp. Maximum CR for P. salina was 10.5, 21.2 and 29.7 μL h–1 for larvae with shell lengths of 89, 125 and 188 μm, respectively. The highest IR values for P. margaritifera larvae with shell lengths of 89, 125 and 188 μm were 8.7, 81.0 and 165.7 cells·larva–1 h–1, respectively. CR and IR of P. salina were approximately five times higher than those recorded for C. muelleri and C. simplex.  相似文献   

黑蝶贝养殖现状与前景初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑蝶贝是目前唯一能批量生产黑珍珠的珍珠贝类。20世纪70年代以来,国内开始进行黑蝶贝的研究和培育,在人工育苗、苗种中间培育、插核术前处理、关键插核技术及术后休养等方面取得了一定的研究进展,但目前还没有达到规模化生产程度。在养殖及珍珠培育过程中遇到的主要问题是:苗种培育阶段暴发的外套膜流行病;海洋环境恶化导致的高死亡率;插核后死亡率、脱核率高,造成存珠率不高等。针对黑蝶贝繁育、培育、插核等技术的研究进展及养殖现状与问题进行述评,为黑蝶贝健康养殖的进一步研究及黑珍珠的规模化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and diet on the growth and biochemical composition of juveniles of the pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica at the hatchery were investigated. Specimens were subjected to a combination of four temperatures (20, 23, 26 and 29 °C) and five microalgal diets ( Isochrysis galbana alone, I. galbana + Pavlova salina, I. galbana + Chaetoceros muelleri, C. muelleri + P. salina and I. galbana + P. salina + C. muelleri ). An increase in shell height occurred in a linear pattern, while wet weight gain fitted a power law. Temperature, more than diet, exerted a stronger influence on the growth and condition of the specimens. The combination of 29 °C with P. salina+C. muelleri led to the fastest growth in shell height, while the combination of 29 °C with I. galbana + C. muelleri led to the highest wet and dry weight biomass. In contrast, specimens grew significantly less in shell height and wet weight at 20 °C, regardless of the diet. At all temperatures, the monoalgal diet of I. galbana led to the slowest growth of specimens, but in turn favoured the highest levels of protein, carbohydrate and lipid reserves as a possible strategy to store more energy reserves under stressful events.  相似文献   

Algae were bloomed as batch cultures by adding fertilizers to natural seawater in 500 l outdoor tanks, from mid-June to mid-August, over a period of 2 y. In the first year of experiments the bloomed algae were fed to Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) juveniles at a range of rations from 0.06 to 1.63 g (organic weight of algae) g–1 (live weight of spat) week–1. At rations of 0.5 g g–1 week–1 or higher, growth rates of juveniles were similar (mean, 97%) to those fed a control diet of intensively cultured algae (Tetraselmis suecica Kylin) Butch and Chaetoceros calcitrans (Paulsen) Takano at a ration of 0.3 g g–1 week–1). In the second year, the bloomed algae were fed at a ration of 0.5 g g–1 week–1 throughout all the experiments, and gave growth rates of 70–98% (mean, 85.6%), compared with the control diet. The proportion (by weight) of the diet consumed by the juveniles was about 70% for the control diet and 78% for the bloomed algae. Total lipid and essential fatty acid content of the bloomed algae were similar and total carbohydrate content was lower, when compared with typical published values for intensively cultured algae food species. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

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