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Agricultural soils contain large amounts of nitrogen (N), but only a small fraction is readily available to plants. Despite several methods developed to estimate the bioavailability of N, there is no consensus on which extraction methods to use, and which N pools are critically important. In this study, we measured six soil N pools from 20 farms, which were part of a multi-year soil carbon sequestration on-farm experiment (Carbon action, 2019–2023). The aim was to quantify the N pools and to evaluate if farming practices that aim to build soil carbon pools, also build bioavailable N pools. We also aimed to test if the smaller and rapidly changing N pools could serve as an indicator for the slower change in soil organic matter. The measured N pools decreased in size, when moving from total N (7700 ± 1500 kg/ha) to slowly cycling (Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test ISNT-N: 1063 ± 220 kg/ha, autoclave citrate-extracted ACE protein N: 633 ± 440 kg/ha), water-soluble organic N (50 ± 17 kg/ha), potentially mineralizable N (33 ± 13 kg/ha) and finally readily plant available inorganic pools (nitrate and ammonium, total: 14 ± 8 kg/ha). In total, the measured pools covered only 18%–44% of total N, indicating a large unidentified N pool, which is either tightly bound to soil mineral fraction and not easily extractable or is bound to undecomposed plant residues and not hydrolysed by the methods. Of the large N pools (ISNT-N, ACE protein and unidentified residual N), clay, carbon (C) and C:Clay ratios explained most of the variability (R2 = .90–.93), leaving a minor part of the variation to the management effect. A pairwise comparison of carbon farming and control plots concluded that farming practices had a small (3%–5%) but statistically significant (p < .05) effect on soil total N and ISNT-N pools, and a moderate and significant effect (18%, p < .01) on potentially mineralizable N. The large variation in protein N, water-soluble organic N and inorganic N reduced statistical significance, although individual C sequestration practices had large effects (−30% to +50%). In conclusion, carbon sequestration practices can build both slowly cycling N pools (ISNT) and increase the mineralisation rate of these pools to release plant available forms, resulting in an additional benefit to agriculture through reduced fertilizer application needs.  相似文献   

The prevailing indication in the literature is that enhancement of transpiration by vesicular‐arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizae is usually mediated by improved host phosphorus nutrition. The present experiments were conducted to investigate this in mycorrhizal Rosa hybrida L. ‘Samantha’ plants. In growth room and greenhouse studies, roses colonized by either a native or an exotic VA mycorrhizal fungus had greater transpiration rates than nonmycorrhizal rose plants of similar size and phosphorus content, under similar conditions. This mycorrhizal effect on transpiration was observed throughout a range of soil water potential. Whether or not plants were mycorrhizal, phosphorus content was not correlated with transpiration rate on an individual leaf basis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate pregnant women's views on infant feeding options recommended for HIV-infected women. DESIGN: A structured interview survey complemented with focus group discussions. SETTING: Antenatal clinics in Moshi urban and rural districts of Tanzania. SUBJECTS: Five hundred pregnant women participated in the interview survey and 46 pregnant women participated in six focus group discussions. RESULTS: Participating women reported that they would change to an alternative infant feeding method if they were found to be HIV-infected and were advised to do so. Cow's milk was regarded as the most feasible infant feeding method for local HIV-infected mothers. Infant feeding formula was regarded as too costly, but if recommended by health workers and distributed free of charge, the majority of the women (82%) were confident that they would then choose this option. In the focus group discussions, women were less optimistic and expressed great concern for the social consequences of not breast-feeding. The safety of exclusive breast-feeding was questioned. Less common infant feeding methods, such as expressed heat-treated breast milk and wet-nursing, were not regarded as viable options. Several social barriers to replacement feeding were identified in the focus group discussions, including possible lack of support from partner and potential negative reactions from the community. CONCLUSION: Future research on infant feeding options should include the broader cultural context and the psychological stress that HIV-infected women face when choosing infant feeding methods.  相似文献   

In this study, whether the nutritional status of apple trees can be predicted in the early stages of vegetation was determined by leaf analysis. For this purpose, from different districts of Isparta province in Turkey where apples are cultivated extensively, 150 apple orchards were assessed according to the production potential of districts. The leaf samples were collected at six different stages of vegetation from these orchards, and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, and boron (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and B) amounts were determined. Correlations were examined between the sixth period and the previous periods. The presence of significant correlations was interpreted, as leaf analysis can be used to determine the nutritional status of apples in the early growth period. Consequently, it was determined that leaf analysis can be carried out at any time from the beginning of vegetation for all elements except Fe and Cu.  相似文献   

We used dual labelled stable isotope (13C and 15N) techniques to examine how grassland plant species with different growth strategies vary in their ability to compete with soil microbes for different chemical forms of nitrogen (N), both inorganic and organic. We also tested whether some plant species might avoid competition by preferentially using different chemical forms of N than microbes. This was tested in a pot experiment where monocultures of five co-existing grassland species, namely the grasses Agrostis capillaris, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Nardus stricta, Deschampsia flexuosa and the herb Rumex acetosella, were grown in field soil from an acid semi-natural temperate grassland. Our data show that grassland plant species with different growth strategies are able to compete effectively with soil microbes for most N forms presented to them, including inorganic N and amino acids of varying complexity. Contrary to what has been found in strongly N limited ecosystems, we did not detect any differential uptake of N on the basis of chemical form, other than that shoot tissue of fast-growing plant species was more enriched in 15N from ammonium-nitrate and glycine, than from more complex amino acids. Shoot tissue of slow-growing species was equally enriched in 15N from all these N forms. However, all species tested, least preferred the most complex amino acid phenylalanine, which was preferentially used by soil microbes. We also found that while fast-growing plants took up more of the added N forms than slow-growing species, this variation was not related to differences in the ability of plants to compete with microbes for N forms, as hypothesised. On the contrary, we detected no difference in microbial biomass or microbial uptake of 15N between fast and slow-growing plant species, suggesting that plant traits that regulate nutrient capture, as opposed to plant species-specific interactions with soil microbes, are the main factor controlling variation in uptake of N by grassland plant species. Overall, our data provide insights into the interactions between plants and soil microbes that influence plant nitrogen use in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Enchytraeids are saprophagous soil organisms, appearing in high abundances and contributing to ecological processes within the soil. For decades they have been used as model species for biological research. In the framework of research on genetically modified plants, however, they have not been considered to date. Following the ISO/DIS guideline, survival and reproduction of Enchytraeus albidus, fed with diets containing Bt-maize (N4640Bt Cry1Ab, DKC5143Bt Cry3Bb1) leaf material were analysed. For comparison, diets with the corresponding untransformed near-isolines (N4640, DKC5143) were examined. Additionally a high quality control diet (oat flakes) was included. Survival and reproduction showed no significant differences between the Cry3Bb1 treatment and the treatment with the untransformed counterpart. For the Cry1Ab treatment survival was significantly higher than for the treatment with the corresponding near-isoline. In contrast, reproduction was significantly lower for the Cry1Ab treatment compared to that for the isoline. For the Cry3Bb1 treatment, no effect was shown on survival or reproduction. For the Cry1Ab variety and its untransformed counterpart, a contrasting result was detected, which is unlikely to be caused by the Bt-protein but rather by differences in other plant components. Overall survival and reproduction were highest for the control.  相似文献   

Due to their high abundance and ubiquitous existence, microbes are considered to be efficient colonisers of newly established habitats. To shed light on the dispersal mechanisms of soil microbes, a controlled microcosm experiment was established. In these microcosms, the dispersal of microbes from a source humus patch to originally sterile humus patches (embedded in a mineral soil matrix) was followed for 16 months, applying 16S and 18S ribosomal DNA-based PCR-DGGE molecular methods. Specifically, the role of enchytraeid worms and habitat (humus) corridors as possible facilitators of microbe dispersal was studied. The results showed that enchytraeid worms function efficiently as vectors for horizontal dispersal of saprophytic fungi in soil. Some of the fungi also proved to disperse through the corridors by vegetative growth, although this dispersal was inefficient as compared to dispersal with the enchytraeids. Virtually no saprophytic fungi were able to disperse through the mineral soil matrix in the absence of both enchytraeid worms and corridors. Unlike soil fungi, the dispersal of soil bacteria was not affected by any of the studied factors. The results of the present experiment provide direct evidence of the crucial role of soil fauna in aiding the horizontal dispersal of soil fungi. The role of enchytraeids as a functionally important species in boreal forest soils is further emphasized, since bringing microbes into contact with new resources is likely to enhance the rate of decomposition in soils.  相似文献   

Growth, activity of antioxidant enzymes viz. glutathione reductase (GR), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), and some metabolic processes related to ammonium metabolism were investigated in a salt‐tolerant Spatina alterniflora. In comparison to 0 mM–NaCl treatment, growth of S. alterniflora plant increased significantly at 200 mM NaCl, but was highly inhibited at 500 mM NaCl. Ammonium concentration in the leaves and roots increased 2.1–3.4 times when plants were treated with 500 mM NaCl. Under 200 mM NaCl, antioxidant‐enzyme activities increased, however, at 500 mM the antioxidant system was unable to compensate reactive oxygen species induced by NaCl. At this high level of salinity, ammonium production through nitrate reductase (NR) was inhibited, but no significant changes in the activities of glutamine synthetase (GS) or glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were found. We conclude that the accumulation of ammonium under high salt stress was not due to inhibition of the assimilatory activities of GS or GDH. Ammonia accumulation under high salinity may result from amino acid and protein catabolism activated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or a lack of carbon skeletons to incorporate ammonium into organic molecules due to a decrease in photosynthetic activity in salt‐stressed plants.  相似文献   

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