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黄泥河林业局落叶松人工林面积约4万公顷,今后近几年内有大面积的落叶松人工林进入成熟采代年龄,采伐迹地的更新是急待解决的问题之一。 为了研究和探索落叶松人工林采伐迹地更新问题,我们于1987年春季进行了专项试验,现将试验情况汇报如下。  相似文献   

杉木人工采伐迹地更新厚朴试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杉木人工林伐迹地更新厚朴,不仅造林成活率高,生长也很好,5年生厚朴试验林年均胸径生长量1cm以上,年均树高生长量1.2m以上;10年生厚朴试验林年均胸径生长量0.83以上,年均树高生长量0.88m以上,完全达到速生丰产的要求。厚朴实生苗有很强的萌蘖能力,合理利用萌条,把一部分生物量从15-25a提早到7-8a收获,在生产实践中具有现实意义。  相似文献   

沼泽地人工落叶松林采伐迹地更新试验结果表明:人工落叶松林采伐迹地更新的水曲柳、云杉的生长量,成活率,保存率与山地更新的水曲柳、云杉林无显著差异。沼泽地人工落叶松林更新的四个树种的3 a保存率均大于80%以上,全部达到合格标准。林龄5 a时,白桦、毛赤杨生长稳定,并且郁闭成林。林龄20 a时,白桦平均高达11.5 m,胸径达11.6 cm;毛赤杨平均高达11.5 m,胸径达13.1 cm;水曲柳平均高达10.5 m,胸径达10.5 cm;云杉平均高达9.5 m,胸径达12.0 cm。  相似文献   

东港市落叶松人工林采伐迹地年更新面积约150hm2,为探索落叶松人工林采伐迹地更新的最佳树种,对其进行更新树种生长调查研究。结果表明,更新红松林的保存率以及树高、胸径生长量都明显优于其它树种。因此,建议在落叶松人工林采伐迹地上尽量更新红松,立地条件好的小班,可适当更新板栗。  相似文献   

为了探讨落叶松皆伐迹地更新适宜树种,我们通过6个树种幼林期试验及对采伐迹地土壤肥力分析,初步得出30年生的落叶松皆伐迹地更新班克松、椴树、水曲柳及重茬落叶松用材林均可.  相似文献   

阔叶林采伐迹地人工促进更新效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对常绿阔叶林采伐迹地人工促进更新而形成的米槠林群落特征的研究,分析比较了人工促进更新林分与杉木人工林的生物量及生态,经济效益。结果表明,人工促进更新的米槠群落和生产力和经济效益均高于杉木人工林,林分总管蓄积量比杉木林高11.87%,总生物量比杉木林高22.10%;人工促进更新的投资利润率和财务内部收益率分别比杉木人工林高4%和11.03%。  相似文献   

<正> 杉木生长快、材质好、经济价值高,是我省栽培广、人工林面积较大的速生优良用材树种,早期营造的杉木林已达到近熟或成熟林阶段,生产单位根据生产和市场的需要,已陆续开展了小面积的采伐和更新。从1987年开始,我省先后分三批在20个园艺林场开展了有计划的经营采伐试点工作。  相似文献   

我国半干旱地区华北落叶松人工林正面临大面积采伐更新的问题,其采伐迹地更新树种选择严重影响林区生态建设和经济发展。本文以塞罕坝的华北落叶松人工林更新树种为研究对象,通过对更新树种生长表现和经济效益的综合分析,华北落叶松生长表现及经济效益均优于对比树种(云杉、樟子松、桦树),并且4年内保存率也均高于对比树种,因此,根据一、二代落叶松人工林生长表现,可以确定塞罕坝地区人工林采伐迹地更新树种应优先选择华北落叶松。  相似文献   

Bird species diversity and bird species richness were surveyed in a natural mixed forest (mature forest) and in a coniferous plantation (30–40 years old) monthly from 1990 to 1994. These forests were 20 km apart and had similar weather conditions and soil types. There were larch and cedar plantations, and hardwoods along streams in the coniferous plantation. In the natural mixed forest, 55 bird species were found, whereas 40 species were recorded in the coniferous plantation. The species diversity of bird communities was significantly higher in the natural mixed forest than in the coniferous plantation mixed with hardwood trees. This result indicates that the coniferous plantation mixed with hardwood trees, presumed to be a more simplified environment, is likely to be less inhabitable for many bird species than the natural mixed forest, suggesting a relationship between the diversity of the forest environment and the diversity of the bird community. A higher number of bird species was recorded in the small coniferous forest mixed with hardwood trees compared with those in the coniferous plantation. The mixing of broad-leaved trees in a coniferous plantation was suggested to be effective in increasing number of bird species. These tendencies were recorded all through the year during our study. In snow-covering periods, both the diversity and the bird species richness fell in all study sites every year. Snow cover would have greater effect on bird species diversity in the coniferous plantation than in other forest types probably due to diet shortages caused by the snow cover over the forest floor.  相似文献   

王录  陈祥伟  刘强 《林业研究》1994,5(2):22-28
NaturalregenerationofmanchurianashusuallytakesplacewheretherearesuitablesoilmoistureandseedbankofsecondarymanchurianashforestintheEasternMountainousAreaofNortheastChina.Sometimes,naturalregenerationofmanchurianashcanbefoundinpureconiferousplantation.Inordertofindoutthepossibilityofintroducingnaturalregenerationofmanchurianashinpureconiferousplantation,trialsandresear-cheshavebeencarriedoutindahurianlarchp1antationbyopeningupeffectbeltinthestands.lntheend,charactersofcommunitystructureandmicr…  相似文献   

针对塞罕坝地区3.5万hm2华北落叶松人工林,从迹地更新的树种选择方面,系统研究和总结了塞罕坝地区人工林采伐迹地更新的可供选择树种,探索出了不同立地条件下人工林迹地更新的树种选择问题。对塞罕坝机械林场人工林迹地更新技术的研究结果表明,人工林采伐迹地更新的树种选择问题,其核心问题是适地适树问题,特别是选树适地。在塞罕坝机械林场的大部分地区,华北落叶松一代林的生长表现和经济效益均明显优于其他乔木树种。在华北落叶松一代人工林采伐迹地上进行连作,尽管其表现明显优于其他供试乔木树种,但还是在一定程度上存在衰退的问题。在华北落叶松人工林一代林的采伐迹地上进行更新造林,首选树种仍为华北落叶松,但第三代人工林是否还可以将其作为首选,需要进一步研究论证。  相似文献   

人工针阔混交林的综合效益   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人工针阔混交林的培育,不但能提高森林的覆被率,保护森林的生态系统,调节森林的林种结构,而且能提高森林的生态效益、经济效益、社会效益。本文通过对人工针阔混交林的调查分析,评价了混交林的综合效益,为今后大面积培育混交林提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本文通过落叶松迹地不同树种更新生长情况对比,阐述了落叶松伐后不宜继续更新落叶松,而应更新刺槐的观点,为今后落叶松迹地更新开创了一条新路  相似文献   

2015—2017年,采用野外实地调查与室内解剖、饲养相结合的方法对藏东南主要针叶林球果害虫及其危害特征进行了研究。结果表明:高山松Pinus densata林球果害虫为赤松梢斑螟Dioryctria sylvestrella,林芝云杉Picea likiangensis var.linzhiensis林球果害虫为冷杉梢斑螟D.abietella,急尖长苞冷杉Abies georgei var.smithii林球果害虫为球果螟D.sp.、球果花蝇Lasiomma sp.和大痣小蜂Megastigmus sp.,害虫区系与东北针叶林害虫区系类似。高山松天然林球果的被害率为9.23%,人工林被害率为23.33%,1个球果1头虫;色季拉山林芝云杉林球果被害率为69.76%,波密县岗乡球果被害率为41.55%,1个球果1~6头虫不等;急尖长苞冷杉林球果总被害率为19.18%,多数情况1个球果1种害虫危害,少数情况1个球果2种害虫同时危害。  相似文献   

A model that describes the relationship between the form-factors for stem volume and those for stem surface area in coniferous species is proposed. The model is derived assuming that the stem form of a tree can be expressed by Kunze's equation. The model indicated that the form-factor for stem surface area was directly proportional to the square root of the form-factor for stem surface volume, independent of the stem position. The proposed model expressed the relationship of the form-factors for Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) trees well. Therefore, the form-factors for stem surface area could be estimated from those for stem volume. No significant difference in the coefficient was found between Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress trees, indicating that the proportional coefficient would be common between the two species. Many studies have shown that the form-factors for stem volume at 0.7 and 0.5 in relative height were, respectively, almost steady at 0.7 and 1.0, independent of species, district, density control, and growth stage. Substituting these universal values into the proposed model, the form-factors for stem surface area at 0.7 and 0.5 in relative height were estimated to be 0.730 and 0.873, respectively. The estimated values of the form-factors for stem surface area would be universal for coniferous species. The proposed model also showed that the breast height form-factor for stem surface area decreased sharply with the increase in total tree height, when the height was less than 10 m. However, after the tree attained the total height of 10 m, the breast height form-factor gradually decreased with the total tree height approaching its asymptotic value of 0.605. In conclusion, the model proposed here can be used to describe the relationship between form-factors for stem volume and those for stem surface area successfully.  相似文献   

The larch (Larix) genus is the most important species group in the forest ecosystems in Northeastern China, occupying about 25% of the forest areas. The high tolerance to coldness and relatively fast growth rate make this genus the main species group for forestation. According to the predictions of the global circulation model CGCM3, temperature could rise by 2–4 °C over the next 100 years. Few studies have been conducted on the response of larch species to climate warming in Northeastern China. Such studies are becoming increasingly needed due to the economic and ecological significance of this genus. This paper studies the potential distribution ranges of three larch species under the current and the warming climate conditions. A new classification and regression tree technique, Random Forest, was used to investigate the potential distributions of three larch species, based on 18 environmental variables which reflect the climate, topography and soil conditions of Northeastern China. The results showed that the biological coldness index (BCI) is the most important factor for Dahurian larch, annual precipitation (AP) is the most important factor for Korean larch and elevation (DEM) is the most important factor for Prince Rupprecht larch.  相似文献   

By adopting the concept of space as a substitute for time, we analyzed the dynamics of species composition and diversity of different restoration sequences (20, 30, 40, 50 years) in two secondary forest types in western Sichuan Province, distributed in a northerly or northwesterly direction. The analysis was based on the results of measurements of 50 plots located at elevations between 3100–3600 m. The forests originated from natural regeneration in combination with reforestation of spruce when the old-growth bamboo-dark brown coniferous forests and moss-dark brown coniferous old growth forests were harvested. Similar old-growth dark brown coniferous forests at ages ranging between 160 and 200 years were selected as the reference forests for comparisons. We recorded 167 species of vascular plants from 44 families and 117 genera. There was no significant difference in terms of the number of species among secondary forests. But the importance values of dominant species varied during the restoration processes. The dominant species in the secondary forests is Betula albo-sinensis, while Abies faxoniana is the dominant species in old-growth dark brown coniferous forests. Species richness increased significantly with restoration processes. It increased quickly in secondary forests during the period from 30 to 40 years, but decreased significantly in the old-growth dark brown coniferous forests. The species richness among growth forms decreased in the following order: herb layer > shrub layer > tree layer. The maximum value of the evenness index occurred in secondary forests at age 40 and remained relatively stable in the bamboo-birch forests, but the evenness index tended to decrease in moss-birch forests and slightly increased in the old-growth mossdark brown coniferous forests. There was a statistically significant difference in the eveness index between the tree and shrub layers as well as between the tree layer and the herb layer, but there was no significant difference between the shrub layer and the herb layer. The value of the Shannon index increased over restoration time. In bamboo-birch forests, the maximum value of the Shannon index was 3.80, recorded at age 50. In moss-birch forests, the maximal value was 3.65, reached in this forest at age 30. The value of the Shannon index of old-growth dark brown coniferous forests was recorded between younger secondary and older secondary forests. The value of the dominance index of communities varied. At the first stage of restoration, it increased, and at the end it was decreased. The dominance index of the tree layer had a similar trend as that of the community dominance index, but was more variable. The minimum value of the dominance index of the tree layer in the moss-birch forests reached 20 years earlier than that of the bamboo-birch forests. There was a significant difference among restoration sequences in the α diversity indices except for the dominance index. No significant differences between the two secondary forest types were detected. Over age, the value of the Bray-Curtis index between secondary forest and old-growth dark brown coniferous forest increased. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(5): 17–23 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

保证幼苗幼树的林下更新是森林可持续发展的必要条件之一,了解和确定幼树幼苗的更新株数标准是很有必要的,这就需要了解林分从幼树幼苗到大径阶林木完整的林分结构.用1988年调查的4块长白山云冷杉针阔混交林皆伐标准地的幼树幼苗数据和大于检尺径阶林木数据,对林分的年龄结构进行了研究.比较了只用大于检尺林木数据建立的年龄分布与所有林木数据建立的年龄分布之间的区别,并用负指数分布、Weibull分布和幂函数对年龄结构进行了拟合.用胸径≥7 cm的林木数据得到的长白山云冷杉针阔混交林年龄结构呈偏左正态分布,用所有林木数据得到的年龄结构呈反J型分布,龄级35 a以后两者的分布形状相似.通过拟合时的R2和预估值的x2检验结果发现,Weibull分布对林分结构的拟合效果最好,其次是幂函数,负指数分布最差.但Weibull分布也不是最理想的分布函数,虽然R2达到了0.996,但x2=297.24大于xo.05 =42.557,这可能和数据数量的多少有关.  相似文献   

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