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宣威市“长治”第4期工程实施的5条小流域,共完成水土流失综合治理措施面积116.94 km2,超额完成了国家下达的115 km2的治理任务,创建了一批示范样板工程,起到了典型示范作用。  相似文献   

达州市水土流失严重,"长治"工程的实施为当地治穷致富创造了机遇。通过山、水、田、林、路综合治理,治理区生态环境发生了明显变化,新的农业综合防护体系初步形成,人们的生活水平得到了提高,人居环境日渐改善。"长治"工程建设取得了明显的生态、经济、社会效益。其建设经验可概括为:抓目标责任,强化政府领导;抓水保宣传,强化国策意识;抓部门联动,强化监督执法;抓示范建设,强化典型带动;抓整体推进,强化项目整合;抓工程质量,强化建管机制;抓探索创新,强化科技含量;抓服务"三农",强化以人为本;抓效益发挥,强化工程管护。"长治"工程的实施对建设嘉陵江上游生态屏障、保护长江流域生态安全有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

对略阳县、成县、礼县"长治"工程区的10多条小流域治理情况的调研结果表明:通过多年"长治"工程的实施,这些小流域的面貌发生了巨大的变化,不仅有效地控制了水土流失,增强了防灾减灾能力,使农业生产基本条件得到了根本改善,而且探索总结出了一条符合当地实际的小流域综合治理与开发同步、生态效益与经济效益双赢的路子。"长治"经验告诉我们:水土保持要有成效,必须坚持以小流域为单元的综合治理,并且"措施到位"、"少有空白";必须遵循循序渐进、连续治理的原则,不能急于求成;必须有一支过硬的技术队伍;必须在确保基本农田的前提下发展经济林果。  相似文献   

<正> 甘肃省长江流域水土保持重点防治区是1988年国家批准列项开始治理的,属国家重点建设项目,简称“长治”工程。治理方针是“以防为主,防治结合,因地制宜,综合治理,重点突破,积极推进”,以小流域为单元,按项目实施。 一、“长治”工程的特点 (一)是国家重点 长江上游水土流失重点治理区已写进《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展十年规划和第八个五年计划纲要》,国务院国函(1988)66  相似文献   

达州市依托“长治”工程全面推进水土保持工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
198 9年以来的 15年间 ,达州市成功地实施了“长治”第一至六期工程和农发水保项目等工程 ,共开展小流域综合治理 12 4条 ,累计治理水土流失 2 746 5 3km2 。如今的达州 ,水土流失面积大幅度减少 ,农民人均纯收入显著提高 ,生态环境明显改善 ,呈现出山变绿、水变清、天变蓝、民变富的喜人景象。介绍了达州市水土保持工作经验  相似文献   

重庆市自1989年开始实施“长治”工程以来,坚持以小流域为单元,山水田林路统筹安排,做到治理水土流失与群众脱贫致富相结合、建设精品小流域与产业开发相结合.改善生态环境与休闲旅游观光相结合、面上治理与建设水保科技示范园区相结合、人工治理与生态自我修复相结合、国家投入与大户承包相结合,创出了多种小流域治理开发模式,累计治理水土流失面积10532km^2。通过综合治理,  相似文献   

织金县自1997年被列为"长江上游水土保持重点防治县"后,20多年来,共完成"长治"四期、六期、七期19条小流域和新增中央预算内投资项目小流域水土保持综合治理,水土流失治理面积达346.65 km2,农业生产条件大为改善,群众生活水平大大提高。介绍了综合治理成效和具体做法。  相似文献   

马龙县生态环境脆弱,水土流失严重制约着当地经济社会的可持续发展。1998年马龙县被列为"长治"工程重点县,县委、县政府高度重视,采取以坡耕地改造为重点建设基本农田、以荒山绿化为生态屏障建立稳定生态系统等治理模式,构建适宜马龙县实际的"长治"工程综合防护体系。马龙县"长治"工程的建设经验包括积极推行项目管理制度,探索水土保持实用技术,加强领导、健全机构,加强水土保持国策宣传教育等。马龙县"长治"工程建设12年来,共治理了15条小流域,治理水土流失面积180.9 km2,保护了水土资源,改善了生态环境,为马龙县经济社会与生态环境的协调、可持续发展创造了条件。  相似文献   

截至2009年底,从1995年开始的遵义市"长治"工程累计完成投资1.32亿元,综合治理水土流失面积1 887.85 km2,治理小流域220条,对提高项目区土地生产力、有效控制水土流失、增加农民收入等起到了重要的作用。据统计,项目区年减少土壤流失量100.74万t、增加降水有效利用量4 734.93万m3、增加经济收入7 723.50万元、增加粮食产量490.10万kg,在监督执法、建后管护和助推新农村建设方面也卓有成效。介绍了主要做法和成效。  相似文献   

在"两工"和农业税逐步取消的新形势下,四川省巴中市巴州区积极探索新时期农户参与治理水土流失的新机制,在实施"长治"工程的小流域成立由农民代表组成的水土保持生态建设协会,协会参与治理项目的前期设计、施工质量监督、施工进度监督、资金管理、竣工验收和建后管理,让农民享有对"长治"工程建设的知情权、发言权、建议权和监督权,激发了农民参与工程建设的自觉性和积极性。  相似文献   


A brief overview is provided of the policies, responsibilities, procedures and current projects of the Gift and Exchange Unit of the National Agricultural Library (NAL). Exchange operations which formed a part of the earliest library traditions of the U.S. Department of Agriculture now aid NAL in meeting the challenges of acquisitions operations which must adapt continually during an era of rapid technological change and stringent funding.  相似文献   

Microbial communities exist and are active in a complex 3-D physical framework which can cause a variety of micro-environments to develop that are more or less suitable for microbial growth, activity and survival. If there is a significant microbial biogeography at the pore scale in soil, then the relationship between microbial diversity and ecosystem function is likely to be affected by micro-environmental variations at the pore scale. In this laboratory study we show that there is a significant pore-scale microbial biogeography by labelling microbial communities in different pore size classes of undisturbed soil cores with 13C-labelled fructose (a soluble, labile substrate). This was achieved by adding the substrate solution to the samples at different matric potentials (−100 kPa, −3.15 kPa and −1 kPa; placing the substrate in pores with maximum diameter of 0.97, 9.7 and 97 μm, respectively) and incubating the samples for two weeks. The mineralisation of soil organic carbon and fructose was measured as CO2 and 13C-CO2, respectively, in the jar headspace throughout the incubation. At the end of incubation we analysed the total microbial community structure using PLFA. The structure of microbial communities in different pore size classes was measured by PLFA stable isotope probing. Total PLFA profiles suggested that there was little effect of the incubation conditions on microbial community structure. However, labelled PLFA profiles showed that microbial community structure differed significantly among pore size classes, the differences being due primarily to variations in the abundance of mono-unsaturated lipids (Gram-biomarkers) and of the fungal biomarker (C18:2(9,12)). This is the first evidence for a significant microbial biogeography at the pore scale in undisturbed soil cores.  相似文献   

Aqueous and atmospheric Hg° concentrations for remote marine areas such as the equatorial Pacific Ocean and for coastal seas such as the North Sea and the Scheldt Estuary are discussed. Biological processes seem to be at the origin of the supersaturated Hg° concentrations in the water. On the other hand, transfer velocities across the air-sea interface were calculated with a classical shear turbulence model and with a wave breaking model. With these data, Hg° fluxes from the sea to the atmosphere were calculated: in the Pacific Ocean they range from 0.43 to 6.5 μg g Hg.m?2. yr?1 at a wind speed of 2.8 m.s?1 and from 10.3 to 156 μg Hg.m?2 yr?1 at a wind speed of 54 m.s?1, but they are still higher when wave breaking is considered (from 11 to 168 μg Hg.m?2.yr?1). These transfer fluxes are an order of magnitude higher in the Scheldt Estuary.  相似文献   

Effect of rain on the macroporosity at the soil surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rain falling on soil causes slaking, mechanical disruption of aggregates and compaction. Too few data exist to predict the changes likely to occur in particular soil, landscape and management conditions. Experiments with simulated rain were set up to study and to model mathematically the changes of the pore system within the surface layer of a soil when rain was applied on a field cropped with maize. Macroporosity, pore‐size and pore‐shape distributions, and the pore volume were measured by image analysis of thin sections and the fractal dimensions of the pore surface roughness were estimated. The general trends of changes in porosity indicated the presence of two different sets of processes at the surface (0–3 cm) and in the layer immediately underneath (3–6 cm). In both layers most of the variation in macroporosity was due to a loss of elongated porosity. A theoretical approach recently developed to link rain and erosion to sealing properties was extended to describing the effect of rain on the elongated porosity and the pore volume fractal dimension in these two layers. The resulting set of equations describe in detail the evolution of soil porosity near the soil surface. Our approach could be useful when modelling the effects of sealing processes in soil erosion.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The analysis of soil maps for three districts of Bryansk oblast demonstrates that the rank distributions of polygon areas for low soil taxonomic units on these maps have a...  相似文献   

It has been shown that some common food flavonoids can act as excellent stabilizers of oil-in-water emulsions through their adsorption as water-insoluble particles to the surface of the oil droplets, i.e., Pickering emulsions are formed. Flavonoids covering a wide range of octanol-water partition coefficients (P) were screened for emulsification behavior by low shear mixing of flavonoid+n-tetradecane in a vortex mixer. Most flavonoids with very high or very low P values were not good emulsifiers, although there were exceptions, such as tiliroside, which is very insoluble in water. When a high shear jet homogenizer was used with 20 vol% oil in the presence of 1 mM tiliroside, rutin, or naringin, much finer emulsions were produced: the average droplet sizes (d32) were 16, 6, and 5 μm, respectively. These results may be highly significant with respect to the delivery of such insoluble compounds to the gut, as well as their digestion and absorption.  相似文献   

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