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In three experiments at two sites the influence of date of application, dose and additives on activity of asulam on bracken (Pieridum aquilinum) was investigated Asulam was only effective when it was applied to live bracken foliage. Of the foliar treatments. July applications were more effective than those applied in June or September. A dose of 1-1 kg/ha asulam gave inadequate control but 2-2 kg/ha and above applied in July gave good control. Increasing the dose increased the degree of control and also lowered the rate of regeneration. Adding 0·5%, Agral 90 or tributyl phosphate at 0·25%, and 0·5%, with or without Agral 90 at 0·5%, had little useful effect on asulam activity, 4·5 kg/ha dicamba or aminotrizole given in July were less effective than asulam at 2·2 kg/ha. Dicamba was the most active of the herbicides tested in the absence of viable bracken foliage. Facteurs influençant l'action de l'asulame sur la fourgére aigle (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) Dans trios essays studés en deux endroits différents, les auteurs ont étudié l'influence de la date d'application de la dose et de divers additives sur l'efficacité de l'asulame contre la fourgére aigle (Pteridium aquilinum). L'asulame n'a été efficace que lorsqu'il a été appliqué sur le feuillage vivant de la fourgére. Parmi les traitements foliaires, ceux effectués en juillet ont été plus efficacies que ceux effectués en juin ou septembre. Une dose d'asulame de 1.1 kg/ha n'a pas n'a pas donné de bons résultats, mais la dose de 2.2 kg/ha appliquée en juillet s'est montrée efficace. L'accroissement de la dose a augmenté l'efficacité et a baissé le taux de régénération. L'addition d'Agral 90 á 0.5% ou de tributyl phosphate á 0.25% et 0.50% avec ou sans Agral 90 á 0.50% n'a pratiquement pas eu d'influence sur l'activité de l'asulame. Une dose de 4.5 kg/ha de dicamba ou d'aminotriazole apportée en juillet s'est montrée moins efficace que l'asulame à 2.2kg/ha. Le dicamba a été le plus efficace des herbicides essayés sur la fougére en l'absence de feuillage vivant. Einflussgrössen bei der Bekämpfung von Adlerfarn (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) mit Asulam In drei Experimenten an zwei Standorten wurde der Einfluss von Bekämpfungszeïtpunkt, von der Aufwandmenge und von Additiven auf die Wirkung von Asulam auf Adlerfarn (Pteridium aquilinum) unterucht. Asulam Zeigte nur dann eine Wirkung, wenn es auf lebendes Blattwerk des Farns ausgebracht wurde. Blattbehandlungen im Juli waren erfolgreicher als solche im Juni order September. Aufwandmengen von 1.1 kg/ha. Asulam führten zueinem unzulänglichem, von 2.2 kg/ha und darüber. im Juli ausgebracht, zu einem guten Bekämpfungserfolg. Mit zunehmender Aufwandmenge wurde der Bekämpfungserfolg verbessert und die Regenerationsrate verringert. Die Zumischung von 0.5% Agral 90 order von 0.25% und 0.5% Tributylphosphat mit order ohne Zusatz von 0.5% Agral 90 zeigten nur einen geringen Nutzeffeki auf die Asulamaktrivität. Dicamba order Aminotriazol (4.5 kg/ha). im Juli ausgebract, war weniger wirkungsvoll als Asulam mit 2.2 kg/ha. Von den Herbiziden, mit denen bei Nichtvorhandensein lebender Farnblätter Versuche angestellt wurden, war Dicamba das aktivste.  相似文献   

The longterm control of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) following applications of asulam was studied for 5 years al a site in the West of Scotland; there was no post-spray management. The time of treatment was found to be of considerable importance, satisfactory long-term control being obtained only when 4.4–8.8 kg/ha were applied around the stage of full frond expansion (26 July–16 August). Application of 4.4 kg/ha asulam on 26 July decreased frond density by 99, 95, 85, and 73% in the 4 years following treatment; about 50% recovery was observed in the fifth year. The latter may be partially due to the encroachment of rhizomes from the adjacent untreated plots and the lack of post-spray management. Examination of rhizomes dug from 1 m2 areas showed that asulam killed more than 90% of the active frond buds and apices in the first year, but left undamaged 48% of the dormant buds on the deeper rhizome branches; the latter appeared to be the main source of reinfestation of treated plots in subseqquent years. The total number of living buds increased from 17% of the untreated in the first year to 38% in the fifth year; the majority of these buds were dormant. Formulation of asulam (4.4 kg/ha) with 1% ethylan CP only improved the reduction in frond density over a 4-year period by 10%. Recherches sur le mode d'action de l'asulame sur la fougère (Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn). III, Elimination durable de la fougère. Lélimination durable de la fougére (Pteridium aquilinum) a la suite d'applications d'asulame a éte etudiee pendant 5 annees dans une station de I'ouest de I'Ecosse; il n'y a pas eu d'autre intervention apres le trailement. W a ete constate que Vepoque du traitement avait une importance considerable, une elimination durable n'ayant pu etre obtenue qu'en appliquant 4,4 a 8,8 kg/ha d'asulame au stade de plein developpement des frondes (26 juillet-16 aout), L'application de 4,4 kg d'asulame le 26 juillet diminua la densite des frondes de 99, 95, 88, et 73% au cours des 4 annees suivant le traitement; une repousse d'environ 50% fut observee la cinquieme annee, Ce resultat final peut etre du en partie a I'empietement de rhizomes provenant des parcelles adjacentes non traitees et a I'absence d'intervention apres le traitement. L'examen des rhizomes extraits sur des surfaces de 1 m2 montra que I'asulame avait tue plus de 90% des bourgeons et des apex des frondes en activite au cours de la premiere annee, mais n'avait pas endommage 48% des bourgeons dormants situes sur les ramifications les plus profondes des rhizomes; ce fait est apparu comme la cause principale de la reinfestation des parcelles traitees au cours des annees suivantes. Le nombre total des bourgeons vivants est passe de 17% des temoins la premiere annee a 38% la cinquieme annee; la majorite de ces bourgeons etaient dormants. La formulation de I'asulame avec 1% seulement d'etylan CP” a augmente de 10% la reduction de la densite des frondes au cours de la periode de 4 ans. Untersuchungen zur Wirkuttgsweise von Asulam bei Adlerfarn (Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn). III. Langfristige Bekdmpfung In einem Versuch in Westschottland wurde die langfristige Bekampfung von Adlerfarn (Pteridium aquilinum) nach Asulam-Behandlungen uber 5 Jahre untersucht. In diesen Versuchen wurden nach der Herbizidbehandlung keine weiteren Bekampfungsmassnahmen durchgefiihrt. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass der Bekampfungszeitpunkt von erheblicher Bedeutung ist. Eine befriedigende langfristige Bekampfung wurde nur erzielt, wenn 4.4–8.8 kg/ha zum Zeitpunkt der vollen Wedelentwicklung (26, Juli-16. August) angewendet wurden. Eine Behandlung mit 4,4 kg/ha Asulam am 26, Juli fuhrte in den 4 Jahren nach der Applikation zu einem Ruckgang der Wedeldichte um 99, 95, 85 und 73%, und im fiinften Jahr betrug die Wedeldichte wieder etwa 50% der ursprunglichen. Das letztere lasst sich teilweise mit dem Eindringen von Rhizomen aus benachbarten unbehandelten Parzellen und dem Fehlen weiterer Massnahmen mach der Herbizidbehandlung erklaren. Die Untersuchung von I m2 grossen Flachen zeigte, dass durch Asulam im ersten Jahr iiber 90% der aktiven Wedelknospcn und -apices getotet wurden, aber 48% der dormanten Wedelknospen und -apices der tieferliegenden Rhizomstijcke unbeeinfiusst blieben. Diese Organe scheinen die Hauptursache der Wiederverseuchung in den folgenden Jahren gewesen zu sein. Die Gesamtzahl an lebenden Knospen nahm, bezogen auf Unbehandelt, von 17% im ersten Jahr auf 38% im fiinften Jahr zu, die meisten Knospen waren aber dormant. Zusatz von 1% Ethylan CP zu Asulam (4,4 kg/ha) verbesserte im Beobachtungszeitraum von 4 Jahren die Wirkung (Verminderung der Wedeldichle) nur um 10%.  相似文献   

Studies of the absorption and translocation of foliage-applied ring-labelled [14C]asulam [methyl (4-aminobenzenesulphonyl) carbamate] were carried out using glasshouse and field-grown bracken plants. Translocation of 14C from the treated frond was primarily according to a 'source to sink’pattern with intense accumulation of radioactivity in the metabolically active sinks viz. rhizome apices, frond buds, root tips and young frond tissue. In the case of field bracken, translocation and distribution of 14C was extensive in the rhizome system, accumulation occurring in the active as well as dormant buds situated on the non-frond-bearing and storage rhizome branches. Treatment of fully expanded fronds with 100μl of [14C]asulam (1 mg, 1.0–1.5 μCi) as 2 μl droplets resulted in a rapid initial uptake during the first week, followed by progressive entry and distribution with time. Basipetal translocation to the rhizome system was positively correlated with total uptake. High humidity (95%) and high temperature (30°C) stimulated uptake and subsequent basipetal translocation to a considerable degree. Uptake was greater through the stomatal-bearing abaxial than through the adaxial cuticle. Incorporation of a surfactant (Tergitol-7, 0.1%) increased penetration by up to 30%. Uptake declined markedly as the frond aged, while translocation was predominantly acropetal in young treated fronds, becoming exclusively basipetal when the fronds matured. Optimum uptake and maximum distribution of [14C]asulam in the rhizome and its associated buds was achieved when treatments were applied to almost fully expanded fronds. The translocated 14C (asulam and possibly some of its metabolites) showed a considerable degree of persistence in the rhizome system, 8% of the applied activity still remaining in the rhizome 40 weeks after treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of asulam (methyl (4-aminobenzenesulphonyl) carbamate) on the synthesis of RNA and protein was investigated in bracken sporeling plants and excised rhizome bud tissue. Foliage application of asulam (4.4 kg/ha) reduced the RNA levels in frond buds and young fronds within 3 days, while protein levels were significantly reduced after 14 days. A significant reduction in respiratory activity of buds was observed after 2 weeks, the level of inhibition being 54% after 8 weeks. During a 3-h incubation period, O2 uptake by excised bud issue was stimulated by 5 and 10 ppm asulam and inhibited by higher concentrations; 32P uptake was inhibited at all concentrations. Asulam (5 ppm and above) inhibited bud growth and reduced RNA and protein levels in incubated buds (20 h at 30°C), and the incorporation of [14C]orotic acid into RNA and [14C]leucine into protein. Reduction of RNA levels and inhibition of [14C]ladenine incorporation into RNA in buds occurred entirely in the ribosomal and supernatant fractions of the cellular extract. Inhibition of RNA synthesis by asulam (50 ppm) as measured by [14C] orotic acid incorporation into RNA was completely antagonized by CEPA (3-chloroethylphosphonic acid) (50 ppm) and partially by 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) (50 ppm) and GA (Gibberellic acid) (50 ppm). These results suggest that the interference of asulam with RNA and protein synthesis at the metabolically active sinks (rhizome buds) could be one of its major mechanisms of action in bracken.  相似文献   

The patterns of regeneration of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. (bracken) rhizome segments grown in pot culture are described. The overall capacity for regeneration was unaffected by the rhizome type planted, i.e., whether it consisted of only a length of frond-bearing ‘short shoote’ or whether this was attached to part of the main storage and exploratory ‘long shoot’. In all cases rhizomes extended, produced new lateral buds and developed fronds during the first summer. Regenerative capacity was also similar for segments with or without apical buds. Different patterns of growth were observed in plants grown from different types of segment: in particular, more new lateral buds were produced on rhizome segments originally lacking an apex. As rhizomes extended, the distance between successive lateral buds increased. The results are discussed in relation to the possible roles of correlative inhibition and patterns of translocation between fronds and rhizomes and to information on field populations.  相似文献   

The effects of growing young plants of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (bracken) in shaded and unshaded conditions and with differential applications of nitrogen, phosphate and balanced fertilizer are described. The results are discussed in relation to possible effects on correlative inhibition. Single applications of N and P have little effect, but addition of both together or of NPK fertilizer produces increased frond production and rhizome growth. Shaded plants produce fewer fronds and these are of greater surface area, but thinner than those of unshaded plants. It is suggested that increased frond production resulting from enhanced nitrogen supply and exposure to full light may make bracken more susceptible to herbicide applications. Etudes sur la croissance de Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (fougère). 2. Influence de l'ombre et de l'apport d'aliments Les conséquences pour la culture de jeunes plants de Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (fougère) de conditions d'ombre ou de pleine lumiere avec des apports différentiels d'azote, de phosphate et de NPK sont mises en lumière. Les résultats obtenus sont considérés par rapport aux effets éventuels sur l'inhibition correlative. Des apports de N ou de P seuls ont eu peu d'influence mais les deux ensemble, de même qu'un apport NPK, ont amené la production de frondes plus nombreuses ainsi qu'une croissance plus importante des rhizomes. Les plantes cultivées à l'ombre produisent moins de frondes que celles en pleine lumiere; ces frondes ont une superficie plus étendue mais elles sont plus minces. Il se peut que la production de frondes plus nombreuses par des plantes en pleine lumière, et recevant des apports de N plus importants, rendent celles-ci plus sensibles aux applications herbicides. Untersuchungen über das Wachstum von Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (Adlerfarn). 2. Effekt von Beschattung und Nährstoffzufuhr Es wird das Wachstum junger Pflanzen von Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn (Adlerfarn) unter beschatteten und unbeschatteten Bedingungen, sowie bei differenenzierter Zufuhr von Stickstoff, Phosphor und ausgewogenen Düngergaben beschrieben. Die Ergebnisse werden unter dem Aspekt möglicher Effekte auf korrelative Hemmungen diskutiert. N und P, einzeln appliziert, haben eine geringe Wirkung; beide zusammen angewandt oder die Verabreichung eines NPK-Düngers stimulieren das Wachstum von Wedeln und Rhizomen. Schattiert wachsende Pflanzen produzieren weniger Wedel. Diese haben jedoch eine grössere Oberfläche und sind dünner als diejenigen unschattierter Pflanzen. Es wird vermutet, dass eine verstärkte Wedelproduktion, unter dem Einfluss erhöhter N-Gaben und voller Lichtexposition, Adlerfarn gegenüber Herbizidapplikationen empfindlicher mechen kann.  相似文献   

Studies have been carried out on the herbicidal action of asulam [methyl (4-aminophenylsulphonyl)carbamate] and sulphanilamide, alone or in association either with 4-aminobenzoic acid (4ABA) or 4, 6-diamino-1-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 2-dihydro-2, 2-dimethyl-1,3,5-triazine (DCDT). The soaking of wheat seeds (Triticum estivum L.) for 12 h at 30°C in asulam and DCDT in a 10:1 ratio doubled the inhibition of root growth produced by soaking in asulam alone; the addition of 4ABA partially reversed the activity of asulam. Foliar applications of a mixture of asulam + DCDT (1.1 + 0.55 kg ha?1) markedly increased the activity of asulam in susceptible wheat, wild oat (Avena fatua L.), tolerant flax (Linum usitatissimum L.), and in Stellaria media L. The activity of asulam at 1.1 kg ha?1 was reversed by 4ABA at 2.2 kg ha?1 by about 50% in wheat and wild oat, 82% in flax and 100% in S. media. The results indicate that asulam and sulphanilamide act by similar mechanisms in apparently inhibiting the biosynthesis of folic acid.  相似文献   

The possible relationship between folate levels in plants and their tolerance to asulam has been examined. Plants with a high content of folates were relatively less susceptible to asulam. There was evidence of a depletion of the folates in the shoots of plants treated with asulam, either alone at 1. 1 kg ha?1 or in combination with 4, 6-diamino-1-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 2-dihydro-2, 2-dimethyl-1, 3, 5-triazine (DCDT) at 1.1 kg ha?1. In wheat shoot tips (Triricum estivum L.), asulam at 1.1 kg ha?1 reduced the levels of the N5-methyl, N10-formyl and N5-formyl derivatives of 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydrofolates, particularly when applied in combination with DCDT. Studies with cell-free extracts of wheat seedlings revealed that asulam inhibited the enzymic synthesis of 7, 8-dihydro-pteroateina manner similar to sulphanilamide inhibition. The biochemical site of action of asulam in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

Asulam was evaluated in three fields experiments for the control of Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus L.) in perennial rygrass(Lolium perenneL). It was used in 1976 on a 3 year-old ryegrass/timothy (Phleum pratense L.) sward in comparison with propyzamidc, in 1977 on a 9 year-old ryegrass pasture grazed at two stocking rates and in 1978 on an intensively managed ryegrass dominant sward. Asulam at 1.75 kg ha?1 gave good selective control in all the field experiments and was more effective under higher than lower slocking rates. In laxly grazed swards it was most effective when sprayed in October. Propyzamide also controlled H. lanatus and increased yields of while clover (Trifolium repens L.) even at 0.25 kg ha?1 but it damaged the sown grasses and increased the growth of broad-leaved weeds.  相似文献   

Field and glasshouse experiments were conducted from 1995 through 1996 to evaluate application timing of asulam (methyl sulfanilylcarbamate) for torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) control in relation to plant age in sugarcane. Above‐ground shoots of torpedograss were completely controlled with asulam at 2–4 kg active ingredient (a.i.) ha?1 applied 60 or 80 days after planting (DAP) in artificially infested pots. But some newly developed rhizome buds survived after asulam application resulting in 1–25 and 76–100% or more regrowth in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied pots, respectively. Whereas the herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP completely controlled above‐ground shoots, applied 80 DAP at 2 kg a.i. ha?1 it did not completely control the weed in the artificially infested field. Regrowth levels were 1–25 and 76–100% or more in 60 and 80 DAP‐applied plots, respectively. Asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 applied 20, 40, 60 or 80 DAP in a naturally infested field completely controlled above‐ground shoots and regrowth levels were 76–100 or more, 51–75, 1–25 and 26–50% in these same DAP applied plots, respectively. The herbicide applied at 4 kg a.i. ha?1 caused chlorosis on younger sugarcane leaves (one‐leaf stage), but when applied at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1, no injury symptoms were shown. The herbicide at 2–4 kg a.i. ha?1 applied within 60 DAP resulted in remarkably higher yield and shoot biomass of sugarcane than that applied 80 DAP. This study suggested that asulam at 2–3 kg a.i. ha?1 should be applied 60 days after planting for the maximum control of torpedograss regrowth and better yield of sugarcane. This study also indicated that torpedograss cannot be completely controlled with a single application of asulam in a naturally infested field because of rhizome fragmentation by cross plowing and distribution of rhizomes into different soil layers that require different times to emerge. The shoots emerging after asulam application could not be controlled. Another study is required to determine the interval between sequential applications of asulam for better control of torpedograss in a naturally infested field.  相似文献   

Chlorsulfuron, giyphosate and imazaquin were evaluated in pot and field studies for their efficacy in controlling broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Northern Greece. All herbicides were applied four to five weeks after tomato transplanting, when the crop was at early flowering stage and broomrape had started to develop underground attachments. The number of emerged broomrape shoots and underground attachments were less affected by herbicide treatments than the dry weight, suggesting that the herbicides suppress the growth of broomrape rather than kill its underground organs. In the pot experiments, chlorsulfuron applied at 5 g AI ha?1 was the most effective treatment for broomrape control and the least toxic to the crop. Imazaquin and glyphosate applied at 37 and 180 g AI ha?1, respectively, controlled broomrape but imazaquin reduced crop yield. In the field, similar rates of glyphosate and higher rates of imazaquin were not toxic to the crop but were less effective on broomrape. Chlorsulfuron applied at 10 g AI ha?1 controlled broomrape emergence by 88%. When the herbicide was applied twice (5+10 g AI ha?1), it gave complete control of broomrape but delayed crop maturity. The yield of tomato was not increased as a result of these treatments because of low broomrape infestation and a short competition period.  相似文献   

The metabolism of [14C]asulam (methyl 4-aminophenylsulphonylcarbamate), [14C] aminotriazole (1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylamine) and [14C]glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) were assessed in Equisetum arvense L. (field horsetail). Following application of the test herbicides (4mg?0.3 °Ci herbicide/shoot) to the shoots of 2-year-old pot-grown plants, the total recovery of 14C-label after 1 week and 8 weeks was high for all three herbicides (>80-0% of applied radioactivity). Asulam was persistent (>69-7% of recovered radioactivity) in both shoots and rhizomes. Sulphanilamide, a hydrolysis product of asulam, accounted for the remainder of the recovered radioactivity. Aminotriazole showed evidence of conjugation in shoots and rhizomes. The principal 14C-labelled component in shoots was composed of high proportions of aminotriazole (>76-3%) together with the metabolites: X (ninhydrin positive), β-(3-amino-1,2,4-triazolyl-1-)α-alanine, Y (diazotization positive) and various unidentified compounds. Rhizomes generally contained lower proportions of intact aminotriazole (>59.4%) together with the metabolites X,Y and unidentified compounds. The proportion of aminotriazole did not decrease with time in shoots or rhizomes; however, the ratio of metabolite X: Y moved in favour of Y as the interval after treatment increased. Glyphosate was extensively metabolised in shoots and rhizomes to yield aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and various unidentified compounds. Differential metabolism appears to be one of the factors which may govern the persistence and toxicity of the test herbicides in E. arvense.  相似文献   

In controlled environmental studies, a marked difference was observed between the growth pattern of tomato and eastern black nightshade plants that received doses of 2,4-D ranging from 28 to 952 g a.e. ha?1. The highest dose of 2,4-D reduced the dry weight of eastern black nightshade and tomato by approximately 15 and 50%, respectively, when compared with controls. Although the height of both species was reduced by all doses of 2,4-D, eastern black nightshade plants produced secondary shoots, which compensated for any potential loss in dry weight that otherwise may have occurred. Tomato plants did not produce secondary shoots. After application of 14C-2,4-D to tomato and eastern black nightshade, the pattern of 14C absorption and translocation was similar in both plant species. However, there was significantly more radioactivity recovered in tomato (72%) than in eastern black nightshade (52%) plants, 72 h after treatment. Assay radioactivity in the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown plants indicated that 7·0 and 27·9% of the applied radioactivity was exuded from the roots of tomato and eastern black nightshade, respectively, within 72 h after treatment. Assay of plant extracts by thin layer chromatography revealed that the amount of radioactivity that remained as unaltered 2,4-D was 73 and 49% in tomato and eastern black nightshade, respectively, 72 h after treatment. Thus the greater tolerance of eastern black nightshade appeared to be due to greater rates of 2,4-D metabolism and/or greater rates of herbicide elimination by root exudation.  相似文献   

The uptake and translocation of [14C]asulam (methyl 4-aminophenyl-sulphonylcarbamate), [14C]aminotriazole (1-H-1,2,4-triazol-3-ylamine) and [14C]glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) were assessed in Equisetum arvense L. (field horsetail), a weed of mainly horticultural situations. Under controlled-environment conditions, 21°C day/18°C night and 70% r. h., the test herbicides were applied to 2-month-old and 2-year-old plants. Seven days following the application of 0.07-0.09 °Ci (1.14mg) of the test herbicides to young E. arvense, the accumulation of 14C-label (as percentage of applied radioactivity) in the treated shoots, untreated apical and basal shoots was as follows: [14C]asulam, 13.2, 0.18 and 1.02%; [14C] aminotriazole, 67.2, 3.65 and 1-91%; [14C]glyphosate, 35.9, 0.06 and 0.11%. The equivalent mean values for the accumulation of 14C-label in 2-year-old E. arvense were [14C]asulam, 12.0, 1-15 and 1.74%; [14C]aminotriazole, 58.6, 9.44 and 4.12%; [14C]glyphosate, 33.1, 0.79 and 2.32%. In the latter experiment, test plants received 0.25-0.30 °Ci (4mg) of herbicide, they were assessed after a 14-day period and the experiment was carried out at 3-week intervals between 2 June and 25 August on outdoor-grown plants. Irrespective of test herbicide or time of application, very low levels of 14C-label accumulated in the rhizome system. Only 0.2% of the applied radioactivity was recovered in 2-year-old plants and 0.4% in 2-month-old plants. In the young plants [14C]asulam accumulated greater amounts and concentrations of 14C-label in the rhizome apices and nodes than [14C]aminotriazole or [14C]glyphosate treatments. Inadequate control of E. arvense under field conditions may be due to limited basipetal translocation and accumulation of the test herbicides in the rhizome apices and nodes.  相似文献   

Phosphonate uptake and distribution were evaluated in tomato plantlets by direct determination and by autoradiography. The rate of root uptake was linear during the 2 h of assay, suggesting active transport of the molecule. Phosphonate was readily taken up through the roots and translocated to the leaves, which contained the molecule within 2 min of root application. Autoradiography showed that phosphonate was transferred apoplastically by veins and progressively entered the lamina by symplastic transport. After a root loading of 2 h, plants were transferred to water and phosphonate levels were evaluated over the following 3 days: the concentrations in roots increased with a corresponding decrease in phosphonate levels in the leaves. These experiments demonstrated the ambimobility of phosphonate.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌剂防治番茄叶霉病田间试验   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
番茄叶霉病由黄枝孢菌 (Cladosporiumfulvum)引起 ,严重为害番茄叶片和果实。随着温室大棚大面积推广 ,上海郊区番茄叶霉病越发严重 ,成了番茄栽培的重要问题。该病在上海通常于 3月份发病 ,5月达到高峰[1] 。但随着近年来的暖冬效应 ,少数大棚 1月份便开始发病 ,3月份达发病高峰。常规化学杀菌剂 ,如百菌清、多菌灵防效甚微且污染环境 ,急需高效低毒的药剂取而代之。作者曾报道产几丁质酶枯草芽孢杆菌 (Bacillussubtilis)G3菌剂在盆栽试验中对番茄叶霉病有较好的防治效果[2 ] 。本文报道G3菌剂田间防治该病的效果1 材料与方法1 .1 供试…  相似文献   

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