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Experiments on host-stage preference, influence of temperature on parasitization, and the feeding niche ofEretmocerus longipes Compere (Hym., Aphelinidae) parasitizingAleurotuberculatus takabashi David et Subramaniam (Hom., Aleyrodidae) on jasmine were conducted both in the laboratory of Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and in the field in the Fuzhou region, Fujian Province, PR China. The results showed that the most preferred host-stage ofE. longipes was the 3rd instar ofA. takahashi. The parasitization rate ofE. longipes was significantly affected by temperature, valuing 4.8% at 18 °C, 27.3% at 23 °C, and 55.1% at 33 °C, respectively. The whitefly immature stages and the parasitoid vertically selected all the layers of jasmine plant as their feeding niches, but the whitefly nymph preferred to gather on the top layer, which was considered as its suitable feeding niche, while the parasitoid selected the middle layer as its feeding niche. To measure the ability to utilize spatial resources, the feeding niche breadth was introduced to demonstrate that the parasitoid had the less wide feeding niche breadth among the all stages tested on jasmine, which revealed that the spatial activity for the parasitoid was smaller than that for any stage of the whitefly. The cluster analysis showed that the feeding niche of the parasitoid was more closely related to the 3rd instar than to any other stage of the whitefly. It was suggested that relation between the whitefly and its parasitoid was not only depending on the host-stage preference but also on the feeding niche similarity.  相似文献   

The present study dealt with the functional responses of the parasitoid,Eretmocerus longipes Compere (Hym., Aphelinidae) to the densities of the whitefly,Aleurotuberculatus takahashi David et Subramaniam (Hom., Aleurodidae) at different temperatures under the laboratory conditions. The results showed that when the initial densities ofA. takahashi-3rd instar were raised from 10 to 320 ind./leaf, the numbers of parasitized nymphs increased as well, ranging from 7.0 to 23.1 at 20°C, 9.8 to 42.9 at 25°C, 6.7 to 39.9 at 30°C, and 1.8 to 8.3 ind./leaf at 35°C, respectively. The Holling Disk Equation was introduced to build up the models of functional responses. The response curves remained type II, although the numbers of parasitized nymphs were significantly different under different temperatures. The suitable initial densities of the host whitefly for parasitization were about 80 individuals per leaf. A negative relation was observed between the initial densities of the whitefly and the parasitization rates by the parasitoid. An increase in the initial densities ofA. takahashi-3rd instars ranging from 10 to 320 ind./leaf resulted in a decrease in the parasitization rate byE. longipes ranging from 70.0% to 7.2% at 20°C, 98.0% to 13.4% at 25°C, 67.0% to 12.5% at 30°C and 18.0% to 2.6% at 35°C with a value of 0.2877 was significantly smaller than that at 20°C with a vlaue of 1.3354, that at 25°C with a value of 1.6465 and that at 30°C with a value of 1.1199, respectively (p<0.01). The handling time (Th) forE. longipes was 0.1521 at 35°C, significantly longer than 0.0510 at 20°C, 0.0289 at 25°C and 0.0320 at 30°C, respectively (p<0.01). The maximum loading number (K) of the parasitized nymphs with a value of 34.5 ind./leaf at 25°C was similar to that with a value of 31.2 ind./leaf at 30°C, about 1.8 times as high as that with a value of 19.6 ind./leaf at 20°C and 4 times more than that with a value of 6.6 ind./leaf at 35°C. It was suggested that temperature affected the functional response by balancing searching rate and handling time. The optimal temperature range for the functional responses ofE. longipes to the densities ofA. takahashi-3rd instar was 25° to 30°C.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with developmental duration, emergence, longevity and fecundity ofAleurotuberculatus takabashi David & Subramaniam at different temperatures and humidity levels. The developmental time from egg to adult was 81.8, 56.9, 39.6, 29.9, 20.6 days at 15±1, 20±1, 25±1, 30±1, 35±1°C under constant relative humidity (RH) of 70±5%, respectively. At 25±1°C, the total developmental time was slightly affected by humidity, ranging from 46.4 days at 40±5% RH to 39.2 days at 90±5% RH. The developmental threshold and the thermal constant for the stage from egg to adult were 10.1°C and 542.8 day-degrees. It was estimated that the whitefly has about 10 generations a year in Fuzhou region in southeastern China. Lowest mortality rates of 12.4% for the egg, 6.8% for the nymph and 3.1% for the puparium were obtained at 15±1°C, while they were highest with 92.1% for the egg, 48.2% for the nymph and 36.3% for the puparium at 35±1°C. The mortality rates were slightly affected by humidity, ranging from 17.6% at 40±5% RH to 27.9% at 90±5% RH for the egg, 11.2% at 40±5% RH to 19.6% at 90±5% RH for the nymph, and 6.4% at 40±5% RH to 11.6% at 90±5% RH for the puparium. The emergence rate of adults decreased as temperature increased, ranging from 89.1% at 15±1°C to 21.5% at 35±1°C, so did the longevity of adults, ranging from 9.6 days at 15±1°C to 2.9 days at 35±1°C. The number of eggs per female was significantly affected by temperature (P.01), valuing 29.4 eggs per female at 15±1°C, 36.7 at 20±1°C, 52.4 at 25±1°C, 42.9 at 30±1°C, and 6.1 at 35±1°C. The optimal temperature for reproduction was about 25°C.  相似文献   

Toxicity and repellent activities of aqueous extracts of nine medicinal plants were evaluated on different life stages of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Tomato plants infested with whiteflies were dipped in 10% (wt/wt) of each plant extract for toxicity evaluation. Repellency was evaluated in a choice experiment with detached tomato leaves. All extracts evaluated were relatively ineffective against the adult stage. Extracts of Ruta chalepensis, Peganum harmala and Alkanna strigosa were effective in reducing the numbers of B. tabaci immatures similar to the reduction observed in the imidacloprid treatment. These three extracts were not detrimental B. tabaci parasitoid, Eretmocerus mundus. In addition, the plant extracts Urtica pilulifera and T. capita were repellent to B. tabaci adults. These results indicate that the extracts from the plants R. chalepensis, P. harmala and A. strigosa could act as a potential source for natural product developed for B. tabaci management.  相似文献   

The entomophagous ladybird, Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Col., Coccinellidae) appears to be a promising predator against the cotton whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hom., Aleyrodidae). Knowledge about its consumption of B. tabaci is incomplete. The present study was undertaken to determine the potential use of this predator in biological control programs. The daily and total prey consumption of S. parcesetosum through the entire development of the larval instars as well as during three different periods of longevity of adult females and males feeding on nymphs or puparia of B. tabaci as prey was examined. In addition, the daily prey consumption of the adult females where the number of B. tabaci puparia was altered was studied at two different temperatures in the laboratory. The results showed that the mean daily prey consumption of nymphs or puparia of B. tabaci by larval instars of S. parcesetosum increased gradually as development progressed at both temperatures. Significant differences were found in the mean total prey consumption among the different predatory larval instars. In total, S. parcesetosum consumed during its entire larval development significantly more nymphs than puparia; at 18°C it consumed a mean of 1,566.1 () and 1,443.9 () nymphs or 280.0 () and 250.8 () puparia, while at 30°C, it consumed a mean of 1,119.1 () and 979.9 () nymphs or 188.2 () and 171.6 () puparia. Over the three studied periods of the adult stage of S. parcesetosum, the mean daily prey consumption by the females and males fluctuated irregularly at both temperatures. At 18°C and 30°C, both females and males consumed significantly more nymphs than puparia. No significant differences were found between females and males with respect to consumption of nymphs, although significant differences were found between the sexes with respect to consumption of puparia, but at 18°C only. The mean total prey consumption over the three studied adult stages was 2,188.4 () and 1,994 () nymphs or 727.1 () and 624.8 () puparia at 18°C, while at 30°C the mean values were 3,947.7 () and 3,577.3 () nymphs or 1,600.5 () and 1,448.8 () puparia. S. parcesetosum adapted smoothly to fluctuating prey availability, where the mean daily prey consumption became higher when 50 puparia/day was offered. In contrast, the predator consumed most individuals when the number of prey supplied was 10 or 5 puparia/day. Prey consumption decreased during the second experimental week in the trial, before which 50 puparia/day had been offered. In the other trials, before which 20, 10 and 5 puparia/day had been offered, a considerable increase in prey consumption was noted.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr I. Akif Kansu, University of Ankara, Turkey on his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Efficient use of parasitoids in pest control depend on the knowledge of the biological relationships between host and parasitoid. Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) is one the most important natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) that is found in fields and greenhouses in Adana, Turkey. Although more studies have been done to determine the relationships between E. mundus and B. tabaci, the differences among strains of E. mundus could have important biological concequences. In this study, biological characteristics of native population of E. mundus parasitization of B. tabaci (Q biotype) were determined using bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) at a constant temperature of 25 ± 1°C, relative humidity 70 ± 10% and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod regimen. All B. tabaci nymphal instars were parasitized by E. mundus, but the mean number of daily-parasitized nymphs was highest in the second instars (15.3). In addition, second instar females had the shortest mean development time (15.2 days). Mean development times of parasitoids obtained from first, second, third and fourth B. tabaci instars varied from 15.2 to 16.2 days and 15.2 to 15.9 days for female and male, respectively. Proportion of female (♀/♂+♀) varied from first (0.53) to second (0.34) host instars. Impact of results on potential biological control of B. tabaci was discussed through conservation native natural enemies.  相似文献   

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