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核盘菌菌核萌发多样性的研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
在15、20、25和28℃条件下培养核盘菌菌核,再在20℃下诱导菌核萌发,结果将不同来源的50个菌株分成5类:①菌核易进行菌丝型萌发;②4种温度下形成的菌核均易进行子囊盘型萌发;③高温(25和28℃)下形成的菌核进行子囊盘萌发,而低温(15或20℃)下形成的菌核则不易萌发;④15℃下形成的菌核易产生子囊盘,而其它温度下形成的菌核都不能萌发;⑤4种温度下形成的菌核都不能萌发。5类菌株各占2%、6%、22%、6%和64%。对第2、3类菌株而言,形成菌核时温度越高,菌核越易萌发。进一步分析说明菌核萌发多样性和菌株来源有一定的关系。对其中3个菌株的21个单子囊孢子后代菌核萌发特性的研究结果表明,菌核萌发特性具有遗传稳定性。这说明核盘菌菌株间菌核萌发习性存在着明显的多样性,且具有遗传稳定性,可用于研究这一病菌的群体结构。 相似文献
核盘菌对菌核净的抗药性机制初探 总被引:16,自引:10,他引:16
经药剂筛选获得对菌核净不同表型的核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ) 抗药性突变体。与敏感亲本菌株相比, 抗药突变体MN 61 (MR ) 和MN 91 (HR) 在含1% 和8% 葡萄糖的PDA 上生长受到抑制,MN 113 (LR) 只对1% 葡萄糖敏感。通过测定抗药突变体MN 61 和野生敏感菌株PN 061 的电导率, 发现抗药突变体能在更短的时间里渗出更多的电解质。抗药突变体苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性比敏感亲本菌株高出1 倍以上, 当用不同浓度菌核净处理或饥饿处理时, 抗药突变体和敏感亲本菌株PAL 活性均上升, 但抗药突变体的酶活始终高于敏感亲本菌株。 相似文献
人参核盘菌菌核在自然环境及人工培养条件下很难产生子囊盘,主要通过菌核进行菌丝型萌发侵染寄主。为明确人参核盘菌菌核的菌丝型萌发特性,对人参核盘菌菌核的萌发历程和影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,人参核盘菌菌核吸水性强,前期吸水速度较快,菌核吸水饱和后,是吸水前菌核平均质量的1.99倍。菌核吸水后3 d开始菌丝型萌发,8 d时菌核的菌丝型萌发率到达97.8%,而未吸水的菌核则不能萌发产生菌丝。菌核在干燥的土壤环境中的菌丝型萌发率极低,土壤湿度越大越利于菌丝型萌发。菌核龄越大所需的菌丝型萌发时间越长。15.0~22.5℃为菌核菌丝型萌发的适宜温度。pH为6.0时,其菌核的菌丝型萌发率最高。 相似文献
核盘菌侵染循环类型的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对核盘菌科7个种21个代表菌株的研究结果表明,核盘菌分4种侵染循环类型:1.土传病害类型:包括人参菌核病、细辛菌核病和向日葵小菌核病菌,其特点是子囊孢子在侵染循环中不起作用,以菌丝体为初侵染源,病健株接触构成再侵染。2.子囊孢子气传病害类型:包括油菜、黄瓜、大豆、莴苣、萝卜、红花和紫云英菌核病,其特点是气传的子囊孢子致病力强,从寄主的花、衰老叶或伤口侵入,以病健组织接触构成再侵染。3.分生孢子气传病害类型:包括黄瓜、油菜、葡萄和大葱灰霉病,其特点是在自然条件下未见有性世代,以气传的分生孢子从寄生的花和衰老叶侵染,以分生孢子和健病株接触构成再侵染。4气传、种传、土传病害兼有型:包括向日葵菌核病,其特点是子囊孢子从花或茎侵染造成盘腐和茎腐,菌核、带菌种子萌生菌丝体侵染造成苗腐和立枯。病健组织接触构成再侵染。 相似文献
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum是世界范围内分布的重要病原菌。我地近几年由核盘菌引起的菌核病普遍发生,陈申宽1991年报道了17种野生花卉新寄主。 相似文献
为克隆和研究链孢粘帚霉Gliocladium catenulatum寄生核盘菌菌核的相关基因,应用抑制消减杂交技术构建了cDNA消减文库并进行了筛选。通过PCR技术从文库中共筛选到1315个阳性克隆,克隆中插入片段大小主要集中于300~600bp之间。随机挑取120个克隆,经测序和同源性分析,获得60条有效序列,其中部分序列所编码的血红素加氧酶、核糖体蛋白L11、细胞色素P450及热激蛋白等均参与机体对胁迫条件的应答反应。11条序列在NCBI数据库中未找到显著匹配的序列,可能为新基因片段。分别将寄生于核盘菌菌核上的粘帚霉cDNA和粘帚霉与核盘菌纯培养的cDNA混合物经RasⅠ酶切后进行标记作为探针,利用反向Northern杂交技术验证了所选取的25条序列全部为差异表达基因片段。 相似文献
核盘菌致病性分化研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了解核盘菌的致病性分化,本研究用活体定位穿刺接种法,以油菜为供试寄主,对采自四川省10个地区23个县、9种寄主的108个菌株进行了致病性测定,结果表明,所有菌株对供试油菜品种均能致病,但各菌株所致病斑长度差异很大(2.7~82.0 mm),说明核盘菌种群内存在明显的致病性分化,这种分化与地理来源和寄主来源没有明显的关系。 相似文献
影响盾壳霉寄生核盘菌菌核的几个生态因子的分析 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
在室内测定了盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)对不同寄主上的核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)菌核的寄生致腐作用,研究了温度、含水量和土壤类型等生态因子对核盘菌菌核的寄生致腐作用的影响,通过检测土壤的呼吸速率探讨了它在土壤中定殖与核盘菌菌核的关系。结果表明:盾壳霉能寄生致腐核盘菌属所有供试菌株的菌核;寄生致腐菌核的最适温度是20℃,最适相对含水量为50%~60%;盾壳霉在供试的8种土壤中均能寄生致腐菌核,对它们的pH值要求不严格,但土壤类型影响其寄生致腐速度;在土壤中添加菌核和菌核提取液都可不同程度地刺激它的生长。 相似文献
来源于佳木斯茄子上的核盘菌菌株多样性的研究 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
从我国黑龙江省佳木斯市同一茄子田采集的菌核样品中分离得到21个核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)单菌核分离物。通过比较其菌丝生长速度、菌落形态、菌核产量及菌核在PDA平板上的萌发特性等将其分成3种类型,记为A、B、C,各包含5、7、9个菌株。A型和B型菌株为正常菌株,而C型菌株为异常菌株,生长慢且呈扇形扩展。对代表性菌株转代培养物及菌核后代的培养特性比较结果说明它们的分化特性是稳定的。致病性的测定结果表明参比菌株Cor-6的致病性最强,A型菌株Ep-1PB和B型菌株Ep-1次之,C型菌株Ep-1PD最弱。3类菌株菌核的可溶性蛋白和酯酶同工酶电泳谱带没有明显的差异。 相似文献
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Sclerotial germination of 33 isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotio-rum, which were collected from different regions and crops, was compared at 10†C in a... 相似文献
An isolate of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from oilseed rape was grown on sterilized wheat grain for 3 weeks at 20 C, followed by 4 weeks at 4o C. Harvested sclerotia were buried 1 cm deep in compost in plastic containers and kept at 10o C until apothecial stipes appeared (c. 6 weeks). When these dishes were placed under near-UV light (14 h/day) at 22o C, apothecia matured in 5 days. The method also induced apothecia from sclerotia of 35 other isolates of S. sclerotiorum obtained from 17 different hosts. 相似文献
Uniform and non-aggregated sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were produced in large numbers in a medium consisting of wheat grain and Pcerlite. Sclerotia of five out of seven isolates germinated and produced fertile apothecia when incubated in moist Perlite under near-UV radiation. 相似文献
Tsapikounis Fanis A. Ipsilandis Constandinos G. Greveniotis Vasileios 《植物病害和植物保护杂志》2019,126(3):225-235
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Mycoparasitism is an important process in microcosm of microorganisms. Understanding the mechanisms taking place may allow to effectively improved... 相似文献
Fungi isolated from soils in central Italy by a baiting technique with sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were evaluated for their antagonism in vitro to this fungus using dual cultures and tests with sclerotia. Trichoderma spp., Coniothyrium minitans and species of Fusarium and Penicillium all showed strong antagonistic activity. Morphological alterations were observed in the mycelium of S. sclerotiorum. Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium catenulatum killed a very high percentage (96–100%) of the sclerotia. 相似文献
Inoculum potential of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum sclerotia depends on isolate and host plant 下载免费PDF全文
A. Taylor E. Coventry C. Handy J. S. West C. S. Young J. P. Clarkson 《Plant pathology》2018,67(6):1286-1295
The soilborne fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infects many important crop plants. Central to the success of this pathogen is the production of sclerotia, which enables survival in soil and constitutes the primary inoculum. This study aimed to determine how crop plant type and S. sclerotiorum isolate impact sclerotial production and germination and hence inoculum potential. Three S. sclerotiorum isolates (L6, L17, L44) were used to inoculate plants of bean, carrot, lettuce, oilseed rape (OSR) and potato, and the number and weight of sclerotia per plant quantified. Carpogenic germination of sclerotia collected from different hosts was also assessed for L6. Production of sclerotia was dependent on both crop plant type and S. sclerotiorum isolate, with OSR and lettuce supporting the greatest number (42–122) and weight (1.6–3.0 g) of sclerotia per plant. The largest sclerotia were produced on OSR (33–66 mg). The three S. sclerotiorum isolates exhibited a consistent pattern of sclerotial production irrespective of crop type; L6 produced large numbers of small sclerotia while L44 produced smaller numbers of large sclerotia, with L17 intermediate between the two. Germination rate and percentage was greatest for larger sclerotia (4.0–6.7 mm) and also varied between host plants. Combining sclerotial production data and typical field crop densities suggested that infected carrot and OSR could produce the greatest number (3944 m?2) and weight (73 g m?2) of S. sclerotiorum sclerotia, respectively, suggesting these crops potentially contribute a greater increase in inoculum. This information, once further validated in field trials, could be used to inform future crop rotation decisions. 相似文献
Factors affecting the production of apothecia and longevity of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum produced naturally on winter oilseed rape and by an isolate from this host on sterile wheat grain were placed in two different soil types in pots, either on the soil surface or 1. 2, 3, 4 or 6 cm deep. Nitrogen (as TN 34, Thames Nitrogen Co.) was applied to one set of pots in autumn 1982 and spring 1983. Production of apothecia was recorded in this set in 1983 only. In pots without added N apothecia were counted in 1983 and 1984 and sclerotia were recovered from these pots at the end of the experiment.
Overall, production of apothecia was not affected by soil type. More apothecia formed from cultured sclerotia and they appeared earlier than from natural sclerotia. More apothecia were produced from sclerotia placed at 0–2 cm than from those buried deeper. Fewer apothecia were produced in pots with added N and their production was delayed. Fewer sclerotia were recovered from the upper layers of soil with a higher clay content, and when sclerotia were obtained from oilseed rape rather than from cultures. 相似文献
Overall, production of apothecia was not affected by soil type. More apothecia formed from cultured sclerotia and they appeared earlier than from natural sclerotia. More apothecia were produced from sclerotia placed at 0–2 cm than from those buried deeper. Fewer apothecia were produced in pots with added N and their production was delayed. Fewer sclerotia were recovered from the upper layers of soil with a higher clay content, and when sclerotia were obtained from oilseed rape rather than from cultures. 相似文献
利用栽培措施控制油菜菌核病的综合研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过以3个甘蓝型油菜品种作为材料,采用田间自然鉴定方法,研究了不同播期和不同密度等栽培措施对控制油菜茵核病的作用.结果表明,在油菜生育期间,无任何药剂防治的条件下,品种和播期对油菜菌核病的影响均达显著水平,而密度对菌核病无明显影响,要与其他栽培条件,特别是氮肥的用量结合起来,才具有显著作用.因此,选用抗病性的品种和适当的晚播可有效控制或避开油菜菌核病的发生,合理密植可提高产量. 相似文献
H. C. HUANG 《Plant pathology》1991,40(4):621-625
When sclerotia of a Canadian isolate of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were exposed to temperatures of – 10 or– 20 C for 4 weeks, their germination behaviour changed from carpogenic to myceliogenic type. Mycelial growth from sclerotia exposed to– 20 C was more vigorous than that from sclerotia exposed to– 10 C. The mode of germination in sclerotia treated with above-freezing temperatures of 0 5, 10. 15. 25 or 30 C did not change: they retained the capacity for carpogenic germination. The possible epidemiological impact of this low-temperature induction of myceliogenic germination on the development of sclerotinia wilt of sunflower seedlings in western Canada is discussed. 相似文献