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Angus, Boran and Red Poll sires were mated to Ankole, Boran and small East African Zebu (Zebu) females to produce the cows characterized in this study, which produced calves by Friesian, Brown Swiss, Simmental, Boran and Red Poll sires. Individual traits included cow parturition weight, cow weight at weaning, cow mean weight and cow weight change from parturition to weaning; maternal traits included calf crop born percentage, preweaning viability percentage, overall viability percentage, birth weight, weaning weight, weight at 12, 18 and 24 mo and calf weight weaned per cow exposed to breeding (productivity index). Cows by Angus and Red Poll sires significantly exceeded cows by Boran sires (all cows in this comparison had Ankole and Zebu dams) in weaning weight of progeny and in cow weight at parturition and at weaning. Cows by Red Poll sires significantly exceeded cows by Boran sires in birth weight of progeny. Progeny of cows by Boran sires significantly exceeded progeny of cows by Angus and Red Poll sires in 24-mo weight. Cows by Angus and Red Poll sires did not differ (P greater than .05) in any of the traits analyzed. Cows with Ankole and Boran dams significantly exceeded cows with Zebu dams (all cows in this comparison had Angus and Red Poll sires) in progeny weight at birth, 18 mo and 24 mo and in cow weight at parturition and at weaning. Cows with Boran dams significantly exceeded cows with Zebu dams in weaning and 12-mo weight of progeny and significantly exceeded cows with Ankole dams in weaning weight of progeny. The significantly heavier weaning weight and significantly lighter 24-mo weight of the 3/4 Bos taurus progeny of cows with Angus and Red Poll sires relative to the 1/2 Bos taurus progeny of cows with Boran sires suggest that cattle that are 1/2 Bos taurus breed composition have greater general adaptation than cattle with 3/4 Bos taurus breed composition in the postweaning nutritive and climatic environment under which this experiment was conducted. Significantly heavier weights of Angus and Red Poll crossbred cows relative to Boran crossbred cows (all breeds crossed on Ankole and Zebu cows) indicate that the two Bos taurus breeds exceed the Boran (Bos indicus) breed in additive direct genetic effects for size when they have general adaptation to the environment.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in Swiss cattle breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction First attempts at establishing the genetic relationships among cattle populations relied on archeological evidence (Epstein 1971; Epstein and Mason 1984) and protein polymorphisms (Baker and Manwell 1980, 1991). Loftus et al. (1994) examined mitochondrial DNA to determine the divergence time between Bos taurus and Bos indicus. Today most studies on genetic diversity are based on microsatellite analysis (Litt and Luty 1989; Tautz 1989; Weber and May 1989). Microsatellites were used in, e.g. man (Bowcock et al. 1994), canids (Roy et al. 1994; Fredholm and Winter ø ; 1995) and sheep (Buchanan et al. 1994). Recent studies in cattle are also microsatellite based (e.g. Machugh et al. 1994; Ciampolini et al. 1995; Moazami -Goudarzi et al. 1997) and aim at facilitating the development of management programs for endangered breeds (FAO 1981). Our microsatellite-based investigation on the genetic diversity between and within Swiss cattle breeds included Original Swiss Brown, purebred Simmental, Holstein, Hérens and Evolènard. Previous studies in Swiss breeds made use of blood group systems (Reuse 1969), serum transferrin and hemoglobin (Krummen 1964), amylase (Buser 1970) and carboanhydrases (Kä ;stli et al. 1980). The Hérens breed is endemic to the canton of Wallis. The Evolènard, which are very few in numbers and restricted to a single valley in the canton of Wallis, are phenotypically very similar to the Hérens with the exception of the coat colour. In the Aosta valley (Italy) which borders the canton of Wallis these two breeds find their counterparts. The phenotype of the Aosta Chestnut fits the Hérens and the Aosta Black Pied fits the Evolènard. The Holstein breed replaced the Fribourg breed which was a colour variant of the purebred Simmental breed (Engeler et al. 1961) and is now extinct. The Original Swiss Brown and the purebred Simmental are endemic to Switzerland.  相似文献   

王运亨 《中国乳业》2002,(10):22-23
1、世界奶牛品种 世界奶牛品种主要有:荷斯坦牛(主要是黑白花牛,也有红白花牛)、娟姗牛(毛色为淡黄色或黄褐色)、更赛牛(毛色为黄褐色或褐黄色,带有白斑,腹下、四肢下部、尾稍多为白色)、爱尔夏牛(毛色为白色与桃红或深红相间,头部额至鼻梁、腹下、四肢下部及尾稍多为白色)。 2、我国奶牛品种  相似文献   

Heat tolerance in naturalized Brazilian cattle breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research carried out at the Sucupira Farm of Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, in Brasilia-DF, aimed to evaluate heat tolerance in five naturalized and two exotic breeds of cattle, at different temperatures and humidity, based upon physiological and blood parameters. The data collected included heart rate (HR), rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), and sweating rate (SR). Blood was also collected for hemogram analysis and cortisol level. The measurements were taken at 7 am and at 2 pm after the animals were exposed to the sun, with water ad libitum. This procedure was repeated for six days, three in the middle of the dry season when temperatures and humidity were lower and three at the start of the rainy season when temperatures and humidity were higher. Significant statistical differences were observed in RR and HR for day, breed and animal within breed. The analysis indicated that the Junqueira and Nellore breeds are most adapted to climatic conditions in Brasilia; while Mocho Nacional and Holstein breeds were the least adapted. Although sample size is limited, these results are important to identify which breeds are most resistant towards climatic variations observed in the Brasilia region, as well as which physiological parameters are the most indicated for use in animal breeding programs intended to select animals and breeds adapted to thermal stress conditions.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the response of four indigenous cattle breeds of Ethiopia, namely Abigar, Horro, Sheko and Gurage, to natural challenge of trypanosomosis in the Tolley-Gullele area of the Ghibe valley has been undertaken from August 2000 until August 2004. Fifty female yearlings each of Horro, Sheko and Abigar and 31 of the Gurage were purchased from their natural habitats and introduced in to medium to high tsetse-trypanosomosis challenge area of the Ghibe valley. While the natural habitats of first three breeds are naturally infested with tsetse flies and trypanosomosis, that of the Gurage is known to be very minimal, if any, and hence the Gurage breed was used in this study as the known susceptible breed. During the study animal health, production performance and tsetse fly situation were monitored monthly. The Sheko breed has manifested very significantly (p<0.001) high overall average packed cell volume (PCV) values (25%) compared to that of Abigar (24%), Horro (23%) and Gurage (22%). It also had the lowest mean trypanosome prevalence rate of 9% against 23% of Horro, 26% of Abigar and 27% of Gurage, and the least number of Berenil treatments (1.36) compared to Abigar (4.0), Horro (4.6) and Gurage (6.7). While the Abigar manifested high sensitivity and frequent death to PCV depression, the Horro showed strong resilience to PCV depression and better response to Berenil treatment assistance. At this stage the Sheko breed was also found to be equal to the other breeds in its reproductive performance. These results need to be substantiated with further in-depth investigation including immune response, animal behavior and environmental influences.  相似文献   

Summary In July 1991, 29 frozen imported Holstein Friesian embryos were transferred into synchronised recipients in Uganda. Recipient cows and heifers from indigenous breeds of cattle and their crosses in Uganda were used. The project resultéd in 17 pregnancies confirmed by rectal palpation at 8 weeks. Twelve live calves were born of which 7 were heifers and 5 were bulls. One heifer calf died at one month of age from East Coast fever. One pregnant recipient died of East Coast fever 2 months before calving. Two recipients aborted in late gestation as a result of trauma incurred during fighting. Two calves were lost as a result of dystocia. The transfer work and calvings were performed at 3 different farms under varying conditions. The 11 surviving animals are being reared on a single unit where growth rates and performance data are being recorded.
El Uso De Razas De Ganado Criollo Y Sus Cruces En Uganda Como Recipientes De EmbrionesBos Taurus Importados
Resumen En julio de 1991, se transfirieron 29 embriones importados de Holstein Friesian, en recipientes sincronizadas en Uganda fueron usadas como recipentes vacas y vaquillas de razas criollas y sus cruces. El proyecto resultó en 17 preñeces confirmadas mediante palpación rectal a las ocho semanas. Doce terneros nacieron, de los cuales siete fueron hembras y cinco fueron machos. Una de las terneras murió al mes de nacida de Fiebre de la Costa Este. Una de las recipientes preñadas murió la de la misma enfermedad dos meses antes del parto. Dos recipientes abortaron en el tercer tercio de la gestación, debido a traumas al pelear. Dos neonatos murieron durante partos distócicos. La transferencia se llevó a cabo en tres granjas differentes, bajo condiciones distintas. Los once sobrevivientes estan criándose en una sóla unidad, donde se estan registrando las tasas de crecimiento y otros parámetros.

Utilisation En Ouganda De Races Bovines Locales Et De Leurs Croisements Comme Receveuses D'embryons Importes DeBos Taurus
Résumé En juillet 1991, 29 embryons Frison × Holstein importés ont été transférés à des vaches et génisses receveuses synchronisées appartenant à des races locales et croisées en Ouganda. Il en a résulté 17 gestations confirmées par palpation rectale à 8 semaines. Douze veaux vivants sont nés dont 7 étaient des femelles et 5 des mâles. Une velle est morte de theileriose à un mois, ainsi qu'une vache receveuse 2 mois après vêlage. Deux receveuses ont avorté en fin de gestation à cause d'un traumatisme provoqué durant une lutte. Deux veaux ont été perdus à la suite d'une dystocie. Le transfert d'embryons et les vêlages ont été réalisés dans 3 fermes différentes dans des conditions variées. Les 11 animaux survivants ont été élevés dans un seul lieu où leurs taux de croissance et les données de performance ont été enregistrés.

选择西杂、利杂、利草杂交肉牛共42头为研究对象,以品种为单位,随机分为3组,饲喂相同营养水平的日粮,在饲养的第90、180、270天按比例屠宰,研究不同杂交品种肉牛背最长肌和半腱肌IMF含量随时间的变化规律;采用荧光RT-PCR技术,检测不同杂交品种肉牛背最长肌LPL mRNA表达量的变化规律。结果表明:IMF含量品种间存在差异,利杂牛含量最高;屠宰部位间存在差异,背最长肌IMF含量高于半腱含量。背最长肌LPL表达量对肌内脂肪沉积有显著的影响,并且存在品种的特异性,利杂牛和利草杂牛LPL表达量和IMF含量存在显著的正相关。  相似文献   

Blood of different breeds of cattle, namely Lagune from the Atlantic province, Borgou and Borgou x Zebu from the Borgou province, and Somba and Zebu from the Atacora province of Benin, were examined for trypanosome infection. Thick and thin blood smears for trypanosomes, the card agglutination test (CATT), indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and trypanolytic test for antibodies to trypanosomes were used. Trypanosomes were detected in 19.3% (range 9.8-31.4%) of animals by examination of blood smears; antibodies to trypanosomes were found in 89.8% (range 88.4-100%) of samples by IFAT, 50.6% (range 34-87.5%) by CATT and 3.4% (range 1.1-7.1%) by trypanolytic test. Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma congolense were the main species in Benin with a low number of Trypanosoma brucei. Zebu had lower infection rates than trypanotolerant breeds of Benin. The infection rates of various trypanotolerant breeds were not significantly different.  相似文献   

In the last decade much information has already been obtained on calving performance, especially by means of biometrics. The present publication gives additional data on this subject.Data from 1 484 first calvings in two dual purpose Danish breeds of cattle (Red Danish and Black Pied Danish) were analysed. The original data from the progeny testing stations, and calving performance was scored on a scale: 1 = normal; 2 = slightly difficult; 3 = very difficult. The age of the helfers was on average 29.6 months.Heritability for the scored calving performance was calculated in two different ways, the results ranging from 0.13 to 0.32 for Red Danish and from 0.10 to 0.18 for Black Pied Danish.The phenotypic correlation between calving difficulty score and weight of calf was found to be between 0.18 and 0.26 for both breeds.The levels of the genetic correlations indicate that in the Red Danish breed the bigger heifers have the easiest calvings. For the Black Pled Breed the smallest heifers have the easiet calvings. For both breeds heifers with wider hips and thurls have more difficult calvings.  相似文献   

The microsatellites HEL5, HEL9, INRA063, and BM2113 were used to analyze genetic similarities and differences of geographically isolated Criollo cattle herds in Mexico. Criollo cattle from five counties within the state of Chihuahua and one county from the state of Tamaulipas (n = 60) were sampled. The five counties in Chihuahua included Cerocahui (n = 14), Chinipas (n = 10), Guachochi (n = 15), Morelos (n = 30), and Temoris (n = 9). Samples of DNA were amplified by PCR and separated on a 7% polyacrylamide gel. Microsatellite size was established by comparison to M13mp18 DNA ladder and a documented set of four bovine controls. Allele frequencies and genotypic deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were tested using the GENEPOP program. Eleven alleles were generated at HEL5 for the populations sampled (149 to 169 bp). Allele frequencies were greatest for the 163-bp allele in Criollo cattle from Cerocahui, Chinipas, Moralos, and Tamaulipas (0.23 to 0.5). Cattle from Guachochi had an allele frequency of 0.38 for the 151-bp allele, and cattle from Temoris had an allele frequency of 0.25 for the 149- and 167-bp alleles, with no 163-bp allele. Amplification with HEL9 produced 12 alleles (145, 149 to 169 bp) and showed common high-frequency alleles at 149, 157, and 159 bp for animals from all regions. The Chinipas population showed a moderate allele frequency at 145 bp; no other regions contained this allele. For INRA063 there were five alleles with 182 and 184 bp in low frequency. For BM2113 there were 10 alleles in the Criollo cattle (125 to 143 bp), with an equal distribution of frequencies for all alleles. In two regions, Guachochi and Morelos, genotypic frequencies deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Cattle from the Temoris region were genetically most distant from Criollo cattle of the other five regions.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of animals based on artificial selection is leading to changes in the frequency of genes related to desirable production traits. The changes are reflected by the neutral, intergenic single nucleotide polymorphims (SNPs) being in long‐range linkage disequilibrium with functional polymorphisms. Genome‐wide SNP analysis tools designed for cattle, allow for scanning divergences in allelic frequencies between distinct breeds and thus for identification of genomic regions which were divergently selected in breeds' histories. In this study, by using Bovine SNP50 assay, we attempted to identify genomic regions showing the highest differences in allele frequencies between two distinct cattle breeds – preserved, unselected Polish Red breed and highly selected Holstein cattle. Our study revealed 19 genomic regions encompassing 55 protein‐coding genes and numerous quantitative trait loci which potentially may underlie some of the phenotypic traits distinguishing the breeds.  相似文献   

In order to assess the seroprevalence of bovine neosporosis with indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), blood samples were collected randomly from 1063 beef and dairy cattle belonging to 12 different breeds in Northeast Hungary. Antibodies to Neospora caninum were detected in 27 (2.5%) of the animals, kept on 19 of the 42 settlements included in this survey. Since samples were collected on 50 farms, herd prevalence amounted to 38%. The percentage of cattle with seroconversion increased with age, suggesting a postnatal source of infection. The highest rate of positivity was detected in Aberdeen Angus (3.3%) and Holstein-Friesian cows (3.2%), and the lowest in Limousine (0.9%), but no breed predisposition was statistically substantiated. Neosporosis was more prevalent in dairy (3.4%) than in beef (1.9%) cattle, although the difference was not significant. Only three out of the seropositive cows, all of them Holstein-Friesians, had a history of abortion.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the viability of extended cattle semen, without freezing, under different storage conditions. The semen was collected from Holstein Friesian bulls using artificial vaginas. The semen was extended and stored in a 3-by-4 factorial design (storage system × ice change). The storage media were ice boxes, buckets, and refrigerator. The ice in these media was either replaced daily, on the first and third day, first day only, or no ice at all after the semen collection. Results showed an overwhelming evidence of the effect of storage medium and ice change on sperm viability (P < 0.0001). Individual motility before processing was highest in the refrigerator with averages of 44.5%, 39.5% in ice boxes, and 10% in buckets during the 8-day experiment. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in progressive motility after processing in the refrigerator (34%) and in ice boxes (33%) but significantly higher (P < 0.01) to the 10% obtained in buckets. It was shown that spermatozoa in the ice box retained 45% individual motility up to the sixth day after semen was collected on the condition that the ice was changed on the third day. Progressive motility after processing in the ice box was 40% up to the sixth day with the ice changed on the third day while the spermatozoa were well preserved up to the fourth day in the same medium if the ice put on the first day was not changed. This study shows that, if farmers plan to inseminate cows within the first day after semen collection, they can use buckets with ice for the transportation of the extended semen ampoules from the artificial insemination center. Otherwise, the semen needs to be kept in ice boxes and the ice changed on the third day after collection and this semen could be used within a week.  相似文献   

Theileria parva bovis isolates were tested for their immunizing capacity under natural field challenge on Willsbridge Farm in the highveld of Zimbabwe. Fifteen susceptible Sussex yearlings were immunized with the Boleni stock and 15 with a mixture of three isolates from the farm, using tick-derived sporozoite stabilates. No chemoprophylaxis was used. A dose of 0.1 ml of stabilate appeared to be safe in preliminary laboratory experiments, but the reactions were severe in the Sussex cattle and one died despite treatment. Twenty-nine immunized animals and 10 controls first experienced a mild infection, starting about 15 days after their arrival at the farm. Ten of the immunized animals and four controls had schizonts in peripheral lymph nodes for variable periods; one third of those had pyrexia. Nymphal Rhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks applied to three of the reacting immunized calves transmitted Theileria taurotragi to two animals and T. parva to a third. A second Theileria infection, due to T. parva bovis, was detected shortly after the first one. Schizonts were detected in seven out of 10 controls. Pyrexia was more severe and prolonged. Two of the controls died of theileriosis. At the same time schizonts were seen in three immune animals and eight of them had short periods of pyrexia. Intercurrent infections with Babesia bigemina, Borrelia theileri and Eperythrozoon were detected and may have contributed to the fever. Tick infestations were low during the exposure. In the second year of exposure, four out of eight new control animals had severe reactions, and one died. None of the immunized animals became ill, but one animal from the first year control group, which had not reacted previously, had clinical theileriosis. It is concluded that immunization provided an effective protection against field challenge.  相似文献   

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