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陈冠 《兽医导刊》2021,(11):86-87
随着家禽养殖规模的逐渐扩大,饲养数量越来越大,促使家禽屠宰行业迅猛发展,虽然屠宰数量与饲养量、市场需求量相对平衡,但是还存在许多不容乐观的现状,严重妨碍整个行业的正规化发展,甚至影响人类的健康.为此,将家禽屠宰行业的现状以及存在的问题进行分析,希望能够引起同行业的关注.  相似文献   

吉林市动检站自重新组建一年以来对家禽的宰前检疫、宰后检验等方面做了深入、细致的工作,使家禽屠宰点的检疫工作井然有序,但是在市场上仍有不法商贩私屠滥宰,怎样才能更有效地杜绝劣质的家禽产品上市呢?吉林市动检站经过考察、研究后出台了“家禽屠宰检疫合格使用检疫标识”。标识为浅蓝色的一次性塑料条,检疫合格的家禽产品颈部环戴检疫标识。其优点为:1检疫标识体积小、重量轻,使用方便、快捷。2这种检疫标识只能一次性使用,并且它科技含量高、制造难度大,从而避免不法商贩挪用、盗用该标识,保证了它的惟一合法性。3采用这种标识便于监…  相似文献   

正据媒体报道,根据新的规定,美国家禽生产商将被要求在生产过程中必须在两个环节进行微生物检测,以防止沙门氏菌及弯曲菌的污染。该计划的目的是为了鼓励一项积极主动的预防措施,而不仅仅是在发生污染后进行处理。美国农业部官员称,此举每年能避免多达5000例食源性疾病。据了解,根据一个独立、自愿的制度,企业将在接受农业部人员的检查前对自己企业的家禽是否存在质量缺陷进  相似文献   

据路透社7月31日报道,根据新的规定,家禽生产商将被要求在生产过程中必须在两个环节进行微生物检测,以防止沙门氏菌及弯曲菌的污染。该计划的目的是为了鼓励一项积极主动的预防措施,而不仅仅是在发生污染后进行处理。美国农业部官员称,此举每年能避免多达5000例食源性疾病。农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克称,该计划“对家禽行业施以更严格的要求”。  相似文献   

近几年,随着市场经济繁荣和市民“菜篮子”的日益丰富,畜禽的定点屠宰检疫工作和肉食品的卫生质量也越来越受到各级政府和社会各界的重视及关注,这其中乌市的家畜“定点屠宰、集中检疫”工作通过各级畜牧防检部门和有关部门的多年共同努力,已逐步纳入规范化、法制化的管理轨道,走在全疆的前列。与此同时,我市的家禽集中屠宰检疫工作已开始起步,但处于起步晚、起点高的处境。随着市场经济发展的需要,家禽的屠宰检疫走向“定点屠宰、集中检疫”已成大方向。乌市是新疆首府城市,也是西北五省经济发展的重要城市,全市总人口150万,日…  相似文献   

根据《家禽屠宰检疫规程》的规定,将他制作成直观的流程图,见图1,挂在定点家禽屠宰场的检疫申报室,一目了然,有利于规范公开和工作的开展。根据《中华人民共和国境内鸡、鸭、鹅的屠宰检疫》该流程图适用鹌鹑、鸽子等禽类的屠宰检疫。检疫对象为高致病性禽流感、新城疫、禽白血病、鸭瘟、禽痘、小鹅瘟、马立克氏病、鸡球虫病、禽结核病。合格标准应符合以下几点:入场(厂、点)时,具备有效的动物检疫合格证明;无规定的传染病和寄生虫病;需要进行实验室疫病检测的,检测结果合格;履行本规程规定的检疫程序,检疫结果符合规定。  相似文献   

我国已经正式加入世贸组织,家禽的屠宰检疫工作不仅关系到禽肉的出口创汇,而且直接影响到人的身体健康。因此,搞好家禽的屠宰检疫工作就尤为重要。下面,我根据多年来对此项工作积累的点滴经验,总结出如下内容,仅供同行参考。  相似文献   

家禽中毒性疾病的特征及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前由于兽药市场比较混乱,临床滥用药物现象十分严重,导致家禽生产中药物中毒现象时有发生,给养殖户带来了巨大损失.本文主要对当前养禽业中经常出现的中毒原因及发病特点进行了总结,供广大养殖户参考.  相似文献   

赵华 《中国禽业导刊》2009,26(16):15-16
从最早品种审定公开发表的1999年到2009年,中国家禽品种审定工作进行了11个年头,这11年里,中国共审定了31个家禽品种(配套系),以平均每年9%-10%的速度递增,这是中国家禽行业种源建设的重大成果。  相似文献   

通过对昆明市盘龙区所辖3个屠宰场宰前检疫状况的调查,对检疫程序进行分析,找出不足之处,提出解决办法和优化检疫模式。  相似文献   

Australia, a major exporter of meat, has met and continues to meet the import requirements of various countries. It is free of many epizootic and zoonotic diseases and is eradicating bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis. Frequently, individual country requirements have not been relevant to the animal and public health status in Australia. Such a situation is unscientific, wasteful and unnecessary, and may divert priorities away from areas of major public and animal health significance which should be the main concern of consumers both in Australia and overseas. In recent years the Inspection Service of the Department of Primary Industry has reviewed meat inspection procedures necessary to protect public and animal health in Australia and in countries importing Australian meat. Priorities include attention to national or regional occurrence of disease in Australia and to the use of scientific principles in inspection, including disease identification, concepts of pathogenesis and effectiveness in removal of diseased tissue from meat. Revised post-mortem procedures for cattle, pigs, sheep and goats more relevant to disease occurrence and consideration of public health are described. In particular, this involves a reduction in the number of lymph node incisions. Future directions for meat inspection in Australia are postulated. Concern is expressed that the requirements of some importing countries are fixed in their legislation and consequently might inhibit desirable developments. In this context it is important that scientifically sound national codes for meat inspection of the exporting country be accepted by importing countries as providing public and animal health safeguards.  相似文献   

Persistent truncus arteriosus (PTA) was diagnosed in an 8-year-old neutered male Poodle referred for echocardiographic examination prior to anesthesia for surgical correction of bilateral cataract. A single large artery limited by a bicuspid valve and overriding both ventricles was observed with 2 distinct pulmonary arteries arising from the common arterial trunk. A large size interventricular septal defect was associated with a low velocity bidirectional shunt. The lesion was identified as a Type 3 PTA according to Collett and Edwards' classification. Although no clinical signs were reported, the dog presented polycythemia (packed cell volume = 68%) at the time of diagnosis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an echocardiographic diagnosis of PTA in the dog. Until now, the ante-mortem diagnosis of this congenital heart disease has only been described in the cat. This case is also of interest because of the age of the animal and the total absence of cardio-respiratory signs at the time of diagnosis.  相似文献   

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