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采集甘肃省广河县成年黄牛的头部标本,采用管道铸型腐蚀技术,制作了黄牛脑动脉系统整体铸型标本,选取脑硬膜外异网血管铸型开展解剖学研究。结果发现,中国黄牛脑硬膜外异网主要由4部分组成:脑硬膜外前异网、脑硬膜外后异网、前V形扩展部及基一枕动脉丛。供应黄牛脑硬膜外异网的主要动脉有上颌动脉、枕动脉、椎动脉、眼外动脉及髁动脉,同时这些血管也是向脑组织供血的间接来源。研究认为,中国黄牛脑硬膜外异网的体积大小、异网吻合支数目、前V形扩展结构、基枕动脉丛等形态学特性与国外报道的普通牛相似;基枕动脉丛是连通黄牛脑硬膜外异网多条供血管道的枢纽结构,该枢纽将后异网、椎动脉、枕动脉及髁动脉贯通,成为向脑硬膜外异网供血的主要结构保障。  相似文献   

运用管道铸型技术以及扫描电镜技术对双峰驼肾动脉血管进行了系统观察.结果显示,双峰驼肾动脉在入肾门前约4~8 cm处分为背干和腹干,入肾后在肾窦内相继形成肾段动脉.左右两肾段动脉的分支分布各有特点,各段动脉分支延伸至肾的皮髓交界处,形成弓形动脉;弓形动脉是叶间动脉的延续,并不与肾表面相平行;肾血管球以及出、入球微动脉因分布区域的不同,形态结构也不尽一致.表明,双峰驼肾各段动脉分布的规律性强,段动脉分支之间没有吻合支存在;肾各部位的血管球随分布区域的不同,其形态结构也呈现一定的变化.  相似文献   

采用血管内灌注册颜料的方法解剖观察了双峰驼荐尾部血管的构筑情况。荐中动脉(A.sacralis mediana)是荐尾部的动脉主干,自腹主动脉末端背侧壁发出,沿荐骨盆面向后延伸,其侧支有第6腰动脉(A.lumbalisⅥ)、荐支(Ramisacrales)、肌支(Rami muscularis)、尾外侧动脉干(Truncus caudalis lateralis)和直肠支(Rumus recta  相似文献   

美国和日本的研究人员在实验鼠身上发现,部分大脑成熟干细胞可分化成血管内皮细胞。这一发现与以往的有关研究成果相悖。此前的研究表明,成熟干细胞(也叫专能干细胞)不能分化成具有其它特性的细胞。鼠脑干细胞有能力发育成神经元、神经胶质细胞等脑细胞。实验中,美国加利福尼亚州拉霍亚索尔克研究所和日本熊本大学的研究人员,把从实验鼠大脑中取出的干细胞和人类血管内皮细胞一起培养。结果发现,大约6%的鼠脑干细胞长成了血管内皮细胞的样子。此前的一些研究表明,大脑干细胞能和其他组织结合在一起,但不能分化成具有其它特性的细胞。在美日…  相似文献   

1脑炎1.1非化脓性脑炎大多数病例无明显的眼观变化,常见有软膜充血,脑实质有轻微的水肿和小出血点,脑室液轻度增多,脉络丛充血。最突出的变化是在血管周围间隙中积聚有大量的炎性细胞,如淋巴细胞、网状细胞、巨噬细胞、浆细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞等。所形成的血管套,小的静脉周围只有1层细胞,较大的血管周围可  相似文献   

兔脑剥离是制作兔脑标本,进行兔脑神经血管观察研究的必经程序,也是动物医学及生物专业工作者应该掌握的基本技能之一。为了帮助初学者掌握和学习这门技术,现将本人在兔脑剥离方面的一些方法介绍如下。1剥离前的准备  相似文献   

对16匹马、骡、驴受鞍部的31个疤痕、肉芽和新鲜创面进行了含真皮下血管网的自体皮片移植,皮片面积为16~143cm~2。结果,皮片成活率为80.6%,其中新鲜创和疤痕创的成活率分别为93.8%和100%。成活皮片较柔软,有弹性,可移动,且于术后30~40d见有稀疏的白色细毛生长。  相似文献   

Phenylbutazone was administered intravenously and intramuscularly at a dosage rate of 4.4 mg/kg to a group of 6 female camels in a two-period crossover study. After intravenous (i.v.) administration, disposition was characterised by a two-compartment open model, with a low volume of distribution (0.174 l.kg–1), and distribution and elimination half-lives of 0.43 and 12.51 h, respectively. After intramuscular (i.m.) dosing absorption was relatively rapid with absorption half-time and time of maximal concentration values of 1.14 and 3.95 h, respectively. Plateau concentrations of phenylbutazone in plasma were obtained between 2 and 12 h and mean bioavailability was 97%, although this was subject to wide inter-animal differences. Plasma concentrations of the phenylbutazone metabolite, oxyphenbutazone, were low after iv dosing and generally undetectable after im administration, indicating that it is unlikely to contribute significantly to the pharmacological effects produced by phenylbutazone administration. An indication was obtained that phenylbutazone inhibited the ex vivo synthesis of serum thromboxane B2 (TxB2) for 24 h after i.v. dosing, but this finding requires confirmation.  相似文献   

Ten gastrointestinal contrast studies were performed with barium on seven clinically healthy ostriches. Concentrations of 25-100% w/vol liquid barium sulfate at 7 and 10 ml/kg were administered by stomach tube after withholding food for 16 h. A 6-frame technique for left-to-right lateral views in standing and a 3-frame technique for the dorsoventral views in sternally recumbent adult ostriches were used for survey and contrast radiographs. Objectives were to describe the appearance of the normal gastrointestinal tract with contrast radiography and to provide a guideline for optimal dosage and concentration of barium sulfate as well as a reliable protocol for frequency of radiographs. Structures that were consistently identified included the esophagus, proventriculus, ventriculus, duodenum, jejunum, proximal, and distal rectum. Due to the superimposition of the remainder of the small intestine, individual components were difficult to differentiate. The caeca were inconsistently highlighted and only for a short time. The ventral pouch of the coprodeum never filled with contrast medium.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A detailed account is given of the first 2 importations of the one-humped camel into Australia during the latter half of 1840, and of the third during the first part of 1841. Illustrations of the camels involved in the first and third importations are included.  相似文献   

钼诱导双峰驼继发性铜缺乏症的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首次报道了双峰驼高钼诱导的继发性铜缺乏症。对甘肃河西地区双峰驼的血,毛及生存环境微量元素和血液指标的研究发现,该地双峰驼发生的以异嗜,运动障碍和容易骨折等为特征的疾病是由于土壤,牧草中含钼较高,诱导双峰驼体内铜缺乏所致。血液指标变化主要表现为低色素小红细胞性贫血和血清铜蓝蛋白含量降低。  相似文献   

双峰驼指关节解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用大体解剖学方法对双峰驼三十个指关节进行解剖研究,发现如下特征:籽骨间韧带只连接同一指上的两枚籽骨,无连于籽骨与对侧近指节骨近端的指关节籽骨韧带,也无籽骨直韧带;第二指近指节骨与第四指的近指节骨之间无韧带连接;近指节间关节缺掌侧韧带;远指节无远籽骨,但有软骨板,还有一对背侧韧带。  相似文献   

Thirty-seven ostrich chicks raised artificially had their weights, lengths of metatarsus and heights measured weekly from hatching to the 16th week. Despite weight loss during the first week due to utilization of egg yolk by the chicks, the chicks showed an exponential growth up to the twelfth week with an overall mean weekly weight gain of 1.3 kg. Female chicks showed a superior mean weekly gain of 1.6 kg compared to 1.2 kg for males. The metatarsal length grew rapidly at a weekly rate of 2.5 cm, but began to decline in the 11th week even though the weights and heights of the chicks were still increasing. The correlation coefficient between body weight and metatarsal length was 0.97. Individual chicks also maintained their respective heavy or light weight hierarchies throughout the study period. Thus isolation of chicks into groups by weight and raising them separately could have a role in the artificial rearing of ostrich chicks. Furthermore, ostrich chick rearing may be improved by regularly weighing chicks as a means of detecting changes in the growth patterns.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the blood flow in the carotid artery during halothane anaesthesia by means of duplex-sonography. Seventeen warm blood horses were evaluated in dorsal and lateral recumbency and the results were compared with the values of the same horses resting and under sedation. The cross sectional area of the vessels, the time-averaged maximal blood velocity, time-averaged maximal blood flow and the resistance index were determined and the flow profile was evaluated. During halothane anesthesia the total blood flow shows a significant increase which is not dependent on the positioning of the horse. Mean blood velocity is decreased by sedation and significantly increased during anesthesia. Reduced peripheral resistance is expressed by a decline of the resistance index. After sedation and during recumbency there is an increase in diameter of the carotid artery.  相似文献   

The vasculature of the orbital rete (rete mirabile ophthalmicum) in Japanese deer ( Cervus nippon ) was studied using corrosion casting, scanning electron microscopy, and histology. The orbital rete is a flat, triangular- or leaf-shaped arterial network, which consists of a complex of small arterioles, that intermixes with a similar complex of the supraorbital vein at the base of the orbital cavity. Blood to the retina passes through the orbital rete. The orbital retial arterioles leave the parent external ophthalmic artery at right angles forming T-shaped bifurcations, and follow a tortuous, undulating course. Each retial arteriole is connected by side branches and forms a rope-ladder-like network. Some of the side branches are surrounded by a groove representing the intra-arterial cushion that regulates blood flow at branching sites. The central retinal artery supplying the retina originates from the orbital rete. The ciliary arteries supplying the choroid arise from the external ophthalmic artery proximal to the orbital rete. The anatomical specializations of the orbital rete may involve buffering the blood pressure and flow to the retina and regulating ocular tissue temperature as in the carotid rete. In addition, the orbital rete may help dampen the tension that the vessel exerts on the retina, by stretching in response to eyeball movement.  相似文献   

A pulsed wave-Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation of common carotid arterial blood flow was carried out on 63 healthy Italian Saddlebred horses. Vessel diameter and tracing morphology were evaluated were evaluated and blood flow parameters (systolic, diastolic and mean velocity, acceleration and deceleration of the systolic wave, cartid pulse volume) were calculated and correlated with class variables (sex, age and body weight). On the basis of the presence of an incisure in the ascending branch of the systolic curve, subjects were divided in two groups: one with a bifid systolic curve and the other with a monophasic aspect. Correlations between: 1) diameter of the vessel and body weight and 2) carotid pulse volume and flow velocity (systolic, diastolic and mean) were found. A greater systolic pulse volume was found in male subjects, in subjects with greater body weight and in those which had a monophasic systolic wave.  相似文献   

N. J. Hayward  BVM&S  MRCVS    S. J. Baines  MA  VetMB  PhD  MRCVS    E. A. Baines  MA  VetMB  MRCVS    M. E. Herrtage  MA  BVSc  MRCVS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2004,45(6):501-504
The purpose of this study was to determine the dimensions of the pulmonary arteries and veins in the cat, both in normal animals and those with evidence of intrathoracic disease. The radiographs of 50 normal cats, 35 cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), and 15 cats with other intrathoracic disease were assessed. The normal range for the right cranial lobar artery compared with the proximal third of the fourth rib was 0.5-1.0, with a mean artery-to-rib ratio of 0.70 (standard deviation +/- 0.13). Normal cats had a mean vein diameter of (0.20 +/- 0.03 cm) (P = 0.034) compared with cats with HCM, which had a significantly greater mean vein diameter (0.22 +/- 0.04 cm).  相似文献   

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