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兽用抗生素对公共卫生的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
动物滥用抗生素可以导致体内残留和细菌耐药性的产生,残留的抗生素和耐药菌株又可经食物链转移给人类,从而危害到人类的健康。本文综述了滥用兽用抗生素对动物和人类的危害并提出控制对策,以期引起人们的关注和重视。  相似文献   

抗生素在养殖业中的大量使用除了造成牛奶中抗生素的残留外,还会加速抗生素耐药性的传播,给人类健康带来风险。近年来,色谱技术和光谱技术在牛奶中抗生素残留检测中的应用主要包括高效液相色谱法、色谱(液相、气相)与质谱联用法、红外光谱法、荧光光谱法等,文章对各类检测方法的原理及特点进行了阐释。  相似文献   

众所周知,现在畜禽业面临抗生素的灾难。人类大量使用抗生素给动物带来的灾难是细菌病毒的抗药性增加。给动物带来灾难的同时,也给人类自己带来了灾难,由于吃了含有动物抗生素残留的产品.日积月累,人类的抵抗力会逐渐减弱,疾病发生率也在呈不断上升趋势。所以早就有业内人士呼吁.停止使用抗生素。那么找到一种东西能够代替抗生素是业内人士所共同关注和期待的事情。  相似文献   

抗生素类药物在蛋鸡养殖过程中起着非常重要的作用,但一直以来抗生素的使用缺乏科学的指导,致使抗生素残留在动物性食品和环境中,给生态系统和人类健康带来了巨大的威胁。从21世纪初开始,全球各个国家和相关国际组织采取相应的措施控制动物性食品中抗生素的残留,并逐渐加大了监察力度。文章对蛋鸡饲养过程中常用抗生素在鸡体内的消除和在鸡蛋中的残留规律进行综述,并根据我国部分省市鸡蛋中抗生素残留现状,综述影响鸡蛋抗生素残留的因素,拟为抗生素的合理使用和休药期的制订提供参考。  相似文献   

传统抗菌剂(抗生素和化学合成药)添加剂常能产生耐药性,且易残留于肉、蛋、奶等畜产品中,给人类健康造成危害,因此很多国家已禁止人畜共用的抗生素类及磺胺类药物作为饲料添加剂使用,并都在寻找改进和替代抗生素等添加剂.我国传统的天然中药添加剂因具成本低廉、作用广泛、毒副作用小、无耐药性和低残留等优点而倍受重视.  相似文献   

正随着国内养猪业规模化和集约化生产的不断加强,高密度养殖对猪群的健康管理和疫病防治提出了更高的要求。目前,抗生素仍然是防治猪群病害的主要手段,但产生的抗生素残留、耐药性、危害环境等问题给畜牧业的可持续发展带来了严重的困扰,也危害人类自身的安全。因此,新型安全高效药物的开发已成为养猪业健康发展和人类自身健康的迫切需要。抗菌肽(antibacterial peptides)作为生物体天然免疫防御系统  相似文献   

<正>我国是畜禽养殖大国,也是兽用抗生素生产和使用大国。兽用抗生素在防治动物疾病、提高养殖效益、保障畜禽产品有效供给中发挥了重要作用。但抗生素滥用引发了药物残留、细菌耐药性等问题,严重威胁畜产品质量安全和公共卫生安全,给人类和动物健康构成威胁。基于此,2017年9月农业农村部出台了《全国遏制动物源细菌耐药行动计划(2017—2020年)》,发起"科  相似文献   

抗生素陆续被发现、应用于医疗和畜牧业生产中,产生了革命性的作用,为保障人类的身体健康发挥了巨大作用.但长期、大量使用抗生素造成的药物残留和耐药性等问题越来越受到人们的关注,慎用抗生素已成为全人类的共同呼声.畜牧业生产中如果不解决滥用抗生素的问题,将会给人类的健康带来严重危害,可持续性发展很难实现.  相似文献   

<正>在养殖业中预防和治疗疫病,兽药的使用是不可避免的。近年来,随着一些食品安全事件的曝光,人们对兽药的使用产生了一种错误的认识,有种一谈兽药就惊恐的状况。其实兽药就像双刃剑,用好了不仅没有危害,还会给大家提供安全保障,一些少量残留不会对人类构成健康威胁,只有超出一定计量后才会构成危害。1养殖兽药残留的界定当前养殖业兽药残留主要是指滥用抗生素,一些半衰期较长的抗生素类兽药经口服(拌料/混饮)或注射(静滴/静  相似文献   

抗生素在各种细菌性疾病的治疗中发挥了不可替代的作用.动物使用抗生素具有治疗、保健和促进生长的作用,抗生素推广使用曾给养殖业带来了一场革命,使规模化、工厂化养殖成为现实.但发展到如今,抗生素却因为不合理使用,兽用抗生素残留成为影响肉、蛋、奶等畜禽产品安全的重要因素,制约着养殖业的可持续发展和人类抗生素资源合理利用,破坏生态环境、威胁人类健康.  相似文献   

为掌握牦牛乳常规营养成分以及不同成分间的相关关系,为下一步牦牛乳用性能选育提供理论基础,本试验对青海高原型牦牛纯放牧条件下(7月底)牦牛乳成分进行了测定,利用SPSS软件对各营养成分间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明∶纯放牧条件下,牦牛乳乳脂率为7.42±1.8956%,乳蛋白率为3.91±0.1619%,乳糖为5.88±0.2375%,非脂乳固体为10.78±0.4238%,密度为1033.45±2.3144kg/m^3,冰点为-0.7377±0.0346℃,盐为0.82±0.041%,电导率为4.74±0.0821s/m。相关性分析表明乳脂肪与密度和盐呈极显著负相关,乳蛋白质、乳糖、非脂乳固体、密度、盐两两间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),冰点与乳糖、乳蛋白、非脂乳固体呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),冰点与密度和盐没有相关性,电导率与各乳成分之间没有相关性。  相似文献   

For food evaluation the determination of the number of Staphylococcus aureus (hereinafter S. aureus) colonies is insufficient in view of present scientific knowledge. The results, advantages and shortcomings of diagnostic methods are demonstrated on an example of three methods of detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins in milk and milk products. 133 strains were investigated by the method of biotyping of S. aureus strains. Four strains of S. aureus were included in biotype A, seven xin-producing strains were isolated seventeen times by detection of 96 S. aureus strains were not included in any biotype, the other strains belonged to biotypes C and E. This method can be used as an auxiliary method of evaluation of foods containing S. aureus bacteria. The agar-gel precipitation method of enterotoxin detection in isolated strains of S. aureus has just restricted validity. The enteroto-strains. The main shortcoming of this method is a fact that the result concerning the isolated strains need not be identical with the result of enterotoxin detection in food. Direct assays of staphylococcal enterotoxins in milk and milk products using an enzymoimmunological method seem to be the most promising, mainly due to their high sensitivity (0.0001-0.001 micrograms.ml1-) and other advantages. Positive and negative results are presented on an example of two model trials with winter sheep milk cheese.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平不断提高,对奶的需求也在逐步增加,乳牛饲养在辽宁省迅速发展起来.为满足市场需求解决供求之间的矛盾,在大力发展乳牛数量的同时,要不断改进乳牛的培育方法.  相似文献   

生乳与巴氏杀菌乳中糠氨酸含量及其测定方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本试验研究了生乳与巴氏杀菌乳中糠氨酸含量及其测定方法,并提出糠氨酸作为巴氏杀菌乳中复原乳成分的标示物质,可鉴定巴氏杀菌乳中是否掺入复原乳.研究结果表明,生乳中糠氨酸含量应低于7 mg/100 g;乳粉中糠氨酸含量大于135 mg/100 g;不含复原乳的巴氏杀菌乳中糠氨酸含量应小于12 mg/100 g.使用高效液相色谱(HPLC)紫外检测糠氨酸平均偏差<5%(n=5);回收率为98.2%.  相似文献   

Milk immunoglobulins were extracted from the stained cream layer of positive milk ring tests from experimentally inoculated or naturally infected cows. IgA was always found, associated with IgM in most cases (15/17) and with IgG in a smaller number of cases (11/17). An additional incubation at 20 degrees C for 18 h gave clearer positive and negative results and a lower limit of detection than that of the usual milk ring test.  相似文献   

The survival of Brucella abortus in milk and milk products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Relation of milk production loss to milk somatic cell count.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Milk production loss was studied in relation to increased somatic cell count (SCC). Available data were weekly test-day milk yields and SCC (in 1,000 cells/ml), and mastitis incidences. In total, 18,131 records from 274 cows were used. Production loss was determined for test-day kg milk, kg protein, and kg energy-corrected milk. Least-squares analysis of variance was used to estimate the direct effect of Log10(SCC) on production. The recorded measures of production were first corrected for fixed effects, with adjustment factors estimated from a healthy data-set. The average daily milk yield was 19.7 kg/day in first lactation and 22.0 in later lactations. The geometric mean of SCC was 63.1 in first lactation and 107.2 in later lactations. The incidence of clinical mastitis treated by a veterinarian was 19.8% of the lactations-at-risk. Linear relationships were found between the production parameters and Log10(SCC). Quadratic and cubic effects were evaluated, but were found to contribute little to the overall fit of the models. The individual milk yield loss was 1.29 kg/day for each unit increase in Log10(SCC) for cows in first lactation. Milk yield decreased by 2.04 kg/day per unit Log10(SCC) for older cows. Corresponding values for protein yield were 0.042 and 0.067 kg/day for first and later lactations, respectively.  相似文献   

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