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A panel of monoclonal antibodies has been developed and used to identify and characterize the lymphocyte antigens of sheep. These studies have shown that sheep lymphocyte antigens display similar, if not identical, tissue distributions to their analogues in other species. Some of the major sheep antigens, including CD5, CD4, CD8, SBU-T19, Pgp-1, LCA and the MHC antigens, are described in detail.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to bovine immunoglobulin heavy chain of the four major isotypes gamma 1, gamma 2, alpha, mu and the light chains (combined kappa and lambda) were produced and found to cross-react in enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) with immunoglobulins of some other animal species despite the discrete specificity associated with an antibody derived from a single clone. This cross-reactivity, particularly amongst ruminants, could be utilized in serological testing for the diagnosis of disease in these species. For example, Mabs produced against bovine immunoglobulin light chain cross-react with bison immunoglobulin light chain and were used successfully in serological testing as the secondary detection antibody in an indirect ELISA for the diagnosis of Brucella abortus in bison herds in north-western Canada.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of two oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) sequences 5'GCT-AGA-CGT-TAG-CGT-3' (CpG-ODN) and 5'-GCT-AGA-GCT-TAG-GCT-3' (GpC-ODN) on the antigen-specific antibody and cellular immune response after intramuscular immunizations with OVA was analyzed in pigs. Pigs immunized with OVA supplemented with these ODNs showed a significantly enhanced primary antibody response in comparison with the control group which received OVA without ODN. This enhanced primary antibody response appeared ODN-sequence-independent as similar effects were seen in both ODN-groups. The OVA-specific antibody titers obtained after a single injection of antigen combined with either of both ODNs were as high as the titers in the control group after two injections. Furthermore, the ODN-supplemented animals showed significantly higher OVA-specific IgA antibodies in their saliva and nasal secretions at some time points after the first immunization. Proliferation assays showed that CpG- as well as GpC-ODN significantly enhanced the antigen-specific as well as the mitogen-induced proliferation in different lymphoid tissues. Furthermore, 48h after the third immunization the CpG-group showed a significantly decreased IL-6 mRNA expression in cells of the local draining lymph node but no significant difference in TGF-beta (Th3-like) and IL-10 (Th2-like). The ODN injected animals showed the tendency to have higher IFN-gamma (Th1-like) mRNA-expression in comparison with the control group. To our knowledge, these are the first in vivo studies in pigs, which demonstrate the appropriateness of CpG-ODN as immunostimulating adjuvants in vaccines for farm animals.  相似文献   

The detection of virus-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies in acute-phase serum samples offers the possibility of making an accurate and rapid serologic diagnosis. We have developed a solid-phase capture assay that uses murine monoclonal antibodies specific for bovine IgM to separate the whole IgM fraction of a bovine serum sample. The IgM specific for bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) is then detected by the addition of viral antigen, which in turn is detected by BHV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. A BHV-1 IgM antibody response was detected during the early postinfection period (7-40 days PI). Bovine herpesvirus-1 IgM antibody was not detected in sera taken from 3 animals following dexamethasone-induced viral reactivation. This method compares favorably with viral isolation, antigen detection in the clinical samples, and paired serology in the diagnosis of BHV-1 infection at a herd level.  相似文献   

A panel of 10 monoclonal antibodies specific for bovine immunoglobulins M, A, G1, G2 and light chains were produced and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays developed to measure Ig levels in body fluids and culture supernatants using this panel of MAbs. An inhibition ELISA was accurate and sensitive for MAbs of high affinity, detecting levels as low as 10 ng ml-1 of IgM using a high-affinity MAb, IL-A50 (dissociation constant = 1.3 X 10(-11) M). For MAbs of lower affinity (KD of less than 0.25 X 10(-9) M) a sandwich ELISA was more sensitive, detecting 0.1-1.0 microgram ml-1 Ig, provided a conjugate of an anti-light chain MAb was used. Using these ELISA techniques, four pairs of MAbs specific for bovine IgM, IgA, IgG1 and IgG2 respectively, were screened on sera from over 100 cattle of different breeds to determine whether any detected a polymorphic epitope. MAbs IL-A30, IL-A60, IL-A66, IL-A71, IL-A72, IL-A73 and IL-A74 were shown to recognise monomorphic determinants on their respective heavy chains. In contrast, the epitope recognised on the mu-heavy chain by MAb IL-A50, which had previously been shown to be polymorphic, was found to be allelic and inherited under the control of a single gene, probably Cu.  相似文献   

The interaction between a panel of ten monoclonal antibodies and hemorrhagic enteritis virus, a group II avian adenovirus, was determined. The monoclonal antibodies reacted with all nine isolates of group II avian adenoviruses, but not with any of five types of group I avian adenoviruses. All ten monoclonal antibodies recognized antigenic determinants on the hexon protein of hemorrhagic enteritis virus when analyzed by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. They reacted only with the native hexon protein and not with protein denatured by sodium dodecyl sulfate or guanidine-HCl/urea treatment combined with reduction and carboxymethylation. Based on the results of competitive binding assays, the panel of monoclonal antibodies could be subdivided into two groups, which recognized different antigenic domains of the hemorrhagic enteritis virus hexon protein. The monoclonal antibodies in group 1 neutralized hemorrhagic enteritis virus infectivity while the monoclonal antibodies of group 2 did not. Group 1 consisted of eight monoclonal antibodies which could be further subdivided into subgroups 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. The subdivision of the monoclonal antibodies was based on the degree of blocking in the competitive binding assays and differences in their ability to induce enhancement. In general, the monoclonal antibodies had a higher avidity for the virulent isolate of hemorrhagic enteritis virus than for the avirulent hemorrhagic enteritis virus isolate.  相似文献   

We report on the production and characterisation of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against Haemophilus paragallinarum, the causative agent of infectious coryza. A bank of 8 MAbs were produced by traditional techniques - four against the reference strain for Page serovar A (0083) and four against the reference strain for Page serovar C (Modesto). Seven of the eight MAbs were shown to be IgG(1) with one being nontypable. None of the MAbs had HI activity and none gave any detectable reaction when examined by Western blotting. None of the MAbs gave a positive reaction in the indirect ELISA with any of the eight type strains of Pasteurella species or sub-species. None of our 8 MAbs gave serovar specific reactions when used in an indirect ELISA format. There was a trend for the serovar A MAbs to give a higher titre with serovar A isolates/strains and a similar trend for the serovar C MAbs to give higher titres with the serovar C isolates/strains.  相似文献   

Recently Infectious Bursal Disease Virus isolates have been described in USA displaying an antigenic drift. Many of the new isolates were very virulent for chickens. In several European countries severe outbreaks of Gumboro disease have also been reported from vaccinated and non-vaccinated flocks. Since vaccinated SPF birds were shown to be protected against challenge infection with the new isolates under laboratory conditions, a more detailed investigation of the European isolates is wanted. The similarity between the European and US field situation got us to use a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MCAs) previously applied to characterize US strains for testing European isolates. An antigen capture ELISA has been carried out directly on bursa homogenates of chickens form the field. One European (F52/70) and two US (Var. E and GLS-5) strains have been included as reference viruses. From the results presented here it can be concluded that the European isolates (Netherlands, France, UK, Germany, Jugoslavia and Spain) did not undergo the same antigenic drift as the US strains. A more extensive analysis of the isolates will be done to elucidate their role for disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

A panel of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was evaluated, using a hemagglutination-inhibition test, for its ability to subtype 76 isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum. The results of the MAb reactions were compared with the results of both the Page and Kume serotyping schemes (the serovars of the Page scheme correspond to the serogroups of the Kume scheme). One MAb (E5C12D10) was raised against a Page serovar A strain and the remaining MAbs (F2E6, D6D8D5, and B3E6F9) against a Page serovar C strain. Six different reaction patterns were found among the 76 isolates of H. paragallinarum. There was total correlation between the MAb reaction pattern and the Page scheme, and thus the Kume scheme, to the serogroup level. All 19 Page serovar A (= Kume serogroup A) strains reacted only with MAb E5C12D10, whereas all five Page serovar B (= Kume serogroup B) strains failed to react with any of the MAbs. All 52 remaining strains were Page serovar C (= Kume serogroup C), and all failed to react with MAb E5C12D10 but showed varying reaction patterns with the three other MAbs. Although the MAbs recognized four subdivisions within Kume serogroup C, these subdivisions differed from the four Kume C serovars. This panel of MAbs can be used to assign isolates of H. paragallinarum to either Page serovars or Kume serogroups. Although the subdivisions recognized by the MAbs within the Page serovar C strains do not correspond to the Kume serovars, they may be useful in epidemiological applications.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against porcine IgG were produced by fusion and characterized. The supernatants of microtiter wells containing fusion hybrids were first screened with an ELISA using semi-purified porcine IgG as antigen. Hybrids reactive in ELISA were cloned by limiting dilution. Further characterization of the specificity of the monoclonal antibodies was done by a combination of two methods: SDS-PAGE electroimmunoblotting and convection blotting of immunoelectrophoretic patterns (IEP-immunoblotting). Using these techniques, we identified monoclonal antibodies specific for porcine Ig gamma chains.  相似文献   

A group of 47 bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) strains isolated from a variety of bovine tissues from eight different geographical areas of Spain and two BVDV strains isolated from a cell line were characterized antigenically with a panel of 23 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The mAbs were directed at one of three viral proteins: E2, Erns and NS2-3. A peroxidase-linked assay was used to test the mAbs for reactivity against infected cell monolayers. The data were analysed by two computational methods: the Antigenic Distance Program (MAP) and the Phylogeny Inference Package (PHYLIP), and compared with those obtained previously using the same mAbs with other pestiviruses, including reference strains and UK field isolates. All the Spanish field strains studied appeared to be broadly similar to reference strains of BVDV and were included in the subgroup of classical BVDV, meanwhile the two strains isolated from a cell line were included in the subgroup of atypical pestiviruses.  相似文献   

Several putative anti-human and swine CD11-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were included in the myeloid section of the Third International Swine CD Workshop. Failure of clustering analysis to group these mAbs together prompted additional analyses to define the specificities of these mAb. Combination of one and two-color flow cytometry (FCM) and immunoprecipitation (IP) allowed the definition of the mAb into three CD11 groups. Cellular distribution of the molecules recognized by anti-human CD11b and c mAbs on swine cells proved to be significantly different from that found in humans.  相似文献   

A panel of monoclonal antibodies was produced and characterized by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting with the aim of identifying antigens of Babesia bovis. After fusion, the resultant hybrids were selected by the IFAT, cloned, maintained in culture in vitro, and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. Ten clones producing monoclonal antibodies were found to react against the entire merozoites, three reacted on the surface of the merozoites, and one clone reacted against the polar region of the merozoites. All monoclonal antibodies reacted in ELISA, with the optical density varying from 0.368 to 0.502 (cut off = 0.022). The bands recognized by the monoclonal antibodies in Western blotting had molecular weights ranging from 162 to 19 kDa. Four clones recognized a single band of 73 kDa, and another four did not react in Western blotting.  相似文献   

Bovine immunoglobulin isotype-specific murine monoclonal antibodies were used in sandwich radioimmunoassays to detect and quantitate bovine IgG1, IgG2, IgM, and IgA in culture fluids. The concentrations of bovine immunoglobulins in unknown samples were extrapolated from standard curves generated with bovine monoclonal immunoglobulins. The lowest detection limits for the bovine immunoglobulin isotypes ranged from 65 to 270 ng/ml.  相似文献   

The present study, describes the antigenic characterization of a Brazilian isolate of Anaplasma marginale with appendage (tail). A panel of monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) was produced and tested by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), ELISA and Western blotting, and used to characterize two isolates of A. marginale (one with appendage and another without appendage). Among the clones produced, eight recognized antigenic proteins, with molecular weights varying from 18.4 to 66kDa. In Western blotting, the McAb reacted against a 45kDa antigen, which was shown, by the IFAT, to be located in the tail. Immunocytochemistry confirmed the tail specificity of the monoclonal reacting against the 45kDa antigen. The panel of McAb produced has a potential use in discriminating morphologically distinct A. marginale isolates. The present study, demonstrates the occurrence of antigenic diversity among Brazilian isolates of A. marginale.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for various cell surface markers in sheep were employed to study the ontogeny of the immune system in this species. The temporal sequence of appearance of various cell populations of hematopoietic origin is described in the course of fetal development of the liver, spleen, thymus, ileal Payer's patches and bone marrow.  相似文献   

A panel of six monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the nucleocapsid (NP) protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was produced by immunization of Balb/c mice with purified recombinant NP protein. Western Blot analysis showed that all the mAbs recognized linearized NP epitopes. Three different NP antigenic sites were identified using deleted truncated NP mutants purified from Escherichia coli. One of the antigenic sites was located at the C-terminal end (residues 441 to 489) of the NP protein. Two other antigenic sites were located within the N-terminal end (residues 26-121 and 122-375). This study demonstrates that the N- and C-terminal ends of the NP proteins are responsible in eliciting immune response, thus it is most likely that these ends are exposed on the NP.  相似文献   

在E.coli BL21中诱导表达含有绵羊肺瘤病毒囊膜表面蛋白(SU)重组质粒pGEX-4T-1-SU,表达的GST融合蛋白经纯化后用佐剂乳化,作为抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠,并进行细胞融合、克隆化、ELISA法初步筛选抗SU单抗。最终获得了3株抗SU的单抗,为深入探讨JSRV的分子生物学特性及研制诊断试剂盒打下了基础。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies directed against porcine immunoglobulin isotypes G, G1, G2, M, and A and against chicken immunoglobulin isotopes G, M, and A were tested in an antigen-specific spot-forming cell (SFC) assay based on the principle of the enzyme immunoassay. The SFC assay was used to quantitate ovalbumin (OA)-specific antibody-secreting cells (ASC) in pigs that had been primed and boosted with OA. The SFC assay was also used to quantitate trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific ASC in chickens that had been primed with TNP-conjugated keyhole lympet haemocyanin (TNP-KLH). Although, the classical plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay cannot reliably detect isotope-specific ASC in pigs and chickens, it can detect these cells in mice. Therefore, we compared the OA- and TNP-specific SFC assays with PFC assays that were specific for these antigens in mice. The study demonstrated that the SFC assay is superior to the PFC assay in detecting both OA-specific ASC and TNP-specific ASC. The frequencies of OA-specific and TNP-specific SFC detected in mice were of the same order of magnitude as those detected in pigs and chickens. We concluded that the SFC assay is the better method for quantitating ASC in pigs, chickens, and probably all domestic animals for which isotype-specific monoclonal antibodies are available.  相似文献   

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