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为了追求最大的生产效率,养猪业不断地通过遗传育种改良猪品种。与10多年前相比,现代猪瘦肉率更高,吃得更少,长得更快。因此其营养需要也发生了变化。而NRC(1998)的推荐需要量仍被广泛地应用于生产。最近10多年的许多研究表明,现代瘦肉猪的赖氨酸需要量比NRC(1998)推荐值高20~30%。按理想蛋白模式,更新现代瘦肉猪的氨基酸需要量及其与能量比例,可充分发挥现代瘦肉型猪的生产潜能。  相似文献   

继本刊上期转载了《美国NRC(1998)第十版猪营养需要量表》,本期转载该书中发表的《饲料营养价值和成分表》,供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,为了节约饲料资源,减少养猪业对环境的污染,提高养猪生产效率,许多国家建立的猪的生长模型,都是从基因型、环境和养分摄入量等资料来预测猪的生产性能。NRC(1998)生长模型与传统模拟模型不同,它利用猪的生产性能资料(以胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数表示)估测支持该生产水平的氨基酸需要量,克服了以往猪氨基酸需要量“滞后”的问题。由于相关的研究资料不足,NRC(1998)生长模型未对20kg以下断奶仔猪的氨基酸需要量进行估测,而是给出了一个数学公式,该公式未考虑瘦肉生长速度遗传潜力、健康状况和性别的影响,而前两种因素对断奶仔猪氨基酸需…  相似文献   

NRC《猪的营养需要》在世界养猪业中影响颇大,自制定至今已修订10次,它与当代猪生产学和营养学发展一直保持着高度联系,可较准确地反映当前养猪业中猪的品种、营养和饲养管理的进步,这一点几乎得到了人们的共认。 NRC(1998)第10版已将泌乳母猪对能量和氨基酸的需要量和生产性能估测模型化,考虑到国内猪生产中利用的品种大多为国外各种及其  相似文献   

1引言猪对微量元素的需要有许多影响因素,包括养猪生产的类型和水平,猪只的品种和年龄,微量元素与其他营养元素之间的相互作用,以及微量元素的添加形式等。因此,猪对微量元素的需要量极大地依赖于生产水平、繁殖状况、健康状况,以及饲养管理。现代高产猪的微量元素需要量要高于推荐量,如ARC(1981)和NRC(1998)的规定。另外,人们对瘦肉组织生长速率的偏好导致猪自由采食量的减少。因此,猪对微量元素的需要量应大大高于20年前所推荐的需要量。在配制日粮和制定饲养方案时,一定要考虑现代猪的基因类型。英国诺丁汉大学的研究表明,现代快速生…  相似文献   

NRC(1998)第十版猪营养需要量表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所期待的NRC《猪的营养需要量》(第十版)已于1998年初正式出版,为使其更快地被我国同行利用、参考,本刊摘译刊出其精髓参数部分,以飨读者。  相似文献   

1998年,第十版NRC(美国国家科学院)《猪的营养需要量》(以下简称"NRC标准")推出并沿用至今,几乎为所有饲料配方设计人员所熟知。2012年,为应对养猪业快速发展的形势,NRC标准也终于推出了最新的第十一版。在饲料成本高涨的当下,NRC标准能否给猪场带来更大的好处呢?  相似文献   

美国国家研究协会(NRC)新近发表了第十版“猪营养需要”.数十年来,NRC的几版“猪营养需要”对饲料工业和其他与猪肉生产相关的产业非常重要.该出版物做为设定饲料中养分水平的重要资料来源在美国和许多其他国家得到广泛应用,做为判定日粮中养分是否充足的标准.必须承认,许多营养学家认为,NRC需要量估测值通常比实践中认为所需要的水平低,且随着NRC版次的增加,这种看法变得愈来愈强烈.事实上,NRC的需要量估测值一直是根据委员会收集过去的资料建立  相似文献   

猪微量元素营养新观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1、引言。猪对微量元素的需要有许多影响因素,包括养猪生产的类型和水平,猪只的品种和年龄,微量元素与其他营养元素之间的相互作用.以及微量元素的添加形式等。因此,猪对微量元素的需要量极大地依赖于生产水平、繁殖状况、健康状况,以及饲养管理。现代高产猪的微量元素需要量要高于推荐量,如ARC(1981)和NRC(1998)的规定。另外,人们对瘦肉组织生长速率的偏好导致猪自由采食量的减少。因此,猪对微量元素的需要量应大大高于20年前所推荐的需要量。  相似文献   

为了验证NRC(1998)生长模型对我国长×荣二元杂交仔猪的适用性并确定其氨基酸需要量,试验选用体重约10kg的长×荣公猪和母猪各15头,通过饲养试验和屠宰试验测定其生产性能、胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数及胴体成分,结合杨飞云等(2002)20~100kg长×荣生长肥育猪的试验结果,建立日增重与体重、胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数与体重、体蛋白沉积速度与体重之间的回归方程。根据胴体无脂瘦肉生长指数与体重的回归方程以及无脂瘦肉的蛋白质沉积系数和蛋白质沉积的赖氨酸需要系数,建立长×荣杂交猪赖氨酸需要量的数学模型,利用此数学模型预测10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的氨基酸需要量,并用全胴体法进行验证。试验结果显示:①根据NRC(1998)生长模型,用胴体分离法建立10~100kg长×荣杂交猪赖氨酸需要量的数学模型为:真可消化赖氨酸需要量(mg/d)=-0.0515BW3+5.5412BW2-16.904BW+5189.6+36BW0.75,据此模型计算10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的真可消化赖氨酸需要量为6.28g/d,总赖氨酸需要量为7.26g/d;按占风干日粮百分比表示的真可消化赖氨酸需要量为0.69%,总赖氨酸需要量为0.80%。其它必需氨基酸的需要量按NRC(1998)推荐的理想蛋白氨基酸模式中各种氨基酸与赖氨酸的比例计算;②用全胴体法测得10~20kg长×荣杂交猪的赖氨酸沉积速度为5.32g/d,?  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨低蛋白日粮对生长猪生长性能和腹泻率的影响。试验选取初始体重为16kg左右的三元(杜×长×大)健康生长猪66头,采用单因子试验设计,分为对照组和试验组,每组设3个重复,每个重复11头;对照组日粮按照NRC(1998)推荐营养需要量配制,试验组在NRC推荐日粮粗蛋白水平上降低3.8个百分点,试验期30d。结果表明,试验组日增重比对照组增加了23.4g,提高幅度为4.6%(P〈0.05);料肉比降低了0.22,降低幅度为10.8%(P〈0.05);试验组腹泻率与对照组相比,有下降趋势,但无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。说明使用低蛋白日粮能提高生长猪的生长性能和饲料转化率,并在一定程度上能减少仔猪腹泻。  相似文献   

Ten sets of 5 littermate pigs from each of 2 genetic strains were utilized to determine the impact of the dietary concentration of 5 B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, cobalamin, and folacin) on growth from 9 to 28 kg of BW in pigs with high or moderate capacity for lean growth. All pigs (penned individually) were reared via a segregated, early weaning scheme, so that the lean growth potential of each strain could be expressed. The basal diet provided the 5 test vitamins at concentrations of total and estimated bioavailability equivalent to a minimum of 100 and 70%, respectively, of their estimated requirements (NRC, 1998) for 5- to 10-kg pigs. At a BW of 9 +/- 0.9 kg, pigs within each litter were allotted to the basal diet supplemented with sources of the 5 test vitamins equivalent to an additional 0, 100, 200, 300, or 400% (bioavailable) of the NRC requirements. Pigs from the high lean strain consumed less feed (P < 0.05) and gained BW faster (P < 0.02) and more efficiently (P < 0.01) than pigs of the moderate lean strain. In both lean strains, the rate and efficiency of growth were improved (P < 0.01) as dietary B vitamin concentrations were increased. However, the dietary B vitamin concentrations needed to optimize G:F were greater (P < 0.03) in the high (>470% of NRC, 1998) vs. moderate (270%) lean strain. Based on these data, the dietary needs for 1 or more of the 5 B vitamins are greater than current NRC (1998) estimates, particularly in pigs expressing a high rate of lean tissue growth. The greater need for these vitamins is not associated with greater dietary energy intake or body energy accretion rate but is potentially due to shifts in the predominant metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Tibia biopsies were taken from 75 live pigs at 4-wk intervals and from 251 slaughtered pigs to evaluate bone biopsy as a procedure for determining Ca/P status in pigs fed 70, 85, 100, 115 and 130% of the NRC (1979) estimated dietary Ca and P percentage requirements from weaning to market. Least squares means and SE of live and slaughter biopsy wet weight, ash weight and dry, fat-free ash percentage (DFF%) were compared at each time in each trial and found not to differ. Diet and time effects on ash weight, ash percentage of wet weight and DFF% of the biopsy core also did not differ greatly between slaughter and live biopsies and generally responded linearly and quadratically (P less than .01) to increasing Ca/P level and time. Biopsy measures were correlated (P less than .05) with third and fourth metacarpal and metatarsal length, bending and shear stress and DFF%. Means for slaughter biopsy DFF% did not differ greatly from the average of third and fourth metacarpal and metatarsal DFF% from slaughter pigs. Means for live and slaughter biopsy DFF% were lower than those for whole bones for the 70 and 85% NRC estimated Ca/P levels, but not for the 100, 115 and 130% NRC levels. Bone biopsy offers potential as a reliable noninvasive procedure for monitoring Ca/P status of swine from weaning to market, but it needs further study for use in Ca/P research in swine.  相似文献   

Protein is quantitatively the most expensive nutrient in swine diets. Hence it is imperative to understand the physiological roles played by amino acids in growth, development, lactation, reproduction, and health of pigs to improve their protein nutrition and reduce the costs of pork production. Due to incomplete knowledge of amino acid biochemistry and nutrition, it was traditionally assumed that neonatal, post-weaning, growing-finishing, and gestating pigs could synthesize sufficient amounts of all "nutritionally nonessential amino acids" (NEAA) to support maximum production performance. Therefore, over the past 50 years, much emphasis has been placed on dietary requirements of nutritionally essential amino acids as building blocks for tissue proteins. However, a large body of literature shows that NEAA, particularly glutamine, glutamate, arginine and proline regulate physiological functions via cell signaling pathways, such as mammalian target of rapamycin, AMP-activated protein kinase, extracellular signal-related kinase, Jun kinase, mitogen-activated protein kinase, and NEAA-derived gaseous molecules (e.g., nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sulfide). Available evidence shows that under current feeding programs, only 70% and 55% of dietary amino acids are deposited as tissue proteins in 14-day-old sow-reared piglets and in 30-day-old pigs weaned at 21 days of age, respectively. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand the roles and dietary requirements of NEAA in swine nutrition. This review highlights the basic biochemistry and physiology of absorption and utilization of amino acids in young pigs to enhance the efficacy of utilization of dietary protein and to minimize excretion of nitrogenous wastes from the body.  相似文献   

试验选用84头体重接近10 kg的杜洛克×长白×大约克三元杂交(DLY)阉公猪,随机分成2组,每组6个重复,每个重复7头猪。研究在NRC(1998)标(准对照组)和荣昌猪饲养标(准试验组)2种饲粮条件下,营养水平对DLY生长肥育期血液胰岛素、背最长肌IMFc、AMPI、R含量及ACC mRNA表达量的影响。结果表明:①荣昌猪饲养标准下,各阶段试验组背最长肌肌内脂肪含量均高于对照组,50kg时达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。②试验组背最长肌cAMP水平50kg时低于对照组(P<0.01);IR含量80kg时显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate dietary fortification levels of a B vitamin pre-mix for starter and grower-finisher pigs on subsequent performance responses. The objective was to determine whether the modern pig requires higher dietary levels of B vitamins than estimated by the NRC (1998). Both experiments added fat-soluble vitamins at the requirement levels (NRC, 1998) in all diets, whereas the B vitamins were added at 0, 100, 200, or 400% of the total NRC (1998) requirement levels for the starter and grower pig. Indigenous vitamin contributions from the feed grains were not included in the estimates. Each station used the same vitamin premixes but incorporated its own grain sources in the diets. The first experiment was conducted across 7 stations (Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas) and involved 660 pigs in a randomized complete block design in 30 replicates. Complex nursery diets were fed in 2 phases. The first phase (0 to 14 d postweaning) and second phase (15 to 35 d postweaning) diets were formulated to Lys (total) levels of 1.50 and 1.30%, respectively. The results demonstrated no performance response to addition of B vitamins from 0 to 14 d post-weaning, but performances increased quadratically (P < 0.01) to the 100% NRC level from 14 to 35 d postweaning and for the overall 35-d period. The second experiment was conducted across 3 stations (Ohio, Nebraska, and South Dakota) and involved 216 pigs in a randomized complete block design in 10 replicates. Corn-soybean meal mixtures were fed in 3 phases formulated to total Lys levels of 1.30% (23 to 55 kg of BW), 1.00% (55 to 85 kg of BW), and 0.78% (85 to 120 kg of BW). Pig performances increased (P < 0.01) to the 100% B vitamin level from 23 to 85 kg of BW, but there was no response to any level from 85 to 120 kg of BW. Carcass measurements demonstrated a greater LM area (P < 0.01) and a lower backfat depth (P < 0.01) to the 100% B vitamin level. One station evaluated an additional treatment (3 replicates) in which each replicate was fed a fifth diet containing the 100% dietary level of B vitamins from 23 to 85 kg of BW whereupon the B vitamins were removed from 85 to 120 kg of BW. This removal did not reduce pig performance responses for the final period or for the overall period. The results demonstrated that supplementation of B vitamins at the 100% total NRC levels for starter and grower pigs was sufficient to meet their needs, and there was no further improvement to or deleterious effect to greater dietary levels.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with growing pigs to determine the excretion of P and N in 4 barley-based diets formulated to contain 18 or 15% CP by using a normal barley (NB) or a low-phytate barley (LPB). The NB contained 0.31% total P and 0.19% phytate P; the LPB contained 0.32% total P and 0.01% phytate P. The diets were supplemented, when so required, with lysine, methionine, threonine, and tryptophan to meet their apparent ileal digestible supplies according to the NRC (1998). The diets containing NB were supplemented with inorganic P to meet the NRC (1998) recommendation for available P (0.23%). The diets containing LPB were not supplemented with inorganic P because these contained sufficient available P (0.27%). Eight barrows with an average BW of 20.9 kg were assigned to the 4 dietary treatments according to a repeated 4 x 4 Latin square design. The diets were fed at a rate of 2.5 times the ME requirement for maintenance. The barrows were fed twice daily, at 0800 and 1500, equal amounts each meal. Water was added to the feed at a ratio of 2.5:1. Each experimental period consisted of a 7-d adaptation period followed by a 5-d collection of feces and urine. The substitution of NB with LPB decreased (P < 0.001) the total P excretion by 38 and 43% for the 18 and 15% CP diets, respectively. Reducing the CP content from 18 to 15% decreased (P < 0.001) the N excretion by 29 and 32% for the NB and LPB diets, respectively. With the reduction in CP content, there was a decrease (P < 0.001) in the amount of N retained. The N:P ratio in manure of pigs fed the LPB diets was greater (P < 0.001) than from pigs fed the NB diets. These data indicate that P and N excretion can be greatly reduced by substitution of NB by LPB, and also by the reduction of the CP content, in diets for growing pigs.  相似文献   

Ideal amino acid pattern for 10-kilogram pigs.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two growth assays and one nitrogen balance experiment were conducted to develop an ideal amino acid pattern for 10-kg pigs. Crossbred pigs were fed chemically defined amino acid diets containing four indispensable amino acid (AA) patterns: 1) the Illinois final amino acid pattern (IFP), a recently developed AA profile for purified diets; 2) the Illinois ideal amino acid pattern (IIP), a modification of IFP; 3) the Wang and Fuller ideal amino acid pattern (WFIP); and 4) the 1988 National Research Council (NRC) amino acid requirement pattern for 10-kg pigs (NRCP). A mixture of dispensable AA consisting of glutamate, glycine, and proline that had been proven to be an efficient mixture of dispensable AA nitrogen was fed together with the indispensable AA patterns. Diets were made isonitrogenous and isoenergetic within experiments. In Exp. 1, pigs were given ad libitum access to experimental diets with AA levels set above the NRC AA requirements. Regardless of which AA pattern was fed, pigs had similar (P greater than .05) daily gains, daily feed intakes, and gain:feed ratios. In Exp. 2, all levels of indispensable and dispensable AA were reduced to 50% of levels present in Exp. 1. When pigs had ad libitum access to these diets, daily gains of pigs fed IIP were superior (P greater than .05) to those of pigs fed IFP or NRCP, but similar (P greater than .05) weight gains occurred in pigs fed IFP, WFIP, and NRCP. In Exp. 3, the efficiency of nitrogen utilization of the four indispensable AA patterns was evaluated by a nitrogen balance experiment in pigs equally fed the same experimental diets fed in Exp. 2. Pigs fed NRCP utilized nitrogen with an efficiency of 74%, which was less (P less than .001) than the efficiencies of 79 to 80% obtained in pigs fed IFP, IIP, and WFIP. Nitrogen retained (grams) per gram of nitrogen intake from indispensable AA was greater (P less than .01) for IIP than for either IFP or WFIP. The results of these experiments indicate that WFIP contains excesses of leucine, valine, phenylalanine plus tyrosine, methionine plus cystine, and threonine for pigs between 10 and 20 kg BW. Also, NRCP is probably first-limiting in leucine and also limiting in other AA, resulting in lower nitrogen utilization than IIP. The pattern of indispensable AA in IIP (grams of AA/100 g lysine) is as follows: lysine (100), methionine+cystine (60), threonine (65), tryptophan (18), phenylalanine+tyrosine (95), leucine (100), isoleucine (60), valine (68), arginine (42), and histidine (32).  相似文献   

Immune system activation begins a host of physiological responses. Infectious agents are recognized by monocytes and macrophages which in turn stimulate cytokine production. It is the hormone-like factors called cytokines that orchestrate the immune response. The classic responses observed with immune system activation and cytokine production include: anorexia, fever, lethargy, recruitment of other immune cells, and phagocytosis. While production of immune system components is known to require some amino acids, increases in amino acid requirements are more than offset by the associated decrease in protein accretion and increased muscle protein degradation that also accompanies immune system activation. However, the biggest impact of cytokine production is a decrease in feed intake. Therefore, as feed intake decreases, the energy needed to drive protein synthesis is also decreased. This suggests that diets should still be formulated on a similar calorie:lysine ratio as those formulated for non-immune challenged pigs. The evidence is sparse or equivocal for increasing nutrient requirements during an immune challenge. Nutritionists and swine producers should resist the pressure to alter the diet, limit feed, or add expensive feed additives during an immune challenge. While immune stimulation does not necessitate changes in diet formulation, when pigs are challenged with non-pathogenic diarrhea there are potential advantages on gut health with the increased use of crystalline amino acids rather than intact protein sources (i.e., soybean meal). This is because reducing crude protein decreases the quantity of fermentable protein entering the large intestine, which lowers post weaning diarrhea. It also lowers the requirement for expensive specialty protein sources or other protein sources such as soybean meal that present immunological challenges to the gut. The objective of this review is two-fold. The first is to discuss immunity by nutrition interactions, or lack thereof, and secondly, to review amino acid re  相似文献   

Immune system activation begins a host of physiological responses. Infectious agents are recognized by monocytes and macrophages which in turn stimulate cytokine production. It is the hormone-like factors called cytokines that orchestrate the immune response. The classic responses observed with immune system activation and cytokine production include: anorexia, fever, lethargy, recruitment of other immune cells, and phagocytosis. While production of immune system components is known to require some amino acids, increases in amino acid requirements are more than offset by the associated decrease in protein accretion and increased muscle protein degradation that also accompanies immune system activation. However, the biggest impact of cytokine production is a decrease in feed intake. Therefore, as feed intake decreases, the energy needed to drive protein synthesis is also decreased. This suggests that diets should still be formulated on a similar calorie:lysine ratio as those formulated for non-immune challenged pigs. The evidence is sparse or equivocal for increasing nutrient requirements during an immune challenge. Nutritionists and swine producers should resist the pressure to alter the diet, limit feed, or add expensive feed additives during an immune challenge. While immune stimulation does not necessitate changes in diet formulation, when pigs are challenged with non-pathogenic diarrhea there are potential advantages on gut health with the increased use of crystalline amino acids rather than intact protein sources (i.e., soybean meal). This is because reducing crude protein decreases the quantity of fermentable protein entering the large intestine, which lowers post weaning diarrhea. It also lowers the requirement for expensive specialty protein sources or other protein sources such as soybean meal that present immunological challenges to the gut. The objective of this review is two-fold. The first is to discuss immunity by nutrition interactions, or lack thereof, and secondly, to review amino acid requirement estimates for nursery pigs.  相似文献   

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