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This study aims to investigate the effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) on the survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Ovarian tissues were cultured for 1, 7, 14, 21 or 28 days in medium supplemented with FSH (FSH-2d or FSH-7d, i.e., with replacement of the culture medium every 2 or 7 days, respectively) or FSH + FGF-2 (replacement of the medium every 2 days). Non-cultured (control) and cultured ovarian fragments were processed for histological and ultrastructural analysis. After 28 days of culture, the media supplemented with FSH-2d was the most effective in maintaining the percentage of normal follicles and in promoting follicular growth. Furthermore, both treatments with FSH increased the percentage of the primary follicles. However, ultrastructural studies did not confirm follicular integrity from 14 days of culture onward. In conclusion, culturing tissue for up to 7 days in medium containing FSH alone or combined with FGF-2 maintains caprine preantral follicle integrity and promotes their growth in vitro.  相似文献   

Ovine mast cells generated in vitro from bone marrow (BMMC) were compared with mucosal mast cells (MMC) isolated from parasitised abomasum. Ultrastructurally, the granules of BMMC were partially developed and immature. Both cells types contained beta-hexosaminidase, arylsulfatase, histamine, dopamine and sheep mast cell proteinase (SMCP). Greater amounts of beta-hexosaminidase, but less SMCP, histamine and arylsulfatase were present in BMMC. Stimulation with calcium ionophore A23187 caused the secretion of granule constituents and generation of leukotriene C4 by BMMC in a dose-dependent manner. An additional [3H]diisopropylfluorophosphate-binding 31,500 mol. wt. serine esterase, antigenically related to SMCP (27,000 mol. wt.) was present in cultures of BMMC but was not detected in isolated MMC. Both enzymes were detected in BMMC by Day 7 of culture and were secreted concomitantly following stimulation of BMMC with ionophore.  相似文献   

This is the first report to show morphological evidence of in vitro maturation of oocytes recovered from xenotransplanted antral follicles. To develop a suitable tool for studing the growth and maturation of follicles and oocytes, we xenotransplanted small pieces of ovarian cortical tissue from sows, which contained small preantral follicles (primordial, primary, and secondary follicles; less than 0.05, 0.1 and 0.3 mm in diameter, respectively), under the capsules of kidneys of adult female severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice for 2 and 8 weeks, and then recovered cumulus-oocyte complexes from the growing tertiary follicles in xenografted tissues. The distribution of processes from cumulus cells to oocytes and the follicular growth, development, and maturation during xenotransplantation were histochemically analyzed. Tertiary follicles, 0.5 to 3.0 mm in diameter, were obtained from grafted tissues 2 (85%: 52 follicles/61 grafted tissues) and 8 (50%: 15/30) weeks after xenotransplantation, and then oocytes, which were tightly attached to cumulus cells, were collected from each tertiary follicle and cultured to assess their quality. At 2 weeks after grafting, 17.6% of the oocytes had matured to the metaphase II stage, but no such maturation was observed 8 weeks after grafting. Thus, in the 2 weeks group, preantral follicles rapidly grew in xenotransplanted porcine ovarian tissues to the tertiary stage, and oocytes could be recovered and matured from them by in vitro culture.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effect of melatonin on activation, growth and morphology of bovine primordial follicles, as well as on stromal cells density in ovarian tissues after in vitro culture. Ovarian fragments were cultured in α‐MEM+ alone or supplemented with melatonin (250, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 pM) for a period of six days. Non‐cultured and cultured tissues were processed for histological analysis; according to developmental stages, follicles were classified as primordial or growing follicles. These follicles were further classified as morphologically normal or degenerated. Ovarian stromal cell density was also evaluated. The percentages of primordial and developing follicles, as well as those classified of normal follicles, were compared by Fisher's exact test, and the differences were considered significant when p < .05. The results showed that the presence of 1,000 and 2,000 pM melatonin in culture medium promoted a reduction in the percentage of primordial follicles and an increase in the percentage of development follicles, when compared to follicles cultured in control medium. On the other hand, the presence of 250 or 500 pM melatonin did not show a significant effect on the percentage of primordial and developing follicles. Besides that, the presence of 500, 1,000 and 2,000 pM melatonin maintained the percentage of normal follicles similar to those seen uncultured control. Moreover, tissues cultured in presence of 1,000 pM melatonin showed a higher percentage of normal follicles when compared to follicles cultured in the presence of 250 pM melatonin. It was observed a similar profile of stromal density in both uncultured tissues and those cultured in vitro in the presence of melatonin. In conclusion, melatonin (1,000 and 2,000 pM) promotes bovine primordial follicles activation and maintains the stromal cell density during in vitro culture of ovarian cortical tissue.  相似文献   

Ovine growth hormone ( oGH ) was tested for its effects on lipolysis of rat and ovine adipose tissue in vitro. Ovine growth hormone at 1, 5 and 25 micrograms/ml stimulated lipolysis (P less than .05) of chopped rat adipose tissue and isolated rat adipocytes incubated in the presence of 100 mU/ml adenosine deaminase and .2 micrograms/ml dexamethasone, but had no effect on lipolysis of chopped ovine adipose tissue or isolated ovine adipocytes. Isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agonist, stimulated lipolysis (P less than .05) of both rat and ovine adipose tissue. Contaminants of the oGH preparation used were examined for lipolytic effects. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) content in oGH were measured by radioimmunoassay. When quantities of these hormones contaminating 5 and 25 micrograms oGH were tested for lipolysis in rat adipose tissue, the TSH contamination could account for some (30%) of the lipolysis observed with oGH , while the other hormones had no effect. Also, preincubation of oGH with anti-GH, but not with anti-TSH or anti-LH, removed the principle in oGH responsible for the lipolytic effect on rat adipose tissue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of three culture systems on caprine primordial follicle activation in vitro: follicles cultured either in the isolated form within alginate (Isolated follicles + Alginate treatment), or enclosed in ovarian tissue (in situ), with or without alginate (Fragment + Alginate, and Fragment alone treatments, respectively). After culture, the Isolated follicles + Alginate treatment presented a percentage of morphologically normal follicles (MNF) similar to both the non-cultured control and the Fragment Alone treatments. Nevertheless, Fragment + Alginate treatment showed a significant reduction in the number of MNF when compared to the other treatments. Regarding follicle development, our results showed that regardless of the alginate, the presence of ovarian tissue limited primordial follicle activation during in vitro culture. Remarkably, the Isolated primordial follicle + Alginate treatment was the only one that significantly promoted follicle activation and increased both follicle and oocyte diameters during IVFC, pointing out a higher cell proliferation. In conclusion, the presence of ovarian tissue with or without alginate limited follicle development (activation) after culture. Nevertheless, when primordial follicles were isolated and encapsulated in alginate they presented suitable survival rates, higher rates of follicle activation and continued to grow throughout the culture period.  相似文献   

Stem cells have been isolated from ovaries, and their ability to differentiate into oocytes in vitro has been demonstrated for mice and human, but not for bovine species. The aims of this study were to isolate germline stem cells from bovine ovaries and to evaluate the effects of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) 2 and 4, and follicular fluid on the differentiation of these stem cells into oocyte‐like structures. The ovarian stem cells were isolated and cultured in α‐MEM+ supplemented with BMP2, BMP4 or follicular fluid. On days 0 and 14, cells were evaluated for their morphological appearance, viability, expression of alkaline phosphatase and for markers of germ cell formation (VASA and DAZL) and oocyte development (GDF9, ZPA and SCP3) by qPCR. Levels of mRNA were analysed using ANOVA and Bonferroni test (p < .05). The results showed that at day 0, ovarian stem cells expressed specific markers of pluripotency (OCT4, SOX). In addition, these cells were positive for alkaline phosphatase, which is a marker commonly used to identify primordial germ cells (PGCs). After the period of differentiation, cells had morphological features that resemble PGCs and oocyte‐like cells (OLCs). An increase, ranging from five to 14 times, in the expression of VASA was observed in cells cultured in medium supplemented with BMPs and follicular fluid, while the increase in DAZL expression ranged from four to six times. In addition, OLCs had an increase in expression of mRNAs for GDF9, ZPA and SCP3 that ranged from two to eight times. In conclusion, OLCs can be differentiated in vitro from ovarian stem cells and BMPs and follicular fluid are effective in stimulating the expression of mRNAs for germ cell and oocyte markers.  相似文献   

Embryos were generated by in vitro fertilization of in vitro-matured oocytes, cultured to the blastocyst stage, biopsied for sex determination by a PCR-based procedure, and transferred to synchronized recipients. Three out of 5 sheep (60%) were diagnosed pregnant, and 4 lambs of predicted sex were born.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of in vitro-derived bovine embryos is a crucial step for the widespread reproduction and conservation of valuable high-merit animals. Given the current popularity of bovine in vitro embryo production (IVP), there is a demand for a highly efficient ultra-low temperature storage method in order to maximize donor ovum pickup (OPU) turn-over, recipient availability/utilization and domestic/overseas commercial trading opportunities. However, IVP bovine embryos are still very sensitive to chilling and cryopreservation, and despite recent progress, a convenient (simple and robust) protocol has not yet been developed. At the moment, there are two methods for bovine IVP embryo cryopreservation: slow programmable freezing and vitrification. Both of the aforementioned techniques have pros and cons. While controlled-rate slow cooling can easily be adapted for direct transfer (DT), ice crystal formation remains an issue. On the other hand, vitrification solved this problem but the possibility of successful DT commercial incorporation remains to be determined. Moreover, simplification of the vitrification protocol (including warming) through the use of an in-straw dilution without the use of a microscope is a prerequisite for its use under farm conditions. This review summarizes the bovine IVP embryo cryopreservation achievements, strengths and limitations of both freezing systems and prospective improvements to enhance cryosurvival, as well as perspectives on future directions of this assisted reproductive technology.  相似文献   

黄鑫  张彦妮 《草业科学》2018,35(3):542-550
对铁线莲(Clematis florida‘Blekitny Aniol’)的带芽茎段进行诱导产生无菌苗,并对其叶片和茎段进行愈伤组织诱导成苗的分化研究,成功建立了铁线莲组织培养再生体系。结果表明,带芽茎段诱导腋芽最佳培养基为MS+1mg·L~(-1)6-BA+0.05 mg·L~(-1)NAA,腋芽萌发率为100.0%;茎段诱导愈伤最适宜培养基为MS+2 mg·L~(-1)6-BA+0.01mg·L~(-1)NAA,诱导率为78.3%;叶片诱导愈伤组织最适宜的培养基为MS+1 mg·L~(-1)6-BA+0.1 mg·L~(-1)NAA,诱导率为81.7%;愈伤组织分化的最佳培养基为1/2MS+1 mg·L~(-1)6-BA+0.05 mg·L~(-1)NAA,分化率可达25.0%;最适宜不定芽的增殖培养基为1/2MS+3 mg·L~(-1)6-BA+0.1 mg·L~(-1)NAA,增殖倍数为4.94;筛选出最优的生根培养基组合为1/2MS+0.05 mg·L~(-1)NAA,生根率为70.2%。本研究将为铁线莲的推广应用提供参考,也为其他铁线莲属植物引种和开发利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Bovine oocytes were partly denuded either at the beginning (t0) or six hours (t6) after the beginning of maturation and vitrified by the open pulled straw method at the end of the maturation process. After warming and fertilisation, their development in vitro and in vivo was assessed. The rates of production of blastocysts achieved in vitro were 3.4 per cent for the t0 group and 0.9 per cent for the t6 group compared with 40.4 per cent for the control oocytes. After transfer at the blastocyst stage pregnancies have been established in the three groups. Some of these pregnancies originated from vitrified oocytes which were further vitrified at the blastocyst stage before being transferred into synchronised recipients.  相似文献   

Transfer of porcine embryos after 3 days of in vitro culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments were conducted to determine the viability of porcine embryos transferred after long-term in vitro culture. In Exp. 1, four-cell embryos were kept in culture for 120 h. Embryos that were exposed to fresh culture medium every 12 h survived better than embryos kept in the same medium throughout the culture period. In Exp. 2, four- and eight-cell embryos were cultured in vitro for 72 h before transfer to estrus-induced recipient gilts. Each gilt received, on average, 19 embryos. If recipients were synchronous with donors 3/32 (9%) recipients remained pregnant with an average of 4.0 +/- .6 viable young. If the sexual cycle of the recipients was 24 h behind that of the donors the pregnancy rate was 18/34 (53%) with 4.4 +/- .5 viable young. Average embryo survival rate for the two groups was 1.8 and 12.5%, respectively. A 24-hourly medium replacement during the in vitro culture period had no significant effect on transfer results. When transferring freshly collected blastocysts, pregnancy rate, number of viable young and survival rate of embryos were 6/10 (60%), 7.8 +/- 1.4, and 23.9% for synchronous recipients and 7/10 (70%), 9.3 +/- 1.8, and 32.9% for asynchronous recipients, respectively. Recipients with very high plasma progesterone levels or numerous follicular cysts at the time of transfer were less likely to remain pregnant than others.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of the protocatechuic acid (PCA) as the sole antioxidant in the base medium for in vitro culture of ovine secondary follicles. Secondary follicles (200‐230 μm) were isolated and cultured in α‐minimal essential medium supplemented with BSA, insulin, glutamine and hypoxanthine (α‐MEM: antioxidant‐free medium) or α‐MEM also added by transferrin, selenium and ascorbic acid (α‐MEM+: with antioxidant) or α‐MEM added by PCA (56.25; 112.5; 225; 450; or 900 μg/ml). Moreover, after culture, oocytes were matured and the chromatin configuration and DNA fragmentation were evaluated. After 12 days, the treatment containing 56.25 μg/ml PCA showed higher percentage of normal follicles than control medium or the other treatments (p < .05), except for 900 μg/ml PCA (p > .05). The antrum formation was significantly higher in treatments containing 56.25, 112.5 or 900 μg/ml PCA, compared to the α‐MEM and similar (p > .05) to the other treatments. The rates of fully grown oocytes (≥110 μm) were similar (p > .05) among all treatments containing PCA and α‐MEM+, and those were superior (p < .05) than α‐MEM, except for 450 μg/ml PCA (p > .05). GSH levels and mitochondrial activity were higher (p < .05) in α‐MEM+ than in α‐MEM and similar (p > .05) to all PCA treatments. The rates of meiotic resumption and DNA fragmentation were similar (p > .05) among α‐MEM+ and 56.25 μg/ml PCA. In conclusion, PCA at 56.25 μg/ml as the sole antioxidant added to the medium for ovine isolated secondary follicle culture maintains follicular survival, GSH and active mitochondria levels, meiotic developmental competence and DNA integrity of cultured oocytes.  相似文献   

以探讨水牛精原细胞体外培养的发育潜能为目的,对3~5月龄水牛睾丸组织进行精原细胞与支持细胞的体外共培养.两步酶法消化睾丸组织来制备水牛生殖细胞悬液,接种于含10%FBS的DMEM培养液中,在37℃、5%CO2、饱和湿度下培养30 d,观察细胞的生长和形态变化,并对培养4周的细胞进行RT-PCR分析,以检测PRM-2和TP-1基因的表达情况.结果显示,水牛精原细胞体外培养24 h后,精原细胞(10.0~12.5μm)呈圆形并紧贴支持细胞上;养7~8 d后.精原细胞出现聚集状态;养10 d后,有细胞克隆形成;养30 d后,出现似长形精子细胞(8.0~10.0μm).对培养4用后的细胞进行RT-PCR分析,精子细胞特异表达基因PRM-2被检测出来.结果表明,采用本试验体外培养条件对水牛精原细胞进行培养,能够满足精原细胞体外长期培养的需要,并可以发生增殖与分化而形成似精子细胞.  相似文献   

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