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Electron microscopical examination of the Hastisetae of different species of Anthreninae (Col. Dermestidae) Electron optical photographs of the Hastietae of the generaTroderma, Megatoma andAnthrenus are put forward. The shape of the Hastissetae is described and their probable function is discussed.  相似文献   

Larval development ofT. variabile under various environmental conditions is examined to estimate the potential damages in storehouses in Central Europe. Larvae develop between 21 and 37°C, lower temperatures considerably prolong the time of development: at 25° it lasts 48.3 days (♂ ♂) and 60.8 days (♀ ♀), at 30° 29.3 days (32.9 resp.), and at 35° 27.5 days (34.6 resp.). Female larvae on an average pupate after six larval instars, males after five. From this results the earlier pupation of the males. Isolated larvae do not pupate; they grow up to big and resistant dauerlarvae and possibly pass through a diapause of several years. Reared in groups larvae pupate promptly and diapause is terminated. Longevity, cold resistance and ability of starvation of dauerlarvae are examined. The results indicate that a development ofT. variabile in unheated rooms is possible. Because of the very slow development at lower temperatures economic important damages are unlikely.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Beim TeppichkäferAnthrenus flavipes wurde durch Selektionsdruck mit Permethrin Resistenz erzeugt. Die Resistenzentwicklung wurde in einer Standard-Testserie mit bekanntem Permethrin-Gehalt über eine Dauer von 4,3 Jahren an der Fraßleistung gemessen und mit der des Normalstammes verglichen. Die Auswertung der Resultate erfolgte in absoluten Werten der Gewichtsverluste (mg) und in relativen Werten der Schutzwirkungs-Effekte (E%).Außerdem wurde die Resistenzentwicklung bei der KleidermotteTineola bisselliella durch Permethrin und Motten-und Käferschutzmittel auf der Basis von Fraßgiften untersucht.Gemessen an der absoluten Fraßleistung ergab sich beim Resistenz-Stamm vonA. flavipes nach 22 Generationen ein 70facher Resistenzfaktor. Um einen 85%igen Schutzwirkungs-Effekt zu erreichen (Toleranzgrenze der Käferechtheit nach SNV 195'901), mußte die Einsatzkonzentration von Permethrin um das 4fache erhöht werden. T. bisselliella zeigte bei Permethrin und den Fraßgiften MITIN FF resp. EULAN U 33 trotz jahrelanger Bemühungen keine Neigung zu Resistenzbildung.Die Bezeichnungen MITIN (CIBA-GEIGY), EULAN (BAYER), PERIGEN (WELLCOME) und SMA-V (VICKERS) sind geschützte Marken der entsprechenden Firmen.
Permethrin-resistance in the carpet beetle,Anthrenus flavipes Casey (Col., Dermestidae)
Resistance to Permethrin inAnthrenus flavipes, was induced by selective pressure. Development of resistance over a period of 4.3 years was measured as feeding performance in a standard test series of known Permethrin content and compared with that of the normal sensitive strain. The findings were expressed both as absolute values of weight loss and also as relative Protection-Efficacy (E%).Development of resistance in the clothes-moth,Tineola bisselliella, was also evaluated with Permethrin as well as with moth- and beetle-proofing agents based on stomach poisons.On the basis of feeding performance a 70-fold increase in resistance withAnthrenus flavipes was evident after 22 generations. In order to achieve 85% Protection-Efficacy (tolerance for beetle-proofing according to SNV 195'901, 1971) a four-fold increase in Permethrin concentration was necessary. Tineola bisselliella showed no tendency to develop resistance to Permethrin and the stomach poisons ®MITIN FF and ®EULAN U 33 despite years of exposure.

Mit 2 Abbildungen und 4 Tabellen  相似文献   

疑山郭公虫对纵坑切梢小蠹捕食作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究了疑山郭公虫对纵坑切梢小蠹成虫捕食量及对纵坑切梢小蠹繁殖过程和繁殖率的影响.在室温为22~24 ℃条件下,繁殖期疑山郭公虫平均每天可捕食纵坑切梢小蠹成虫0.61±0.043头.在实验室内,先将纵坑切梢小蠹引入云南松新鲜木段,7 d后再引入疑山郭公虫成虫.结果表明:疑山郭公虫成虫对纵坑切梢小蠹成虫的产卵过程形成干扰,从而导致后者繁殖率下降.疑山郭公虫幼虫可以捕食木段内纵坑切梢小蠹幼期各虫态,捕食率为8.3%.在野外,将疑山郭公虫成虫放到受到纵坑切梢小蠹危害的树干上,再用尼龙网将其包裹起来.研究结果表明,疑山郭公虫对树干内纵坑切梢小蠹幼期(幼虫和蛹)的捕食率大体为10.6%.疑山郭公虫对繁殖期纵坑切梢小蠹的影响主要包括捕食繁殖期纵坑切梢小蠹成虫、干扰纵坑切梢小蠹繁殖过程以及捕食纵坑切梢小蠹幼虫等.研究初步认为,疑山郭公虫对纵坑切梢小蠹种群增长具有明显控制作用.  相似文献   

Investigations conducted in the laboratory for comparing the efficacy of phosphine with that of mixtures of the gas plus carbon dioxide against diapause larvae ofTrogoderma granarium showed that addition of varying concentrations of CO2 (20, 50, 75 and 100%) to fixed PH3-concentrations had a negative influence on phosphine efficacy against diapause larvae of Khapra Beetle at 30°C for short exposure periods of 18 and 24 hours. On the other hand, it was found that for longer exposure periods of 48 and 72 hours, the addition of CO2 to phosphine induced significantly higher larval mortality than that by PH3 alone, whereby an additive effect was proved for mixtures contained PH3+75% and 100% CO2. The addition of 20% and 50% CO2 to PH3 at 20°C did not show any increase in larval mortalities of the mixtures for exposure periods between 24–96 hours. The larval mortalities obtained for an atmosphere contained 20 and 50% CO2 alone at 20 and 30°C was (0–6%) and (10–40%), respectively, after 10 days exposure period.  相似文献   

Adults of the histeridTeretriosoma nigrescens Lewis, a predator of the Larger Grain BorerProstephanus truncatus (Horn), were captured under field conditions in Costa Rica within the same pheromone traps as the stored product pest. Neither insect could be found in unbaited traps. The possible kairomonal importance of the prey's pheromone is discussed.  相似文献   

Distribution and economic importance of the dermestid beetleTrogoderma variabile are quoted and the possibility of an introduction into Europe is stated. Hence the biology ofT. variabile shall be examined in detail. In this paper the author refers longevity of the adults at different temperatures (25, 30, 35 °C) and the number of eggs laid per female.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Eight percent of larvae ofSemanotus undatus in a heavyly attacked fir trunk were parasitized byOrussus abietinus. Only few host species are known of the rare Orussidae, which had formerly been wrongly allocated to the wood wasps (Siricidae). The Orussidae form part of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), although they are their only family not to have vegetarian habits; instead they have parasitarian habits similar to the parasitical wasps.  相似文献   

Summary Additional observations on Dermestidae (Coleoptera) Additional observations have been described on some life patterns ofDermestes maculatus andDermestes lardarius, two species of the familyDermestidae (Bacon or Skin Beetles). The pupation of the larvae in the wood and the form of their cavities are dealt with; only fungal infected wood is attacked byDermestes. The present observations have also shown thatDermestes do not digest wood. Beetles and larvae consume mainly pure fats or food substances with fatty components. Anatomically certain elements of the mouthparts of the beetles seem to be typical constructed for the fatty nutrition. The hairlike sense organs in the antennae for the reception of smell are most important in locating the food.  相似文献   

Four regionally different strains and six F1 interpopular crosses ofPityogenes chalcographus were used for infestation and starvation experiments. In the infestation experiment beetles were placed for three days on vital Norway spruce and the amount of nuptial chambers were recorded. During the viability experiment the insects were kept under a daily varying temperature for 16h at 20°C and for 8h at 10°C. The rel. humidity was set at 93%, 77% and 57%. The infestation potential differs in the susceptibility of host trees and within the populations. Especially the F1 crosses provide an enhanced attack and potential of injury which are to be considered a case of heterosis. Because of the irregular host-tree preference in some populations it is assumed that there is a highly specific interaction in feeding stimulation. The effect of heterosis is also present in starvation experiments, but it seems to be only restricted to an optimal survival range. It is emphasized that genetic factors play a remarkable role in the interactions between bark beetles and host trees as well as in population dynamics.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungVortrag gehalten beim ersten Südtiroler Entomologentag in Dietenheim, 22. September 1970.I 39042 Brixen, Prov. Bozen/Italien, Rienzdamm 38  相似文献   

Whole and intact wheat grains or those broken into 2 or 8 equal pieces and supplemented with yeast provided as adult food to individuals ofTribolium castaneum considerably reduced the egg output in these beetles although their larvae were reared on finely powdered yeast-supplemented whole wheat flour. However, egg fertility in all the three dietary situations was 100%.  相似文献   

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