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The geographical distribution of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina antibodies in communal herds in northern and eastern Zimbabwe was determined using the ELISA technique. The animals in different herds in the study region had different levels of natural exposure to B. bovis (mean 32%, range 0-79%) and B. bigemina (mean 52%, range 5-92%) infections. The majority of herds (90%) were endemically unstable for B. bigemina and 62% were unstable for B. bovis. Natural region 5 and Manicaland province had the highest seroprevalence of B. bovis infection, while natural region 5 and Masvingo province had the highest seroprevalence of B. bigemina infection.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in Zambia   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The serological prevalence of bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis in the traditional farming sector of six provinces of Zambia was determined using the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) for babesiosis and the card agglutination test (CAT) for anaplasmosis. Antibodies to Babesia bigemina occurred throughout the country whereas the prevalence of B. bovis followed the distribution of its tick vector Boophilus microplus which is limited to the north-eastern part of the country. Low numbers of B. bovis serologically positive cattle were demonstrated in central and southern Province. Anaplasma spp. occurred throughout Zambia but the overall percentages of positive sera were low ranging between 14.7% and 38.6% using the CAT. Two hundred sera were retested for anaplasmosis using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sero-prevalence rates were 1.5 to 2.3-fold greater with the ELISA than with the card agglutination test.  相似文献   

Summary The serological prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis and babesiosis in the Centro-Occidental region of Venezuela was determined using the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and latex agglutination (LAT) tests.Anaplasma marginale IFA and LAT prevalence rates were 57·7 and 48·6% respectively for cattle of all ages and breeds. The respective prevalence of IFA activity toB. bigemina andB. bovis was 78·2 and 38·8%. The LAT test specific only forBabesia spp. revealed that 61·4% of the animals tested were serologically positive forBabesia parasites.Anaplasma marginale andB. bigemina organisms were detected in peripheral blood smears of 21·1 and 7·5% respectively of cattle surveyed. A longitudinal survey of antibody activity and incidence of parasitaemia forAnaplasma andBabesia infections was conducted in two groups of calves from their birth to seven months of age. The animals generally experienced infections between three and four months of age the period subsequent to decline in colostral antibody levels. Seroepidemiological data are considered in the formulation of proposed vaccination regimens for anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
Resumen Se determinó la prevalencia serológica de anaplasmosis y babesiosis bovina, en la región central occidental de Venezuela, utilizando la prueba de immunofluorescencia indirecta PIFI) y la aglutinación del latex (PAL). Las ratas de prevalencia PIFI y PAL paraAnaplasma marginale fueron 57·7% y 48·6% respectivamente, en ganado de todas las edades y razas. Las respectivas prevalencias de la actividad de PIFI, pa paraBabesia bigemina yB. bovis fue 78·2% y 38·8%. La prueba PAL, ú únicamente especifica paraBabesia spp. reveló que el 61·4% de los animales analizados fueron serológicamente positivos paraBabesia. Se detectóAnaplasma marginale yB. bigemina en la sangre periférica de 21·1% y 7·5% respectivamente, del ganado analizado. Se llevó a cabo, un reconocimiento longitudinal, de la actividad de los anticuerpos e incidencia de parasitémia, paraAnaplasma yBabesia, en dos grupos de terneros, desde el nacimiento hasta los siete meses de vida. Los animales experimentaron las primeras infecciones, entre los tres y cuatro meses de vida, el periodo con posterioridad a la pérdida de inmunidad materna.

Résumé La prévalence sérologique de l'ánaplasmose et de la babésiose bovines dans la région centre-ouest du Vénézuela a été déterminée par les méthodes indirectes de l'immunofluorescence (IF) et de l'agglutination au latex (AL). Les taux de prévalence d'Anaplasma marginale d'après les tests IF et AL sont respectivement de 57, 7 p. 100 et de 48,6 p. 100 chez les bovines, quel que soit l'age ou la race. La prévalence respective du test IF vis-à-vis deB. bigemina et deB. bovis est de 78,2 p. 100 et de 38,8 p. 100. Le test de l'agglutination au latex dont la spécificité est limitée au genreBabesia spp a montré que 61,4 p. 100 des animaux testés avaient une sérologie positive vis-à-vis des parasitesBabesia. Anaplasma marginale etB. bigemina ont été décelés dans des frottis de sang périphérique chez 21,1 p. 100 et 7,5 p. 100 respectivement des bovins testés. Un suivi dans le temps de l'activité des anticorps et de l'incidence de la parasitémie vis-à-vis des infections àAnaplasma etBabesia a été pratiqué dans deux groupes de veaux depuis leur naissance jusqu'à l'age de 7 mois. Les animaux contractent généralement l'infection entre l'age de 3 et 4 mois, période qui succède au déclin des taux d'anticorps colostraux. Ces données de séroépidémiologie sont prises en compte dans l'établissement de campagne de vaccination contre l'anaplasmose et la babesiose.

The Babesia bovis and B. bigemina apicomplexan protozoa in conjunction with the rickettsia Anaplasma marginale are intraerythrocytic pathogens that are responsible for the most prevalent and costly tick borne diseases (TBD's) of cattle worldwide. These organisms are historically associated as they can cause clinically related hemolytic diseases in cattle, are all transmitted by Rhiphicephallus (Boophilus) ticks, and share an uncanny ability to evade the immune systems of the vertebrate hosts, causing persistent disease. In addition, acute babesiosis and anaplasmosis can be prevented quite effectively by combining tick control and vaccination with living attenuated organisms. However these methods of control have numerous limitations and improved approaches are needed. Importantly, immunizations of cattle with inactivated experimental Babesia and Anaplasma vaccines can elicit variable degrees of protection, indicating the feasibility for the development of inactivated or subunit vaccines. A new research toolbox that includes full genome sequencing combined with the improved ability to genetically modify the organisms is enhancing our understanding of their biology. An emerging paradigm is the use of recently developed Babesia and Anaplasma transfection methods for functional gene characterizations and for vaccine development. Promising recently identified subunit vaccine candidates are also emerging, including babesial proteases, putative rhoptry, microneme, and sexual stage antigens, as well as subdominant, conserved, A. marginale outer membrane major surface proteins. However, significant knowledge gaps on the role of key parasite molecules involved in cell invasion, adhesion, asexual and sexual reproduction, tick transmission, and evasion of the immune system, remain. A better understanding of the biology of these organisms and the protective immune responses will positively contribute toward the goal of developing improved immunological and pharmacological interventions against these elusive pathogens that are responsible for the most devastating TBD's of cattle. Importantly, the currently available research toolbox provides basic research instruments for helping close current knowledge gaps which will aid the design and production of effective vaccines and alternative pharmacological interventions.  相似文献   

Summary The serological prevalence of bovine babesiosis in Guyana was determined utilising the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and the complement fixation (CF) tests.Babesia bigemina IFA and CF antibody activity was detected in 80%and 40% respectively of the sera from native cattle while IFA and CF antibody activity toBabesia bovis was observed in 61% and 16% of the seraThe prevalence of antibody was compared between calves less than 6 months of age and mature cattle. There was little difference between the CF and IFA tests forB. bigemina in the calves but the prevalence of IFA antibody activity toB. bovis in calves and toB. bovis andB. bigemina was greater in adult cattle.Examination of sequential serum samples from imported calves revealed that CF antibody activity appeared earlier but by day 51 following exposure to natural infection the prevalence of antibody as determined by both tests was the same.
Prevalencia Serologica De Babesiosis Bovina En Guyana
Resumen Se determinó la prevalencia serológica de babesiosis bovina en Guyana, mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes (AFI) y la fijación de complemento (FC). Anticuerpos AFI y FC contraBabesia bigemina se detectaron en el suero de un 80% y 40% respectivamente de ganado nativo, mientras que la actividad de anticuerpos AFI y FC contraBabesia bovis se observó en 61% y 16% de los sueros colectados.Se comparó la prevalencia de anticuerpos entre terneros menores de 6 meses de edad y ganado adulto. Hubo una pequeña diferencia entre las pruebas de FC y AFI paraBabesia bigemina en terneros, pero la prevalencia de anticuerpos IFA contraBabesia bovis en terneros y contraB. bovis y B. bigemina fué mayor en ganado adulto.El examen posterior de muestras de suero de ganado importado, revelaron que la actividad de anticuerpos FC aparece temprano, pero despues de 51 dias y despues de la exposición natural, la prevalencia de anticuerpos determinada por ambas pruebas fué igual. El examen de las muestras de suero fué seriado.

Preuve Serologique De La Babesiose Bovine En Guyana
Résumé L'existence de la babesiose bovine en Guyana a été mise en évidence par deux tests: immunofluorescence indirecte (IFA) et fixation du complément (CF).Avec l'antigèneBabesia bigemina, les deux tests ont donné des résultats positifs dans des proportions respectives de 80 et 40 p. 100 chez le bétail autochtone, tandis qu'avecB. bovis ces taux étaient de 61 et 16 p. 100.Les titres d'anticorps furent comparés chez deux catégories d'animaux: veaux de moins de six mois et bétail adulte.PourB. bigemina, il y avait chez les veaux peu de différence entre les résultats des deux tests: mais avecB. bovis, l'immunofluorescence fournissait des titres supérieurs. Chez les adultes, aussi bien avecbigemina qu'avecbovis, l'immunofluorescence détectait le maximum de positifs.L'examen de sérums prélevés en série chez des veaux importés a montré que les anticorps fixant le complément apparaissaient les premiers, mais qu'à partir du 51 e jour après la contamination naturelle les deux tests donnaient des résultats identiques.

Summary A serological survey of cattle in Mali was carried out to determine the prevalence of antibody activity toBabesia bovis andB. bigemina. It was found that the level ofB. bovis infection as indicated by antibody activities was too low to be of immediate concern. However, the serological prevalence ofB. bigemina was high and this may indicate a potential disease problem. It was also found that when zebu and N'Dama cattle grazed together the N'Dama were twice as likely to have positive titres toBabesia as were the zebus.
Prevalencia Serologica De Babesiosis Bovina En Mali
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un análisis serológico en Malí, para detectar la prevalencia deBabesia bovis yBabesia bigemina. Se encontró, que la prevalencia serológica deB. bovis es baja para considerar la enfermedad una amenaza inmediata. Sinembargo, la prevalencia deB. bigemina fué alta, un problema potencial. Tambien se encontró, que cuando el ganado Cebu y N'Dama pastorea junto, el N'Dama presenta el doble de títulos serológicos deB. bigemina.

Frequence Serologique De La Babesiose Bovine Au Mali
Résumé Une enquête sérologique sur le bétail au Mali a été effectuée pour déterminer la fréquence de l'activité des anticorps àBabesia bovis etB. bigemina. On a trouvé que le degré d'infection àB. bovis tel qu'indiqué par les réactions anticorps était trop faible pour constituer un souci immédiat. Cependant la fréquence sérologique deB. bigemina était élevée, ce qui peut indiquer un problème pathologique potentiel. On a aussi noté que lorsque les zébus et les N'Dama broûtaient ensemble, les N'Dama avaient deux fois plus de chance d'avoir des titres positifs àBabesia que ne l'avaient les zébus.

One hundred fifty-nine Holstein calves were imported into St. Lucia from the U.S.A. An outbreak of babesiosis occurred 17 days post-arrival, and an outbreak of anaplasmosis occurred 5 months after importation. Sera obtained 3, 6 and 12 months post-importation revealed a high prevalence of IFA titres to Babesia bovis and B. bigemina 3 months after arrival and an increase in titres to Anaplasma marginale 6 months after arrival. Sera obtained arrives from native cattle from several places on the island indicated infection rates of 80, 65 and 64% with A. marginale, B. bigemina and B. bovis, respectively. The rapid card test only indicated a 25% prevalence of infection of native cattle by A. marginale. This low prevalence was probably due to deterioration of serological activity during shipment.  相似文献   

A survey to estimate the potential demand for a bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis vaccine was carried out by a postal questionnaire sent to 4407 veterinarians in the north and centre of Argentina. Twenty-three percent of the questionnaires (1047) were answered; 317 (7.2% of the total, 30% of those answered) pointed out the occurrence of the diseases and/or probable demand for the vaccine. The minimum and maximum demands were 407,892 and 982,300 doses for anaplasmosis, and 272,496 and 631,400 doses for babesiosis, respectively. The results presented from here onwards are based on the minimum demand. Sixty-eight and 48% of the anaplasmosis and babesiosis vaccine demand, respectively, came from veterinarians living in the Boophilus microplus-free area, while the remainder came from the tick-infested area, reflecting the fact that many farm owners from the tick-infested area seek professional assistance from veterinarians living in the tick-free area. Most of the demand for both vaccines was aimed at breeding cattle (77.2%), 14.5% at dairy cattle and the rest at studs (8.3%). Veterinarians living in the tick-infested area demanded vaccine for breeding cattle in a higher proportion than veterinarians from the tick-free area, whose demand was greater for dairy cattle. In the tick-free area, the demand for anaplasmosis vaccine was twice that for babesiosis vaccine, whereas in the tick-infested area the demand was equal. This agrees with the fact that the anaplasmosis-stricken area extends beyond the tick-infested region. Sixty percent of the respondents preferred a vaccine frozen in liquid nitrogen, whilst the rest preferred a refrigerated one, the first group accounted for 73% of the total demand. Fifty-six percent of the demand occurred between March and June with the peak in April, which reflects the main weaning date. The elasticity of the demand is discussed in relation to the probable benefits to be accrued by the farmers who make use of it. The annual mortality rates due to both babesiosis and anaplasmosis were estimated at 1.5 and 3.5% in the milk herds of Salta and Tucumán, respectively. In the beef herds of these two provinces, the mortality rate due to both diseases has been estimated at 3.5%. Using these figures and current prices, the systematic application of the vaccine in calves would render a benefit-cost ratio between 4.6 and 9.0, which would warrant its use in the herds of the areas at risk, i.e. in enzootic instability.  相似文献   

Summary The chemotherapeutic efficacy of imidocarb dihydrochloride (3,3′-bis(2-imidazolin-2 yl) carbanilide dihydrochloride) administered as single intramuscular doses of 1·0, 2·0 and 2·5 mg/kg, against concurrent bovine anaplasmosis and babesiosis, is reported. Dosages of 2·0 and 2·5 mg/kg of imidocarb dihydrochloride rapidly inhibited acute ascending concurrent parasitaemias ofAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina andBabesia argentina; however, 1·0 mg/kg had a minimal effect onA. marginale but was very effective againstB. bigemina andB. argentina. Imidocarb dihydrochloride at 1·0, 2·0 and 2·5 mg/kg inhibited the development of immunity of the acuteBabesia spp. infections, making the calves more susceptible to babesiosis upon challenge. The inhibition ofA. marginale parasitaemias was directly related to increasing doses of imidocarb dihydrochloride; however, recrudescing and persisting post-treatment parasitaemias also occurred more frequently at higher doses.
Sumario La eficiencia quemoterapéutica del imidocarb dihydrochloride (3,3′-bis (2-imidazolin-2 yl) carbanilide dihydro chloride) administrada como dosis intramuscular unica de 1·0, 2·0 y 2·5 mg/kg, en infecciones concurrentes de anaplasmosis y babesiosis es reportada en este trabajo. Dosis de 2·0 y 2·5 mg/kg de imidocarb dihydrochloride, rapidamente inhibieron las parasitemias concurrentes ascendientes y agudas deAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina yBabesia argentina; sin embargo, 1·0 mg/kg tuvo un efecto minimo sobreA. marginale, pero fue muy efectivo contraB. bigemina yB. argentina. El imidocarb dihydrochloride en dosis de 1·0, 2·0 y 2·5 mg/kg inhibió el desarrollo de inmunidad contra la forma aguda deBabesia, haciendo a los terneros mas susceptibles a la babesiosis al desafio. La inhibición de parasitemias deA. marginale estuvo directamente relacionada al aumento de la dosis de imidocarb dihydrochloride; sin embargo, parasitemias debido al recrudecimiento ó a la persistencia despues del tratemiento, tambien ocurrieron mas frecuentemente en dosis altas.

Résumé L'efficacité de ce produit administré à l'occasion d'une unique injection à la dose de 1,0, 2,0 et 2,5 mg/kg contre l'anaplasmose et la babésiose simultanées est rapportée. La dose de 2 à 2,5 mg/kg inhibe rapidement le développement aigu de parasitémies dues à la fois àAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina etBabesia argentina; cependant la dose de 1 mg/kg n'a qu'un effet modeste surA. marginale, alors qu'il conserve toute sa valeur contreB. bigemina etB. argentina. A la dose de 1,0, 2,0 et 2,5 mg/kg, ce corps entrave le développement de l'immunité dans les accés aigus dus àBabesia spp. rendant les veaux plus sensibles à de nouvelles attaques de babésioses. L'inhibition de parasitémie à base deA. marginale est directement en rapport avec l'accroissement de la dose d'Imidocarb dihydrochloride; toutefois, la recrudescence et la persistance après traitement de parasitémies sont plus fréquentes après usage de doses élevées.

Live frozen vaccines containing Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina or Anaplasma centrale were prepared using glycerol as cryoprotectant and stored in liquid nitrogen. The viability of the vaccines was tested inoculating calves 1 h (n = 12), 2 h (n = 12), 12 h (n = 6) and 24 h (n = 6) after thawing. Babesia bovis and A. centrale were detected in thin and/or thick blood smears in all vaccinated calves; however, 1 of 12 calves inoculated 1 h after thawing and 3 of 6 calves inoculated 24 h after thawing did not develop a B. bigemina parasitaemia. The longer post-thawing durability of frozen vaccines cryoprotected with glycerol compared with those cryoprotected with dimethyl sulfoxide, presented by other authors, will extend their use under field conditions.  相似文献   

A simple lated agglutination test (LAT) for the diagnosis of Babesia bovis and Anaplasma marginale infection in cattle was developed using cell culture-derived soluble antigens to sensitize latex particles. The conditions to perform the test were established as follows: a 2% suspension of polystyrene latex particles (0.8 μm diameter) in 0.15 M glycine buffer pH 8.3 containing 0.2% disodium-EDTA was used to sensitize an equal vlume of antigen at a final antigen concentration between 0.625×–1.25× of the original antigen concentration of the supernatant culture medium. The latex particles were sensitized for 15 min at 56°C, The test, which uses heat-inactivated sera, was performed at room temperature by mixing one drop of each antigen and serum on a glass slide. T he LAT showed a high degree of specificity and sensitivity when compared with the babesiosis indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and anaplasmosis capillary tube-agglutination (CA) tests. The LAT possesses appropriate stability and simplicity suitable for field purposes.  相似文献   

Contamination of a batch of tick fever (babesiosis and anaplasmosis) vaccine with bovine leucosis virus (BLV) was detected when a herd, in the final stages of an enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL) accreditation program, developed a large number of seropositive cattle following use of tick fever vaccine. Investigations incriminated a single calf used to produce Anaplasma centrale vaccine from which 13,959 doses were distributed. The failure of this calf to give a positive agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test before use was not fully explained. A total of 22,627 cattle from 111 herds receiving contaminated vaccine was tested to validate claims for compensation. Results showed infection rates of 62% and 51.8% in vaccinated dairy and beef cattle, respectively, compared with 6.1% and 1.5% in non-vaccinated cattle in the same herds. The results also indicated that infection did not spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated in-contact cattle. Heavy reliance is now placed on purchase of calves for vaccine production from EBL accredited-free herds and on transmission tests from the calves to sheep to prevent a recurrence of contamination. The need for a BLV antigen detection test, with the sensitivity of the sheep transmission test but simpler and faster to perform, is evident.  相似文献   

Summary Sera from 184 N'Dama cattle randomly selected and averaging 2.7 years of age were tested for the presence of specific antibodies toAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis andB. bigemina, using one or more serological tests including complement fixation, rapid card agglutination and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA). Tests forA. marginale andB. bovis were essentially negative. Utilising the IFA test 65% of the sera tested were positive forB. bigemina.Three randomly selected two-year-old N'Dama bulls were splenectomised. All three showed an acute recurrence of aB. bigemina parasitaemia. Two died following typical signs of acute babesiosis and a third recovered following diminazene therapy.No. evidence of either B. bovis orA. marginale recrudescence was observed in the single surviving bull.Babesia bigemina appears endemic in the N'Dama cattle of The Gambia but no confirmed serological or clinical evidence ofB. bovis orA. marginale was observed.
Prevalencia De Anaplasmosis Y Babesiosis En Ganado N'doama De Gambia
Resumen Se examinaron sueros colectados de 184 animales N'Dama seleccionados al azar y de una edad aproximada de 2.7 años, por la presencia de anticuerpos específicos deAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis yB. bigemina, usando fijación del complemento, la aglutinación en tarjeta y la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes. Las pruebas paraA. marginale yB. bovis fueron esencialmente negativas. Mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes 65% de los sueros fueron positivos aB. bigemina.Se esplenectomizaron tres toros N'Dama de dos años escogidos al azar. Todos tres desarrollaron parasitémia alta recurrente porB. bigemina. Dos de ellos murieron con lesiones típicas de babesiosis y el otro se recuperó después de la terapia con diminazene. No se observó recaída del toro sobreviviente porB. bovis oA. marginale. LaB. bigemina parece endémica en el ganado N'Dama de Gambia, pero no hay evidencia serológica deB. bovis o A. marginale.

Prevalence De l'Anaplasmose Et De La Babesiose Chez Les Bovins n'Dama De Gambie
Résumé Les sérums de 184 bovins N'dama, sélectionnés au hasard et âgés en moyenne de 2,7 ans, ont été examinés pour la présence d'anticorps spécifiques vis-à-vis d'Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis etB. bigemina par un ou plusieurs tests sérologiques dont la fixation du complément, l'agglutination rapide sur carde et l'immunofluorescence indirecte (IFI). Les tests pourA. marginale etB. bovis ont été essentiellement négatifs. Pour le test IFI, 65% des sérums testés ont été trouvés positifs pourB. bigemina.Trois taureaux N'dama de deux ans pris au hasard, ont été splenectomisés. Tous trois ont montré une récurrence aiguë de parasitémie aB. bigemina. Deux sont morts après avoir montré des signes typiques de babésiose aiguë; le troisième a guéri après un traitement au diminazène. On n'a pas noté de recrudescence deB. bovis ni d'A. marginale chez ce taureau survivant.B. bigemina semble être endemique chez le bétail N'dama de Gambie mais il n'y a aucune évidence sérologique ou clinique pourB. bovis etA. marginale.

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