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Historically, saturated salt solutions in desiccators have been used to investigate the effects of increasing relative humidity and temperature on the volatile retention efficiency of amorphous glasses. Obtaining data using desiccators is a static process that gives the researcher discrete data points with which to draw conclusions. Dynamic vapor sorption (DVS; SMS, London, U.K.) is a humidification system that creates specific relative humidity and temperature environments within a chamber that contains the material being investigated. This study had two specific aims: (1) to develop a DVS-fast GC-FID method that dynamically evaluates the effects of humidification and temperature increases on volatile release from amorphous carbohydrate glasses and (2) to evaluate the validity of the DVS-fast GC-FID method. Artificial cherry Durarome (Firmenich, Plainsboro, NJ) was used as the model system. The DVS-fast GC-FID method proved to be an innovative, accurate, and precise technique that can be used to conduct humidification/temperature-volatile release studies.  相似文献   

Uncertainty analysis was conducted with a dynamic vapor sorption-fast gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (DVS-fast GC-FID) method, developed to rapidly analyze the extent of volatile release that occurs from carbohydrate glasses due to humidification and temperature increases. Triplicate samples progressed through a two-step special automatic operation method in the DVS. Samples were exposed to relative humidities ranging from 40 to 90% (in 10% increments) at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C. Uncertainty analysis shows that the DVS-fast GC-FID method uncertainty is smaller than the natural sample uncertainty, indicating that the variability in a sample's physical properties has a dominant impact on the overall uncertainty of the volatile retention results obtained using the DVS-fast GC-FID method. Uncertainty analysis also indicates that the variance associated with the mass of benzaldehyde measured by the DVS-fast GC-FID is the largest contributor to the overall benzaldehyde retention variance when the cumulative mass of benzaldehyde measured is small.  相似文献   

A method is described for the simultaneous detection of alfatoxin and zearalenone in corn at 5 and 200 ppb, respectively. No evaporation of solvent is required and the procedure is simple enough to be considered for use at marketing locations. The presence of absence of these myocotoxins can be determined in 10-20 min/sample. The procedure involves an initial blender extraction with methanol, partitioning of fat and pigments into 1-1,2-trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon-113) from an aqueous ammonium sulfate layer, followed by extraction of aflatoxin from the aqueous layer with chlorobenzene. The chlorobenzene extract can be spotted directly onto a thin layer chromatographic plate which requires only 4 min development. Concentrations of aflatoxin and zearalenone can be estimated by visual comparison of sample spots with standards.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic (GC) method is described to determine deoxynivalenol in wheat and corn at levels as low as 20 ppb. Ground samples are extracted with water, adsorbed onto a Clin Elut column, extracted with ethyl acetate, and passed through a silica gel Sep-Pak cartridge. The final extract is then derivatized with N-heptafluorobutyrylimidazole and quantitated by GC using an electron capture detector. Recoveries are greater than 85% for spiked samples at levels of 50-1000 ppb. Results for wheat, corn, and mixed feed samples are given as well as the results of an interlaboratory study on a naturally contaminated wheat sample.  相似文献   

A method is described using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the simultaneous detection of the Fusarium mycotoxins fusaproliferin and seven trichothecenes from grains. Sample purification of the raw extract was carried out with commercial solid phase extraction columns, and the recovery of the more polar analytes was increased by rinsing the column with acetonitrile. A significant matrix effect was found for the analysis of fusaproliferin and trichothecenes; thus, the calibrants should be prepared in a blank matrix. The response was linear in the range used. The mean recovery for fusaproliferin was 60.4 or 62.9%, depending on the spiking level. With respect to the trichothecenes, the recovery was generally higher (70.2-125.3%). The method proved to be repeatable for the analysis of fusaproliferin and trichothecenes. The limit of detection for fusaproliferin in the blank matrix mixture was 50 microg/kg, and that for trichothecenes was 5-15 microg/kg. Thirty-eight Finnish grain samples were analyzed for fusaproliferin and trichothecenes with the method developed. Fusaproliferin was not detected in any of the samples. The mean levels of deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, nivalenol, HT-2 toxin, and T-2 toxin in Finnish grain samples were 272, 17, 150, 40, and <20 microg/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

基于株心颜色的玉米田间杂草识别方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
根据3~5叶苗期玉米植株的生长特征及其株心所具有的颜色特征,提出了一种利用玉米植株的株心颜色特征识别玉米田间杂草的方法。玉米植株叶片的颜色是深绿色,而株心区域的颜色是浅绿色,该特征可由反映颜色深浅程度的饱和度指标表达。玉米植株的中心区域具有最大的饱和度值,该特性可用于在利用绿-红指标分割土壤背景后玉米植株的中心区域的提取。对分割后的绿色植株前景而言,与提取的株心区域相连通的区域是玉米植株,反之,非连通区域为杂草。试验结果表明:玉米植株和杂草的正确识别率平均为88%和84%,识别一帧720×576象素的图像的平均时间 120 ms。玉米植株的正确识别率主要受中心区域的完整度影响,而杂草的正确识别率主要受玉米和杂草叶片重叠程度的影响。  相似文献   

Roasting aflatoxin-contaminated corn will reduce toxin levels. A quantitative analysis for aflatoxin in roasted corn has been developed by modifying a cleanup technique for green coffee extracts approved as official first action by the AOAC. A chloroform extract is partially purified on a Florisil column, and thin layer chromatographic (TLC) plates are developed with methylene chloride-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol-formic acid (81+15+3+1). Recoveries average 101% and the sensitivity limit is 5 ppb aflatoxin B1. A 2-dimensional TLC procedure can also be used to separate the aflatoxins from background interferences.  相似文献   

玉米全生长期叶面积指数收获测量法的改进   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
农作物全生长期冠层表现不同的结构,常规的叶面积指数测量仪器不能适用于全生长期的叶面积指数测量,提出改进的收获测量法可进行玉米全生长期叶面积指数的测量,并且测量结果也具有可比性,该法在减少常规直接测量法工作量的同时也减少了对玉米的破坏。通过对比不同生长期单株样本叶面积计算的两种方法,得出二元二次回归法比常规的形状因子法计算精度高的结论。同时,分析不同生长期玉米秆所占总面积比例的规律,得出进行叶面积指数的准确测量,玉米秆的表面积必须进行准确考虑。该研究可为同类作物叶面积指数测量提供参考,可以有效推动叶面积指数的准确快速测量及遥感反演的验证工作。  相似文献   

The use of butyltin compounds in some food packaging leads to the contamination of liquid food and may result in subsequent adverse effects on people's health through the food chain. A survey of butyltin compounds in Chinese alcoholic beverages purchased from retail markets was carried out by using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography coupled with flame photometric detection. Forty-four samples including wine, liquor, and champagne were studied. The levels of monobutyltin and dibutyltin ranged from <0.016 to 5.687 and from <0.0022 to 33.257 microg of Sn/L, respectively. Low levels of tributyltin were detected. The presence of dibutyltin in wine samples was further confirmed by GC-MS. The result indicated that dry wines generally contained more dibutyltin than sweet wines. The concentrations of butyltin compounds in liquor samples were lower than those in wine samples.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic (GC) method has been reported for the determination of sulfamethazine residues in cattle and swine tissues. The extracts from this procedure were found to be directly amenable to examination by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), allowing positive confirmation of an apparent residue of sulfamethazine. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) was chosen as the MS technique because it generated an ion indicative of intact sulfamethazine and fragment ions indicative of the amine functionality and sulfanil moiety. Positive ion (PI) chemical ionization mass spectrometry was adequate by itself for a confirmatory technique. Negative ion (NI) chemical ionization mass spectrometry alone could not be used for the confirmatory analysis of sulfamethazine, but it did offer a means to check the quantitative data from the positive ion analyses and provided complementary confirmatory data. Satisfactory recoveries were obtained for sulfamethazine in swine and cattle tissues at the tolerance level of 0.1 ppm. Apparent sulfamethazine residues in control tissues were less than 0.01 ppm.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) in negative ion mode was used to monitor the possible noncovalent adduct formations between DNA analogue oligonucleotides and two Fusarium mycotoxins, fumonisin B1 and fusaproliferin. Using mild experimental ESI conditions specific noncovalent interactions were detected between both single- and double-stranded model oligonucleotides and fusaproliferin with 1:1 stoichiometry. Similar association complexes were observed for the deacetyl derivative of fusaproliferin. There were no peaks due to adduct formation present in the mass spectra of fumonisin B1, incubated with oligonucleotides in a wide concentration range, suggesting no specific interaction for this molecule. In a competitive complexation reaction, another mycotoxin, the beauvericin, forms more stable association complex with DNA than fusaproliferin. These findings can be of use in the understanding of molecular mechanisms of action during apoptosis and can be correlated with the teratogenic effect of fusaproliferin.  相似文献   

Media selective for the isolation of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi were amended with 0.1% sunflower oil emulsified with 0.01% Tween 80. Lipase-producing microorganisms produced clear zones on these media. When lipase-producing bacteria were cultured on a polycarbonate membrane laid on the selective medium for bacteria, clear zones were produced on the medium when the membrane along with bacteria was removed. The agar disc cut from the clear zone also produced a clear zone when placed on the fresh medium, indicating that clear zone formation is the result of the activity of extracellular lipases. The largest population of lipase-producing microorganisms in an agricultural soil was actinomycetes followed by bacteria and fungi. Ranging from 12 to 75% of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi isolates from soils collected from three different locations were capable of producing lipases. In general, relatively small percentages of soil bacteria were lipase producers, and lipase producers were more common among soil actinomycetes and fungi. These three groups of microorganisms appear to be all important in decomposition of oils in organic matters in soils.  相似文献   

Quantitative methods are detailed for determination of ethyl carbamate in distilled alcoholic beverages by capillary gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC/FID) and by packed-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) using selected ion monitoring. Five g samples of distillate of known ethanol concentration are diluted with water to 25% ethanol (v/v), washed with petroleum ether, and extracted with dichloromethane prior to GC/FID or GC/MS analysis. As necessary, sample extracts that exhibit GC/FID interference are passed through alumina for additional cleanup. When internal standards (tert-butyl carbamate and n-butyl carbamate for GC/FID, or ethyl 13C-15N-carbamate for GC/MS) were used for quantitation, the limit of detection for ethyl carbamate was in the range of 5-25 ppb. Coefficients of variation ranged from 3.5 to 6.0% for GC/FID determinations, and from 1.4 to 3.2% for GC/MS. Correlation between methods for 22 random distillate samples ranging in concentration from approximately 40 to 800 ppb gave a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.996.  相似文献   

The CPC modified method, the Holaday modified method, and the combination of the 2 procedures have been compared. The CPC modified method involves more cleanup steps but has a more sensitive column. The Holaday modified procedure has fewer cleanup steps, but the column is more difficult to interpret. The combination CPC-Holaday, which has proven to be the most satisfactory, combines the speed and simplicity of the Holaday extraction and the sensitivity of the Velasco minicolumn used in the CPC method. Levels of 10 ng/g were detected by 89% of the collaborating laboratories using the combination, Holaday-Velasco, method. The combination method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

A rapid column elution method has been developed for the determination of ethyl carbamate (EC) in alcoholic beverages. The beverage is mixed with Celite and packed in a column containing deactivated alumina capped with a layer of sodium sulfate. EC is then eluted with methylene chloride. The method, using a gas chromatograph-thermal energy analyzer with a nitrogen converter for detection and quantitation of EC, has been applied to a variety of alcoholic beverages. Recoveries +/- standard deviations of EC in wine and whisky fortified at the 20 and 133 micrograms/kg (ppb) levels averaged 87.3 +/- 5.3 and 88.7 +/- 3.6%, respectively. The method has a limit of detection of 1.5 ppb. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry was used to confirm the identity and quantitation of EC in selected beverage extracts.  相似文献   

针对一种四通道矩形排列的多光谱相机,开发了一种平行多目成像匹配模型。利用相机拍摄了田间玉米冠层图像,相机的4个通道分别为R(红)、G(绿)、B(蓝)和NIR(近红外),拍摄距离为0.5 m左右。分析了玉米冠层图像的特点,提出了一种图像匹配方法。该方法首先选择某一通道图像作为源图像,其他通道图像作为目标图像,源图像中叶片边缘作为源特征点,由该点18个方向的导数作分量构成特征向量。其次在目标图像中搜索相应的目标特征点,若在其中某一区域内的点与源特征点所在边缘方向夹角小于某阈值,将特征向量与源特征向量的距离为最  相似文献   

The methanol-water extraction system used in AOAC Method II for aflatoxins extracts both the aflatoxins and zearalenone from corn. Using this methanol-water extraction system as a base, a rapid screening procedure has been developed for these mycotoxins. The methanol-water extract is defatted with hexane and the pigments are precipitated with copper carbonate. The aflatoxins and zearalenone are subsequently extracted into chloroform and are then detected by half-plate TLC. An elapsed time of about 1 hr is required to analyze 1 sample. The sensitivity of the method is about 2 mu-g/kg for aflatoxin B-1 and 100 mu-g/kg for zearalenone.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid analytical method has been developed for the determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in amine salts of phenoxy herbicide formulations of 2,4-D and MCPA, plus mixtures of these with mecoprop and dicamba amine salts. Sample preparation consists of direct extraction using pre-packed disposable extraction tubes eluted with dichloromethane followed by cleanup on a disposable silica gel mini-column using ethyl acetate as eluting solvent. Samples are injected on-column for gas chromatography with a Megabore fused silica column; the NDMA is measured by a thermionic specific detector (TSD) that is selective for nitrogen-phosphorus (NP). A detection limit of 0.1 microgram/mL was easily attainable without any concentration step because the solvent volume is minimal. TSD and thermal energy analyzer (TEA) results have been compared and confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Recovery studies were performed as well as a reproducibility study on one of the 2,4-D formulations.  相似文献   

Citreoviridin, a neurotoxic mycotoxin, has been found as a natural contaminant in corn left unharvested in the southeastern United States and in rice of several Asian countries, including Japan. A reliable analytical method for the quantitative determination of citreoviridin in corn and rice is described. Corn or rice is extracted with dichloromethane, and the extract is partially purified on silica and amino solid-phase extraction (SPE) columns. The extract is analyzed for citreoviridin by normal-phase liquid chromatography, using a mobile phase of ethyl acetate-hexane (75 + 25) at 1.5 mL/min and a fluorescence detector to measure the yellow fluorescence (388 nm excitation, 480 nm emission). With a 100 microL injection loop, the relationship between concentration and injection volume is linear for 20-60 microL injections. Recoveries of citreoviridin added to yellow corn at 10-50 ng/g were 91.0-96.9%; recoveries from white corn (10-50 ng/g added) were 96.8-102.8%. Recoveries of 5000 ng/g added to white corn were 89.0%, indicating that heavily contaminated samples can be assayed by the method. Minimum detection limits were 10 ng for citreoviridin standard and 2 ng/g for citreoviridin added to corn. White rice fermented with Penicillium citreo-viride (1524 ppm) was mixed with and serially diluted with uncontaminated ground corn to obtain citreoviridin-contaminated corn (ca 25 ppb). When the samples were assayed by the method, a mean level of 24.4 +/- 1.65 ppb (6.5% coefficient of variation) was obtained. Four fermented rice food samples and 3 commercial rice samples were investigated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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