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Osteochondrosis is a failure of the normal process of endochondral ossification. In the elbow joint there are three manifestations of osteochondrosis, namely osteochondritis dissecans of the medial condyle of the humerus, ununited coronoid process and ununited anconeal process. This paper describes a series of sixty-eight cases diagnosed at a referral centre over a 10-year period. Ununited coronoid process and OCD of the medial condyle are not readily diagnosed because the lesions are difficult to demonstrate radiographically, but signs of degenerative joint disease of the elbow in young dogs of the medium to large breeds is strongly suggestive. Surgical treatment is indicated and the surgical approach to the medial aspect of the joint is described.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate subchondral bone density patterns in elbow joints of clinically normal dogs by use of computed tomographic (CT) osteoabsorptiometry. SAMPLE POPULATION: 20 cadaver forelimbs from 10 clinically normal dogs. PROCEDURE: Each elbow joint was imaged in parasagittal and transverse planes of 1.5-mm thickness. Slice data were converted to dipotassium phosphate equivalent density (PPED) values. Sagittal, parasagittal, and transverse medial coronoid process topographic maps were constructed. Defined zones were created for each of the 3 CT planes, and confluence and peak PPED values were determined. RESULTS: The lowest PPED value was 340 mg/ml (articular and subchondral confluence), and the highest was 1780 mg/ml (peak subchondral density). Detectable effects of joint laterality were not found in the confluence or peak PPED measurements or in the peak-to-confluence PPED ratio for all 3 CT planes. Significant differences were found among zones in all 3 planes for confluence and peak PPED measurements and between sagittal and transverse planes for peak-to-confluence PPED ratios. Subjectively, the pattern of density distribution among dogs was fairly consistent for the sagittal and parasagittal slices. Three specific patterns of density distribution were apparent on the transverse topographic maps of the medial coronoid process that corresponded to conformational differences. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The use of CT osteoabsorptiometry provides a repeatable technique that can be used to noninvasively examine bone density and the effects of stress acting on joints in vivo. Variability in density values for any of the CT planes was not identified among clinically normal dogs.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, degenerative disease affecting the articular cartilage and subchondral bone that causes pain and inhibits movement. The stifle’s joint fibrous capsule contains the synovial membrane, which produces cartilage nutrients. A ruptured cranial cruciate ligament injures the joint and produces OA. Osteoarthritis diagnosis starts with clinical radiographic and ultrasonographic tests, although the latter is not used very much in dog and cat clinics for this purpose. The objective of this study was to establish the correlation among the results of orthopedic, radiographic, ultrasonographic examinations and structural anatomical changes revealed by arthroscopic evaluation to diagnose stifle joint OA and determine risk factors in the dogs affected. Of 44 clinical cases of OA included in the study, 88.64% had ruptured of cranial cruciate ligaments. The correlation between synovial fluid effusion and osteophytosis was of 0.84. It was concluded that there is good diagnostic agreement between synovial fluid effusion and osteophytosis when dealing with stifle joint OA. Risk factors for dogs regarding the development of stifle joint OA included: ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments or patella luxation, female dogs and weight over 10 kg.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To correlate anatomic features of the equine tarsus identified in plastinated sections with images obtained via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ANIMALS: 4 horses. PROCEDURE: MRI (1.5-Tesla magnet) of the tarsus was performed on the pelvic limbs of 4 clinically normal horses following euthanasia. After imaging, tarsocrural joint spaces and vasculature were injected with colored latex. Sagittal and transverse sections of the tarsi were plastinated to facilitate interpretation of MR images. RESULTS: Relevant anatomic structures were identified and labeled on the plastinated tissue slices and corresponding MR images. Results indicated high correlations between MRI findings and those of plastinated sections. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The data obtained provided certain reference standards for normal anatomic structure sizes and positions in the equine tarsus. This information may aid future physiologic or clinical studies of this joint.  相似文献   

A survey of 120 Persian Shepherd stray dogs collected from the City of Shiraz was carried out in the Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, Pahlavi University, primarily for the purpose of establishing the incidence and aspects of elbow joint arthritis. In thirteen dogs arthritic changes were discovered in either one or both joints. The age and sex incidence of affected dogs is noted and the clinical, radio-graphical and pathological aspects of the condition, together with the changes discovered following maceration, are described and discussed. Résumé. On a fait, dans le Service des Etudes Cliniques, Ecole Vétérinaire de Médecine, Université de Pahlavi, une étude de 120 chiens de berger, persans, chiens errants ramassés dans la cité de Shiraz. Cette étude a été faite principalement dans le but d'établir l'incidence et les aspects de l'arthrite de l'articulation du coude. On avait découvert des changements arthritiques chez treize chiens soit dans une ou soit dans les deux articulations. L'incidence de l'âge et du sexe des chiens affectés est notée. On décrit et on discute des aspects cliniques, radio-graphiques et pathologiques de la condition de même que les changements découverts suivant la macération. Zusammenfassung. Ein Überblick von 120 streunenden persischen Schäferhunden, von der Stadt Shiraz aufgesammelt, wurde von der Abteilung für Klinische Studien, Schule der Tierärztlichen Medizin, Pahlavi Universität, ausgefürht - hauptsächlich für den Zweck, um das Vorkommen und die Aspekte von Ellbogengelenkarthritis festzustellen. In 13 Hunden entdeckte man arthritische Veränderungen in entweder einem oder beiden Gelenken. Das Alterund Geschlechtovorkommen und die klinischen, radiographischen und pathologischen Aspekte der Kondition, zusammen mit den Veränderungen die man nach Mazeration entdeckte, sind beschrieben und diskutiert.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate areas of articular contact of the proximal portions of the radius and ulna in normal elbow joints of dogs and the effects of axial load on size and location of these areas. SAMPLE POPULATION: Forelimbs obtained from cadavers of 5 adult mixed-breed dogs. PROCEDURE: After forelimbs were removed, liquid-phase polymethyl methacrylate was applied to articular surfaces of the elbow joint, and limbs were axially loaded. Articular regions void of casting material were stained with water-soluble paint. Relative articular contact areas were determined by computer-assisted image analyses of stained specimens. Repeatability of the technique was evaluated by analyses of casts from bilateral forelimbs of 1 cadaver. Incremental axial loads were applied to left forelimbs from 4 cadavers to determine effects of load on articular contact. RESULTS: Specific areas of articular contact were identified on the radius, the craniolateral aspect of the anconeus, and the medial coronoid process. The medial coronoid and radial contact areas were continuous across the radioulnar articulation. There was no articular contact of the medial aspect of the anconeus with the central trochlear notch. Coefficients of variation of contact areas between repeated tests and between contralateral limbs was < 20%. Significant overall effects of axial load on contact area or location were not identified. CONCLUSIONS: Three distinct contact areas were evident in the elbow joint of dogs. Two ulnar contact areas were detected, suggesting there may be physiologic incongruity of the humeroulnar joint. There was no evidence of surface incongruity between the medial edge of the radial head and the lateral edge of the medial coronoid process.  相似文献   

Two clinical cases are described, with premature closure of the growth plate of the distal ulna in one and of the distal radius in the other. Radical resection of the distal ulna was carried out to remove the 'bow–string' effect in premature closure of the distal ulna. The associated elbow joint deformities were corrected by moving the radius relative to the ulna. This was achieved by placing transverse pins in the bones, and connecting these externally with elastic.  相似文献   

In cooperation with breed clubs and practising veterinarians throughout Norway, the elbow joints of rottweilers, Bernese mountain dogs and Newfoundlands were screened for osteophyte formation/arthrosis, indicating primary elbow lesions. The changes were graded 0 to 3 and the results subjected to statistical analysis regarding frequencies, frequencies relative to sex, relative risks, differences between offspring groups and heritability. The number of dogs examined were: rottweilers, 1423, Bernese mountain dogs, 414 and Newfoundlands, 209. The frequency of elbow arthrosis varied from 30 to 50 per cent, males being more often and more severely affected than females. The relative risk of developing arthrosis among offspring of affected animals compared to offspring of non-affected animals, was 1–6. Heritability varied from 10-4 per cent to 47-8 per cent, depending on the method used. Based on these results, it is concluded that elbow screening programmes should be carried out in breeds disposed to elbow lesions. Breeding animals should be selected on the basis of the elbow status of parents and other relatives, if possible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare and correlate B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonographic characteristics with the histologic findings of benign and malignant mammary tumors in dogs. STUDY POPULATION: 49 mammary tumors in 26 dogs. PROCEDURES: Before excision, tumors were evaluated via B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonography to assess size, echogenicity, echopattern, acoustic transmission, invasiveness, and vascularity. Paraffin-embedded microsections of the tumors were stained with H&E and examined for presence of necrosis, cysts, cartilage, bone, mineralization, invasion of surrounding tissue, and tissue heterogeneity. To assess vascularity, the number and distribution of vessels that were stained by the Verhoeff van Gieson technique were recorded. RESULTS: Tumor echogenicity and echopattern on ultrasonographic images correlated with tissue heterogeneity detected histologically. Acoustic enhancement was correlated with the presence of necrotic or cystic areas. Tumor invasion into surrounding tissues as determined ultrasonographically did not correlate with the histologic findings. There was a significant correlation between the number of detected vessels and distribution of flow within the tumors determined via ultrasonographic and histologic examinations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In canine mammary tumors, ultrasonographic characteristics appear to be correlated with histopathologic changes. Data suggest that ultrasonography may have an important role in the evaluation of mammary tumors in dogs, particularly in the evaluation of tissue composition and tumor vascularity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective study was to establish the ultrasonographic characteristics of the dimension of the right pancreatic lobe with that of the associated anatomic landmarks in healthy dogs. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on 25 dogs. The thickness of the right pancreatic lobe was compared with that of mural thickness of duodenum, diameter of duodenum, pancreatic duct, abdominal aorta, portal vein, caudal vena cava, and length and width of the right kidney and right adrenal gland. The correlation between each pancreatic parameter and the dimensions of the anatomical landmarks were assessed using linear regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) test. Significant, but weak linear correlations were observed between thickness of right pancreatic lobe with that of duodenum mural thickness (r=0.605, R2=0.339, P=0.001); duodenum diameter (r=0.573, R2=0.299, P=0.003); and right adrenal gland length (r=0.508, R2=0.052, P=0.01). There was no significant dimensional relationship with other selected anatomic landmarks. The ratio between the thickness of right pancreatic lobe and the mural thickness of duodenum, diameter of duodenum and length of right adrenal gland were 2.88 ± 0.53, 1.27 ± 0.27 and 0.81 ± 0.15, respectively. Calculating the ratio of thickness of the right pancreatic lobe with the dimension of significantly correlated anatomic landmarks is a useful and simple method for evaluating the size of the right pancreatic lobe in dogs in clinical practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare and correlate B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonographic characteristics with histopathologic findings of benign and malignant superficial lymph nodes in dogs. STUDY POPULATION: 50 superficial lymph nodes that were normal, abnormally large on physical examination, or represented regional lymph nodes draining an area of suspected primary malignancy in 30 dogs. PROCEDURES: Before excision, lymph nodes were evaluated via B-mode and color Doppler ultrasonography to assess size, echogenicity, presence of a hilus, acoustic transmission, and vascular flow. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections of excised lymph nodes were stained with H&E and examined for the presence and extent of necrosis, fibrosis, fat, metastases, and tissue heterogeneity. To assess vascularity, the number and distribution of vessels stained by the Verhoeff van Gieson technique were recorded. RESULTS: In superficial lymph nodes, a varied echogenicity corresponded to tissue heterogeneity. The ultrasonographic detection of a hilus was associated with the presence of fibrous tissue, fat, or both in the hilar region. Acoustic enhancement corresponded to presence of areas of intranodal necrosis. There was significant correlation between both the distribution and the number of vessels detected via ultrasonography and that detected by histopathology. The amount of flow estimated via ultrasonography was typically higher than that estimated via histologic examination. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that histopathologic changes in canine lymph nodes have associated ultrasonographic changes and suggest that lymph node ultrasonography has an important role in the evaluation of lymph nodes in dogs in general and in dogs with neoplastic disease in particular.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether use of electrostimuluated acupuncture (ESA) would result in significant improvements in ground reaction forces and lameness scores in dogs with chronic elbow joint osteoarthritis secondary to elbow joint dysplasia. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled, crossover clinical trial. ANIMALS: 9 dogs with chronic forelimb lameness and radiographic evidence of elbow joint osteoarthritis. PROCEDURES: All dogs had a 3-week control acclimation period during which gait analysis was performed weekly. Dogs then received ESA once weekly for 3 weeks followed by a sham treatment once weekly for 3 weeks or received the sham treatment followed by ESA. Gait analysis was repeated prior to each treatment, and owners were asked to provide pain scores by use of a visual analog scale method. RESULTS: Treatment (control, acupuncture, or sham) did not have a significant effect on ground reaction forces for any limb. Owners of 8 of the 9 dogs were able to correctly guess the time period when ESA was delivered. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that ESA did not have any significant effects on severity of lameness, as determined by measurement of ground reaction forces, or severity of pain, as determined by visual analog scale pain scores, in dogs with chronic elbow joint osteoarthritis secondary to elbow joint dysplasia.  相似文献   

An ununited medial coronoid process was found in the region of the medial ulnar articular rim of seven elbow joints in four Persian stray dogs in a survey of joint disease in dogs. The clinical, radiographical and pathological aspects of this condition are described and discussed.  相似文献   

A calcified body in the joint capsule of both elbows, intimately connected with the origin of the deep digital flexor, caused bilateral forelimb lameness in an 8-month-old English Setter.
Identical findings were made by radiography in an 11-month-old Labrador Retriever.
The bodies were removed surgically and histological sections of them revealed bony trabeculae centrally, covered partly by hyaline cartilage and fibrous, degenerated cartilage.  相似文献   

Two serious complications-infection and skin ulceration-have been associated with the treatment of elbow hygromas in large and giant breed dogs. Infection in 3 dogs followed the injection of a corticosteroid preparation into the cavity of the hygroma. Skin ulceration developed in 6 dogs following excision of the hygroma and wound breakdown. These skin ulcers were eventually closed by a simple reconstructive procedure. It is recommended that hygromas should not be treated by aspiration and injection of corticosteroid preparations, or by excision. A simple drainage procedure was used successfully in the treatment of 18 hygromas.  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis, a failure of normal endochondral ossification, represents a significant cause of forelimb lameness in medium to large dogs. This paper describes a series of 58 cases of osteochondrosis of the shoulder and elbow diagnosed at a referral centre over a 30-month period. Affected joints which were persistently painful were treated surgically while the non-painful joints were treated conservatively. Details of the radiographic findings are recorded and a grading system is described to enable comparison between the surgically and conservatively treated joints. The progress of the cases was followed over a minimum period of 6 months and the majority of the dogs were re-examined clinically and radiographically.  相似文献   

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