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对丹东地区夏洛来种公牛后裔测定结果的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,辽宁东部地区主要应用夏洛来种公牛冻精开展黄牛改良工作,并多采取级进杂交方式,在母本现状、饲养条件和选育情况等方面,都有比较明显的区域特点。辽宁省种牛繁育中心有关科技人员于2003年7月至9月在丹东地区的凤城和宽甸两县(市)开展了夏洛来肉用种公牛后裔测定工作,现将分析结果报告如下。  相似文献   

通过种公牛后裔的性状测定值来估测种公牛的相对育种值 ,是评定种公牛种用价值的最有效方法之一。辽宁省肉牛繁育中心于 2 0 0 2年 6月~ 1 2月在本省冻精应用数量较多的辽宁北部地区探索性地对部分肉用种公牛进行了后裔测定工作 ,现将阶段性结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1 1 测定对象和项目 在辽北地区 (铁岭市昌图县、开原市 )农村分散饲养的条件下 ,凡应用辽宁省肉牛繁育中心夏洛来和西门塔尔种公牛冻精 ,随机与当地不同杂交组合的基础母牛配种所生的犊牛均作为被测对象 ;测定项目为体重、胸围、体斜长和体高。1 2 测定方法 根据改…  相似文献   

利木赞牛 (又称利木辛牛 )是原产于法国的大型肉用品种牛 ,是辽宁省用于良种肉牛繁育的三个主要品种之一 ,该品种牛杂交应用的效果良好 ,深受广大农户欢迎。辽宁省种牛繁育中心于 2 0 0 3年 7月~ 8月在辽南瓦房店境内对利木赞肉用种公牛进行了后裔测定工作。现将阶段结果报告如下。1 测定目的一是继续探索适合我们实际情况的肉用种公牛种用价值评定方法 ,为科学利用种公牛寻找依据 ;二是总结七十年代以来辽南地区应用利木赞改良复州牛的效果 ,为制定下一步繁育方案提供参考。2 材料与方法2 1 测定对象 纯种利木赞公牛与当地不同改良代…  相似文献   

肉牛育种工作中对种公牛种用价值最终认定是通过后裔测定完成的。同期同龄比较法是在过去和将来采用并将继续使用的较为普遍的方法。随着动物育种技术的进展以及计算机技术、生物技术的不断革新和完善,BLUP、MOET和IVF技术和手段已应用于肉牛育种,因此肉牛的后裔测定方法也将随之改进。本文介绍肉用种公牛四种后裔测定方法。  相似文献   

夏洛来种公牛的营养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏洛来牛属大型肉用品种 ,其生长发育与饲养管理和摄取营养有直接关系 ,尤其是夏洛来种公牛对营养的需求更为关键 ,根据我站十多年来对夏洛来种公牛的饲养管理实践 ,结合当地饲养实际 ,我们对夏洛来种公牛的营养需求有以下几方面认识 :1能量能量不足可使后备公牛睾丸和副性腺发育不良 ,性成熟推迟 ,精液质量差 ;成年公牛性机能减退 ,性欲降低。能量过高使公牛过肥 ,性欲和性机能衰退。种公牛的能量需要应略高于维持需要量。我国饲养标准定为95千卡×W0 75 。体重1000公斤的牛约需16 89千卡/日(净能)。冬春季节 ,采精次数…  相似文献   

<正> 据1988年初统计,日本饲养有200万头奶牛,2岁以上奶牛140万头,泌乳奶牛约100万头,平均29月龄。99%的奶牛为含少量娟姗牛血液的荷斯坦牛。每头牛的平均产奶量约为5870公斤。日本进行后裔测定的官方机构有两个:  相似文献   

一头优秀夏洛来种公牛淘汰原因分析樊宝仁郑新华(河南省许昌市家畜改良站,461000我站一头价值八万元的夏洛来种公牛,因后肢“瘫痪”而淘汰,给站里造成很大经济损失。现把这一头公牛的基本情况总结一下,找出淘汰原因,避免类似情况再发生以减少不必要的损失。1...  相似文献   

Molecular epidemiology of bovine rotavirus from the Charolais area (France). Faecal samples from 164 diarrhoeic calves under 60 days of age were collected from the Charolais area of France during winter of 1998. The samples were tested by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the presence of rotavirus antigen. Of 164 dairy calves tested, 45.1% were positive for rotavirus antigen. The presence of rotavirus was confirmed by electrophoresis of genomic segments. Genomic segment 9 coding for the surface glycoprotein VP7 was amplified by RT-PCR using amplimeres corresponding to a conserved sequence located at the 5' and 3' ends. Nucleotides of the region 29 to 320-560 (average 427) was determined by the Taq dye deoxynucleotide cycle sequencing method. By comparison to the 175 sequences of gene 9 previously published, sequence analysis demonstrated that all of the isolates from the present study belong to the genotype G6. This result confirms previously published data indicating the prevalence of rotavirus G6 in bovine, and suggests that a monovalent vaccine based on G6 antigen would be sufficient to elicit a good protection.  相似文献   

The inheritance of ocular colobomata in Charolais cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The examination of approximately 800 pure bred and cross bred Charolais cattle indicated that ocular colobomata is inherited via an autosomal dominant gene in this breed. Penetrance was found to be complete in the male and partial (52 per cent) in the female. Inheritance in the crossbred animals was different to that in the pure bred.  相似文献   

我国监测区家畜血防成果巩固   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经有关资料统计,我国已达血吸虫病阻断传播标准的广东、广西、上海、福建、浙江五省(市、区)监测区2003年~2004年对原疫区63个县(市)进行了动物血吸虫病疫情监测,结果,对29695头耕牛、1323头奶牛、7159只羊和3328头猪采用血清学或病原学检查方法进行了查病,全部为阴性,表明我国监测区家畜血防成果得到了有效巩固。  相似文献   

夏洛莱肉牛引入新疆已有50余年的历史,为了验证新疆夏洛莱牛在塔额垦区的适应性,更好的开发利用新疆夏洛莱肉牛的种质资源,通过对新疆夏洛莱体尺和体重的测定和分析,以达到为新疆夏洛莱的选育和综合评价提供基础,推进新疆夏洛莱牛对哈萨克牛群体选育效果的目的。本试验方法:选取健康状况良好的导入夏洛莱外血培育后代新疆夏洛莱母牛567头进行了群体体重、体长、管围、胸围、体高等性状的调查。并与报道的西门塔尔牛与哈萨克牛杂交后代(简称西杂牛)、新疆褐牛与哈萨克牛的杂交后代(褐杂牛)做比较分析。采用excel(2019)进行统计分析,结果表明:导入夏洛莱外血培育的新疆夏洛莱牛体重、胸围、体高、体长均明显优于哈萨克牛;出生到3周岁之间,新疆夏洛莱牛在胸围和体重方面比西杂牛和褐杂牛有明显的优势。结论:新疆夏洛莱肉牛经过改良和选育,其生长性能有大幅度的提高,今后应积极运用现代育种技术,加强本品种的保护、选育和利用,构建地方特色肉用牛选育体系有积极的作用。  相似文献   

A three-week old male Charolais calf which had a history of progressive hair loss and clinical signs, including crusts and brown patches similar to those in folic acid deficiency syndrome in man, was subjected to folic acid therapy. Daily oral administration of folic acid (1 mg/kg/day) resulted in the gradual disappearance of the crusts and patches within two weeks and a steady growth of hair and recovery to a normal state within two months. Folic acid, which is required for cellular turnover in a variety of tissues and organs including the hair follicle, may serve as an effective therapeutic agent in some types of alopecia triggered by a deficiency of either folic acid or the co-enzymes involved in the synthetic pathway of DNA.  相似文献   

An autosomal translocation in the Charolais breed of cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Charolais cattle are one of the most important breeds for meat production worldwide; in México, its selection is mainly made by live weight traits. One strategy for mapping important genomic regions that might influence productive traits is the identification of signatures of selection. This type of genomic features contains loci with extended linkage disequilibrium (LD) and homozygosity patterns that are commonly associated with sites of quantitative trait locus (QTL). Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the signatures of selection in Charolais cattle genotyped with the GeneSeek Genomic Profiler Bovine HD panel consisting of 77 K single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A total 61,311 SNPs and 819 samples were used for the analysis. Identification of signatures of selection was carried out using the integrated haplotype score (iHS) methodology implemented in the rehh R package. The top ten SNPs with the highest piHS values were located on BTA 4, 5, 6 and 14. By identifying markers in LD with top ten SNPs, the candidate regions defined were mapped to 52.8–59.3 Mb on BTA 4; 67.5–69.3 on BTA 5; 39.5–41.0 Mb on BTA 6; and 26.4–29.6 Mb on BTA 14. The comparison of these candidate regions with the bovine QTLdb effectively confirmed the association (p < 0.05) with QTL related to growth traits and other important productive traits. The genomic regions identified in this study indicated selection for growth traits on the Charolais population via the conservation of haplotypes on various chromosomes. These genomic regions and their associated genes could serve as the basis for haplotype association studies and for the identification of causal genes related to growth traits.  相似文献   

为了摸清上饶市湖区鄱阳、余干两县血吸虫病疫情;以乡(镇)为单元全面开展人、畜血吸虫病普查和螺情调查;结果查出病人4万余人,病牛7723头,牛血吸虫病感染率9.9%,钉螺面积27556hm^2,新发现钉螺面积7.4hm^2;调查结论认为湖区有73.6%的耕牛下湖洲有螺草洲放牧感染血吸虫病并传播病原,患血吸虫病牛是病原的主要传染源,加强对病牛的查治和管理是血防工作的重中之重。  相似文献   

为了解绵羊肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae)在不同品种绵羊中的感染情况,项目采集宁夏盐池、平罗两地的4个绵羊品种(滩羊、陶寒杂、杜寒杂和滩寒杂)的鼻拭子标本403份,提取DNA并用绵羊肺炎支原体特异性PCR进行检测,统计不同品种、年龄段绵羊体内绵羊肺炎支原体的检出情况。结果表明,滩羊、陶寒杂、杜寒杂和滩寒杂的绵羊肺炎支原体的检出率依次为52.0%、83.0%、75.5%和85.7%;滩羊在3月龄以下及8月龄以上的检出率最低,分别为24.2%和34.4%,3月龄至8月龄的检出率为94.3%;陶寒杂、滩寒杂在各年龄段的检出率均在74.0%以上;杜寒杂3月龄以下的检出率为56.3%,3月龄以上的检出率在82.0%以上。结果表明,宁夏地区规模化饲养的绵羊中,绵羊肺炎支原体广泛存在,较滩羊而言,其他杂交品种羊更易感染绵羊肺炎支原体。  相似文献   

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