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A key point in designing grass‐arable rotations is to find the right balance between the number of cultivations and the length of the grass phase. In a field experiment, we investigated the effect of cropping history (grazed unfertilized grass–clover and fertilized [300 kg N per hectare] ryegrass, proportion of grassland and previous fertilizer use) on crop growth and nitrate leaching for 2 years following grassland cultivation. In the final year, the effect of perennial ryegrass as a catch crop was investigated. The nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of grassland cultivation was higher at 132 kg N per hectare in the rotation with 75% grassland compared with on average 111 kg N per hectare in rotations with 25 and 38% grassland and the NFRV of ryegrass in the rotation was higher than that of grass–clover. Nitrate leaching following cultivation was not affected by the proportion of grassland in the crop rotation or sward type. However, there was a considerable effect of having a ryegrass catch crop following the final barley crop as nitrate leaching was reduced from 60 to 9 kg N per hectare. When summarizing results from the crop rotations over a longer period (1997–2005), management strategy adopted in both the grassland and arable phases appeared to be the primary instrument in avoiding nutrient losses from mixed crop rotations, irrespective of grass proportion. In the arable phase, the huge potential of catch crops has been demonstrated, but it is also important to realize that all parts of the grass‐arable crop rotations must be considered potentially leaky.  相似文献   

Abstract. Losses of nitrogen in the tile drainflow from a clay soil (Evesham series) under grazed grassland were monitored during the 1982/83 and 1983/84 drainflow seasons. In 1982/83, 40% of the discharge had a NO3 concentration > 11.3 mgNl−1, while in 1983/84 concentrations were always > 20 mgNl−1. Total N lost by leaching was 17.5 and 48.7 kg ha−1 in 1982/83 and 1983/84 respectively, which was equivalent to 9 and 43% of the fertilizer applied. The marked difference in N losses for the two seasons was attributed to differences in the quantity and timing of N fertilizer applications, the dryness of the preceding summer and the duration and density of stocking.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate leaching was measured over the eight drainage seasons spanning the nine years from 1990–1998 on the 157‐year old Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted, UK. The weather pattern of two dry, three wet and three dry years was the dominant factor controlling nitrogen (N) loss. Both the concentration of nitrate in the drainage waters and the amount of N leached increased with the amount of N applied, mostly because of long‐term, differential increases in soil organic matter and mineralization. On average, losses of N by leaching were 30 kg ha?1yr?1 when no more than the optimum N application was applied and were typical of amounts leached from arable land in the UK. Losses increased significantly in both amounts and as the percentage of N applied for supra‐optimal applications of N and from autumn‐applied farmyard manure (FYM). Extra spring‐applied fertilizer was very effective at increasing yields on plots given FYM in the autumn but at the expense of leaching losses three times those from optimum fertilizer N applications. Losses increased after potatoes because they left significant amounts of mineral N in the soil, and decreased after forage maize because it used applied N more effectively. Losses measured 120 years ago from identical treatments were 74% greater than current losses because of today's larger yields and more efficient varieties and management practices. Average concentrations of nitrate in drainage waters did not exceed the EU limit of 11.3 mg NO3‐N l?1 until supra‐optimal amounts of N fertilizer (>150–200 kg ha?1yr?1) were applied in spring or FYM was applied in autumn. However some drainage waters from all plots, even those that have not received fertilizer for >150 years, exceeded the limit when rain followed a dry summer and autumn. Nitrate leaching into waters will remain a problem for profitable arable farming in the drier parts of Eastern England and Europe despite increased N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract. Four management systems combining high and low livestock densities (0.7 and 1.4 livestock units ha−1) and different types of organic manure (slurry and straw based FYM) were applied to an organic dairy crop rotation (undersown barley – grass–clover – grass–clover – barley/pea – oats – fodder beet) between 1998 and 2001. The effects of the management systems on crop yields and nitrate leaching were measured. In all four years, nitrate leaching, as determined using ceramic suction cups, was higher in the three crops following ploughing of grass–clover than under the barley or grass–clover. Overall, no significant differences in nitrate leaching were observed between the management systems. However, the replacement of the winter wheat crop used in the earlier experimental period (1994–97) by spring oats with catch crops in both the preceding and succeeding winters reduced nitrate leaching compared with the earlier rotation. Increasing the livestock density, which increased manure application by c. 60 kg total N ha−1, increased crop yields by 7 and 9% on average for FYM and slurry, respectively. Yields were 3–5% lower where FYM was used instead of slurry. The experiment confirmed the overriding importance of grassland N management, particularly the cultivation of the ley, in organic dairy crop rotations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaching of calcium (Ca), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) from urine patches in grazed grassland represents a significant loss of valuable nutrients. We studied the effect on cation loss of treating the soil with a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), which was used to reduce nitrate loss by leaching. The soil was a free-draining Lismore stony silt loam (Udic Haplustept loamy skeletal) and the pasture was a mixture of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) and white clover ( Trifolium repens ). The treatment of the soil with DCD reduced Ca2+ leaching by the equivalent of 50%, from 213 to 107 kg Ca ha−1 yr−1 on a field scale. Potassium leaching was reduced by 65%, from 48 to 17 kg K ha−1 yr−1. Magnesium leaching was reduced by 52%, from 17 to 8 kg Mg ha−1 yr−1. We postulate that the reduced leaching loss of these cations was due to the decreased leaching loss of nitrate under the urine patches, and follows from their reduced requirement as counter ions in the drainage water. The treatment of grazed grassland with DCD thus not only decreases nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions as reported previously, but also decreases the leaching loss of cation nutrients such as Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer application and grazing are known to induce nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grassland soils. In a field study, general information on rates of N2O emission, the effect of cattle grazing and the type (mineral fertilizer, cattle slurry) and amount of N supply on the flux of N2O from a sandy soil were investigated. N2O emissions from permanent grassland managed as a mixed system (two cuts followed by two grazing cycles) were monitored over 11 months during 2001-2002 in northern Germany using the closed chamber method. The field experiment consisted of four regionally relevant fertilizer combinations, i.e. two mineral N application rates (0 and 100 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and two slurry levels (0 and 74 kg N ha−1 yr−1).Mean cumulative N2O-N loss was 3.0 kg ha−1 yr−1, and the cumulative 15N-labelled N2O emissions varied from 0.03% to 0.19% of the 15N applied. 15N labelling indicated that more N2O was emitted from mineral N than from slurry treated plots, and in all treatments the soil N pool was always clearly the major source of N2O. Regarding the total cumulative N2O losses, differences among treatments were not significant, which was caused by: (i) a high variance in emissions during and after cattle grazing due to the random distribution of excrements and by (ii) high N2 fixation of white clover in the 0 kg N ha−1 treatments, which resulted in similar N status of all treatments. However before grazing started, treatments showed significant differences. After cattle grazing in summer, N2O emission rates were higher than around the time of spring fertilizer application, or in winter. Grazing resulted in N2O flux rates up to 489 μg N2O-N m−2 h−1 and the grazing period contributed 31-57% to the cumulative N2O emission. During freeze-thaw cycles in winter (December-February) N2O emission rates of up to 147 μg N2O-N m−2 h−1 were measured, which contributed up to 26% to the annual N2O flux. The results suggest that N fertilizer application and grazing caused only short-term increases of N2O flux rates whereas the major share of annual N2O emission emitted from the soil N pool. The significantly increased N2O fluxes during freeze-thaw cycles show the importance of emission events in winter which need to be covered by measurements for obtaining reliable estimates of annual N2O emissions.  相似文献   



Climate change is arguably the biggest environmental challenge facing humanity today. Livestock production systems are a major source of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a long-term global warming potential 298 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). Nitrate (NO3 ?) leaching from soil causes water contamination, and this is a major environmental issue worldwide. Agriculture is identified as the dominant source for NO3 ? in surface and ground waters. In grazed grassland systems where animals graze outdoor pastures, most of the N2O and NO3 ? are from nitrogen (N) returned to the soil in the excreta of the grazing animal, particularly the urine. This paper reviews published literature on the use of nitrification inhibitors (NI) to treat grazed pasture soils to mitigate NO3 ? leaching and N2O emissions.

Materials and methods

This paper provides a review on: ammonia oxidisers, including ammonia oxidising bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidising archaea (AOA), that are responsible for ammonia oxidation in the urine patch areas of grazed pastures; the effectiveness of NIs, such as dicyandiamide (DCD) and 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), in inhibiting the growth and activity of ammonia oxidisers; the efficacy of DCD and DMPP in reducing NO3 ? leaching and N2O emissions in grazed pastures; additional benefits of using NI in grazed pasture, including increased pasture production, decreased cation leaching and decreased NO3 ? concentrations in plants; and major factors that may affect the efficacy of NIs.

Results and discussion

Research from a number of laboratory and field studies have conclusively demonstrated that treating grazed pasture soils with a NI, such as DCD, is an effective means of reducing NO3 ? leaching and N2O emissions from grazed livestock production systems. Results show that N2O emissions from animal urine-N can be reduced by an average of 57 % and NO3 ? leaching from animal urine patches can be reduced by 30 to 50 %. The NI technology has been shown to be effective under a wide range of soil and environmental conditions. The NI technology also provides other benefits, including increased pasture production, reduced cation (Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+) leaching and reduced NO3 ? concentration in pasture plants which would reduce the risk of NO3 ? poisoning for the animal.


The use of NIs such as DCD to treat grazed pasture soil is a scientifically sound and practically viable technology that can effectively mitigate NO3 ? leaching and N2O emissions in grazed livestock production systems.

Abstract. Nitrate leaching from crop rotations supporting organic grain production was investigated from 1997 to 2000 in a field experiment at three locations in Denmark on different soil types. Three experimental factors were included in the experiment in a factorial design: (1) proportion of N2-fixing crops in the rotation (crop rotation), (2) catch crop (with and without), and (3) manure (with and without). Three, four-course rotations were compared, two at each location. The nitrate leaching was measured using ceramic suction cells. Leaching losses from the crop rotation with grass–clover green manure and without catch crops were 104, 54 and 35 kg N ha−1 yr−1 on the coarse sand, the loamy sand, and the sandy loam, respectively. There was no effect of manure application or time of ploughing-in the grass–clover green manure crop on the accumulated nitrate leaching from the entire rotation. Catch crops reduced nitrate leaching significantly, by 30–38%, on the sandy soils. At all locations catch crops reduced the annual averaged nitrate concentration to meet drinking water quality standards in the crop rotation with green manure. On the coarse sand there was a time lag between the onset of drainage and the start of N-uptake by the catch crop.  相似文献   

Abstract. Under a UK Government consultation procedure announced in 2001, it was proposed that measures agreed within already designated Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ 's) would be extended to include a considerably increased area of England, Wales and Scotland. Since existing NVZ 's in the UK have included relatively little grassland, it is important to examine how nitrate losses from grassland areas, especially from animal manures, one of the major potential sources of nitrate loss, can be minimized. Experiments were carried out on freely draining grassland soils at four sites (Devon, Hampshire, Shropshire and N Yorkshire) representative of a wide range of climatic and farming conditions across lowland England, over a four year period, 1990/91 to 1993/94. Slurry was applied to experimental plots over a range of times (including June and then monthly, from September to January) at a target rate of 200 kg N ha–1. Nitrogen leaching over the four years ranged from 0 to >50% of applied slurry N, with the largest losses occurring following applications in the September to November period. The use of a nitrification inhibitor with slurry applied in November failed to provide consistent reduction in nitrate leaching.
A strategy to reduce the risk of N leaching from manures applied to freely draining grassland soils must take account of the characteristics of the manure, in particular its N content, the application rate and the amount of excess rainfall following application. The experimental results suggest that slurry applications to freely draining grassland, in September, October and November should generally be avoided, the rationale for this being dependent on the amount of excess rainfall subsequent to application. Farmyard manure represents a lower risk and does not justify the restrictions on application timing that appear to be necessary with slurry.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to examine the spatial patterns of sward dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) yields in a grass silage field at first, second, and third cuts over a 3-year period; quantify their temporal stabilities with temporal stability maps; and assess the potential for site-specific management in each pasture-growing period using classified management maps. At cut 1, the spatial patterns of DM and N yields proved to be well defined and temporally stable and were likely to be due to differences in the net N mineralization rates across the field during spring. In contrast, at cut 2, the patterns of DM production were patchy and temporally unstable. It was concluded that, in principle, a simple site-specific approach to N fertilization would be possible in this field during spring at cut 1. At later harvests, the rationale for a site-specific approach to fertilizer management was less clear with logistics appearing to be more complex and less feasible.  相似文献   



Transformation and transport of soil phosphorus (P) from chemical fertilizer or manure are affected by agronomic practices (i.e., fertilization, irrigation, and tillage) and numerous abiotic factors (i.e., temperature, drought, and rainfall). Previous studies on the effects of manure application on P loss were mostly conducted during cultivation and often using the laboratory column approach. Validated field observations by integrating P availability with the risk of P loss are few. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of rainfall and manure application on P leaching during fallow season.

Materials and methods

An in situ field lysimeter experiment was performed. Leachate was collected and analyzed for total P (TP) and dissolved reactive P (DRP). At the end of the lysimeter trial, soils were sampled incrementally to a depth of 40 cm with the following depth intervals: 0–4, 4–10, 10–20, 20–30, and 30–40 cm. Soil water extractable P (Pw) was analyzed and degree of P saturation (DPS) was calculated after oxalate and Mehlich-3 (M3) extractions.

Results and discussion

Phosphorus loading was found below 40 cm in all treatments and P was most concentrated in the 4–10 cm soil layer. High rainfall enhanced P leaching and consequently led to lower Pw and higher leachate DRP and TP than low rainfall. Furthermore, P leaching was observed regardless of manure application, with the highest leachate DRP (1.83 mg L?1) and TP (7.46 mg L?1) concentrations found at the end of experiment (day 53). Observed P leaching loads during fallow season (53 days) varied between 0.08 and 1.21 kg ha?1. The thresholds of DPS indicating P leaching were identified at 18.9% DPSM3(Ca) and 12.9% DPSM3(Ca+Mg), respectively. In this study, the DPSM3(Ca) and DPSM3(Ca+Mg) values exceeded the corresponding thresholds in the upper 30-cm soil layer but did not reach the thresholds at 30–40 cm. Nevertheless, the leachate DRP and TP indicated soil P leaching.


The results showed that intensive rainfall could significantly increase P leaching from manure application. Moreover, P leaching could occur in fallow season even in the absence of manure input, which should be assessed by not only soil P sorption capacities, but also soil fertilization history and hydrologic conditions. Implementation of soil P level evaluation is critical before spreading manure on land to avoid P pollution. Cost-effective and applicable soil test methods are required to generate environmental indicators to classify agricultural lands for risk of P loss, providing basis to safe manure disposal.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3?) can contribute to surface water eutrophication and is deemed harmful to human health if present at high concentrations in the drinking water. In grazed grassland, most of the NO3?‐N leaching occurs from animal urine‐N returns. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in decreasing NO3? leaching in three different soils from different regions of New Zealand under two different rainfall conditions (1260 mm and 2145 mm p.a.), and explore the relationships between NO3?‐N leaching loss and ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA). The DCD nitrification inhibitor was found to be highly effective in decreasing NO3?‐N leaching losses from all three soils under both rainfall conditions. Total NO3?‐N leaching losses from the urine patch areas were decreased from 67.7–457.0 kg NO3?‐N/ha to 29.7–257.4 kg NO3?‐N/ha by the DCD treatment, giving an average decrease of 59%. The total NO3?‐N leaching losses were not significantly affected by the two different rainfall treatments. The total NO3?‐N leaching loss was significantly related to the amoA gene copy numbers of the AOB DNA and to nitrification rate in the soil but not to that of the AOA. These results suggest that the DCD nitrification inhibitor is highly effective in decreasing NO3? leaching under these different soil and rainfall conditions and that the amount of NO3?‐N leached is mainly related to the growth of the AOB population in the nitrogen rich urine patch soils of grazed grassland.  相似文献   

Leaching of nitrogen from arable land can lead to pollution of groundwater and surface water. Various measures have been implemented in agriculture to reduce leaching, but there is still potential to do more. To find the best agricultural management regime to limit the problem, leaching from soils under different management must be measured. Different methods to estimate leaching are available, but they have not been thoroughly evaluated. This study compared (a) leaching of nitrogen from five different fertilizer treatments differing in amount and source (mineral and organic) of nitrogen and (b) two different methods for measuring leaching (tile-drained field plots and lysimeters). Nitrogen leaching from five different fertilizer treatments was studied for three years in a tile-drained field facility and for three of the treatments also for 16 months in a lysimeter facility. Leaching from organic and mineral nitrogen sources was similar in the three-year field study. Mineral nitrogen input above the economic optimum tended to give greater leaching (by 24%–43%) than nitrogen input at the expected optimum. Measurements in lysimeters and tile-drained field plots gave similar results, although leaching values tended to be slightly higher (by 18%–25%) in the tile-drained field. Overall, both facilities give reliable estimates of nitrogen leaching and are suitable for leaching studies.  相似文献   

Abstract. The African oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) is relatively well adapted to the pedoclimatic conditions of central Amazonia. The clayey upland soils of the region are well supplied with nitrogen, although they are deficient in most other nutrients. Under these conditions, oil palm does not respond to N fertilization with yield increases. In this research, the N status of a central Amazonian upland soil was evaluated after having supported a productive oil palm plantation for 15 years without N fertilization. Mineral N in the upper 2 m of soil showed pronounced spatial patterns, with very low concentrations close to the palms, indicative of efficient N uptake by the palms, and evidence for nitrate leaching into the subsoil in the inter-tree spaces despite the near-absence of a leguminous cover crop during the previous ten years. The pronounced increases of mineral N with increasing tree distance were explained by increases in N mineralization and a strong decrease in fine root length density of the palms, especially in the subsoil. Failure of the palms to fully occupy the available soil volume with their roots was apparently related to fertilizer placement close to the stem base, which over the years had led to steep fertility gradients between the soil under the trees and the inter-tree spaces. Broadcast fertilization would have presumably favoured a more extensive lateral root development of the palms, and consequently improved nutrient and water uptake from the inter-tree spaces. The incomplete soil occupation by the palm roots also suggests that young oil palms can be associated with shade tolerant crops without much risk of root competition. These conclusions may be valid also for other tree crops and may help to reduce nitrate leaching and consequently the need for N fertilization in Amazonian tree crop agriculture.  相似文献   

Field-scale variation of soil phosphorus (P) information is very important for P fertilizer application and its soil sampling design in grassland. A total of 108 soil samples were collected from a long-term (41 years) grazed grassland P experiment field at Teagasc, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland, in March 2009. There were six P treatments (P0-0, P0-30, P15-15, P15-5, P30-30, and P30-0) since 1968, with changes since 1999. Each treatment had 6 replicate plots (a total of 36 plots, 3 soil samples per plot). The samples were analyzed for available (Morgan’s) P, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), lime requirement (LR), and pH. The highest mean available P concentration was found in the P30-30 (30 kg P ha?1 pre- and post-1998) plots, and the lowest mean available P concentration was found in the P0-0 (no P fertilizer since 1968) plots. Significant differences of mean P, Mg, LR, and pH values in different treatments were observed. There was a positive proportional effect for both the 36 plots and the 6 treatments for the P data: the local standard deviation increased with the increase of local mean. The proportional effect should be considered in order to optimize sampling design. Fewer samples can reflect soil P status in fields with low soil P levels, while more attention should be paid to the fields with high P levels in order to reduce environmental consequences of uniform applications.  相似文献   

Labelled urea was applied to monolith lysimeters in the 1st year of a 2-year experiment at Onne in south-east Nigeria. On eight lysimeters maize and rice were grown in each of the 2 years. Four lysimeters were similarly cropped in the 2nd year after being uncropped in the 1st year. Measurements were made over the 2-year period of labelled and unlabelled mineral nitrogen in the drainage water, and labelled and unlabelled nitrogen in the crops. At the end of the experiment, weeds and the soil were also analysed for labelled and unlabelled nitrogen.
The total recovery of 15N in crop, soil and leachate varied between 70 and 93%. It was lowest when applied to the second season rice crop, which recovered only 15%, and highest when it was leached in the 1st year or was taken up by the maize crop. The highest crop uptake was 31%. The results indicate that, depending on the treatment, between 10 and 30% of the 15N was immobilized in the soil, lysimeters cropped in the 1st year lost between 22 and 29% of the 15N in drainage water, and between 7 and 30% was lost by denitrification. The accuracy of these figures is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The efficiency with which fertilizer nitrogen (N) is used in agricultural systems might be improved if the amounts applied at each top dressing were adjusted to avoid the accumulation of mineral-N in the soil profile to levels in excess of the growth requirements of the crop. Such tactical application of fertilizer would be feasible if soil mineral-N could be determined rapidly in the field with sufficient accuracy. This paper describes a rapid field test for both the ammonium and nitrate components of soil mineral-N based on reading paper test strips with a reflectometer, recalibrated for use with KC1 solution. The new test is volumetric and also accounts for the effects of fluctuations in soil water content by means of a standard dilution procedure to provide an absolute measure of soil mineral-N in about one hour. Measurements of ammonium and nitrate in a clay loam soil sampled from grazed pasture were compared with those made by conventional laboratory based methods; they generally differed by less than 5%. The proportion of mineral-N as ammonium averaged about 50% overall and typically exceeded 70% in spring. Ammonium and nitrate were not well correlated. The use of a filter-press to expel soil solution increased the sensitivity of the test five-fold to enable application in studies of soil N transformations in unfertilized and semi-natural environments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The field experiment tested the effects of three management systems on nitrate leaching losses from a five crop rotation on the Lincolnshire Limestone in Eastern England. The Standard system was similar to farming practice in the area. The Protective system integrated individual practices which were expected to decrease nitrate losses (e.g. cover crops, cultivation delay in autumn and reduced intensity, manipulation of drilling dates and, during the first few years of the first rotation, straw incorporation). The Intermediate system was a compromise between the two extremes. All crops were grown at full and half recommended nitrogen rates. This paper reports data from the second full rotation (years 6–10), thus enabling the medium-term effects of continued management practices to be investigated. Average annual nitrogen leaching losses at 49, 35 and 25 kg N ha–1 for Standard, Intermediate and Protective systems, respectively, were significantly different. The respective flow-weighted average NO3 concentrations were 167, 131 and 96 mg l–1. Thus, adopting nitrate retentive practices through the rotation was able to substantially decrease losses. The Protective system was as effective as in the first full rotation, demonstrating that 10 years of such practices had not failed in the medium-term. However, continued minimal cultivation caused serious problems of weed build-up. The cost of weed control and yield loss caused by grass weeds made cereal production uneconomic in some years. Thus, rules for nitrate leaching control need to be tempered with practical and agronomic considerations. Also, few (if any) management techniques tested guaranteed that nitrate losses would be small in all years, as the interaction with winter weather, particularly rainfall, was of vital importance.  相似文献   

Leaching losses of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) from arable land can be high, with N and P contributing significantly to the eutrophication of lakes and coastal waters. This study examined whether agriculture management and drain repair changed the chemical properties of shallow groundwater and affected nutrient leaching in the field. The hydrology of a subsurface-drained agricultural observation field included in the Swedish water quality monitoring programme was simulated for the period 1976–2006 using the process-based, field-scale model DRAINMOD. On the assumption that the drainage system operated similarly before and after repair, 54% more water was assigned to low-moderate flow events. Measured concentrations of sulphate-sulphur (SO4-S), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl) and potassium (K) were significantly lower in shallow groundwater in the period before drainage system repair (1980–1998) than afterwards (1998–2010). The concentrations were also significantly correlated with the corresponding concentrations in near-simultaneously sampled drain water. A similar connection was not observed for Na and Cl in the period before drain repair. Elevated concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) were recorded both in shallow groundwater and in drainage water from 1998 to 2010, especially after incorporation of chicken manure into the soil in 1998. Based on simulated discharge (assuming a functioning measuring station throughout), estimated flow-weighted mean NO3-N concentration in drainage water increased from 5.6 mg L?1 (1977–1998) to 15.7 mg L?1 in the period 1998–2000. Simultaneously, mean NO3-N concentration in shallow groundwater increased from 0.2 to 4.0 mg L?1, and then to 4.8 mg L?1 in the period 2000–2012. It was estimated that after drain repair, a greater proportion of infiltrated NO3-N entered the receiving stream directly via the outlet of the tile drainage system close to the field's monitoring station than was the case before repair.  相似文献   

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