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1.?A study was conducted to study direct dominance genetic and maternal effects on genetic evaluation of production traits in dual-purpose chickens. The data set consisted of records of body weight and egg production of 49 749 Mazandaran fowls from 19 consecutive generations. Based on combinations of different random effects, including direct additive and dominance genetic and maternal additive genetic and environmental effects, 8 different models were compared. 2.?Inclusion of a maternal genetic effect in the models noticeably improved goodness of fit for all traits. Direct dominance genetic effect did not have noticeable effects on goodness of fit but simultaneous inclusion of both direct dominance and maternal additive genetic effects improved fitting criteria and accuracies of genetic parameter estimates for hatching body weight and egg production traits. 3.?Estimates of heritability (h2) for body weights at hatch, 8 weeks and 12 weeks of age (BW0, BW8 and BW12, respectively), age at sexual maturity (ASM), average egg weights at 28–32 weeks of laying period (AEW), egg number (EN) and egg production intensity (EI) were 0.08, 0.21, 0.22, 0.22, 0.21, 0.09 and 0.10, respectively. For BW0, BW8, BW12, ASM, AEW, EN and EI, proportion of dominance genetic to total phenotypic variance (d2) were 0.06, 0.08, 0.01, 0.06, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.07 and maternal heritability estimates (m2) were 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.13, 0.21, 0.07 and 0.03, respectively. Negligible coefficients of maternal environmental effect (c2) from 0.01 to 0.08 were estimated for all traits, other than BW0, which had an estimate of 0.30. 4.?Breeding values (BVs) estimated for body weights at early ages (BW0 and BW8) were considerably affected by components of the models, but almost similar BVs were estimated by different models for higher age body weight (BW12) and egg production traits (ASM, AEW, EN and EI). Generally, it could be concluded that inclusion of maternal effects (both genetic and environmental) and, to a lesser extent, direct dominance genetic effect would improve the accuracy of genetic evaluation for early age body weights in dual-purpose chickens. 相似文献
Data from purebred and crossbred calves, consisting of Afrikaner (AF), Charolais (CH), Simmental (ST) and Hereford and Aberdeen Angus combined (HA), were analyzed to estimate breed additive effects, breed maternal effects, average individual heterosis and average maternal heterosis. The traits studied were birthweight (BW), weaning weight (WW) and preweaning average daily gain (ADG) (kg). A multiple regression procedure was used for the estimation of these genetic effects and for predictions for breed crosses that were not included in the data set. Crosses containing higher proportions of CH or ST were heavier at birth and weaning than the other crosses and purebreds. The direct effects of BW were negative and significant ( P < 0.05), except that of the CH, which was the highest. The regression coefficients were ?24.87, ?18.16, ?22.80 and ?27.02 for AF, CH, ST and HA, respectively. The maternal effects were not significant. Both average individual and average maternal heterosis regression coefficients were also not significant for BW. Regression coefficients of both direct and maternal effects for WW were not significant and were characterized by large standard errors. Average individual heterosis and average maternal heterosis regression coefficients were, however, significant ( P < 0.01) and the values were 5.34 and 2.19, respectively. A similar pattern was observed for ADG, except for the regression coefficients of the maternal effects, which were significant, with larger estimates for AF and ST reflecting their superior mothering ability. The values were 0.01, 0.13, 0.13, 0.03; ?0.82, ?0.85, ?0.85, ?0.81; 0.03 and 0.01 for direct effects and maternal effects of AF, CH, ST and HA; and average individual heterosis and average maternal heterosis, respectively. Means and standard errors of purebreds and their F 1 crosses not included in the dataset were predicted. 相似文献
SUMMARY: Additive genetic and maternal effects were estimated for several litter traits in rabbits. A total of 457 litters of 3267 animals from a reciprocal crossbreeding experiment were analysed by an animal model using a derivate-free REML procedure. Heritability estimates for litter size at birth, weaning and slaughter ranged from 0.09 to 0.25, for litter-weight traits from 0.00 to 0.13 and for preweaning and postweaning mortality rates from 0.00 to 0.19. Additive genetic contribution to the variation in a litter trait was found to be higher at birth and during the postweaning period than during the suckling period. Maternal effects accounted for approximately 10 % of the variation in most of the preweaning litter traits. Live litter size at birth was found to be the main source of variation in preweaning traits, explaining between 2.3 % and 43.2 % of the total variation. Heritability estimates and genetic correlations indicated live litter size at birth to be a useful selection criterion for the improvement of litter traits in rabbits. Our results indicated that a litter size of approximately 11 would be optimal before litter size at weaning and litter weight at weaning began to decline. Genetic selection for live litter size at birth would result in significant improvement in litter size and litter weight at later ages. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Sch?tzung additiv-genetischer und maternaler Effekte auf Wurfmerkmale beim Kaninchen An insgesamt 457 Würfen mit 3267 Einzeltieren, die aus einem reziproken Kreuzungsversuch stammten, wurden additiv-genetische und maternale Effekte für zahlreiche Wurfmerkmale anhand eines Tiermodells (DFREML-Methode) gesch?tzt. Heritabilit?tssch?tzungen wurden für Wurfgr??e und Wurfgewicht zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten (Geburt, Absetzen und Erreichen des Schlachtgewichts) aurchgeführt. Der additiv-genetische Variationsanteil an der Gesamtvariation war dabei bei der Geburt und nach dem Absetzen h?her als w?hrend der S?ugezeit. Die Sch?tzungen schwankten bei der Wurfgr??e zwischen h(2) = 0,09 und h(2) = 0,19 und beim Wurfgewicht zwischen h(2) = 0,00 und h(2) = 0,13. Für die Verlustrate bis zum Absetzen betrug die Heritabilit?t h(2) = 0,00 und für die Verlustrate vom Absetzen bis zum Erreichen des Schlachtgewichts h(2) = 0,19. Durch maternale Effekte wurde bis zum Absetzen ungef?hr 10% der Variation in den untersuchten Merkmalen erkl?rt. Bei Einbeziehung des Merkmals Lebendwurfgr??e bei der Geburt in das Tiermodell lie?en sich 2,3-42,3 % der Gesamtvariation in den Wurfmerkmalen in der S?ugezeit beschreiben. Die Heritabilit?tssch?tzungen und die Sch?tzung genetischer Korrelationen deuten daraufhin, da? die Lebendwurfgr??e bei der Geburt ein erfolgsversprechendes Selektionskriterium für die Verbesserung von Wurfmerkmalen beim Kaninchen darstellt. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen an, da? eine Lebendwurfgr??e von 11 Jungtieren anzustreben ist. Bei gr??eren Würfen nimmt die Wurfgr??e und das Wurfgewicht beim Absetzen wieder ab. Genetische Selektion auf Lebendwurfgr??e bei der Geburt verspricht eine signifikante Verbesserung der Wurfgr??e und des Wurfgewichts in sp?teren Lebensabschnitten. 相似文献
SUMMARY: A crossbreeding experiment was carried out in Egypt using a local breed (Baladi Red, BR) and New Zealand White (NZ) to estimate direct heterosis, maternal additive effects and direct sire effects on some growth and carcass traits in rabbits. Data of body weight (at 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks) and daily gains (at intervals of 5-6, 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 weeks) on 2153 weaned rabbits were collected. Carcass performance at 12 weeks of age (weight and percentages of carcass, giblets, head, fur, blood and viscera) on 213 male rabbits was evaluated. Estimates of coefficients of variation (CV) for most growth and carcass traits were high and ranged from 10.0 to 40.2%. Sire-breed was of considerable importance in the variation of growth traits and some carcass traits, while dam-breed contributed little. Sire-breed × dam-breed interaction affected (P<0.01 or P<0.001) most body weights and gains studied, while it contributed little to the variation of carcass traits. The purebred NZ resulted in rabbits with heavier weights and carcass and with lighter non-edible carcass (blood and viscera) compared to the BR. Heterosis percentages for most growth traits were significant and ranged from 2.5% to 5.0% for body weights and from 0.7% to 9.5% for daily gains. Insignificant positive direct heterosis was observed for most carcass traits. Crossbred rabbits from NZ sires with BR dams were superior to from the reciprocals. Maternal-breed effects on most weights and gains were insignificant, while sire-breed contrasts for some weights and gains proved significant. Postweaning growth and carcass performances of BR-mothered rabbits generally surpassed the NZ mothered, while NZ-sired rabbits were superior at later ages. High edible carcass was observed for BR-sired rabbits, while more non-edible carcass wastes (blood and viscera) for NZ-sired rabbits. Maternal-breed effects appeared to be less important than paternal-breed effects in influencing most weights, gains and carcass traits studied. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Heterosis, maternale und direkte Wirkungen bei Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmalen in Kaninchenkreuzungen Der Kreuzungsversuch wurde mit lokalen ?gyptischen Rassen (BR) und Neuseeland Wei?en (NZ) zur Sch?tzung direkter Heterosis, maternaler additiver Wirkungen, direkter Vater-Wirkung auf einige Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale von Kaninchen durchgeführt. Angaben über K?rpergewicht (5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Wochen) und Zuwachs (Intervalle 5 bis 6, 6 bis 8, 8 bis 10, 10 bis 12 Wochen) wurden von 2153 abgesetzten Kaninchen gewonnen. Die Schlachtk?rperleistungen bei 12 Wochen Alter (Gewicht und Anteil von Schlachtk?rper, Kopf, Pelz, Blut und Innereien) stammen von 213 m?nnlichen Kaninchen. Sch?tzungen der Variationskoeffizenten (CV) für meiste Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale waren hoch und bewegten sich zwischen 10 und 40,2%. Vaterrasse hatte erheblichen Einflu? auf Unterschiede in Wachstumsrate und einige Schlachtk?rpermerkmale, w?hrend die Mutterrasse weniger beigetragen hat. Interaktion zwischen beiden beeinflu?te die meisten K?rpergewichts- und Zuwacnsleistungen, w?hrend sie wenig zur Variabilit?t der Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beigetragen hat. Reinrassige NZ waren schwerer und hatten weniger nicht nutzbare Schlachtk?rperteile (Blut und Eingeweide) verglichen mit BR. Heterosis-Prozente für die meisten Wachstumsmerkmale waren signifikant und schwankten zwischen 2,5 und 5% für K?rpergewicht, 0,7 bis 9,5% für Zuwachs. Insignifikante positive direkte Heterosis wurde für die meisten Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beobachtet. Kreuzungskaninchen von NZ V?tern waren den reziproken überlegen. Maternale Wirkungen auf meiste Gewichtsmerkmale waren insignifikant, w?hrend Vaterrassenkontraste hierfür signifikant waren. Zuwachs- und Schlachtk?rperleistung von BR ges?ugten Kaninchen haben im allgemeinen die von NZ ges?ugten übertroffen, w?hrend von NZ B?cken gezeugte in sp?teren Altersabschnitten überlegen waren. Hohe Werte für Schlachtk?rper wurden für BR ges?ugte Kaninchen gefunden, w?hrend mehr nicht verzehrbare Abf?lle (Blut und Eingeweide) bei NZ gezeugten vorhanden war. Maternale Rassenwirkungen schienen weniger wichtig als paternale zu sein. 相似文献
SUMMARY: Additive genetic and maternal effects were estimated for postweaning growth traits and carcass traits using a derivate-free REML procedure under animal model. The traits studied were weight at 84 days of age, age at slaughter, postweaning ADG, dressing percentage, weight of kidney and pelvic fat, and muscle pH value and electrical conductivity in the semimembranosus muscle. Heritability estimates from a total of 728 rabbits in a reciprocal crossbreeding experiment ranged from 0.15 to 0.26 for postweaning growth traits, 0.21 for dressing percentage, 0.38 for weight of kidney and pelvic fat, 0.02 for pH value, and 0.51 for electrical conductivity. Considerable maternal effects were present in postweaning growth traits and in weight of kidney and pelvic fat. Genetic correlation estimates indicated that genetic selection for postweaning daily gain would lead to lower dressing percentages (- 0.51) and leaner carcasses (- 0.34). The genetic relationships between ADG after weaning and pH value (- 0.90), and between ADG and electrical conductivity (0.58) illustrated a shifting towards a glycolytic energy metabolism of the muscle due to increased growth. Litter size at birth was found to be a significant source of variation for all postweaning growth traits (p < 0.001) and for electrical conductivity (p < 0.05). Genetic selection for litter size at birth would result in decreased growth rates, lower dressing percentage and enhanced adiposis. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Sch?tzung additiv-genetischer und maternaler Effekte auf Mastleistungs- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beim Kaninchen Additiv-genetische und maternale Effekte wurden für Mastleistungsmerkmale nach dem Absetzen und für Schlachtk?rpermerkmale anhand eines Tiermodells (DFREML-Methode) gesch?tzt. Bei den untersuchten Merkmalen handelt es sich um das 84-Tage-Gewicht, das Schlachtalter, Zunahmen nach dem Absetzen, Ausschlachtungsprozente, Nieren- und Beckenfettgewicht und um den pH-Wert und die elektrische Leitf?higkeit im M. semimembranosus. Die Heritabilit?tssch?tzungen an insgesamt 728 Tieren, die aus einem reziproken Kreuzungsversuch stammten, lagen bei den Wachstumsmerkmalen zwischen h(2) = 0,15 und h(2) = 0,26. Sie betrugen h(2) = 0,21 für die Ausschlachtungsprozente, h(2) = 0,38 für das Nieren- und Beckenfettgewicht, h(2) = 0,02 für den pH-Wert und h(2) = 0,51 für die Leitf?higkeitsmessung. Die Sch?tzung genetischer Korrelationen deutet an, da? eine genetische Selektion auf t?gliche Zunahmen nach dem Absetzen zu einer verringerten Ausschlachtung (- 0,51) und zu magereren Schlachtk?rpern führen würde. Die genetischen Beziehungen zwischen den Zunahmen und dem pH-Wert (- 0,90) und zwischen den Zunahmen und der elektrischen Leitf?higkeit (0,58) lassen eine Verschiebung in Richtung eines glykolytischen Muskelenergiestoffwechsels bei verst?rktem Wachstum erwarten. Die Wurfgr??e bei der Geburt stellt eine signifikante Variationsursache für die Mastleistungsmerkmale nach dem Absetzen (p < 0,001) una für die elektrische Leitf?higkeit (p < 0,05) dar. Bei einer Erh?hung der Wurfgr??e durch Selektion sind verminderte Wachstumsraten, geringere Ausschlachtungsprozente und verst?rkte Verfettung zu befürchten. 相似文献
饲料霉变及霉菌毒素严重影响饲料工业和畜牧业生产。本试验以种公猪作为试验对象,在公猪日粮中添加G1和G2脱霉剂,试验开始后每周对公猪精液品质进行品质检测,G2见效要比G1快;两种脱霉剂使用后对采精量、每次射精精子总数、精子活力均有所提高,精子畸形率也有下降。综上所述,这两种脱霉剂均可有效提高霉菌毒素引起的公猪生殖性能抑制,从而提高公猪的精液品质,G2效果要更佳。 相似文献
Data from a two-breed group diallel experiment involving double-muscled (DM) and normal (N) cattle were analyzed to evaluate the importance of heterosis, maternal and direct effects for reproduction and growth traits. The DM cattle were from a composite of primarily Angus, Charolais, Galloway and Hereford breeds, and N cattle were crossbred cattle with at least 50% Hereford breeding. The data comprised a total of 491 matings and 389 calvings in four breeding seasons. Records on calving performance, calving date, calf crop born and weaned, sex ratio of progeny and weight of calves were analyzed using least squares procedures. Significant heterosis of 5 to 12% was observed for all the calf crop and growth traits, except for birth weight. Heterosis resulted in 24% reduction in the incidence of dystocia and perinatal calf mortality (P less than .05). The significant heterosis was due mainly to poor production in DM X DM crosses. The DM cows were superior (P less than .05) to N cows in reciprocal crossing (maternal effect) for all the calf crop traits, but had higher incidence of calving difficulty and a higher proportion of male progeny. Significant direct effect was observed for all the traits except calving date and sex ratio among progeny. The N sires were superior for all the calf crop traits and caused less incidence of dystocia and perinatal mortality compared with the DM sires. Significant differences were obtained between the straightbreds for all the traits except calving date. The N straightbreds were superior to the DM straightbreds for all the significant traits. 相似文献
The purpose of the present study was to obtain estimates of variance components and genetic parameters for direct and maternal effects on various growth traits in Beetal goat by fitting four animal models, attempting to separate direct genetic, maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects under restricted maximum likelihood procedure. The data of 3,308 growth trait records of Beetal kids born during the period from 2004 to 2019 were used in the present study. Based on best fitted models, the direct additive h 2 estimates were 0.06, 0.27, 0.37, 0.17 and 0.10 for birth weight (BWT), weight at 3 (WT3), 6 (WT6), 9 (WT9) and 12 (WT12) months of age, respectively. Maternal permanent environmental effects significantly contributed for 10% and 7% of total variance for BWT and WWT, respectively, which reduced direct heritability by 40 and 10% for respective traits from the models without these effects. For average daily gain (ADG1) and Kleiber ratios (KR1) up to weaning period (3 months) traits, maternal permanent environmental effects accounted for 7% and 8% of phenotypic variance, respectively, and resulted in a reduction of 6.6% and 5.4% in direct h 2 of respective traits. For post-weaning traits, the maternal effects were non-significant ( p > .05) which indicates diminishing influence of mothering ability for these traits. High and positive genetic correlations were obtained among WT3-WT6, WT6-WT9 and WT9-WT12 with correlations of 0.96 ± 0.25, 0.84 ± 0.23 and 0.90 ± 0.13, respectively. Thus, early selection at weaning age can be practised taking into consideration maternal variation for effective response to selection in Beetal goat. 相似文献
公猪优良精液的产生与必要的营养供给是密不可分的。为探讨鸡蛋、豆粕、胡萝卜三种营养物质对公猪精液品质的影响,本试验通过评价精液采集量、精子密度、活力及畸形率等指标,来判定其对猪精液的影响。试验表明,公猪日粮中饲喂豆粕和鸡蛋对公猪精液的采集量,活力均有显著的提高;饲喂胡萝卜对公猪精液的采集量,活力无明显差异。为公猪饲养过程中提供一些实际的生产指导。 相似文献
Tail length and tail lesions are the major triggers for tail biting in pigs. Against this background, 2 datasets were analyzed to estimate genetic parameters for tail characteristics and growth traits. Dataset 1 considered measurements for trait tail length (T-LEN) and for the growth traits birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), postweaning weight (PWW), and average daily gain (ADG) from 9,348 piglets. Piglets were born in the period from 2015 to 2018 and kept on the university Gießen research station. Dataset 2 included 4,943 binary observations from 1,648 pigs from the birth years 2016 to 2019 for tail lesions (T-LES) as indicators for nail necrosis, tail abnormalities, or tail biting. T-LES were recorded at 30 ± 7 d after entry for rearing (T-Les-1), at 50 ± 7 d after entry for rearing (end of the rearing period, T-LES-2), and 130 ± 20 d after entry for rearing (end of fattening period, T-LES-3). Genetic statistical model evaluation for dataset 1 based on Akaike’s information criterion and likelihood ration tests suggested multiple-trait animal models considering covariances between direct and maternal genetic effects. The direct heritability for T-LEN was 0.42 (±0.03), indicating the potential for genetic selection on short tails. The maternal genetic heritability for T-LEN was 0.05 (±0.04), indicating the influence of uterine characteristics on morphological traits. The negative correlation between direct and maternal effects for T-LEN of –0.35 (±0.13), as well as the antagonistic relationships (i.e., positive direct genetic correlations in the range from 0.03 to 0.40) between T-LEN with the growth traits BW, WW, PWW, and ADG, complicate selection strategies and breeding goal definitions. The correlations between direct effects for T-LEN and maternal effects for breeding goal traits, and vice versa, were positive but associated with a quite large SE. The heritability for T-LES when considering the 3 repeated measurements was 0.23 (±0.04) from the linear (repeatability of 0.30) and 0.21 (±0.06; repeatability of 0.29) from the threshold model. The breeding value correlations between T-LES-3 with breeding values from the repeatability models were quite large (0.74 to 0.90), suggesting trait lesion recording at the end of the rearing period. To understand all genetic mechanisms in detail, ongoing studies are focusing on association analyses between T-LEN and T-LES, and the identification of tail biting from an actor’s perspective. 相似文献
Data on 135 young bulls from a two-breed group diallel experiment involving double-muscled (DM) and normal (N) cattle were analyzed to obtain estimates of heterosis, maternal and direct effects for carcass traits. When carcass traits were adjusted to a constant age at slaughter (398.5 d), significant positive heterosis was observed for slaughter and carcass weights, carcass length and s.c. fat thickness. Maternal effect was relatively unimportant for the traits studied. The progeny of N sires and DM straightbreds were heavier at slaughter and had higher carcass weight, s.c. fat thickness and carcass length (P less than .01), whereas DM-sired progeny and DM straightbreds had higher dressing percentage (P less than .05) and cutability (P less than .01). Heterosis was significant for all the 10-11-12th rib joint dissection traits except for percentage of muscle. Although there was negative heterosis for percentage of bone, there was positive heterosis for rib joint weight, fat weight and percentage, muscle weight and muscle:fat and muscle:bone ratios. For direct effect and straightbred differences, N-sired progeny and N straightbreds, respectively, had significantly larger values for rib joint weight, fat weight and percentage and bone weight. The DM-sired progeny and DM straightbreds had larger values for percentage of muscle, muscle:fat and muscle:bone ratios. When the carcass and dissection traits were adjusted to a constant carcass (303.7 kg) and rib joint (4,812 g) weight, respectively, the results were similar to those observed on age constant basis except for rib eye area, for which DM-sired progeny and DM straightbreds had larger values. 相似文献
采用完全双列杂交对5个品种肉兔加利福尼亚兔(C)、新西兰白兔(N)、丹麦白兔(D)、花巨兔(G)、比利时兔(B)进行一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)分析,估计杂交组合的杂种优势率(RH),提出兔肉品质的测定部位、方法和评定的建议性标准。结果表明加利福尼亚公兔的肉质最好,比利时公兔的肉质最差;加利福尼亚母兔与新西兰母兔的肉质较好,比利时母兔的肉质最差;pH1S父母本间分别有显著差异(P<0.05),贮存损失(DL)父母本间分别有不同水平的显著差异(P<0.01和P<0.05),pH1L、pH2S、pH2L、失水率及熟肉率遗传差异不显著;pH1L、熟肉率和贮存损失的非加性效应达极显著水平(P<0.01);仅pH1L及贮存损失两指标在个别组合有一定的杂种优势(P<0.05、P<0.01),对大多数肉质指标和组合而言无显著的杂种优势;较好的肉质组合为GB、GD、BN、DN、CG、NC。就肉品质而言,兔肉比猪肉要好,其中pH1L为6.57(6.31~6.80)、pH1S为6.53(6.37~6.78)、pH2L为5.75(5.63~5.86)、pH2S为5.87(5.73~5.96)、失水率为15.91%(13.28%~19.89%)、熟肉率为63.67%(59.74%~68.87%)、贮存损失为1.22%(0.65%~2.42%)。 相似文献
Estimates of heritabilities and genetic correlations were obtained for weaning weight records of 23,681 crossbred steers and heifers and carcass records from 4,094 crossbred steers using animal models. Carcass traits included hot carcass weight; retail product percentage; fat percentage; bone percentage; ribeye area; adjusted fat thickness; marbling score, Warner-Bratzler shear force and kidney, pelvic and heart fat percentage. Weaning weight was modeled with fixed effects of age of dam, sex, breed combination, and birth year, with calendar birth day as a covariate and random direct and maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. The models for carcass traits included fixed effects of age of dam, line, and birth year, with covariates for weaning and slaughter ages and random direct and maternal effects. Direct and maternal heritabilities for weaning weight were 0.4 +/- 0.02 and 0.19 +/- 0.02, respectively. The estimate of direct-maternal genetic correlation for weaning weight was negative (-0.18 +/- 0.08). Heritabilities for carcass traits of steers were moderate to high (0.34 to 0.60). Estimates of genetic correlations between direct genetic effects for weaning weight and carcass traits were small except with hot carcass weight (0.70), ribeye area (0.29), and adjusted fat thickness (0.26). The largest estimates of genetic correlations between maternal genetic effects for weaning weight and direct genetic effects for carcass traits were found for hot carcass weight (0.61), retail product percentage (-0.33), fat percentage (0.33), ribeye area (0.29), marbling score (0.28) and adjusted fat thickness (0.25), indicating that maternal effects for weaning weight may be correlated with genotype for propensity to fatten in steers. 相似文献
[目的]:对比分析各类型稀释液对驴冷冻精子活力、畸形率的影响,根据冻精解冻效果,筛选出适合驴精子冷冻的最佳稀释液,最适宜稀释比例,为驴冷冻精液研发提供参考.[方法]:实验共计14 d,采集6头种公驴精液,每份原精均分为3等份,分别用3种稀释液稀释,从而选取最优稀释液;按1:0.75、1:1.5、1:3、1:6不同比例混... 相似文献
Genetic parameters for a range of sheep production traits have been reviewed from estimates published over the last decade. Weighted means and standard errors of estimates of direct and maternal heritability, common environmental effects and the correlation between direct and maternal effects are presented for various growth, carcass and meat, wool, reproduction, disease resistance and feed intake traits. Weighted means and confidence intervals for the genetic and phenotypic correlations between these traits are also presented. A random effects model that incorporated between and within study variance components was used to obtain the weighted means and variances. The weighted mean heritability estimates for the major wool traits (clean fleece weight, fibre diameter and staple length) and all the growth traits were based on more than 20 independent estimates, with the other wool traits based on more than 10 independent estimates. The mean heritability estimates for the carcass and meat traits were based on very few estimates except for fat (27) and muscle depth (11) in live animals. There were more than 10 independent estimates of heritability for most reproduction traits and for worm resistance, but few estimates for other sheep disease traits or feed intake. The mean genetic and phenotypic correlations were based on considerably smaller numbers of independent estimates. There were a reasonable number of estimates of genetic correlations among most of the wool and growth traits, although there were few estimates for the wool quality traits and among the reproduction traits. Estimates of genetic correlations between the groups of different production traits were very sparse. The mean genetic correlations generally had wide confidence intervals reflecting the large variation between estimates and relatively small data sets (number of sires) used. More accurate estimates of genetic parameters and in particular correlations between economically important traits are required for accurate genetic evaluation and development of breeding objectives. 相似文献
The economic profitability of a boar station largely depends on semen quantity and quality traits. However, genetic analysis of semen traits has not yet been done in the boar population in China. In this study, we aimed to estimate genetic parameters for semen traits and the influence of seasons on these traits by using data of Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire boars in South China. The following four semen traits were analysed: semen volume (ml; VOL), sperm concentration (10 6/ml; DEN), sperm motility (MOT) and percentage of abnormal sperm (ABN). Genetic parameters and season effects were estimated simultaneously for each breed by using a multiple‐trait (4 × 4) repeatability animal model. The four traits had a moderate heritability with average estimates of 0.23, 0.28, 0.26 and 0.17 across the three breeds, respectively. The estimates of genetic correlations among four traits differed in the three breeds. In particular, in Yorkshire, the four traits were nearly genetically independent. The season of collecting semen had a significant impact on these four semen traits except ABN in Duroc (Bonferroni adjusted p < 0.05/6). The moderate heritabilities indicate the possibility of effective selection of boars for semen traits. Different genetic correlations for the three breeds suggest that the selection strategy for the four traits should be investigated separately for each breed. Some necessary actions should be taken to reduce the influence of seasons on semen traits. 相似文献
Variance components and genetic parameters were estimated using data recorded on 740 young male Japanese Black cattle during the period from 1971 to 2003. Traits studied were feed intake (FI), feed‐conversion ratio (FCR), residual feed intake (RFI), average daily gain (ADG), metabolic body weight (MWT) at the mid‐point of the test period and body weight (BWT) at the finish of the test (345 days). Data were analysed using three alternative animal models (direct, direct + maternal environmental, and direct + maternal genetic effects). Comparison of the log likelihood values has shown that the direct genetic effect was significant (p < 0.05) for all traits and that the maternal environmental effects were significant (p < 0.05) for MWT and BWT. The heritability estimates were 0.20 ± 0.12 for FI, 0.14 ± 0.10 for FCR, 0.33 ± 0.14 for RFI, 0.19 ± 0.12 for ADG, 0.30 ± 0.14 for MWT and 0.30 ± 0.13 for BWT. The maternal effects (maternal genetic and maternal environmental) were not important in feed‐efficiency traits. The genetic correlation between RFI and ADG was stronger than the corresponding correlation between FCR and ADG. These results provide evidence that RFI should be included for genetic improvement in feed efficiency in Japanese Black breeding programmes. 相似文献
Multi-trait analyses were carried out to quantify the (co)variation in meat production traits in Zaraibi goats. The data were obtained from a research station. There were birth weight records on 6610 kids, of which 5970 and 5237 had also pre-and postweaning gain record, respectively. The kids were progeny of 115 bucks and 1387 does, which had altogether 3603 litter size and milk yield records in different parities and which were daughters of 109 sires and 721 dams. Single-trait analyses were carried out as preliminary to a three-trait (litter size, birth weight, early growth) and five-trait (litter size, milk and growth traits) analyses. The analyses containing birth weight data required the highest number of iteration rounds in estimating the variance components using AI REML. The maternal genetic component was important for the genetic variation of birth weight and preweaning gain. In general, direct heritability was low (0.03–0.12) for growth traits, possibly due to the low-input environment. The estimates on genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects within these traits indicated mostly favourable relationship. Genetic antagonism was found between birth weight and early growth. Heritability (repeatability) for 90-day and total milk yield was 0.16–0.23 and 0.23–0.24 (0.28 and 0.39–0.40), respectively and 0.04–0.05 (0.10–0.11) for litter size. The genetic correlation between 90-day (total) milk yield and litter size was 0.45 (0.22). The correlation between the milk yield and the maternal genetic effects for the preweaning gain was very high (0.94). Selection schemes aiming to improve meat (litter size and growth) and milk production simultaneously are feasible. The increased milk production serves also for the acceleration of early growth in kids. 相似文献
In this experiment the effect of digestible energy (DE) restriction on carcass traits and meat quality of rabbits selected divergently for body fat content was studied. Using a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, Pannon White rabbits selected for high (HFAT) or low (LFAT) total body fat content were fed isocaloric diets between 4 and 12 weeks of age. Energy restriction was achieved by reducing the daily feed intake by 10% ( M) and 20% ( L) compared to the ad libitum fed group ( H). Proportional to the reduction of feed intake the nutrient density of diets M and L was increased. Thus, the DE intake was reduced while the nutrient intake remained stable among the 3 dietary groups. Effect of genetic group on carcass traits and on meat quality parameters was less marked than DE restriction. Selection for high body fat content improved the dressing out percentage (58.3 and 57.3% in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.01), and reduced the percentage of the full gastrointestinal tract to slaughter weight (13.7 and 14.3% in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.05). Reduction of DE intake decreased the body weight and the weight of the chilled and reference carcass ( P < 0.001), while it had no effect on dressing out percentage. In group H the percentage of fore part to reference carcass was higher (29.7 vs 29.0%; P < 0.01) while that of the hind part was lower than in group L (37.0 vs 38.2%; P < 0.001). The Longissimus lumborum meat from HFAT rabbits exhibited a lower content of moisture (76.1 and 76.5% in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.01) as well as lower L (53.5 and 54.4 in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.05) and b (0.42 and 0.81 in HFAT and LFAT respectively; P < 0.05) colour values. When compared with ad libitum fed rabbits, those restricted at 20% ( L) exhibited a higher content of moisture (76.9 vs 75.8%; P < 0.01), as well as higher pHu (5.87 vs 5.73; P < 0.01) associated with lower cooking loss (17.8 vs 19.1%; P < 0.05). L rabbits also produced lower values of redness ( a, 2.21 vs 3.35; P < 0.01) and yellowness ( b, 0.23 vs 0.91; P < 0.01). No effect of the divergent selection for body fat content on the total lipid percentage and on most of the fatty acids in the meat of the hind leg was found. DE restriction resulted in lower SFA ( L: 32.1 vs H: 35.8%; P < 0.01) and MUFA ( L: 21.0 vs H: 28.6; P < 0.01) but higher PUFA contents ( L: 45.5 vs H: 34.9%; P < 0.01) in the hind leg meat. 相似文献
A five-years crossing scheme involving the Spanish V line (V) and Saudi Gabali (S) rabbits was practiced to produce 14 genetic groups: V, S, 1/2V1/2S, 1/2S1/2V, 3/4V1/4S, 3/4S1/4V, (1/2V1/2S) 2, (1/2S1/2V) 2, (3/4V1/4S) 2, (3/4S1/4V) 2, ((3/4V1/4S) 2) 2, ((3/4S1/4V) 2) 2, Saudi 2 (a new synthetic line) and Saudi 3 (another new synthetic line). A total of 3496 litters from 1022 dams were used to evaluate litter size at birth (LSB) and weaning (LSW), litter weight at birth (LWB), litter weight at 21 d (LW21) and litter weight at weaning (LWW), pre-weaning litter mortality (PLM), milk yield at lactation intervals of 0–7 d (MY07), 0–21 d (MY021), 0–28 d (TMY) and milk conversion ratio as g of litter gain per g of milk suckled during 21 d of lactation (MCR021). A generalized least squares procedure was used to estimate additive and heterotic effects (direct, maternal, and grand-maternal).The comparison among V, S, Saudi 2 and Saudi 3 showed a complementarity between V and S. Line V was superior for LSB, LSW, LWB, PLM, MY07, MY021 and TMY, while line S was superior for the other traits (LW21, LWW and MCR021). Saudi 2 and Saudi 3 had the means equal to or higher than the founder lines (V or S) for all traits. Saudi 2 showed better values in litter size and pre-weaning litter mortality compared to Saudi 3 with no significant differences for the other traits. Concerning crossbreeding parameters, direct additive effects were significant for all traits, ranging between 12.3% and 31.8% relative to the average of the means of V and S. All estimates for direct heterosis except LWB and MCR021 were significant and ranged from 5.3% to 27.5%. No estimates for maternal additive effects and grand-maternal additive and heterotic effects were significant. Only estimates for maternal heterotic effects of LSB and LSW were significant (8.6% and 10.6%, respectively). 相似文献