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A malignant catarrhal fever-like syndrome in indonesian swamp buffalo was experimentally transmitted to one of 2 Bos indicus and 3 of 3 Bos javanicus cattle by intravenous inoculation of 250 ml of citrated, whole blood from affected buffaloes. The 4 cattle developed clinical signs of disease on average 32.5 days after receiving the inoculation of blood. The 4 cattle died after a variable period of illness. None of a further 3 B. javanicus cattle inoculated intravenously with a spleen homogenate prepared from another affected buffalo developed the disease. The experimental disease was clinically and pathologically similar to the natural disease in buffaloes although differences were noted. Attempts to adapt the agent to mice, guinea pigs and rabbits failed. A cytopathic agent (Japanese encephalitis virus) was isolated from the spleen of one buffalo with clinical signs but was not considered significant. Sixty-three B. indicus, 7 B. javanicus (and 6 of their crosses), 3 B. taurus and 4 Bubalus bubalis (Murrah buffalo) were kept in the same quarters where 50 of 177 swamp buffaloes died between September 1979 and May 1982. Four of the 7 B. javanicus cattle developed the clinical signs of disease and died. All the other cattle in contact remained healthy.  相似文献   

Malignant catarrhal fever was diagnosed in a newly imported swamp buffalo calf. This disease is prevalent in deer and cattle in New Zealand and causes sporadic losses in these species. The disease is recognised as a problem in buffaloes overseas and this paper records the first case in a swamp buffalo in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Swamp buffalos are becoming endangered due to reproductive inefficiencies. This is of concern because many countries depend heavily on their products. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a potential strategy for preserving endangered species. To date, SCNT in swamp buffalo has succeeded in the creation of blastocyst embryos. However, development to term of SCNT swamp buffalos is extremely limited, and only 1 live birth has been reported. An abnormal epigenetic mechanism is suspected to be the cause of developmental failure, as is also seen in other species. The DNA methylation and histone acetylation are key players in epigenetic modification and display marked variability during embryonic preimplantation development. Knowledge of epigenetic modifications will aid in solving the developmental problems of SCNT embryos and improving reproductive technology in the swamp buffalo. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between preimplantation embryonic development and 2 epigenetic patterns, global DNA methylation and histone acetylation, in SCNT and in vitro-fertilized (IVF) swamp buffalo embryos. In addition, we examined the correlations between those 2 mechanisms in the SCNT and IVF swamp buffalo embryos throughout the developmental stages using double immunostaining and quantification of the emission intensities using confocal microscopy. We discovered an aberrant methylation pattern in early preimplantation-stage swamp buffalo SCNT embryos. In addition, greater variability in the DNA methylation levels among nuclei within SCNT embryos was discovered. Hyperacetylation was also observed in SCNT embryos compared with IVF embryos at the 4- and 8-cell stages (P < 0.05). Dynamic changes and interplay between these 2 epigenetic mechanisms could be crucial for embryonic development during the early preimplantation period. The aberrancies uncovered here may contribute to the low efficiency of SCNT.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Blood samples were collected from 24 immature male, 55 immature female and 99 mature female water buffalo kept at an experimental farm in the Northern Territory. Haematological analysis was performed on blood collected in dipotassium — ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid while biochemical analysis was performed on serum and plasma (for glucose) samples. Haematological values of mature buffalo were similar to those recorded for swamp buffalo in Malaysia. Blood cell appearances were similar to those reported for adult Indian river buffalo though values recorded for red cell components were higher. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences between immature male and female buffalo. Red cell components, eosinophils, total plasma and serum proteins, albumin, γ globulins, inorganic phosphate and the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transferase were significantly higher for mature female buffalo when compared to immature females. Reasons for the differences were not fully determined but the effect of age and nutritional status in combination with a variable period of domestication were considered.  相似文献   

Using rectal palpation and laparoscopy, the relationship of ovarian contents to plasma progesterone concentration during the oestrous cycle, early pregnancy and post partum periods in the swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) was studied. During the oestrous cycle, four stages in the lifespan of the corpus luteum were seen laparoscopically. The mean (+/- sd) concentrations of progesterone in plasma in cows with and without a corpus luteum on their ovaries were 1.49 +/- 0.78 ng/ml (n = 31) and 0.14 +/- 0.09 ng/ml (n = 14), respectively. Plasma progesterone levels reflected age-dependent changes occurring in the cyclic corpus luteum. The accuracy of diagnosing ovarian contents was 82 and 91 per cent for rectal palpation and plasma progesterone levels respectively. Approximately 29 per cent follicles (larger than 10 mm) were incorrectly diagnosed as corpora lutea by rectal palpation.  相似文献   

The effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) supplement was investigated in twenty eight FSH-treated buffalo cows. Animals were assigned to three groups; Group I: GnRH was given at standing heat (n=9), Group II: GnRH was given 8-12 hr after standing heat (n=8) and Group III: Control group with FSH alone (n=11). The responses (no. of corpora lutea and no. of anovulatory follicles), the number of recovered embryos and transferable embryos among the three groups were compared following slaughter of the animals on days 6 to 7 after first mating. The results indicated that the application of GnRH in FSH-treated animals gave no advantage by increasing in the number of ovulations or recovered embryos in all the treatment groups (P>0.05): 4.33 +/- 3.35 vs 3.88 +/- 4.09 vs 4.5 +/- 2.68 for corpora lutea, and 2.33 +/- 2.24 vs 2.0 +/- 3.20 vs 1.91 +/- 2.74 for recovered embryos respectively. GnRH treatment tended to reduce the number of anovulatory follicles but the finding was not significant; 6.11 +/- 3.3 vs 7.38 +/- 4.84 vs 10.18 +/- 2.74 follilcles (P>0.05). The supplementation of GnRH at 8-12 hr after standing heat seemed to produce more transferable embryos than those of treated at standing heat or the controls 1.63 +/- 2.77 vs 1.25 +/- 1.67 vs 1.36 +/- 1.69 embryos respectively.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium equi in mastitis in a buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Eight buffalo calves (8-12 months, 70-100 kg) were randomly assigned to two groups of four animals each. Animals of group I were given detomidine (100 micrograms/kg), whereas animals of group II received a mixture of detomidine (100 micrograms/kg), diazepam (100 micrograms/kg) and ketamine (3 mg/kg) (DDK) intravenously. Various clinical parameters, such as weak time, down time, pedal and pinprick reflexes, muscle relaxation and extent of sedation, as well as heart and respiratory rates and electrocardiograms were measured before (time 0) and 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 min after treatment. In all the animals of group II (DDK), the pedal reflex was completely abolished (score: 3.00 +/- 0.00) within 5 min, the pinprick response was either very weak or it was completely abolished at this interval. Muscle relaxation and sedation were excellent within 5 min of DDK administration. The depth of sedation and analgesia was maximum from 5 to 15 min postinjection. Detomidine alone, however, failed to produce appropriate depression of the pedal and pinprick reflexes, sedation was mild and muscle relaxation was inadequate. Heart rate showed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in group I, but the decrease was non-significant in group II. A more pronounced increase in respiratory rate was observed in group I as compared to group II. Animals of both groups recovered within 90 min without any complication. Minimal changes in the cardiovascular system in the group given the DDK combination were an advantage over the group given detomidine. The results indicated that DDK combination is safe and suitable for 15 min of anaesthesia with excellent muscle relaxation and has only limited cardiorespiratory effects in buffaloes.  相似文献   

The objective of the experiment was to improve the multifollicle stimulation technique and the ovarian response examination in prepubertal swamp buffalo calves. Six animals were stimulated by gonadotropin hormone 7 days after a progesterone ear-implant. The first stimulation was done by giving 24 mg FSH + 100 microg GnRH (FSH+GnRH) and the second, one month after by giving 2,000 IU PMSG + 100 microg GnRH (PMSG+GnRH). Twenty-four hours after GnRH, the ovarian responses were checked using rectal palpation and real-time B mode ultrasonography. Five out of six animals (83.3%) responded to both treatments and were selected for oocyte collection. The oocytes were aspirated directly following a caudal midline laparotomy. The results of ovarian responses to FSH+GnRH and PMSG+GnRH averaged 17.6+/-12.1 (L-9.8+/-8.7, R=7.8+/-6.2) and 17.4+/-5.6 (L-9.4+/-2.9, R=8.0+/-3.7), respectively. The average number of recovered oocytes per animal was 9.0+/-6.4 and 8.4+/-1.1, respectively which represented a recovery rate of 56.3 (+/- 9.2)% and 51.9 (+/- 10.3)%. More than eighty percent of the recovered oocytes were in an immature stage with more than 2-3 layers of compact cumulus mass. The present study showed that the oocytes were collected successfully in prepubertal buffalo calves after the FSH+GnRH or PMSG+GnRH stimulation and most of the recovered oocytes were immature, which made them suitable for in vitro maturation and fertilization.  相似文献   

The development of retina in Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) has not been reported previously. The aim of the present study was therefore to report the major landmarks and the time course in the development of retina. Serial histological sections of Indian buffalo embryos and foetuses were used as group1 (<20.0 cm CVRL), group2 (>20.0 but <40.0 cm CVRL) and group3 (>40.0 cm CVRL). Age estimation was made on the basis of crown vertebral‐rump length (CVRL), which ranged between 36 and 286 days (1.6–94.0 cm). The retina in Indian buffalo was developed in a similar manner to that of the other mammals with the principal differences in the time of occurrence of various layers of this nervous tunic. In 36 days (1.6 cm stage), the foetal retina was composed of pigmented layer and the layer of neuroblasts. Differentiation of layers was first observed in 47 days (4.0 cm CVRL) which became prominent in 52 days (5.1 cm stage). At 120 days (20.5 cm stage), the differentiation of inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer was evident. At 143 days (31.0 cm) foetal age, the faint line in neuroblastic layer was the first evidence of the future outer plexiform layer. In foetuses of group III, the retina was comprised of all 10 layers (eight cell layers and two membranes) viz. pigmented epithelium, layer of rods and cones, outer limiting membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer, ganglion cell layer, layer of nerve fibres and the inner limiting membrane.  相似文献   

A study was carried on 1377 water buffalo serum samples from 50 farms in southern Italy to test the presence of Neospora caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Rabbit anti-buffalo immunoglobulins conjugated to fluorescein were used in the test. Fluorescence in sera dilutions above 1:200 was considered as indicative of the presence of N. caninum antibodies. The overall prevalence of infection in the animals was 34.6%. The prevalence increased in relation to the age of subjects and most of the herds examined (82%) were found infected. In two farms abortions and neurological signs were reported. No suppurative inflammatory lesions were seen, but few protozoan-like cysts were observed on foetal tissues by histology.  相似文献   

The duration of excretion of Toxocara vitulorum larvae in the milk of buffalo cows determines the optimum time for treating calves. Studies on 10 cows showed that a few larvae occur in the colostrum of some cows before the calf has suckled, but most are present from the day after calving and for a further five days. From day 9 onwards, very few larvae were found in the milk. The total number of larvae found was comparable with the number of adult parasites collected from the calves of cows with similar histories. The larvae were 1254 +/- 60 microns long and 36 +/- 6.7 microns in diameter at the ventriculus, figures which are substantially different from some published results.  相似文献   

The egg production of Toxocara vitulorum in Asian buffalo has been studied. Eggs were first present in the faeces of calves when they were 22.3 +/- 1.6 days old. In calves treated with pyrantel when 3 days old, the age at first patency was extended by 3.5 days indicating that there was no pre-natal transmission. Calves on only half the milk of the cow had a significantly longer prepatent period of 27.7 +/- 2.2 days. The peak egg output occurred in calves 35.7 +/- 2.6 days old and had a duration of 5.5 +/- 2.5 days with 98,000 +/- 63,700 eggs g-1 of faeces. The duration of the patent period was 35 +/- 12 days. The average lengths of populations of mature female parasites from different hosts at the time of peak egg output or older, ranged from 15.0 to 31.0 cm and was correlated with those of the males in the same populations (10.6-20.4 cm). The size of females was not affected by intraspecific competition. The proportion of males in the populations was 0.39 +/- 0.11. The egg output per female per day at the peak was 110,000 +/- 58,000 and was correlated with the size of the females at autopsy, but the egg output per female per day at the time of autopsy was lower and was not correlated, so it was concluded that the drop in egg counts was the result of reduced fecundity. The fertility of the eggs from faeces was greater than 92% throughout.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of the experiment was to study oocyte recovery by transvaginal, ultrasound-guided, follicle aspiration, from Thai swamp buffalo using different vacuum pressures. Six adult buffalo heifers, aged 2.5-3.0 yrs were treated with a total dose of 280 mg FSH, given twice a day in a divided doses over a three day period (60/60 mg, 50/50 mg, 30/30 mg) at d7 after progesterone implant. Three vacuum pressures were used; 100 (n=12), 80 (n=12) and 60 mmHg (n=12) and all of the pressures were performed in each animal. The animals were treated repeatedly and collection took place using 2 sets of each pressure every 2 months, giving a total of 36 collections from each animal. The oocyte recovery rates from each pressure were 81.2% (69/85) 79.1% (53/67) and 90.3% (93/103) for 100, 80 and 60 mmHg respectively. The number of oocytes collected per donor were 5.33 +/- 3.27, 4.42 +/- 2.71 and 7.75 +/- 4.31 respectively. The quality of the oocytes did not improved with the lower vacuum pressure. In conclusion, the application of FSH pretreatment improves the yield of oocytes from Thai, swamp buffalo heifers after gonadotropin treatment when using the vacuum pressures between 60-100 mmHg.  相似文献   

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