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How can we accommodate the diversity in tree species and sizes in mixed-species/size/age stands in the sustainable management of natural forests and woodlands in Africa for diverse timber and non-timber forest products and services, and during rehabilitation of degraded forests? The evergreen moist tropical to warm-temperate forests, from the equator to 34°S, generally function through relative shade tolerance. The tropical, strongly seasonal, drier deciduous woodlands generally function through adaptation to fire and/or grazing/browsing. Silvicultural systems, when implemented, are often not aligned with the ecological characteristics of the particular forest systems or the specific targeted species. This paper presents the concept of using the basic disturbance–recovery processes, with recovery development via stand development stages, as the basis for the development of silvicultural systems suitable for maintenance of forest complexity. Grain analysis and stem diameter distributions, analysed from resource inventories, are used to determine the specific shade- or fire-tolerance characteristics of key economical and ecological tree species. The gained knowledge of the ecosystem and species characteristics (including modes of regeneration, i.e. from seed or vegetative regrowth) and processes is used to simulate the ecological disturbance–recovery processes through the development of mixed silvicultural systems, such as a single-tree selection system, a group felling system and a coppice management system in the same forest. Very similar concepts are used to develop rehabilitation strategies to recover the processes towards regrowth stands of diverse species and structure: through stands of introduced plantations and invader tree species; and through early regrowth stages in deciduous woodlands and evergreen forests, after fire, slash-and-burn traditional agriculture, charcoal production or open-cast mining.  相似文献   

次生阔叶林改建为食用菌原料林后的群落恢复和林分生长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选择12年生林相较好的天然次生阔叶林,通过择伐更新和皆伐人促更新2种经营方式定向培育食用菌原料林。研究发现,择伐经营的经济效益较高,且有利于群落的快速恢复,经过7a的封育,林分蓄积量已达到择伐前的水平。皆伐人促更新获得的食用菌材虽较择伐利用高出40%左右,但因经营强度过大,保留的幼树受损严重而不利于伐后林木的生长与恢复,封育期内蓄积增长量分别为择伐更新和对照未经营区的64 7%和73 41%。动态监测结果显示,采用择伐和皆伐人促更新措施后群落恢复较快。疏伐后因透光度的急剧增加,阳性和中性树种大量侵入,地面芽植物和1年生植物的比例增高。到第7a时,高位芽植物的比例已接近未经营区的状态,乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数高于未经营的天然阔叶林,物种均匀度则与其相近。研究还发现,2种更新经营方式对土壤养分的损失较小,经过7a的恢复,林地土壤肥力已基本达到原有天然林水平。  相似文献   

Fire history and stand structure was examined in twelve virgin forest stands situated within forest reserves in northern Sweden. The selected stands represented fire refuges as well as different successional stages after fire. Six of the stands were dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), three were dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and three were dominated by hairy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) or aspen (Populus tremula L.). In 3 of the southernmost stands, the average fire interval was 34 to 65 years during the late 1600s to late 1800s, but since 1888 no fires had occurred in any of the stands. The absence of fire disturbance since 1888 is probably caused by the fire suppression in the overall landscape. The standing volume of living trees ranged between 87 and 511 m3 ha−1 while the volume of dead trees, including both snags and logs, ranged between 27 and 201 m3 ha−1. The volume of dead trees constituted ca. 30% of the total stem volume. In the conifer dominated stands, there was a statistically significant relationship between total stem volume, including both living and dead trees, and site productivity. A comparison between the amount of dead and living trees indicated substantial changes in tree species composition in several stands. It is suggested that data on the amount of dead trees, especially logs, and its distribution over decay classes could be used to examine the continuity of certain tree species. All stands had a multi-sized tree diameter distribution, which in most cases was similar to a reversed J-shaped distribution. In general spruce was numerous in the seedling cohort and in small diameter classes, indicating that its proportion in the stands was stable, or was increasing at the expense of pioneer tree species such as pine, aspen and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The most numerous species in the seedling cohort, rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.), was almost totally missing in the tree layer, indicating a high browsing pressure preventing rowan seedlings from growing into trees. The general increase of spruce and the sparse regeneration of pioneer species, in the stands previously affected by fire, are discussed in relation to natural disturbance regimes, biological diversity and nature conservation policies. It is proposed that reintroduction of fire disturbance is a necessity for future management plans of forest reserves. Other management practices to increase species diversity within forest reserves are also discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the regeneration and structure of mixed conifer forests under single-tree harvest management in western Bhutan. Sixteen 900 m2 (30 m × 30 m) plots were sampled at four Forest Management Units (FMUs; Chamgang, Gidakom, Paro-Zonglela, and Haa-East) representing the forest type, including half the plots in single-tree harvest stands and half in unlogged stands. In addition, we solicited information on traditional forest management practices from informants using survey questionnaires and collected tree species data from felling records from respective local forest offices. Rural timber demand is concentrated on the removal of straight and well-formed bluepine trees for beams, planks, and scaffolding. Single-tree harvest, however, has not significantly altered stand structures from unlogged stands. Similarly, tree regeneration is not different when comparing single-tree harvest and unlogged stands, except at Chamgang FMU, where seedling densities were generally higher in harvested stands than in unlogged stands. These results indicate that single-tree harvest is not detrimental to regeneration and utilization of mixed conifer forests in western Bhutan.  相似文献   

目标经营——介绍一种森林经营方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了德国和奥地利提倡的一种现代森林经营方法——目标经营, 着重阐述了目标经营的特点、方法和判读疏伐的效果。作者认为, 我国应借鉴国外经验, 走集约经营森林的道路。  相似文献   

Large cavity-nesting birds depend on large-diameter trees for suitable nest sites. The increased spatial extent of commercial timber harvesting is modifying forest structure across the land base and may thus compromise the availability of large trees at the landscape scale. In this study, our objectives were to (1) characterize the availability of large living and dead trees in old-growth stands dominated by different tree species and surficial deposits that encompass the range of natural cover types of eastern Québec's boreal forest; (2) analyze the distribution of trees among decay-classes; and (3) compare the availability of large trees in unharvested, remnant, and harvested stands for the entire range of decay-classes. A total of 116 line transects were distributed across unharvested forests, remnant linear forests, and cutblocks in cutover areas. Unharvested forest stands (black spruce [Picea mariana], balsam fir [Abies balsamea]–black spruce, balsam fir–white spruce [Picea glauca] and balsam fir) reflected a gradient of balsam fir dominance. The remnant forests selected were isolated for 5–15 years. Analyses were performed at two diameter cut-off values. Trees with DBH ≥20 cm were considered for availability of total trees whereas trees with DBH ≥30 cm were considered for availability of large trees. Forest stands comprised high proportions of standing dead trees (33% of all stems, 8% were large dead stems). Availability of total and large standing trees increased with the dominance of balsam fir in stands. Forest stands located on thick surficial deposits showed higher densities of large dead trees for every stand type suggesting a higher productivity on those sites. Availability of stems according to decay-classes showed a dome-shaped distribution with higher densities of snags in intermediate decay stages. However, for large stems, black spruce stands showed a significantly lower availability that was consistent across all decay-classes. In linear remnant forests, pure balsam fir stands were absent. Remnant stands thus showed a much lower availability in large trees when compared with unharvested balsam fir stands. Clearcuts had the lowest densities of dead trees across sampled stands. Current even-aged management practices clearly affect availability and recruitment of large trees, therefore forest-dwelling wildlife relying on these structures for breeding is likely to be affected by large-scale harvesting in coniferous boreal forests.  相似文献   

The success of multiple forest management systems is contingent on a variety of social, economic, biophysical, and institutional factors, including the integration of timber and non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction and management. Selective logging for timber is increasingly taking place in forests where the collection of Brazil nuts, a high-value Amazonian NTFP, also occurs. We report on logging damage to Brazil nut trees in three certified timber concessions in Northern Bolivia from which timber is harvested using reduced-impact logging (RIL) guidelines and nuts are gathered yearly from the ground by local people. Observed frequencies of logging damage to Brazil nut trees were low, likely mirroring the low intensity of timber harvesting (∼0.5 trees/ha and ∼5 m3/ha) being currently applied across the study area. Of the trees ≥10 cm in diameter at breast height about 0.1 Brazil nut trees and 0.4 timber species per hectare suffered some degree of logging damage. Crown loss was the predominant damage type for Brazil nut trees accounting for 50% of all damage. In spite of the observed low rates of tree damage, we further recommend that RIL guidelines be amended to include the pre-harvest marking of pre-reproductive Brazil nut trees along with the future crop trees of commercial timber species. Further refining directional felling to reduce crown damage to Brazil nut trees would also serve to help maintain nut yields in the long term.  相似文献   

The Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca is considered an area with high diversity of ecosystems, and low levels of fragmentation due to human disturbance. An indigenous people, the Zapotecs, have inhabited this area for centuries and Zapotec communities have used and continue to make use of local resources for their subsistence. Agroforestry systems provide timber, firewood, and non-timber forest products to local communities. Despite the ecological and cultural relevance of this region, basic information about local practices of management and harvesting are lacking. Little is known about the possible effects of these practices on biodiversity conservation. The objectives of this study were: to determine the local uses of forest wood resources in the municipality of San Agustín Loxicha, to determine the tree species most used by the inhabitants of this municipality and to discuss the implications of this management in the conservation of plant cover in this Priority Terrestrial Region. The reported main use of tree species was firewood, obtained by gathering dry branches and bark, as well as by felling dead trees. To a lesser extent, tree species are used to build houses and make furniture. Local people collect trees from the surrounding vegetation, so the richness and abundance of tree species in the area surrounding each community will always influence the ability of the communities to meet their needs. These practices do not have drastic effects on plant cover, mainly in areas of established forests. These traditional practices are involved in an empirical strategy to conserve and manage local resources.  相似文献   

Natural disturbance emulation has emerged as a key management approach to maintaining biodiversity in logged boreal forests. Forest managers’ success in emulating understory forest ecosystem functions, e.g., for the provision of habitat even for large mammals, has not been tested due, in many cases, to incomplete records of silviculture. We examined regenerating areas of previously conifer-dominated forests in northwestern Ontario, Canada, 10 and 30 years after logging and 10 and 30 years after fire to test if understory development and moose (Alces alces) forage abundance differed between the two disturbance types and artificial or natural regeneration approaches. In addition, we counted moose pellet groups as a measure of moose use of the region. Specific treatments included: (1) naturally regenerating, fire-origin forests, (2) post-harvest, regenerating forests with natural establishment of trees, and (3) post-harvest, regenerating forests with mechanical or chemical site preparation and planting and/or herbicide spraying. We hypothesized that the understory in post-harvest stands would support higher forage availability for moose compared to similarly-aged, fire-origin stands. Abundance of hardwoods, shrubs, and herbaceous plants was greater in naturally-regenerated post-harvest stands than in fire-origin and artificially regenerated post-harvest stands at both 10 and 30 years post-disturbance. However, post-harvest, naturally regenerating stands were not significantly associated with higher moose use, rather evidence of moose use increased as a function of the amount of naturally regenerating logged forest in the surrounding landscape. This study suggests that, relative to fire, the intensity of post-harvest silviculture influences habitat suitability for moose. The effect likely cascades to other ungulates, such as woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), and vegetation management needs to be considered at scales greater than the stand level in order to achieve habitat management for large mammals.  相似文献   

The threat of climate change is now recognized as an imminent issue at the forefront of the forest sector. Incorporating adaptation to climate change into forest management will be vital in the continual and sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services. The objective of this study is to investigate climate change adaptation in forest management using the landscape disturbance model LANDIS-II. The study area was comprised of 14,000 ha of forested watersheds in central Nova Scotia, Canada, managed by Halifax Water, the municipal water utility. Simulated climate change adaptation was directed towards three components of timber harvesting: the canopy-opening size of harvests, the age of harvested trees within a stand, and the species composition of harvested trees within a stand. These three adaptation treatments were simulated singly and in combination with each other in the modeling experiment. The timber supply was found to benefit from climate change in the absence of any adaptation treatment, though there was a loss of target tree species and old growth forest. In the age treatment, all trees in a harvested stand at or below the age of sexual maturity were exempt from harvesting. This was done to promote more-rapid succession to climax forest communities typical of the study area. It was the most effective in maintaining the timber supply, but least effective in promoting resistance to climate change at the prescribed harvest intensity. In the composition treatment, individual tree species were selected for harvest based on their response to climate change in previous research and on management values at Halifax Water to progressively facilitate forest transition under the altered climate. This proved the most effective treatment for maximizing forest age and old-growth area and for promoting stands composed of climatically suited target species. The size treatment was aimed towards building stand complexity and resilience to climate change, and was the most influential treatment on the response of timber supply, forest age, and forest composition to timber harvest when it was combined with other treatments. The combination of all three adaptation treatments yielded an adequate representation of target species and old forest without overly diminishing the timber supply, and was therefore the most effective in minimizing the trade-offs between management values and objectives. These findings support a diverse and multi-faceted approach to climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

Following decades of fire suppression in eastern forests, prescribed fire as a tool to restore or enhance oak (Quercus spp.)-dominated communities is gaining widespread acceptance in the Appalachian Mountains and elsewhere. However, the interactions of fire with biotic components such as wildlife that might be impacted by prescribed fire are poorly documented. For tree-roosting bats, fire can enhance roosting habitat by creating snags and increasing solar radiation at existing roosts. In 2007 and 2008, we examined roost selection of forest-interior dwelling northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colonies in stands treated with prescribed fire (hereafter, fire) and in unburned (hereafter, control) stands on the Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia. Using radio telemetry, we tracked 36 female northern myotis to 69 roost trees; 25 in the fire treatment and 44 in the control treatment. Using logistic regression and an information-theoretic model selection approach, we determined that within the fire treatment, northern myotis maternity colonies were more likely to use cavity trees that were smaller in diameter, higher in crown class, and located in stands with lower basal area, gentler slopes, and higher percentage of fire-killed stems than random trees. Moreover, roosts often were surrounded by trees that were in the upper crown classes. In the control treatment, northern myotis were more likely to roost nearer the tops of larger diameter cavity trees in early stages of decay that were surrounded by decaying trees in the upper crown classes than random trees. Roost trees in the fire treatment were associated with larger overall canopy gaps than roost trees within the control treatment. Regardless of treatment, northern myotis maternity colonies roosted in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in greater proportion than its availability. Ambient temperatures recorded at a subset of roost trees in fire and control treatments indicated that daily minimum temperatures were similar, but daily mean and maximum temperatures were higher in the fire treatments, possibly due to larger canopy gaps created by the senescence and decay of the surrounding fire-killed overstory trees. Northern myotis roost-switching frequency, distance between successive roosts, and duration of individual roost tree use were similar between the fire and control treatments, suggesting similar roost tree availability despite a significantly higher proportion of potential roost trees in the fire treatment. Northern myotis readily exploited alterations to forest structure created by the reintroduction of fire, which accelerated snag creation and enlarged existing or created new canopy gaps, but it remains to be determined if these conditions translate into increased recruitment and survivorship.  相似文献   

盗伐、滥伐林木材积测定(之一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盗伐、滥伐林木材积涉及案件的性质和处罚。用1株伐倒木资料,分别立木状态、伐倒木状态计算其材积。为保证材积测定准确,当盗伐、滥伐林木呈伐倒木状态,且数量少时,宜采用中央断面区分求积式、牛顿区分求积式或二元材积表测定材积。  相似文献   

We modeled cavity tree abundance on a landscape as a function of forest stand age classes and as a function of aggregate stand size classes. We explored the impact of five timber harvest regimes on cavity tree abundance on a 3261 ha landscape in southeast Missouri, USA, by linking the stand level cavity tree distribution model to the landscape age structure simulated by the LANDIS model. Over 100 years, mean cavity tree density increased constantly under all timber harvest regimes except for even-aged intensive management. This was due in large part to the continued maturation of the numerous stands that were >70 years old at the start of the simulations. However, compared to the no harvest (control) regime, the uneven-aged, the mixed, the even-aged long rotation, and the even-aged intensive harvest regimes reduced the cavity tree density by 9–11, 11–13, 15–18, and 28–34%, respectively, as more old stands were cut. Forest managers and planners can use this information to evaluate the practical consequences of alternative timber harvest regimes and consider the need for activities such as cavity tree retention.  相似文献   

Wildfires burned over 200,000 ha of forest lands in Florida from April to July 1998. This unique disturbance event provided a valuable opportunity to study the interactions of summer wildfires with the activity of pine feeding insects and their associates in the southeastern United States. We compared tree mortality with abundance of bark and ambrosia beetles, reproduction weevils and wood borers relative to fire severity. Over 27% of residual live trees in stands that experienced high fire severity died between October 1998 and May 1999. An additional 2–3% of trees that initially survived the fire died during the second year compared to <1% mortality in unburned stands. One year after the fire, more than 75% of the trees surviving in high fire severity stands had roots infected with one or more species of Leptographium and/or Graphium spp. and nearly 60% of the sampled roots were infected. No such fungi were recovered from roots of trees in unburned stands. Significantly, more root weevils, Hylobius pales and Pachylobius picovorus, were captured in unbaited pitfalls in the moderate and high fire severity stands than in the controls. Mean trap catches of Ips grandicollis, Dendroctonus terebrans and Hylastes salebrosus, three common bark beetles that feed on phloem tissue of pines, were lower in Lindgren traps in the fire-damaged areas than in the control stands. In contrast, catches of the ambrosia beetles, Xyleborus spp. and Monarthrum mali, were higher in burned stands than in control stands. The generalist predator, Temnochila virescens (Coleoptera: Trogositidae), showed a strong positive relationship between abundance and fire severity, while the flat bark beetle, Silvanus sp. (Coleoptera: Sylvanidae), exhibited the reverse trend. Our results show that most tree mortality occurred within 1 year of the fire. Ips or Dendroctonus bark beetle populations did not build up in dead and weakened trees and attack healthy trees in nearby areas. The prevalence of Leptographium spp. in roots may be a symptom of, or result in, weakened trees that may affect the trees’ susceptibility to bark beetles in the future.  相似文献   

林木修枝研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
作为一种传统森林经营措施,人工修枝具有悠久历史。合理修枝不仅可调控林木生长,还可改善林木干形,控制病虫害,在无节材培育实践中发挥着重要作用。文中从修枝的理论基础、修枝技术以及修枝效应等方面评述了当前国内外修枝研究进展,并指出当前我国林木修枝工作的不足,对今后人工修枝研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Restoring altered forest landscapes toward their ranges of natural variability (RNV) may enhance ecosystem sustainability and resiliency, but such efforts can be hampered by complex land ownership and management patterns. We evaluated restoration potential for southern-boreal forests in the ∼2.1 million ha Border Lakes Region of northern Minnesota (U.S.A.) and Ontario (Canada), where spatially distinct timber harvest and fire suppression histories have differentially altered forest conditions (composition, age–class distribution, and landscape structure) among major management areas, effectively resulting in forest landscape “bifurcation.” We used a forest landscape simulation model to evaluate potential for four hypothetical management and two natural disturbance scenarios to restore forest conditions and reduce bifurcation, including: (1) a current management scenario that simulated timber harvest and fire suppression practices among major landowners; (2) three restoration scenarios that simulated combinations of wildland fire use and cross-boundary timber harvest designed to emulate natural disturbance patterns; (3) a historical natural disturbance scenario that simulated pre-EuroAmerican settlement fire regimes and windthrow; and (4) a contemporary fire regime that simulated fire suppression, but no timber harvest. Forest composition and landscape structure for a 200-year model period were compared among scenarios, among major land management regions within scenarios, and to six RNV benchmarks. The current management scenario met only one RNV benchmark and did not move forest composition, age–class distribution, or landscape structures toward the RNV, and it increased forest landscape bifurcation between primarily timber-managed and wilderness areas. The historical natural disturbance scenario met five RNV benchmarks and the restoration scenarios as many as five, by generally restoring forest composition, age–class distributions, and landscape structures, and reducing bifurcation of forest conditions. The contemporary natural disturbance scenario met only one benchmark and generally created a forest landscape dominated by large patches of late-successional, fire-prone forests. Some forest types (e.g., white and red pine) declined in all scenarios, despite simulated restoration strategies. It may not be possible to achieve all objectives under a single management scenario, and complications, such as fire-risk, may limit strategies. However, our model suggests that timber harvest and fire regimes that emulate natural disturbance patterns can move forest landscapes toward the RNV.  相似文献   

The seedling establishment of Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. and Afrocarpus gracilior (Pilger) C. N. Page was assessed in the Afromontane forests of Ethiopia. Percent light transmission, litter depth and percentage cover of vegetation were assessed for seedling microsites in five sites with different levels and history of disturbance. The response of natural and artificial regeneration to burning, mechanical scarification (removal of all logging waste and ground vegetation) and cultivation following clear felling and timber extraction was assessed 19 months after treatment.There was no evidence that regeneration was correlated with light intensity. Despite the presence of a viable seed bank in the undisturbed forest floor, removal of the overstorey vegetation by clear felling did not encourage natural regeneration of J. procera. This suggests that light may not be the main factor limiting regeneration of J. procera.Natural regeneration of J. procera can withstand exposure and is compatible with management by ‘clear cutting with seeding from adjacent stands’ together with ground treatment, particularly controlled burning which exposes the minearl soil and releases nutrients. In contrast, both clear felling and surface disturbance will discourage the natural (or artificial) regeneration of A. gracilior suggesting that J. procera is a pioneer species which is more exposure-tolerant, whilst A. gracilior is more shade-tolerant and exposure-intolerant.  相似文献   

[目的]定量研究不同林火干扰对森林生物碳库的变化规律,揭示林火干扰对森林生物碳密度的影响机制,为林火干扰后森林生态系统碳汇管理提供参考依据。[方法]以广东省亚热带2种典型针叶林为研究对象,采用相邻样地比较法,以野外调查采样与室内试验分析为主要手段,定量测定不同林火干扰强度对森林生物碳库(植被碳库和凋落物碳库)碳密度与碳分配格局的影响。[结果]林火干扰对亚热带2种典型针叶林的植被和凋落物碳密度有影响,均表现为对照>轻度林火干扰>中度林火干扰>重度林火干扰。轻度林火干扰对植被碳密度的影响差异不显著(P<0.05),而中度和重度林火干扰则显著降低了植被碳密度(P<0.05).相同林火干扰强度下,植被各组分碳密度的变化均表现为乔木最大。乔木碳密度在不同林火干扰强度下均呈现为对照>轻度林火干扰>中度林火干扰>重度林火干扰,而草本碳密度则呈现与乔木碳密度相反的变化趋势。林火干扰显著影响乔木和草本碳密度,亦对灌木碳密度产生了影响。不同林火干扰强度对凋落物碳密度的影响有所差异,但不同林火干扰强度均显著减少了凋落物碳密度(P<0.05),并随林火干扰强度的增加其减少幅度增大。[结论]林火干扰减少了植被和凋落物碳密度,进而对森林生态系统的碳密度产生重要影响。  相似文献   

蔡春 《林业调查规划》2007,32(1):87-89,94
昭通市现有人工商品林面积达15.72万hm2 ,蓄积715.80万m3 ,存在着林分质量差,病虫害严重,火灾隐患大等问题,急需进行抚育采伐.对全市天然林保护工程区人工商品林采伐试点情况进行分析,认为:森林采伐管理对象不适应加快林业发展的要求,有待进一步调整;有关技术规程和技术参数已不适应集约经营的现代林业,有待于进一步修正;限额采伐管理制度不适应基层林业技术实际状况,有待于进一步优化.  相似文献   

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