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Chronic copper toxicity was diagnosed in a Jersey herd in the Waikato region of New Zealand following an investigation into the deaths of six cattle from a herd of 250 dry cows. Clinical signs and post-mortem examination results were consistent with a hepatopathy, and high concentrations of copper in liver and blood samples of clinically affected animals confirmed copper toxicity. Liver copper concentrations and serum gamma-glutamyl transferase activities were both raised in a group of healthy animals sampled at random from the affected herd, indicating an ongoing risk to the remaining cattle; these animals all had serum copper concentrations within normal limits. Serum samples and liver biopsies were also collected and assayed for copper from animals within two other dairy herds on the same farm; combined results from all three herds showed poor correlation between serum and liver copper concentrations.To reduce liver copper concentrations the affected herd was drenched with 0.5 g ammonium molybdate and 1 g sodium sulphate per cow for five days, and the herd was given no supplementary feed or mineral supplements. Liver biopsies were repeated 44 days after the initial biopsies (approximately 1 month after the end of the drenching program); these showed a significant 37.3% decrease in liver copper concentrations (P <0.02). Also there were no further deaths after the start of the drenching program. Since there was no control group it is impossible to quantify the effect of the drenching program in this case, and dietary changes were also made that would have depleted liver copper stores.Historical analysis of the diet was difficult due to poor record keeping, but multiple sources of copper contributed to a long term copper over supplementation of the herd; the biggest source of copper was a mineral supplement. The farmer perceived this herd to have problems with copper deficiency prior to the diagnosis of copper toxicity, so this case demonstrates the importance of monitoring herd copper status regularly. Also the poor correlation between liver and serum copper concentrations in the three herds sampled demonstrates the importance of using liver copper concentration to assess herd copper status.  相似文献   

In 1980, 16 abortions or stillbirths occurred and 26 deformed calves were born in a beef herd of 115 Friesian cross Hereford cows mated to Charolais bulls. The deformities were principally arthrogryposes with contractures, particularly of the forelimbs, and various skull abnormalities. Following investigation it was considered highly unlikely that hereditary causes, infectious agents or a nutritional deficiency were responsible. The most likely cause was exposure to an unidentified teratogen early in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Two dry-cow therapy products were evaluated in seven factory-supply dairy herds in the Waikato area. A product containing neomycin sulphate and the benzathine salt of penicillin (Neopen D.C. White; Smith-Biolab) was used in five herds, and one containing benzathine cloxacillin (Orbenin, Beecham) was used in two herds. Non-treated control cows were included in each herd. Both products were effective in eliminating intramammary infections with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, and Streptococcus agalactiae. Efficacy of dry-cow therapy against S. aureus was 83.8% and 85.2% respectively. Spontaneous cure rate among controls was 30.8% for S. aureus during the dry period. Spontaneous cure rate for Str. uberis was 50%, while dry-cow therapy eliminated 100% and 77.8%, respectively, for the two products. Dry-cow therapy with either product eliminated more than 90% of Str. agalactiae infections while spontaneous cure rate was only 28.6%. These results further support the effectiveness of dry-cow therapy in reducing the level of subclinical mastitis in dairy herds by shortening the duration of intramammary infections.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the physiological status of calves at birth and the perinatal factors that might predispose newborn calves to debility and death, using criteria previously established for newborn lambs. METHODS: Friesian mixed-aged cows and heifers on a dairy farm in New Zealand that were close to calving were separated from the main herd and observed 24 h a day until they calved. Cows in which labour did not progress for over 1 h or which were in distress were assisted. About 12-13 min after birth, rectal temperature was measured and a blood sample was taken from each calf. The packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma lactate, glucose and fructose concentrations were determined. The time to stand for each calf and the air temperature and weather conditions at birth were recorded. RESULTS: The parameters measured were within normal ranges for newborns for the majority of calves. Calves sired by an Angus bull and born to heifers (AngusX) had significantly higher plasma lactate and fructose concentrations than Friesian calves born to cows, but there were no significant differences between the two breeds in any of the other parameters measured. Calves of both breeds born with assistance had significantly higher plasma lactate concentrations than those born without. Friesian calves that were assisted at birth had significantly lower PCVs and took significantly longer to stand than calves born without assistance. Assisted AngusX calves were significantly heavier than their unassisted counterparts. Calves born during windy and wet weather and when air temperatures were below 10 degrees C had lower rectal temperatures, took longer to stand and had higher plasma glucose concentrations than those born in dry weather and when air temperatures were above 10 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: Calves with physiological parameters outside the normal range had experienced difficult labour and/or intrapartum hypoxaemia. Placental insufficiency and maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy did not apparently contribute to neonatal problems in the present study.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the physiological status of calves at birth and the perinatal factors that might predispose newborn calves to debility and death, using criteria previously established for newborn lambs.

METHODS: Friesian mixed-aged cows and heifers on a dairy farm in New Zealand that were close to calving were separated from the main herd and observed 24 h a day until they calved. Cows in which labour did not progress for over 1 h or which were in distress were assisted. About 12–13 min after birth, rectal temperature was measured and a blood sample was taken from each calf. The packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma lactate, glucose and fructose concentrations were determined. The time to stand for each calf and the air temperature and weather conditions at birth were recorded.

RESULTS: The parameters measured were within normal ranges for newborns for the majority of calves. Calves sired by an Angus bull and born to heifers (AngusX) had significantly higher plasma lactate and fructose concentrations than Friesian calves born to cows, but there were no significant differences between the two breeds in any of the other parameters measured. Calves of both breeds born with assistance had significantly higher plasma lactate concentrations than those born without. Friesian calves that were assisted at birth had significantly lower PCvs and took significantly longer to stand than calves born without assistance. Assisted AngusX calves were significantly heavier than their unassisted counterparts. Calves born during windy and wet weather and when air temperatures were below 10°C had lower rectal temperatures, took longer to stand and had higher plasma glucose concentrations than those born in dry weather and when air temperatures were above 10°C.

CONCLUSIONS: Calves with physiological parameters outside the normal range had experienced difficult labour and/or intrapartum hypoxaemia. Placental insufficiency and maternal undernutrition during late pregnancy did not apparently contribute to neonatal problems in the present study.  相似文献   

An outbreak of fat cow syndrome occurred in a herd of 300 Friesian and Friesian/Holstein dairy cows calving predominantly between January and May. The herd came in off grass in good condition despite a long and hot summer. The dry cows received a diet of grass silage, brewing waste and minerals until the end of December, but the grass silage was butyric and was partially replaced by maize silage. By January 23, 16 of 70 calving cows (23 per cent) had appeared to suffer milk fever. Subsequent blood tests revealed that the cows may have been ketotic, and clinical and post mortem examination showed that they were probably suffering from fat cow syndrome. The freshly calved sick cows were treated with glucose, and corticosteroids were injected every second day into those which remained ill. The cattle had received a high energy diet, but the cows still to calve were placed on a diet of low metabolisable energy (77 MJ/cow) but adequate levels of undegradable protein. The problem was associated with a possible clostridial infection in two cows and with reduced fertility.  相似文献   

河北省滦县是奶牛生产强县.但多年来,奶牛养殖规模化程度低、经营粗放,一直困扰着滦县奶业发展.分户散养方式不利于养殖新技术的推广应用,制约了养殖效益水平的提高,也加大了防疫及鲜奶质量监管的难度,更恶化了人居环境.因此,推进规模化养殖,促进养殖业集约化发展一直是县委、县政府着力破解的难题.军英牧场创造了家庭养殖集中寄养模式,实现了牧场、养殖户和社会的互利多赢,为滦县引导散养户牵牛出村入场、推进养殖业集约化发展探索出了一条新路.  相似文献   

"奶牛蹄健浴液"配合中药治疗奶牛腐蹄病效果的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003~2005年在宁夏某奶牛场曾发生多次腐蹄病病例,严重影响奶牛的生产性能,用一般治疗方法治愈率甚微.通过"奶牛蹄健浴液"配合中药疗法效果显著.平均每月治愈率由2003年的40.49%±2.12%上升为2004年的65.26%±2.11%和2005年的78.03%±1.04%.平均每月死淘率由2003年的15.12%±2.36%下降为2004年的13.11%±1.88%和2005年的3.17%±0.51%.平均每月奶量日单产每头从2003年的21.33 kg±2.45 kg、2004年的25.65 kg±1.98 kg上升为2005年的27.36 kg±1.77 kg.这表明用"奶牛蹄健浴液"配合中药疗法效果显著,可以推广应用.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas mastitis in a dairy herd   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An acute onset of illness was reported in a lactating dairy herd in Canada in which monensin had been incorporated in error in its ration at almost 10 times the prescribed level. All of the lactating cows became lethargic, were inappetant, developed diarrhea, and had decreased milk production from 28 kg/cow/day, the day before exposure, to 23 kg/cow/day, 3 d later. Within 9 d, all animals recovered from the incident and milk production returned to previous levels.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency was diagnosed in a 90 cow seasonal supply dairy herd which showed low milk production, ill-thrift, infertility and osteophagia. Serum inorganic phosphorus and pasture phosphorus levels were low, pasture Ca:P ratios high and soil phosphorus levels very low; the soil phosphate retention value was 96%. The deficiency, which had probably existed for several years, was considered to be due to inadequate annual phosphate fertiliser applications on a high phosphate retaining soil. Phosphorus deficiency may have been exacerbated by the application of lime without phosphate several months before the onset of severe clinical disease. The finding of low sodium levels in pasture samples suggested that sodium deficiency may have co-existed and contributed to the clinical picture. Treatment, comprising bone flour dusting of pasture, water trough supplementation and phosphorus-containing injections, appeared to induce ovarian activity in anoestrous cows and suppress osteophagia, though controlled treatment trials were not performed. No improvement was noted in milk production or cow condition. Increased annual super-phosphate and reduced potassium applications were recommended, together with the monitoring of pasture and soil macro elements and serum phosphorus levels. A decision on whether to supplement with sodium would be based on the results of pasture monitoring, since a direct animal test is not currently available. It is suggested that phosphorus deficiency may not be uncommon in dairy herds in some North Island districts; based on the present case, the decline in New Zealand superphosphate quality in the 1970's and recently published data which has shown a high proportion of pasture phosphorus deficient sites in some North Island areas.  相似文献   

In October 1985, mycoplasmas were isolated from bulk tank milk samples in a large Florida dairy (greater than 1,400 lactating cows). At that time, measures to isolate and control the spread of infection were instituted. In an initial screening test, Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from 21 of 153 milking string samples (milk from all quarters of 10 cows/string). Composite quarter milk samples from all quarters of every individual lactating cow in the herd were obtained for culture in November 1985 and December 1985. In October, 88 of 1,535 (5.7%) cows were identified as Mycoplasma-positive. An additional 31 Mycoplasma-infected cows were identified in December. The dairy elected to maintain the infected cows in a separate Mycoplasma-positive subherd, which would be milked at the end of each milking session. Seven additional Mycoplasma-positive cows were identified at initiation of lactation. All newly identified infected cows were transferred to the Mycoplasma-positive subherd. After segregation of Mycoplasma-positive cows, bulk tank milk samples obtained routinely from the main herd remained culture negative throughout the study. From February 1986 to October 1986, quarter milk samples were obtained monthly from cows in the Mycoplasma-positive subherd. Any cow that developed clinical mastitis or substantial decrease in milk production was, at the discretion of the herdsman, culled. Of the 126 cows in the subherd, 22 (17.5%) were culled for mastitis, 35 (27.8%) were culled for low production, and 9 (7.1%) were culled for other reasons. Of the remaining 60 cows, 16 (12.7% of the 126 cows) were Mycoplasma-positive on the basis of results from one or more samples obtained after February 1986.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: During the 2014/2015 season 823 predominantly Holstein-Friesian cows calved on a pasture-based farm in the Waikato region of New Zealand. A high prevalence and recurrence rate of lameness had been noted for several years but cows feet were not routinely picked up and therapeutically trimmed.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: At a farm visit in December 2015, 23 cows feet were examined and 18/23 (78%) cows had white line disease and 17/23 (74%) sole haemorrhages, as well as severely overgrown and misshapen hooves.

EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION: Lameness, culling and reproductive data were collected for the farm for the period from 01 July 2014 to 30 November 2015. In the 2014/2015 season, 207/823 (25.2%) cows were recorded lame, and in the first half of the 2015/16 season 120/850 (14%) cows were recorded lame. Of the cows recorded lame, 52/207 (25.1%) in the 2014/15 season had >1 case of lameness, and 39/120 (32.5%) cows recorded lame in the 2015/2016 season had been lame in the previous season. There was an apparent increase in prevalence between 29–37 weeks post-calving. Cows >7-years-old had seven times the odds of being recorded as lame compared to 2–3-year-old cows (p<0.001). Lameness was not associated with culling, empty rate or days to conception (p>0.3).

DIAGNOSIS: No direct cause for the lameness could be determined.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It was hypothesised that, along with the degenerative changes in the pedal bone as dairy cows increased in age, suboptimal treatment and overgrowth of hooves resulted in permanent changes in the cows feet, resulting in a high prevalence of lameness in older cattle and a high recurrence rate of lameness within and between seasons. This case highlights the importance of prompt identification and treatment of lame cattle.  相似文献   

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