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城市近郊果树栽培新模式刍议毕杰(泰安市水土保持科研所,271600)胡艳丽(泰安生产资料分公司)沈向(山东农业大学)果树栽培以其突出的经济效益成为种植业的“龙头”,是农村“两高一优”模式的中心内容之一。但是,目前的果树栽培业仍采用传统的种植业套路,单...  相似文献   

设施草莓滴灌施肥技术的效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国果树设施栽培面积达4·67万hm2,主要分布在山东、辽宁、北京、河北等省、市。设施栽培作物以草莓、葡萄、桃、油桃为主,杏、李、樱桃为次。草莓是设施栽培面积最大的草本果树,约占总面积的73%,而其他6种果树的栽培面积仅占27%,在山东省东部设施果树栽培集中区,草莓栽培已经普遍采用了灌溉施肥技术。1材料与方法1·1供试材料试验于2005年9月4日至2006年3月25日在龙口市龙港开发区吕格庄村新建的日光温室进行,面积为90 m×5·7 m。试验地为棕壤,表层质地为轻壤土。0~20 cm耕层土壤理化性状为有机质12·4 g/kg,碱解氮100 mg/kg,有效磷19·9…  相似文献   

在多年的实践中,针对非果树专业《果树栽培学》课程时数少,且学时数变化较大的特点,初步探索形成一套较完整的“果树生长发育规律系统关系图教学法”。其特点是把果树栽培学总论部分的核心内容归纳总结为关系图,使果树的整个生长发育过程及各发育时期应采取何种栽培技术措施一目了然,较易为学生在短时间内灵活掌握。本关系图不仅可应用于非果树专业的教学,也可作为果树专业学生学完《果树栽培学(总论)》部分后进行系统归纳总结。  相似文献   

陕西渭北高原沟壑区野生果树资源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陕西渭北高原沟壑区有野生果树113种,隶属25科48属,其中蔷薇科有47种。野生果树水平分布集中于子午岭,黄龙山,陇山,崂山的次生林区,其中陇山次生林区种类最多;垂直分布多在海拔1350m以下的山坡地或沟谷地,经济利用价值较高的野生果树有山杏,海棠果,文冠果,酸枣,沙棘等。  相似文献   

黑木耳作为食用菌中的佼佼者,是世界各国倍受青睐的黑色营养、保健食品。自2003年起开始利用废弃果树条枝进行黑木耳代料栽培的试验,利用棚室、空屋,以地面平摆、棚架摆放、吊袋等形式进行人工栽培。三年来,已成功总结出一整套完整的栽培技术。果树枝条代料黑木耳栽培投入少、生物转化率高,1kg干料可产干黑木耳100—120g,每667m^2棚室可投料9000kg,产干黑木耳1000kg左右。现将其栽培技术总结如下:  相似文献   

福建省龙眼、甜橙的避冻区划研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
低温是热带、亚热带植物生存的关键限制因子,强低温过程往往使它们遭受寒害或冻害。从经济栽培角度考虑,一般用20年一遇的年度极端最低气温(TD)作为衡量多年生果树是否经济栽培的指标。研究结果将果树冻害分为5个等级,先统计各级冻害出现的年数,继而计算该果树的站冻指数SFI。经分析站冻指数SFI与TD相关密切,故用站冻指数评价多年生果树经济栽培是可行的。  相似文献   

水土流失丘陵山地果树栽培与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本针对我省水土流失丘陵山地的特点,采取了以保持水土、改良土壤为基础,提出相应的栽培技术与管理措施,促进果树生长,达到既能保持水土,又能使果树早结果丰产优质的目的。  相似文献   

坡地果树保水丰产栽培技术研究课题利用微机动态模拟果树年生长过程和果园水环境变化,对果树年生长周期需水规律进行定量研究,对20多项果树生长特征值进行量化,根据气象学、土壤学、生态学、果树栽培学等多学科专业知识开发了果树诊断及咨询系统,可根据果园的立地条件、果树品种和经营管理水平等估测其果园的年产量和生产潜力,找出影响产量的限制因子,提出保水丰产栽培及病虫害防治方案,帮助果农应用现代化科技手段,科学地规划、管理果园,以达到优质、高产的目的。  相似文献   

<正> 中阳县地处晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区,全县大部分地区属三川河流域,海拔高程大都在1000m以上,是北方落叶果树的适宜种植区。1983年三川河流域被列入全国重点治理区后,中阳县以建设基本农田为中心,以发展经济林为突破口,果树业发展很快,十年栽植果树3700多hm~2,累计达到5300多hm~2,对中阳县经济的发展起到了促进作用。在长期的治山治水、发展经济林过程中,中阳山区人民总结、引进推广了很多果树旱作栽培技术,在防治水土流失和促进山地果园早果丰产等方面,收到了显著效果。  相似文献   

与其他沙区相比,毛乌素沙区自然条件优越,植物种类多,野生果树资源较丰富。为引导当地群众合理利用野生植物资源,给毛乌素沙区生态自然修复提供科学依据,开展了毛乌素沙区野生果树资源的调查研究,提出了毛乌素沙区野果植物资源的开发利用途径与保护措施。  相似文献   

Two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivars King Kong 2 (KK2) and FMTT 260 (FMTT) were grown in a net‐covered greenhouse in Central Thailand to investigate the influence of fruit applications of combined aqueous calcium (Ca) and boron (B) solutions amended or not with the tenside Glucopon® on fruit yield and quality. Special attention was paid on blossom‐end rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC), two prevailing disorders in tomato and main causes for non‐marketability of tomato fruits under the conditions of protected cultivation in Central Thailand. While no effect of the additional Ca and B applications on total fruit yield was observed, the composition of the non‐marketable fraction of fruit yield differed significantly between treatments and cultivars. Cultivar KK2 proved to be highly susceptible to both BER and FC and, therefore, produced less marketable fruits than cv. FMTT. The Ca and B sprays decreased the incidence of BER but increased FC at the same time. Addition of the tenside Glucopon® to the Ca and B solutions did not yield any further advantage. The contrasting effect of the Ca and B sprays on BER and FC resulted in similar levels of non‐marketable fruit yield in the treatments with or without the sprays for both cultivars. The nutrient status in different fruit segments was surveyed during fruit development. The Ca concentration in the distal end of the fruit during the time of rapid fruit growth was correlated with the BER incidence in mature fruits. Since additional Ca and B sprays are labor‐intensive and did not significantly reduce the portion of non‐marketable fruits, the selection of cultivars insusceptible to BER and FC appears to be of highest priority when conditions favoring these disorders are to be expected. This is particularly true for protected cultivation in Central Thailand.  相似文献   

刘浩然  汪俏梅 《核农学报》2020,34(12):2858-2864
为研究脱落酸(ABA)对番茄果实品质的影响,本研究测定了番茄ABA生物合成缺失突变体notflc及其野生型各成熟时期果实,以及外源100 μmol·L-1 ABA处理后不同天数的番茄果实的外观品质和营养品质。结果表明,内源ABA缺失抑制番茄果实增重并促进果实纵向生长,但对果实硬度无明显影响。同时,内源ABA可影响番茄果实可溶性固形物含量并促进破色期和转色期的还原糖积累。notflc果实中番茄红素、β-胡萝卜素、叶黄素和总类胡萝卜素含量均显著高于其野生型,且外源喷施试验表明,与对照组相比,外源100 μmol·L-1 ABA处理能显著抑制番茄果实中番茄红素、β-胡萝卜素和总类胡萝卜素的积累。综上,ABA在调控番茄果实外观品质方面,可促进番茄果实增重并抑制番茄果实纵向生长;在调控番茄果实营养品质方面,可促进还原糖积累并抑制类胡萝卜素积累。本研究结果为利用ABA调控番茄果实品质提供了一定的理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

用气相色谱(GC)测定了PP333,GA3处理及未处理苹果果实,果台副梢中内源GA3,GA4+7,ABA,IAA,Z和ZR的含量,用质谱(MS)测定了^15N的分配运转。结果表明,PP333处理明显地增加主要座果率,抑制果台副梢的增长。而GA3则具有增大果径和促进果台副梢生长的作用,内源细胞分裂素的含量与苹果能力相吻合,其它激素含量的多少与着果没有是有显相关。多效唑(PP333)处理明显地提高了内  相似文献   

During the cultivation period of 2005–2007, a project was carried out in the region of Eirinoupolis, prefecture of Imathia, Macedonia, northern Greece. The study investigated the application of boron (B) timing (flowering, fruit set, fruit growth) and method (soil and foliage) on the vegetative growth, fruit yield and quality, and nutritional status of the cling-stone peach variety Andross. The cultivar was grafted onto an 8-year-old rootstock GF 677. The results showed that the greatest marketable yield (135 kg tree–1) was achieved in peach trees where B was applied on soil during the flowering stage in combination with a balanced nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) basal application. Boron concentration in fruits of that treatment was increased in both cultivation years compared to most of the applied treatments. Foliar application of B at flowering, fruit set, and fruit growth, primarily in combination with foliar calcium (Ca) application, showed fruits to be less affected by cracking and Monilinia over all treatments. However, foliar application of Ca did not significantly promote leaf or fruit Ca concentration.  相似文献   

The variation of the morphological characters of bitter and sweet African bush mango trees (Irvingia species) was investigated in the Dahomey Gap which is the West African savannah woodland area separating the Upper and the Lower Guinean rain forest blocks. African bush mangoes have been rated as the highest priority multi-purpose food trees species that need improvement research in West and Central Africa. A total of 128 trees from seven populations were characterized for their bark, fruits, mesocarp and seeds to assess the morphological differences between bitter and sweet trees and among populations. Multivariate analysis revealed that none of the variables: type of bark, mature fruit exocarp colour, fruit roughness and fresh mesocarp colour, could consistently distinguish bitter from sweet trees in the field. The analysis of the measurements of fruits, mesocarps and seeds demonstrated that bitter fruits have the heaviest seeds and this consistently distinguishes them from sweet fruits. However, the measurements of the fruit, mesocarp and seed did not have a joint effect in grouping types and populations of ABMTs. This indicates high diversity with a potential for selection existing across all phytogeographical regions investigated. The sweet trees of Couffo and those of Dassa in Benin are clearly different from all other populations. This can be attributed to traditional domestication (bringing into cultivation) and climate, respectively. The large fruits and the heavy seeds of the cultivated populations are evidence of successful on-going traditional selection of sweet trees in the Dahomey Gap.  相似文献   

Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard (Khirni) is a socio-economically important fruit and nut species of tribal population of tropical deciduous forests of western and central India. Survey and collection missions were undertaken to study the extent of variability and socio-economic importance of Khirni germplasm in diversity rich areas of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. A total of 99 accessions of this important tree species were collected from surveyed regions, of which 47 diverse accessions were selected for morphological characterization showing wide range of variation in agro-morphological traits. During the survey, sizable variability in morphological characters and high socio-economic potential of Khirni was recorded. Bark, fresh fruits and extracted seeds have high nutritional and medicinal value. Tree provides substantial livelihood support to local inhabitants as collected fresh fruits from natural populations fetch good price in local markets. Besides livelihood support species, M. hexandra contributes in the nutritional security of the women and children of this area by fulfilling the need of micronutrients and vitamin A. Due to the high market demand of fresh fruits and seeds and without any organized cultivation, pressure on natural wild populations is severely building up since last several decades and therefore, the genetic variability of this species is now facing a great threat and need immediate complementary conservation efforts. Based on higher diversity index and natural population size of this species six in situ conservation sites have been suggested for dynamic conservation in western and central Indian states and 60 accessions have been successfully cryostored.  相似文献   

根据猕猴桃的棚架式栽培方式,提出了一种适用于猕猴桃采摘机器人夜间识别的方法。采用竖直向上获取果实图像的拍摄方式,以果萼为参考点,进行果实的识别,并测试该方法对光照的鲁棒性。试验结果表明:基于果萼能够有效的识别猕猴桃果实,成功率达94.3%;未识别和误识别的果实一般出现在5果及5果以上的簇中,原因是果实相互挤压导致的果萼部分不在果实图像的中心区域,以及果实之间的三角区形成暗色封闭区域;光照过小或过大会导致成像模糊或过曝,对正确率有细微影响;识别速度达到了0.5 s/个。因此,基于果萼的猕猴桃果实夜间识别方法在正确识别率和速度上都有很大提升,更接近实际应用。  相似文献   

There are about 800 different species of wild edible crops in India, out of which about 300 species are used mostly by the tribal and rural population of the North-eastern region alone. This region is the natural reservoir of a number of wild edible fruits. These naturally occurring fruit are not only nutritionally and medicinally rich but also thrive well under adverse climatic conditions and are resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. In spite of their potential, these fruits are unattended both at scientific and farmers level. Due to lack of proper documentation, the information about the ethno-botanical uses of these fruits have been lost at an alarming rate. Therefore, an attempt has been made during 2015–16 at to enumerate the ethno-medicinal uses and socio-economic importance of wild edible fruits of Mokokchung district of Nagaland, India. In the present study, altogether 55 wild edible fruit species belonging to 29 families have been enumerated. These fruits are used traditionally for the treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders, respiratory ailments, urogenital problems, dermatological problems, fever, cuts and wounds, diabetes, jaundice, cardiovascular problems, nutritional disorders, antidote, bone diseases, cancer, toothache, opthalmia, ENT, food poison, malaria and allergy. In addition, these fruits have also been use in the socio-economic life of the rural people as constructional timber, firewood, fodder, charcoal, fish poisoning, dyes, oil etc. Although, these fruits play an important role in the social and cultural life of rural people, but most of them are going to be extinct due to a number of factors. Therefore, there is urgent need to conserve these species for livelihood security of rural people.  相似文献   

Studies on wild edible fruits of Mizoram, India used as ethno-medicine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The traditional knowledge system has gained a prime importance in context with conservation, utilization and sustainable development of plant resources. The ethno-medicinal plants play a major role amongst the tribal and rural people in their traditional healthcare system. Considering the importance of ethno-medicines amongst the tribal people, a study was undertaken to enumerate the ethno-medicinal uses of wild edible fruits among the Mizo tribes of Aizawl district, Mizoram, India. The study was based on extensive field surveys, plant collection and the interviews with the traditional healers. Altogether 60 wild edible fruit species belonging to 35 families have been enumerated in this paper. The documented wild edible fruits are mostly used to cure gastrointestinal disorders, dermatological problems, respiratory problems, cardiovascular compliance, ENT diseases, mental problem, muscular illness, bone diseases, gynecological problem, cancers, snake bite, allergy and malaria. This indigenous system of treatment based on wild edible fruits is still an important part in Mizo social life and culture but this traditional knowledge of the local people has been transferred orally from generation to generation without proper documentation. Therefore, the claimed therapeutic values of the reported species are to be critically studied to establish their safety and effectiveness and to preserve these high valued wild edible fruits.  相似文献   

Traditionally agricultural research has given little attention to underutilized or neglected crops. Grewia flavescens Juss., the donkey berry, is a fruit species which is found throughout semi-arid and sub-humid tropical Africa and sometimes cultivated in homegardens. The species is also known for its ornamental value and is used as a vegetable, fodder and in basketry. In Niger its fruits are mostly collected in the wild and sold at markets. The fruits are used as food and for traditional medicinal treatments. To promote this interesting neglected taxon as a horticultural crop, information on its germplasm diversity and cultivation practices is urgently needed.  相似文献   

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