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Change of shear resistance and compressibility of Ap-horizon material from loess-derived Parabraunerde Standardized artificial bodies prepared from soil material of a loessderived parabraunerde-Ap-horizon were tested with respect to their shear resistance and compressibility. The noncalcareous material was enriched with lime (2 stepts), soil humidity changed (3 steps) and the normal pressure increased (4 steps). Liming generally caused an increased initial shear resistance and led to a lowering of compressibility. The effect of lime is interpreted as an result of flocculation of the clay particles at the points of contact between silt grains in the soil matrix. The problems of transferring those results to the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Initial soil development in loess and harbourbasin mud reclaimed by slurry poldering In the Rhenish Brown Coal Strip Mining Area initial soil development was investigated for 6–15 and 15–25 years old loamy-silty loess soils reclaimed by slurry poldering. In the Emden environs the same analyses were applied to 6, 17, and 28 years old silty-clayey harbour-mud soils, also reclaimed by slurry application. The most prominent results when comparing these two types of soil are as follows: The mud soils show higher contents of clay and organic matter. Therefore they reveal more favourable characteristics concerning cation-exchange capacity, soil physical and soil biological properties in comparison to those of the loess soils. In both types of soils cation-exchange-capacity and soil biological activity increase in the Ap-horizon over time. The soil physical characteristics of the mud soils markedly improve in the run of the development, whereas those of the loess soils hardly improve. It remains a subject of discussion, since what stage of development mud soils should be classified as sea-marshes/“Kleimarschen” and loess soils as rendzinas.  相似文献   

Determination of Economical Optimum of Phosphate Fertilization on Loess and Loamy Soils 82 field trials with phosphate fertilizers on loess and loamy soils were evaluated to find out the economical optimum of fertilization. The evaluation in each trial was done by using the exponential function according to Mitscherlich with respect of profits and costs for yields and fertilizers. The result of this evaluation was, applied to the named soils, that the yield level has essential influence on the economical optimum of fertilization. Likewise the optimal P2O5 (CAL)-value in the soil is dependent on the yield level (CAL-value of group C), (Tab. 7). Accumulation of phosphate in soil caused by semi-liqued manure, magnesium content in soil, pH-value, and rainfall have a significant influence on the effect of mineral phosphate fertilization and on the reliability of prediction as well. Optimising resp. considering these factors and others are of supposition for exact evaluation of trials, for reasonable recommendation of both fertilization and threshold P2O5 (CAL)-value, and for critical examination of methods of soil analysis.  相似文献   

Land use and nitrate-nitrogen in the vadose zone of loess deposits in the southern part of the Lower Rhenish Embayment Mean annual nitrogen-leaching was studied at seven experimental sites with grain-sugar beet crop rotation. Soil water simulation models and determination of the nitrogen content in the vadose zone below the rooting zone were combined to quantify the annual leaching rates. Leaching amounts to 11–18 kg NO3? N/ha · a at sites where only mineral fertilizer was applied, whereas sites with additional organic fertilizers show higher leaching rates of 30–36 kg NO3? N/ha · a.  相似文献   

Material balance in an aquic Hapludalf from loess by means of IR-phase analysis Grain size fractions of an aquic Hapludalf from loess near Göttingen were examined mineralogically and chemically. On the base of actual mineral composition (mode) by means of infrared spectroscopy weathering balances were made up. The results reveal a strong illite/mica loss of about 80 kg/m2, which is due to decomposition in the A-horizon, and which is not compensated by a slight gain in the B-horizon. The mineral balance of the total profile yields a clay degradation of 44 kg/m2. Furthermore, in the A-horizon the chemical balance gives evidence of considerable mobilizations and substantial losses mainly of SiO2, Al2O3, MgO and K2O combined in silicates. Depending on soil horizons and grain sizes the illites have K-contents varying from 4 to 8% K2O. Al2O3 and MgO also show distinct variations. Both components are correlated negatively and decrease (Al2O3) respectively increase (MgO) from the top to the bottom.  相似文献   

Water uptake and water use of field beans and oats grown on a loess-derived grey-brown podzolic soil (Eutroboralf) The terms of the water-balance equation were determined, when field beans (Vicia faba L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.) were grown on a loess-derived soil during two seasons (1982 and 1983). A specific objective of this investigation was to quantify the water uptake from different layers and the total transpiration of both crops, as field beans are known to be susceptible to water shortage. Beside soil physical measurements climatological data for calculation of potential evapotranspiration were recorded. Plants were analyzed due to leaf area and root length density once a week. Actual evapotranspiration including interception, as determined by the soil physical approach, was split up by calculation procedures into actual evaporation, interception and actual transpiration. Total root length and root length density of field beans were much smaller and the rooting system was shallower as compared with oats. Development of leaf area and of roots was slower with beans than oats and was retarted by 2 to 3 weeks. Accordingly the time of maximum transpiration was found begin of June with oats and at begin of July with field beans. Despite reduced root growth Vicia faba transpired 250 mm in total, that is 86 % of what was found for the cereal crop (290 mm). Water uptake field beans however, was restricted to the upper 80-cm profile with 90 % of total uptake. The water uptake per unit length of root was substantial higher with beans than with oats. Due to the delayed development of the bean crop the losses by evaporation and seepage exceeded those from the soil grown to oats by 40mm (64 %). These investigations support the conclusion that yield stability of field beans may be substantially improved by selection of new varieties with increased rooting depth.  相似文献   

Nitrogen turnover in a loess catena N-mineralization and mineral-N-contents were determined from spring 1993 to autumn 1995 on arable soils from loess (Luvisol, Calcaric Regosol, Gleyic-Calcaric Regosol and Cumulic Anthrosol) of a catchment area called “Bonartshäuser” farm near Gondelsheim in western Kraichgau (SW-Germany). The aim was to find out, whether the course of net-N-mineralization and mineral-N-content of the soil could be explained by the parameters soil temperature and soil moisture. Soil samples were incubated in polyethylene bags on site for mineralization and aliquots analyzed in the laboratory for the determination of the mineral-N-content. In 1993, 55 kg N ha—1 were immobilized and up to 170 kg N ha—1 mineralized depending on the soil type. In 1994, between 181 and 297, and in 1994, between 59 and 230 kg N ha—1 were mineralized annually. Mineral-N-contents of the different soils throughout the experimental period (n = 45) were found to correlate much better (r2 between 0.55 and 0.86) whereas net-N-mineralization (n = 44) showed coefficients of determination (r2) just between 0.08 and 0.53. Except for the Luvisol (37%) only 0 to 8% of net-N-mineralization could be explained by the combined effect of mean soil temperature and soil moisture at the beginning of the incubation using multiple linear regression analysis. Merely 1 up to 9% of mineral-N-content of the soil could be explained by the same effect. The variability and inconsistency shown by net-N-mineralization renders it inappropriate as a tool for predicting nitrogen delivery of the soil and basis for setting rules governing permissible nitrogen amounts in the soil.  相似文献   

The significance of wheat straw decomposition with regard to the C- and N-cycle of a cultivated loess soil In 1984/85, a microplot experiment with 15N-enriched fertilizer was carried out on a field of the Calenberg loess area near Hannover (surface area of the plots: 1 ± 2 m; experimental soil: stagnigleyic cambisol from loess). On the one hand, the extent of immobilization as well as remobilization of native soil- and fertilizer-N associated with straw incorporation (± 8 t/ha) was quantified. On the other hand, the turnover as well as the alteration of C- and N-masses in the decomposing straw material was studied. About 70% of the initial dry organic matter of straw was mineralized within one year. An enrichment of fertilizer-N as well as native soil-N in the residues of up to 20 kg/ha was observed as compared to the initial N-mass. On a microplot cropped with winter-wheat, microbial N-immobilization of about 30–40 kg/ha (native soil-N and fertilizer-N) occured in the soil after straw incorporation. The immobilization extended to march 1985. Subsequent, associated with a C/N-ratio in the straw of 43, N-remineralization as well as -extramineralization was observed with 40 kg/ha at maximum in december 1985.  相似文献   

K-Ca-exchange isothermes of soils from loess and the potassium supply of plants From 80 Ap-horizons of Luvisols and Phaeozems on loess from south of Hannover K-Ca-exchange isotherms and cation concentrations in saturation extracts were investigated. Though not K deficient these soils show a very wide range of available K. From the very high K-concentrations in the saturation extracts (up to 3 meq/1) of part of the soils it was concluded, that mass flow should be sufficient for plant needs of K. The only soil property varying the exchange isotherms seems to be the clay content (Fig. 4). In order to calculate available K from the exchange isotherms in the same way as available water from pF characteristics the isotherms were extended down to activity ratios, according to literature, marginal for plant uptake of K (Fig. 6). The estimated soil K content, sufficient for plant in loess soils, amounts to about half that considered marginal by the regional extension service. With the assumption that so called non exchangeable, but plant available K is essentially very slowly exchangeable, an experiment was performed at 80°C to accelerate the exchange and to establish a true equilibrium. The comparison between the new exchange curve and the 25°C curve (Fig. 8) seems to reveal additional 180–450 kg/ha · 30 cm bound with equal free energy of exchange as easily exchangeable K.  相似文献   

Relationship between soil organisms and soil structure in new reclaimed soils derived from loess under agricultural and forestral use In the Rhenish Browncoal District est of Cologne he question occurs wether forestry or agriculture is the better form of primary use to force structure development in new reclaimed soils derived from loess. The investigations on 10–25 years old reclaimed soils under forestral and agricultural use indicate that humus content, microbiological activities as well as the number of soil meso- and macrofauna individuals like earthworms are increasing with growing age of the forest soils. These processes and the strucutre development are faster under forestral use. Here after about 20–30 years conditions are similiar to those of undisturbed forest soils in comparable substrates. So from the ecological point of view temporal priority should be given to forestral use.  相似文献   

Development of Thick Humic Soils in the Calenberg Fertile Loess Plain near Hannover Different thick humic soils (Gray-brown podzolic soil [Parabraunerde], Chernozem, Colluvium) in the Calenberg Fertile Loess Plain (to the north of the Deister hills) are compared with each other in terms of history, distribution of soil types, morphology and chemical composition. The distribution of Chernozem and Colluvium is determined by the morphology of the area. The thick humic Gray-brown podzolic soils seem to be the result of agricultural land use over a long period of time. The soils can be clearly distinguished by different iron and phosphorus contents and their distribution in the soil profile. The increased phosphorus content of the Gray-brown podzolic soils is probably a result of the addition of plaggen and manure. Further investigations are in progress.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of the mineralogical composition from silt-fractions of soils on the basis of the chemical analysis and by application of the Karl-Fischer-titration. II. Results obtained with soils from glacial sand, boulder marl and loess The contents of micas and feldspars were quantified in the silt-fractions from horizons of a podsolic brown earth developed on glacial sand and of lessives on loess as well as on boulder marl by using a method that has been described in detail in part I. Three components each of micas and of feldspars, namely muscovite (Ms), phlogopite (Phl), annite (Ann), orthoclase (Or), albite (Ab) and anorthite (An) were determined. The silt fractions of the three investigated soils are similar in their mineralogical composition. Feldspars are composed of equally high amounts of Or and Ab. Micas are dominated by the Ms-component. Apparently the mica content of the silt fractions is reduced during soil development, whereas no significant changes can be found for feldspars. The loss of micas is responsible for the decreasing potassium content of the silt fractions.  相似文献   

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