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马立克氏病 (MD)是鸡的一种由疱疹病毒引起的肿瘤性传染病 ,该病以外周神经 ,各内脏组织形成淋巴性肿瘤为特征。易感鸡感染本病可导致高死亡率 ,产蛋下降 ,免疫抑制以及进行性衰弱。近年来 ,该病在我县各乡镇普遍发生 ,使众多养殖户蒙受较大的经济损失。现笔者将2 0 0 0年 6月发生于南丹某瑶鸡场 3 0 0 0羽肉鸡患此病的诊断情况介绍如下。1 发病情况该场存栏肉鸡 3 0 0 0羽 ,为新建场饲养的第三批 ,出现明显损失始于 90日龄。开始采食量下降 ,体重减轻 ,拉稀。每天死亡 4~ 6只 ,严重时 1 0~ 3 0只。曾用氟哌酸 ,痢特灵 ,青、链霉素等抗…  相似文献   

近年来,随着机械化养鸡业和专业户的迅速发展,大量地从外地引进种鸡,不可避免地将此病传入我省,如湘西某鸡场、长沙某鸡场,因从外地引进鸡种,造成鸡只大量死亡,经由临床剖检及琼扩试验初步诊断为鸡马立克氏病,省某科研所鸡场白洛克种鸡中检出阳性鸡占25%,证实我省有马立克氏病的存在,为了进一步确诊特进行了马立克氏病流行病学的调查和实验诊断工作。一、流行病学调查及危害情况  相似文献   

我区拉萨市东郊鸡场(简称 A 鸡场)。畜科所鸡场(简称 B 鸡场)和一些家庭鸡群中从临床上发现一些可疑的马克立氏病(MD)病鸡,发病率和死亡率在5—60%不等,我们对此病进行了诊断。一、临床诊状 1982年6月 A 鸡场,4月龄拉萨肉鸡发病69只,死亡率达40%以上。1983年8月 B 鸡场,11月龄拉萨白鸡发病21只,3月龄白洛克鸡发病15只,死亡率达60%以上,这些病鸡多数以神经型出现,还有的病鸡卧地不起,嗉囊扩张,喘气和腹  相似文献   

马立克氏病(Marek′s disease,MD)是由马立克氏病疱疹病毒引起的传染性肿瘤性疾病,是最常见的一种鸡淋巴组织增生性传染病。以外周神经和包括虹膜、皮肤在内的各种器官和组织的单核性细胞浸润为特征。主要从病原学、流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、诊断与防控等方面进行了阐述,以期为科学防控该病提供参考。  相似文献   

鸡马立克氏病是由疱疹病毒引起的鸡的一种淋巴细胞增生性、高度接触性传染病。利用解剖学、组织学、血清学和病毒学检查对疑似鸡马立克氏病进行了诊断。  相似文献   

淋巴细胞凋亡抑制与鸡马立克氏病的发生   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究证明,外源性糖皮质激素(GC)可以诱导正常鸡和马立克氏病毒(MDV)疫苗免疫鸡淋巴细胞DNA出现180~900bp的阶梯状小分子断片,即诱导淋巴细胞凋亡过程启动。尤其是疫苗免疫鸡淋巴细胞对体内生理浓度GC就有相当高的致DNA阶梯状小分子断裂的敏感性。而这种诱导反应可以被RU486阻断,人工感染MDV鸡同样有抑制该反应的作用,这暗示MDV引起无免疫活性淋巴细胞在鸡体内堆集直到形成肿瘤,可能与MDV抑制淋巴细胞凋亡,使自体生理性清除非功能性淋巴细胞的机制受阻有关。本研究还以RU486阻断鸡淋巴细胞糖皮质激素受体(GR)。结果使鸡对MDV敏感性提高,MD病变形成提前。  相似文献   

A study was conducted on an outbreak of Marek's disease in a commercial poultry farm containing 8500 chickens in central Ethiopia. On repeated visits, farm and flock history was collected, sick birds were examined and clinical signs and daily mortality were recorded. A total of 80 (27 sick and 53 dead) birds 12-22 weeks old, were collected, autopsied and examined. The mortality rate was 46% for the first 14 weeks of the outbreak. Acute and chronic (classical) forms of the disease, the respective occurrence of which varied significantly (p<0.01) in young (14.6% vs 85.4%) and adults (48.7% vs 51.31%) were manifested. All the autopsied birds had gross and microscopic lesions indicative of Marek's disease in the peripheral nerve(s) and/or visceral organs. Lesions involving peripheral nerves and visceral lymphomas were recorded mainly in adults (28/35, 80%) and young birds (34/45, 75%), respectively. These differences in the two age groups were statistically significant (p<0.01). Young birds seem to be highly susceptible to the acute disease. Poor management, overstocking and lack of vaccination might have favoured the outbreak. Marek's disease causes considerable economic loss and is a major threat to poultry production in Ethiopia. This report emphasizes that Marek's disease should be considered as a disease of economic significance in chicken production in Ethiopia and warrants due attention.  相似文献   

<正>马立克氏病(Marek′s disease,MD)是由疱疹病毒引起的鸡淋巴细胞增生性肿瘤疾病。该病首次报道于1907年,其主要特征是病鸡的外周神经、性腺、各个脏器、虹膜、肌肉和皮肤的淋巴细胞浸润和形成肿瘤病灶[1]。近年来世界各地相继发现毒力极强的马立克氏病病毒,给该病的防制带来了新的问题[2]。本文就一起疑似鸡马立克氏病病例进行了剖检和病理组织学诊断,从而确诊该鸡患有马立克氏病。  相似文献   

2010年3月,山东某养殖场18周龄左右丝毛乌骨鸡连续发病并陆续死亡,死亡率达20%.患病鸡大多表现为精神萎顿,缩颈呆立,鸡冠肉髯苍白,进行性消瘦,最后衰竭死亡.该鸡群已免疫马立克氏病病毒(MDV)疫苗.经诊断为鸡马立克氏病(MD),现报道如下..  相似文献   

在蛋鸡的养殖过程中,养殖户十分重视雏鸡和产蛋鸡的饲养管理,却往往粗发了育成鸡的饲养,而育成鸡饲养的好坏会直接影响到产蛋鸡生产性能的发挥,影响到鸡场的经济效益。本文从育成鸡饲养管理和防疫卫生保健等方面做了系统阐述,以供同行和养殖户参考。  相似文献   

鸡传染性法氏囊病快速诊断方法的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文报道了一种既可以检测IBD囊毒抗原,又可以检测IBD抗体的酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)双抗体夹心法。用本方法检测IBD阳性法氏囊样品122份,结果检出阳性120份,符合率为98.4%。检测阴性法氏羹样品88份,均为阴性。本方法与琼脂扩散试验方法比较,共检测人工感染发病的病死鸡法氏囊97份,结果琼脂扩散检出阳性法氏囊49份(50.51%),阴性48份(49.48%),而用本方法检测结果,全为阳性,检出阳性率为100%,比AGP法检出率高49.48%。检测高免蛋黄液的抗体。16个样品(以2倍递增进行稀释),结果本方法比琼脂扩散试验高1~2个滴度。试验证明该方法特异、敏感,并且快速简便,试验在室温条件下进行,不需要任何仪器设备,用肉眼观察颜色的变化就可判断试验结果,试验反应时间仅需10分钟左右。  相似文献   

应用荷兰农业部提供的鸡马立克氏病(MD)CVI988/Rispens Ⅰ型致弱种毒, 在农业部批准的符合GMP 要求的生产车间研制出鸡马立克氏病CVI988/Rispens 疫苗。将按国际标准检验合格的三批疫苗及进口商品CVI988/Rispens 疫苗接种1 日龄SPF 雏鸡, 于7 日龄经腹腔攻击鸡马立克氏病强毒(北京- 1 株) 血毒, 全部鸡只隔离饲养观察至60 日龄并作全群剖检。经测定: 非免疫攻毒组100% 发病,健康对照组全部阴性, 三批国产CVI988/Rispens 疫苗保护指数分别为90-0, 90-0, 93-3 , 进口商品苗保护率为93-3 。结果表明国产和进口CVI988/Rispens疫苗均能提供对MD 较高的免疫保护力, 国产疫苗的保护效果达到了国际同类产品的先进水平。  相似文献   

为了解某猪场仔猪腹泻发生的原因,对病死仔猪进行病原学诊断.结果:检测出PCV20RF2特异性片段,并分离鉴定到埃希氏大肠杆菌,未发现TGEV与PEDV感染,表明导致仔猪腹泻的原因是PCV2继发感染大肠杆菌所致.  相似文献   

湘黄鸡马立克氏病(删)的发病型以内脏型为主,其次为神经型,眼型和皮肤型的发生率较低。剖检时内脏肿瘤的检出率为35.71%,肿瘤病变多发的器官以肝、脾发生最多,心、卵巢较少,其它脏器发生更少。  相似文献   

High mortality during the first part of the laying period was observed in Norwegian White Leghorns during the period 1988–1992. A longitudinal field study with repeated measurement of cumulative mortality was undertaken in the period from January 1994 to January 1996 to investigate (1) the mortality and susceptibility to Marek's disease (MD) in the Norwegian strain (NB41) compared to two imported layers, (2) the effect of MD on the total cumulative mortality in the period from 16 to 32 weeks of age in White Leghorn flocks, and (3) the effect of MD as judged by repeated measurement of cumulative mortality in the same period. All five layer hatcheries and 67% of the pullet-rearing farms in Norway participated in the field study. The egg-production farms were sampled by convenience. Recordings for the whole period were completed for 169 flocks in 101 farms. The statistical analyses were performed using both a general fixed-effects linear model and a mixed model with repeated measurements, with total flock-level cumulative mortality and flock-level cumulative mortality in four-week intervals as outcome variables, respectively.

The overall cumulative flock-level incidence of MD was 12% (24% and 8% in NB41 and Lohmann White, respectively). MD was not recorded in any of the Shaver White flocks. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was found in (1) total cumulative mortality: 8.2% in the NB41 and 5.0% in the imported layers, and (2) ‘interval-specific' cumulative mortality: 0.36% in the NB41 and 0.15% in the imported birds. A strong relationship was also demonstrated between MD and repeated measurements of ‘interval-specific' cumulative mortality (p < 0.001) but not when cumulative mortality was used as an overall measure for the whole laying period (p = 0.11). The results from the repeated-measures analysis also indicated a stronger effect of MD on flock-level ‘interval-specific' cumulative mortality in the NB41 than in the imported hens. The different cumulative mortality and susceptibility to MD observed in the NB41, compared to the imported hens, shows that the farmers will be able to reduce their losses by replacing the NB41 strain with one of the imported strains.  相似文献   

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