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Abstract Related sib‐groups of rainbow trout × brown trout triploid hybrid and monospecific brown trout controls were obtained from a common set of brown trout sires. On the basis of hybrid juvenile survival and growth, 10 sib‐groups were selected and the corresponding brown trouts were raised up to adult stage. Males from each group of brown trout were used to produce a second generation of hybrid progeny, the performances of which were analysed for grandpaternal variation and relation with first generation relatives. Results showed that hybrid traits were influenced by paternal and grandpaternal origin, but that there was little relation between hybrids and brown trouts, or between successive generations of hybrids.  相似文献   

Samples of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) alevins from 17 independent families (full‐sib‐groups) were raised from the start of feeding until the age of 18 weeks post‐hatching with three diets (C, G and S) differing in protein content (fish soluble protein concentrate: 84% in C, 54% in G and 44% in S) and carbohydrates (none in C, 30% glucose in G and 40% crude corn starch in S). Fish were fed to near satiation, and their body weight and growth were measured. Diet effect was highly significant (G< C < S), as well as the familial effect. The major part of the familial variance (80–90%) was common to the three diets. However, a minor part of the familial variance was observed to be diet dependent (family × diet interaction), and was found to result mainly from relative performances with carbohydrates (G and S diets) vs. pure protein (C diet). These results indicate that genetic improvement of growth should suffer little impairment from possible changes in future feed formulations.  相似文献   

The covariation between diploid and triploid progenies from common breeders was investigated in various progeny-testing experiments where either dams or sires were sampled from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), stocks. Triploidiza tion was found to frequently reduce the performance in the traits studied: body length and weight, growth, coefficient of condition and pyloric caeca number. Triploidization also generated significant interactions with the parental breeding value. These interactions were caused in part by the familial variance not being the same in triploids as in diploids, but also by actual ranking differences between diploid and triploid familial performances. However, the effect of these interactions was minor as compared with the amount of variation common to both ploidy levels (genetic correlations averaged 0.7–0.9). Therefore, selection of diploid breeders appeared efficient enough for improving triploid progeny, unless family selection methods including triploid progeny testing were preferred for other reasons. Lastly, it was observed that variances from maternal origin tended to be larger in triploids, whereas variances from paternal origin tended to be smaller, as compared with diploids. This point was discussed referring to the genetic make-up of triploids and in the scope of dams and sires for selective breeding.  相似文献   

Triploid hybrids between female rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and male brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis, Arctic charr S. alpinus and lake charr S. namaycush, together with diploid and triploid rainbow trout controls from the same dams, were tested in freshwater farming up to their fourth year of life. All hybrids displayed lower survival rates than the controls, the weakest genotype being the Arctic charr hybrid. Mortalities were mostly observed at the embryonic and larval stages and at the adult stage as a consequence of male sexual maturation. Growth of all hybrids was hindered (compared with controls) during the first year, but only moderate differences remained after 3 years. Sexual maturation resulted in a weight inferiority of males in all genotypes. As to carcass traits, female hybrids displayed a slightly higher dressing percentage than female triploid rainbow trout, as a result of lower visceral losses. These results are discussed with reference to hybrid resistance to rhabdoviruses from the viewpoint of fish farming improvement.  相似文献   

Parental and individual variance components of body length, weight, condition (estimated as the second principal component of the length–weight relationship) and pyloric caeca number were investigated in 6‐month‐old brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) by the mean of two sib analyses, which provided consistent results. The average heritabilities (±SE) were 0.12 (±0.08) for length, 0.16 (±0.08) for weight, 0.47 (±0.14) for condition and 0.38 (±0.12) for pyloric caeca number. Maternal effects were also observed, although short of significance, in length, weight and caeca number. Correlations between caeca number and body size averaged +0.10 among individuals within lots, but genetic correlations were negative, i.e. about ?0.9 for length and ?0.7 for weight. There was no significant correlation between caeca number and condition. These results lead to question the role that pyloric caeca may play in growth, as well as their usefulness in fish breeding.  相似文献   

The winter is often considered as a survival bottleneck for stream‐living fish. Juvenile salmonids generally become less active during this period, and while food intake continues to some extent, growth rates are typically low. Here we present the results of an over‐winter field experiment where energy levels were manipulated in late autumn. Three groups of juvenile (age 1+) brown trout, from an anadromous population, were monitored with respect to over‐winter growth rate and survival (as indicated by recapture rates). Two groups were fed either high (HR), or low (LR) food rations in the laboratory for a month (October); the third group remained in the stream (STR). Over‐winter growth rates were relatively low in all groups, and no growth compensation could be detected. Compared to HR and LR, STR fish had higher recapture rates after winter, indicating that laboratory housing may have affected the subsequent stream survival negatively. Comparing the two laboratory‐housed groups, the LR group reached similar condition as the HR group in early spring, without indications of differences in survival. However, the initiation rate of body silvering (indicating initiation of smoltification) was lower in the LR group. Thus, it appears that food restriction during late autumn affect the onset of smoltification in juvenile brown trout. The results support previous laboratory studies indicating that salmonids modify their over‐winter foraging behaviour to avoid too low energy levels at the end of winter. This modification appears to delay smoltification, but may not necessarily be costly in terms of over‐winter mortality.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in growth, survival and movement of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis were monitored in two southeastern Minnesota streams divided into study reaches based on brown trout Salmo trutta abundance. We estimated survival and movement while testing for effects of stream reach and time using a multistrata Cormack–Jolly–Seber model in Program MARK. Multistrata models were analysed for three age groups (age‐0, age‐1 and age‐2+) to estimate apparent survival, capture probability and movement. Survival varied by time period, but not brown trout abundance and was lower during flood events. Age‐0 brook trout emigrated from reaches with low brown trout abundance, whereas adult brook trout emigrated from downstream brown trout‐dominated reaches. Growth was highest in spring and summer and did not differ across streams or reaches for the youngest age classes. For age‐2+ brook trout, however, growth was lower in reaches where brown trout were abundant. Interspecific interactions can be age or size dependent; our results show evidence for adult interactions, but not for age‐0. Our results suggest that brook trout can be limited by both environmental and brown trout interactions that can vary by season and life stage.  相似文献   

The covariation between diploid and triploid progenies from common breeders and the effect of triploidy on the parental variances were investigated in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) using two progeny testing experiments, sampling, sires and dams respectively, from the same population. The traits studied were body weight, growth, condition factor and red spotting of the skin. Triploidization generated some interactions with the parental breeding value, but their effect was minor (less than 20% of the genetic variance, in most cases) as compared with the amount of variation common to both ploidy levels. These interactions were mainly caused by a scale effect, triploidy reducing the variance attributable to sires and increasing the variance attributable to dams. Actual lack of correlation (genetic correlation significantly less than 1) between diploid and triploid familial performances was observed in a single instance out of 18. The modification of respective parental variance components by triploidy, already observed in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), appears as a logical consequence of the genetic make‐up of triploids, and should be taken into account in selective breeding.  相似文献   

Triploids are used in aquaculture because they are sterile and do not undergo preharvest loss in flesh quality. Despite this advantage, they do not always perform as well as diploids when fed commercial diets. This study investigated whether differences in dietary energy utilization might explain this reduced performance. Dietary lipid levels were adjusted to supply diets with 22.7, 23.6 or 24.4 MJ kg?1 gross energy and fed to juvenile diploid and triploid brook charr. Fish were fed to satiation twice daily in a 70‐day growth trial, with samples collected at days 0 and 70 for proximate composition and plasma insulin‐like growth factor I (IGF‐I) analysis. This was followed by a digestibility trial using the same diets to determine apparent digestibility coefficients. Triploids had lower growth rates and condition factor than diploids on all three diets, but there was no effect of ploidy on feed conversion efficiency. Triploids also had lower whole‐body lipid content, but equal protein content, which resulted in lower energy content at both days 0 and 70. There was no effect of diet or ploidy on plasma IGF‐I concentrations. Triploidy did not affect diet digestibility, suggesting that the reduced performance of triploids is due to a difference in metabolism and energy utilization.  相似文献   

Abstract— Due to species introductions, brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occur together in many North American streams and typically exhibit a pattern of distribution in which brook charr numerically dominate headwaters and rainbow trout dominate downstream reaches. It has been suggested that 1) the two species compete or 2) the two species do not compete because they are differentially adapted to environmental conditions found in upstream and downstream zones. We assessed whether there were differences in growth and macrohabitat (pool, run and riffle) selection of brook charr and rainbow trout in upper, middle and lower stream zones of a small Pennsylvania stream. Brook charr and rainbow trout placed in replicate paired enclosures set in upstream and downstream reaches showed no significant differences in growth and survival rates upstream, but brook charr had significantly greater growth rates than rainbow trout downstream. Enclosed fish and free-ranging fish both had negative growth rates during the summer. Enclosed fish lost significantly less weight than free-ranging fish. Instantaneous growth rates of free-ranging adult brook charr and rainbow trout from May to August were negative for both species in all stream zones. Underwater observations of adult brook charr and rainbow trout showed both species occurred significantly more often in pool macrohabitats than expected on the basis of macrohabitat availability, except for rainbow trout in the upstream zone. The proportion of pool macrohabitat was not significantly different among stream zones. Brook charr do not appear to be better adapted to upstream environments in Powdermill Run based on growth, survival and macrohabitat selection during summer. Negative biotic interactions acting along with differential environmental adaptations may explain the pattern of distribution of brook charr and rainbow trout in streams, but long-term transplant experiments with additional life stages will be necessary to examine this hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study describes growth variation within groups of salmonids and the relation to initial fish weights and feeding levels. PIT-tagged rainbow trout (RT) and brook trout (BT) of start weight 120–170 g were reared in separate tanks for 9 weeks. Both species were fed each day either a high ration close to satiation (H) or half of this ration (L). Four experimental groups (RT-H, RT-L, BT-H, BT-L) were studied with regard to their propensity to increase weight in accord with their initial weight. The slope of the regression line between initial weights (g) and weight increases for individuals in each tank in each period was applied as indicator for this propensity (termed “slope”). All calculated slopes in the experiment were positive which indicates the general ability of weighty fish to gain more weight than smaller individuals. The average slope during all 9 weeks was 2–4 times higher for RT-L (5.91) than for all other groups (RT-H: 1.50, P < 0.01; BT-H: 1.76, P < 0.01 and BT-L: 2.88, P < 0.05), indicating the particular propensity of large RT to gain weight when feed was restricted. Overall, ration level had large impact on slopes (H: 1.63, L: 4.39, P < 0.01), while this was not the case for species (RT: 3.71, BT: 2.32, P > 0.05). The magnitude of slopes decreased over time (weeks 0–3:4.27, weeks 3–6:3.02 and weeks 6–9:1.74, P < 0.05). The observed differences in weight gains between experimental groups were reflected in differences in coefficients of variations (CVs) for body growth. RT had larger body weight (BW) CVs compared to BT (0.257 vs. 0.206, P < 0.01) indicating more uneven feed share among RT than among BT in general. RT-L had significantly higher BW CVs than all other groups (0.300 vs. 0.184–0.229, P < 0.01). The observed differences in weight gains enhance size variations in terms of higher CVs, and this may have implications for feeding tactics in aquaculture where large size variations in groups may be disadvantageous to fish farmers.  相似文献   

Two strains of hatchery-reared adult brown trout, Salmo trutta L., [208–334 mm total length (TL); n =  591] were individually marked and released into a limestone stream. The estimated survival after one month (86%; n =  508) was comparable to that for resident brown trout and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), (89%; n =  771), but declined to 14% ( n =  83) after 8 months compared with 52% ( n =  451) for resident trout. The movement of resident trout out of stocked stretches was higher (14%) than from control sites (5%), but the population size in both individual sites and the overall study area were unaffected. The growth of resident brown trout was unaffected by stocking, but rainbow trout showed lower growth rates in stocked versus unstocked stretches both one and 8 months after stocking ( P <  0.002).  相似文献   

Abstract –  We studied survival, growth and morphological characters in the offspring of native hatchery and wild-born anadromous brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) and their hybrids (wild-born female × hatchery male and wild-born male × hatchery female) in a 1-year field experiment. We also conducted laboratory studies where we examined social interactions between the offspring of the same hatchery and wild-born trout. All offspring were raised in a hatchery and nose tagged before being released into the stream. In total, 1125 individuals were released into the stream (1999) and a total of 614 individuals were recovered (2000). We found no differences in growth and survival between the offspring of hatchery, wild-born and hybrid trout. Morphology was also similar among groups, where only 38% females and 36% males were classified into the right category, which were only 12% better than random classification. In the laboratory experiment, we compared only the offspring of hatchery and wild-born trout with respect to growth, dominance, aggressiveness, feeding and activity. We found small differences between the offspring of hatchery and wild-born fish with respect to growth but this effect was not found in the field experiment. Our result suggests that the offspring of hatchery trout and hybrids between hatchery and wild-born trout performed equally well to the offspring of wild-born trout.  相似文献   

Abstract  Proper interpretation of measures used to describe fish populations requires knowledge of the measure's inherent spatial and temporal variation. Proportional stock density (PSD), the ratio of 'quality-length' fish to 'stock-length' fish multiplied by 100, is commonly used as a measure of population size structure; PSD values range from 0 to 100. Spatial and temporal variation in brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), and brown trout Salmo trutta L., PSD scores in Wisconsin are described and tested to determine if variation differed by stream order and ecoregion. Neither stream order nor ecoregion significantly affected variation of PSD scores. The mean standard deviation of PSD scores over time at a site was 12.49 for brook trout populations and 12.95 for brown trout populations. The mean standard deviation of PSD scores between sites in the same stream was 15.07 for brook trout populations and 12.50 for brown trout populations. Sampling frequency required to characterise a PSD score of a single population of trout in Wisconsin streams with a degree of precision equal to the amount of observed temporal variation is approximately 14 sites for brook trout and 20 sites for brown trout.  相似文献   

Abstract  The diurnal winter habitat of three species of juvenile salmonids was examined in a tributary of Skaneateles Lake, NY to compare habitat differences among species and to determine if species/age classes were selecting specific habitats. A total of 792 observations were made on the depth, velocity, substrate and cover (amount and type) used by sympatric subyearling Atlantic salmon, subyearling brown trout and subyearling and yearling rainbow trout. Subyearling Atlantic salmon occurred in shallower areas with faster velocities and less cover than the other salmonid groups. Subyearling salmon was also the only group associated with substrate of a size larger than the average size substrate in the study reach during both winters. Subyearling brown trout exhibited a preference for vegetative cover. Compared with available habitat, yearling rainbow trout were the most selective in their habitat use. All salmonid groups were associated with more substrate cover in 2002 under high flow conditions. Differences in the winter habitat use of these salmonid groups have important management implications in terms of both habitat protection and habitat enhancement.  相似文献   

Various physiological factors suspected to govern or be influenced by growth or feed intake of brook charr (80–120 g) were examined under long and short fasting periods during the year. A control (fed to satiation) was included. During winter, fasting (14 and 28 days) followed by refeeding led to a complete compensation. In summer, longer fasting (39 and 61 days) was applied to exacerbate the physiological response. Compensatory growth was observed in the restricted groups, and overall, adjustments/variations in growth and physiological indicators (feed conversion ratio, organosomatic index, enzymatic activities [CS, TRY, CHY]) were more pronounced. Degree of compensation reached was positively related to the deprivation duration. The summer experiment clearly suggests that compensatory growth takes place in two stages after a long starvation period (61 days): (1) restoration of the digestive system (PSI) followed by enzyme activities (trypsin and chymotrypsin) and (2) rebuilding of somatic tissues.  相似文献   

Abstract Catch-and-release angling is popular in many parts of the world and plays an increasingly important role in fish conservation efforts. Although survival rates associated with catch-and-release angling are well documented for many species, sublethal effects have been less studied. An experiment was conducted to directly assess the effects of catch-and-release angling on growth and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Catch-and-release events were simulated in laboratory tanks maintained at 15–16 °C with hooks manually placed in pre-designated locations in the mouths of the fish. There were no differences in standard length ( P  = 0.59) or wet weight ( P  = 0.81) gained between caught and uncaught fish over a 1-month angling and recovery period. Survival was 96.99 ± 0.06% for rainbow trout caught and released, and did not vary with number (one, two or four) of captures. Thus, catch-and-release angling appears to have little effect on growth and mortality of rainbow trout hooked in the mouth.  相似文献   

Competition with non‐native species may impede the restoration of native species, but differences in competitive abilities among intraspecific native populations may make some populations more suitable for reintroduction than others. Here, juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from two allopatric populations (LaHave and Sebago) being used for reintroduction into Lake Ontario were placed into two natural stream sites differing in the presence of ecologically similar rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We assessed the effects of competition in the natural streams on fitness‐related traits and habitat use of the Atlantic salmon. We then compared these effects to those observed in artificial streams from a previous study. Atlantic salmon in natural streams had reduced fitness‐related traits that were associated with suboptimal microhabitats in the presence of rainbow trout, but utilised optimal microhabitats in their absence. In the presence of rainbow trout, the two Atlantic salmon populations exhibited comparable recapture proportions to each other, but the individuals from the Sebago population had better performance (body size and condition) than those from the LaHave population. Responses of both Atlantic salmon populations to competition with rainbow trout were generally similar in both direction and magnitude when compared to results from the artificial stream study. The combined results suggest that native species restoration efforts should be focused on candidate populations that are ecologically suitable to reintroduction environments, as well as on suitable habitats that do not contain exotic competitors. Moreover, this study highlights the value of controlled experiments in artificial environments for predicting fitness‐related performance in natural environments.  相似文献   

The effects of biotic (density‐dependent) and environmental (flow and temperature) factors on the apparent survival, mean length and size variation of a low‐density brown trout population in the juvenile stage, that is, from their first summer (0+) to the end of the second year (1+), were determined. Apparent survival was negatively related to the age class density during the three periods (first summer, first winter and second summer). A significant interaction between the mean flow and 0+ density highlighted a gradient towards strong density dependence acting on fish loss (i.e., mortality or migration) with decreasing summer flow. Conversely, no density dependence was reported at higher mean flows. The mean length was determined by density‐dependent and density‐independent (temperature and flow) factors throughout the study period. The negative relationship between fish length and intracohort density was highly significant during the three periods. The yearling (1+) density was negatively related to 0+ fish length measured after the first summer, suggesting intercohort effects. A positive effect of temperature on fish length was observed. Mean length after the summer seasons (0+ and 1+ fish) was also positively related to mean flow. Fish size variation around the mean measured with the coefficient of variation (CV) increased with increasing 0+ densities, both at the end of the first summer and the first winter. Results suggested that density‐dependent and density‐independent factors acted jointly on apparent survival and growth with a predominance of biotic processes. We discussed the potential implications of density‐dependent regulations on growth and survival for population resilience after catastrophic events.  相似文献   

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